MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 92 Sword

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Although the reputation of the Prince was not so good when he died, but because the Prince was a royal child, even though her princely name was in vain, the impact of her self-confidence was huge for the capital.

In the past one or two years, the royal family was like a curse. The dead people were one after another. Some people said that it was because the time of the death of the Prince was not good. It was four grams, so after he died, the royal family would die several people.

Jin Jinqiu replaced a plain cotton gown and sat with Hua Xiyu to wait for the royal family's will. Although Prince Edward is only a generation with them, they do not need filial piety, but they are also a prince, and the details of the attention cannot be missed.

It stands to reason that the Prince died, and those of them should go to the funeral immediately. However, the current situation is different. The way the Prince died is not very good-looking, and because of the rumors of the smashing of the Prince. No one in the cautious royal family wants to go to the head, so they simply wait for the emperor's will.

Anyway, the emperor’s daughter-in-law is dead. They are really sad, and if they are anxious, they don’t need to grab the first one at this time.

The news of the prince's self-deprecation did not reach the people, otherwise the face of the royal family was lost. Therefore, after an hour, the news of the prince’s illness was reported by the people, and no one was surprised.

In the Suzaku Palace, the emperor looked at the white mourning hall. After standing for a long time, he suddenly took a step, and his mouth was overflowing with a trace of blood.

"Emperor!" Ma Gonggong changed his face and immediately took care of the Emperor Kailong.

"Shut up!" The emperor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth without a trace, and then smashed the **** handkerchief into the sleeve: "The meaning of the message is made, so that the life of the three or more people in Beijing is the prince."

Ma Gonggong loosened the hand of the Emperor Kailong and stepped back and said: "Which is the king of the capital, the county king, etc...."

"Prince is a queen of the future, and it is extremely respectable. Nowadays, the princes are fragrant, and they should also guard the spirit."

Ma Gonggong’s head was buried lower: “The slaves will go to the purpose.”

The emperor waved his hand and turned and walked out of Suzaku Palace. The calmer the expression on his face, until he came to Chengzhang Palace, he looked up at the dragon pillar in front of the palace gate, the mighty dragon body, golden light. Dragon armor, sharp dragon claws, half a bow down and ridiculed a smile, concealing the fall of the eye.

At that time, he used all means to win the throne, to exclude aliens, and to have unlimited scenery. Up to now, he has become a true loner. I don’t know if he used to kill his brother’s retribution.

In the meantime, he seems to have heard the cry of the child, his heart violently a spirit, turned to the palace girl behind him: "The emperor, let the pony take him to the Guangyang Temple."

The palace girl glimpsed a little, and screamed: "The emperor, Ma Gonggong has already brought people out of the palace."

When I heard this, the emperor remembered that he had let the little horse out of the palace.

"Then send someone to take over the emperor, be careful, don't touch it." He took a slow breath, no matter what, at least he had this child under his knees.

"What, the father and the emperor actually let the princes go to guard the spirit?" Duan and the princess sneered, "It’s just a widowed prince, where is this big face?"

When the voice just fell, she heard the next person coming in and said that the governor of the palace, Ma Gonggong, came to the end.

The face of the princess and the princess suddenly became extremely ugly, but the coldness that had been received these days made her learn to judge the situation, so the resentment and dissatisfaction on her face disappeared without a trace, and stepped out of the inside. room.

It is normal for the palace to make the three-products and more women guard the spirit, but it is quite inappropriate for the princess to go to the spirit. Not to mention that the Prince has already passed away, even if the Prince is still alive, Prince Siddhartha is now dead and qualified to let all the ladies of the royal family go to guard the spirit, not the Queen Mother or the Queen.

What's more, the rumors before the death of Prince Edward are unclear, and the Prince is notorious. How honorable is a Prince who is worthy of Princess Wang and so on, can she stand up?

After the decree came down, some of the older royals almost did not breathe, and even some old elders could not get up because of "heavy illness", so that the younger generation of the family went to the palace to pray for the prince.

The Emperor Kailong’s move attracted private dissatisfaction among the royal family. However, it was too unfortunate for the emperor to care for the emperor for nearly a year. He died of his son’s death and fostering a mother, and died of his mother’s death. Even his wife did not worry. Tolerate this tone, anyway, the living person does not have to worry too much about a dead person.

Wang Wangfu naturally received this purpose. After the horse father’s departure, Hua Xi’s face was not quite right. He knew that he was somewhat dissatisfied with this will, and he said: “I have little to do with Prince. However, Lin Jia and Hua Jia are in-laws, and I and her are also very fluent, and it is also appropriate for her to have a few more incense sticks."

"I understand in my heart," 晏 Jinqiu smiled and helped her to hold the silver plaque on her side, and took care of Hua Xiyu, such as Bai Xia, and then took a carriage to enter the palace together with Hua Xiyu.

The husband and wife first went to the Chengzhang Palace to see the emperor before the prince, but when the eunuchs said that the emperor was unwell, they did not insist on it. It is.

"Who is the person who just came?" Sitting in some dimly lit houses, Kailong heard some movement outside and asked with a blank expression.

"Return to the emperor, the only Kings and couples come to you to ask for peace." Ma Gonggong knows that the emperor is in a bad mood, and even the volume of his speech has dropped a lot. "They heard that you are not feeling well and left the palace door." ”

"I remember that Wang Hao is so beautiful, how do they feel about their husband and wife?" Kailong looked at the bow hanging on the wall, and the bow was set by a black-and-white cloud-shaped bow and arrow because the house was too Overcast, that auspicious clouds can not be clear.

Ma Gonggong did not expect the emperor to ask this question. After he took a moment, he cautiously opened his mouth: "There are Wang Xixiuwai Huizhong in the outside, and Wang is very fond of it. There is no such room in the Fuzhong. It must be a couple."

"The relationship between husband and wife..." Qi Longdi's tone is a bit embarrassing, saying that these four words also bring out a hint of ridicule, shocking Ma Gonggong back sweat.

How did the emperor suddenly ask the king and the king?

"I also heard about it in the past. I thought it was just a rumor outside. Now I think about it. These rumors may also be a bit true," said the Emperor Kailong with a slight sigh. "You said that he and Yu Boyi are more suitable to be Princes?"

This is really a blue sky, and Ma Gonggong was so scared that even if he collapsed, he shivered: "Please sue for forgiveness and forgiveness."

Seeing that he was so timid, the Kailong Emperor showed a certain satisfaction. He raised his hand and let him get up and said: "Go out, there is a look at the Suzaku Palace, you can rest assured."

Ma Gonggong lowered his eyes and silently retreated.

The atmosphere on the mourning hall was very dignified. After the banquets were fragrant, they sat in the side hall and rested. Because the Prince died suddenly, even if there were thousands of questions in the hearts of the women, no one would dare to speak on such occasions.

Now the Prince is gone, and her son is born at the moment of birth, the Thunder Emperor's Mausoleum, this is the murderous life. Adding a rumor that he is not a Prince’s parent, such an identity is not suitable for inheritance.

The emperor can not inherit the throne, and there is no son in the emperor's knees, so the future emperor can only be in the ancestral hall. From the bloodline theory, Shengjun Wang and Xianwang are the most noble and appropriate, but only a few days ago, the princes of the county and the princes were afflicted with the princes, and the princes of the princes were also exempted from the post of the DPRK because of political difficulties.

Compare the two...

Everyone looked at Hua Xizhen and Hou Shi, who were sitting next to each other. The two of them behave naturally. It seems that there is no gap between them. It is really hard to live.

How could Hou's do not know what other women around think about it, she sneered with a sneer, and looked at her grief-stricken Hua Xi菀, "Xing Wang Yu seems to have reduced some."

"About the reason that it was hot in the past two days, and the appetite could not be opened," Hua Xiyu said with a worried face. "I had a nightmare yesterday. I never thought that the Prince had died of illness." When she said this, she was very scared. It is said that our Chinese family and Lin family are still in-laws."

When everyone around heard this, they suddenly remembered that Wang’s cousin had married the Prince’s house a few days ago. It’s really a marriage relationship.

However, Wang Jun, who is so active in the county, is really a bit of a surprise. Is it even a surprise that even Wang Sheng of Sheng County thinks that Wang Wang’s succession is greater?

Then everyone went to see Mrs. Nian Anhou sitting in the corner, but this old lady of Mr. Yi’an Hou was there, even if someone had inquired about her, she was not leaking at all, so that people could not find anything wrong. .

Although Lu was impatient to cope with these different life-teachers, he also understood that since his daughter was married to the king, he could not escape the right to compete for change. Their Chinese family disdain for selling their daughters to be rich and wealthy, and naturally they were reluctant to drag their daughters. Hind legs.

If she can choose, she is rather a daughter to marry an ordinary family. Even if she can be an emperor in the future, she does not feel that it is a good choice to marry the royal family.

Thinking of this, Lushi worried about the direction of the evening, just like Hua Xizhen is looking at this side, the mother and the daughter are not looking at each other and then calmly withdraw their gaze.

For the mother, the daughter is not allowed to suffer. For those who are children, how can they win their parents and brothers because they are in a quagmire.

But it is because they can't bear each other.

When Ma Gonggong came to the side hall, the women who came to the palace were all there. He quickly swept through the crowd and walked to the front of the Huaxi Temple in a random manner: "Seeing the king, the slaves are taking care of them, take care of them." Some chores on the prince's mourning hall."

Although the funeral rituals of Prince Edward are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Rites, if the emperor is to show his appreciation to someone, it is a decent person to send someone to help.

Ma Gonggong is the general manager of Chengzhang Palace, which is the **** with the highest status in the entire court. The emperor sent him to take care of it, but it is really worthy of the benevolence.

In the eyes of others, the emperor’s move may be benevolent, because the death of the Prince is unclear, and the stigma on his body has not been cleaned up. However, for the informed Hua Xi and Hou, the Kailong Emperor seems to be a little joke.

I really don’t know what kind of mood the Kailong Emperor sent to the Ma Gonggong?

As a father-in-law or as a man?