MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 24 undercurrent

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The weather is getting hotter and hotter, Hua Xiyu began to replace the brocade palace dress, put on a silk wide-sleeve skirt, the incense in the house was also replaced with a mint and insect-repellent mint, but even then, she still felt a little hot and uncomfortable. She was lazy, and she didn't even like to go out. If there was a lady who invited her to participate in a garden party, she pushed it all out, just because she couldn't stand the weather and walked around.

In the summer, a few baboons know that she is suffering from summer, so when she is waiting for her, she always tries to do all kinds of methods, but she is worried that the county king will push all the invitations, which will make the county prince unhappy. After all, the friendship in the backyard son-in-law is for the family. It is also very important.

After knowing their worries, Hua Xia said with a smile: "What do you think of the end and the princess?"

The white summer green beads and other people face each other, after a long silence, the green beads hesitated: "The princess, the slaves and others are afraid to talk freely."

"Oh," Hua Xi squatted on the chaise couch and picked up a shelled chilled lychee to eat it in his mouth. "The so-called backyard friendship is just the next right, or the party. Our county government has no intention of ganging up, only looking forward to some clean days, these gardens will go or not, it does not matter." She is not like the virtuous Shengjun Wang Hao, not only the entire Wangfu backyard is well organized It is still highly praised among the son-in-law.

Some people say that she is self-proclaimed, saying that she is high and clean. The women who can't get used to her in front of her still need to be careful to accompany them. So what do these people like when she doesn't like her?

If the status of the entire dynasty man depends on the woman to get a good job, then what is the use of these men?

"The end and the princess have always been high, and they are very proud, but look at the whole capital. Who doesn't respect her, who doesn't hold her?" Hua Xi's tone brought some disapproval. "You have the means to be exquisite, in front of the status of honor." Everything is futile."

Bai Xia and others are dumb, and the county king said that this is too straightforward and embarrassing, but the fact is exactly the same. Everyone is yearning for rights. The so-called good pay is in the face of interests, and it is hardly worth mentioning. They remembered that they used to be in Houye's House. There were also women who said that their wife was awkward and rude. But these people are in front of their wives, and how many people are not polite and full of faces?

"Right, the county king, the day after the sixth day of June, can send people to invite Linping County to the county Wangfu small day?" Green Pearl suddenly remembered, June sixth is the aunt's day, according to the old example is to please The married daughter returned to her family to live in a small house. It was only the Linping County Lord who came to Beijing these days. She never sent a greeting to the county government, so it was a bit embarrassing to deal with it.

"The county prince is not saying anything, everything is still the same, how it used to be, now it is done according to it," Hua Xizhen did not like the Linping County master, the big aunt, so too lazy to do that surface kung fu, left and right Jinqiu What is the younger brother who is blinded by this, and what is her brother and sister?

In Dali Temple, Zhai Boyi looked at the information from all parties involved. These materials all intentionally or unintentionally point the suspect to the Prince. He looked at Dali Siqing, who was sitting across from his sweat, and buckled the information on the table: "Zhao What do adults think about this matter?"

"Lower officials... The lower officials did not dare to arbitrarily, but also asked the director of Shengjun. Zhao had a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he did not dare to squat on his body, licking his sleeves and wolf. Wipe.

"Zhao Daren said with a smile, you are Dali Siqing, I am afraid that even the case of the investigation may not be counted. How can this case be difficult for you?" Yan Boyi's index finger tapped the tabletop, and the buzzing sound shook Zhao. Adults are jumping.

"Shengjun Wang, Zhao Daren, Xianjun Wang are outside to see." A guard arrived in a hurry to report.

Yan Boyi brows slightly wrinkled, then immediately got up and said: "Hurry up."

In less than a moment, Jin Jinqiu, dressed in a water-colored silk robe, walked in gracefully, holding a paper fan in his hand, and the appearance of a cloud-like wind ball. When he saw Yan Boyi, he went on a journey of peace. : "Zi Ling has seen cousin."

"The cousin is polite," he said after returning to the ceremony. "I don't know what happened to the cousin this time?"

"Zi Ling did not ask for help, and bothered the two. It was just the case of Zhang Gongzi. My family, Wang Hao, was very upset. I couldn’t bear to see her embarrassed. So I wanted to ask a few more words." Jin Jinqiu swept the two men. Slowly, "If there is anything wrong, please ask the two to tell me, I am just asking a few words."

"Xianjun Wangye is a model for my generation to be a husband and wife." Zhao Daren smiled, but did not mention whether there was any difficulty in this matter. "The case of Zhang Gongzi is being thoroughly investigated, please the county prince rest assured, this matter we I will definitely check out the water."

"In this case, the hard cousin and Zhao Daren," Yan Jinqiu slowly closed the fan, gently tapping the palm of his hand with a paper fan, "I will not bother the two, leave."

Zhao Daren heard the words and immediately got up and said: "The lower officials have complicated things, and they have not been able to receive the county prince, and please the county prince forgive me."

"Zhao Daren is polite," Jin Jinqiu arched his hand in the direction of Bo Yiyi, and went outside.

Zhao Daren followed him and sent him to the outside of Dali Temple. He said: "The county prince is slow, and the lower official is not far away."

"Zhao Daren stayed," Jin Jinqi politely dagger, and then under the watchful eyes of Zhao Daren, stepped on the ankle and into the carriage.

Seeing that the carriage of King Xianjun was farther and farther away, Zhao Daren took back his gaze and sighed. This case involved a lot of people, and many families stared at it. It really made his Dali Temple up and down the pressure, but all the doubts in this case. They all point to His Royal Highness, how can they be good?

Back to the office, Zhao Daren saw that Sheng Wang was still sitting at the end of the original position, and he sighed again inside. These people are good to talk. Even the seemingly good-looking King of the County is not a simple person.

Wang Xiande complained that he had pleaded guilty to the case of Zhang Gongzi who went to Dali Temple in his own county, and soon spread it to the capital. Some people said that the king of the county had a deep affection for his own county, Wang Hao, and asked her to plead guilty for her many times. people. There are also some son-in-law who think that the king of the county is beautiful, so that the original high-ranking king of the county will intervene in these bad things, and sooner or later there will be a day of rejection.

Regardless of how these things were passed outside, Zhang’s family was very grateful to the county and county’s Wangfu family. Nowadays, there is less carbon in the snow and more icing on the cake. When they died, the death of Zhang Shi’s only son was tantamount to breaking their roots, and they would be replaced by the neighbors in the morning and evening. At this time, there are people who are willing to lend a helping hand to them. How valuable it is.

Because Zhang, who lost his son, stayed up all night, sighed and said to his wife: "There are only people who have such a good style, and they will see that Zhang Jia is a scholarly family."

"It’s not to say that the king of the county is watching the face of the king of the county." Mrs. Zhang remembered that the eldest daughter had personally went to the county government to find the king of the county, "Is it not?"

"I don't know much about the king of the county. I don't know much about it. But I don't know much about it. He is not a person who changed his mind because of the female color. He is very noble, and he is very accomplished in poetry and painting. He is willing to help me with my family. It’s in the name of Zhang’s family these years.” Zhang’s eyes are full of fatigue. “His love, I wrote down.”

Mrs. Zhang wants to say that even if the king of the county is not tempted by the general beauty, the appearance of the king of the county can not be described as superior. But when she saw her tired expression, she did not say what she said, maybe she was really a man who was not moved by the female color?

Compared with those who believe in rumors outside, Ngee Ann Waiting is more concerned about one thing, that is, the sixth day of June, the day after the end of June.

As the eldest brother of Hua Xiyu, Hua Changjun naturally became the primary candidate to pick up Hua Xiyu. It was only a folk festival in the sixth day of June, and it was not known whether the king of the county would feel that their family had many problems.

"Thinking about what it means," Mrs. Zhang went straight. "Take our girl back to her family. That is the intention of our family. Isn’t he the king of the county to be so tall that my girl is not allowed to return to her family?"

Hua Dingyu nodded in disapproval: "Mother said that it makes sense. According to the heart of the county king, I will not think much."

Hua Hejun has a helpless sigh, and now his daughter has married to such a family, even if they can help the support of the Yi'an waiting room, if these small things lead to their husband and wife feeling bad, then it is not worth the candle.

Hesitating, he heard the people coming to report, and the king of the county came.

"What did the King of the Kings come here for?" Lushi picked up his eyebrows and remembered the case of Zhang Jiagong who had been raging in the past few days. "Is it not for the second brother and sister?"

After ignoring the fruitlessness, Hua Heyi shook his head and said: "You don't have to guess more, you will go to see you with me."

After looking at the two brothers, Hua Changjun and Hua Dingqi brothers, they got up and followed their father.

Luke looked at the father and son three people out of the main courtyard door, complaining like a complaint to the side, complaining: "Their father and son are together."

"Da Gongzi and Ergongzi are talented people. Hou Ye naturally wants to take them out to see and see." He gently squeezed her shoulders forward, half of which was serious and half-naked, "This autumn, the son of the second son It is good to know more about the Jingzhong family to participate in the autumn."

Lu smiled and laughed, but he was not too vocal, but his eyebrows were all proud of his three children.