MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 757 Assassination late at night

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Yun Chang stunned, covering Bao'er's ears to prevent Baoer from being awakened. Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked at Luo Qingyan, but saw Luo Qingyan frowned, but did not speak. Luo Yi and Qian Yin seemed to be a little embarrassed and angry. They patted the door, and the door was yanked open for a long while.

The ghost doctor was younger than Yun Chang imagined. Looking at the appearance of about forty years old, he was very thin, his face was not taken care of, and his beard grew wildly. At this moment, the ghost doctor looked at Yun Sang with a poor eye, and his voice was almost gritted: "Are you dead? What kind of knock?"

After speaking, they did n’t wait for Yun Chang to speak, but they opened the door to the shopkeeper downstairs: "The shopkeeper, if you tell anyone else that I live here, I will go poison in your well water now. "

The shopkeeper murmured a response from downstairs, but Luo Qingyan had put the token around his waist in front of the ghost doctor: "I am Luo Qingyan."

The ghost doctor glanced at the golden token and sneered: "Oh, but I can engraved only one token, but now the golden order on the holy **** can be faked? Now the folk artist is really It's bold enough. By the way, here is Xia Guo, and His Majesty's surname is Xia Huanyu.

The ghost doctor snorted, and then closed the door, only to hear a soft sound, but Luo Yi had pulled out the sword around his waist and crossed it around the neck of the ghost doctor.

Luo Qingyan's expression was a little cold: "I advise you to obediently look at my wife and children ..."

The ghost doctor laughed, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes: "I advise you to threaten me the best. Have you ever inquired, I am good at healing, but poison is definitely not bad. I do n’t want to see Patients, I wo n’t even watch if I kill them. Moreover, with the current situation, we do n’t know who died first. ”

After the ghost doctor said, he reached out and squeezed the tip of the sword, and turned straight to close the door.

Yun Chang swiftly commanded at Luo Yi, "Hurry up, throw the sword."

The meaning was unknown, but he hurriedly threw the sword in the hand to the ground as Yun Chang ordered. Everyone saw that the sword was glowing with blue light.

Seeing Luo Qingyan's bruises on his forehead, Yun Sang quickly pulled La Luo and said softly: "Forget it, let's come again. Isn't the King of Emperor's friendship with ghost doctors? The king shouted. "

Luo gently nodded, reaching out to embrace Lan Yunshang's shoulders, protecting Yunshang downstairs, out of the inn, and went straight to the carriage.

Yun Chang heard the voice of the two women standing at the door: "It is another person who has been rejected by the ghost doctor. If the ghost doctor is so easily agreed, would you dare to live here?"

The sound of the wagon wheels sounded, and Yun Chang opened the curtain and watched the inn called Sujian getting farther and farther before lowering the curtain.

When Luo Qingyan heard the message from the Dark Guard from outside, he knew that no one was following him, and turned to look at Yun Chang: "Why does Chang Er do this?"

Yun Chang knew that he wanted to ask, that the ghost doctor was fake and arranged by Yun Chang, but why should he refuse them outside the door. Yun Chang smiled and said, "Your Majesty has heard that the ghost doctor is notorious for his temper. Wouldn't it be too skeptical if we were to go away? And we should have seen it from below, too There is something wrong with the inn. "

Luo Qingyan thought carefully about the situation he had just seen, and said, "What do you mean, those women?"

Yun Chang nodded gently: "This inn was arranged by Ning Qian, but she did not say that the inn would be like that. And the name of the inn and the decoration of the tables and chairs in the inn were very elegant. , But the two women are heavily makeup, and feel almost incompatible with that inn. "

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes slightly: "I'm afraid that someone is staring at the inn. Now that someone is watching, this play naturally has to be done, and the performance just below me is very good."

Luo Qingyan reached out and touched Yun Chang's forehead before asking softly, "What are you going to do next?"

Yun Chang thought for a while before he said, "The minister has asked about it before, and the ghost doctor's biggest favorite is wine. His house has the most wine in his house, and His Majesty may ask him to offer a few jars of wine. Then Looking for Liu Yinfeng again? "

Since Yun Chang demanded so much, Luo Qingyan dare not say no, so he whispered.

On the second day, when Luo Qingyan returned in the evening, Liu Wenan really held a pot of wine in his hands. Liu Wen'an put the wine down, then raised his eyes and looked at Luo Qing gently, "Should you go to the kitchenette and give a command to your majesty and your maiden?"

Luo Qingyan waved his hand casually: "It doesn't matter if the wine is served. This is a good wine, but the older the wine, the more fragrant it is. There is no interest in drinking today, let it go."

Liu Wen'an responded quickly.

Around childhood, Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan left the palace. The ghost doctor changed to an inn today. When Luo and his party arrived at the inn, Liu Yinfeng was already sitting in the lobby. The ghost doctor was sitting opposite him, and they were drinking and talking. .

Liu Yinfeng saw Yunshang and Luo enter quietly, stood up quickly, and smiled at the ghost doctor: "You are here."

After Liu Yinfeng finished speaking, he quickly opened a stool and Zhang Luo sat down with Luo Qingyan and Yun Sang.

Liu Yinfeng was afraid that he should talk to the ghost doctor about Yun Shang and Luo lightly. The ghost doctor just raised his eyes and looked at them, and then lowered his head and took a sip of wine. Yun Chang looked at Luo Gently, Luo Qingyan took the wine that Luo Yi held in his hand and put it on the table: "I was too anxious yesterday, so I'm here to accompany the ghost doctor. This is a cellar. For more than 60 years, the bamboo leaves are green. Can a ghost doctor taste this wine to your taste? "

The ghost doctor took another look at Luo Qingyan, and then he smirked: "Dare you dare? Liu Yinfeng has told me all about you, blame me, I haven't known Xia Guo for some time, Such a big change has taken place. "

The ghost doctor said, and he took Luo Qingyan's wine on the table, filled it with a glass, and drank a clean drink: "Good wine!"

The ghost doctor sighed, and then continued: "I heard you came to seek medical treatment for your wife and children? Reach out, I'll take a pulse."

Yun Chang heard that he quickly reached out his hand, and the ghost doctor put **** on it, but the other hand kept pouring wine for himself.

It took a long time for the ghost doctor to open his mouth casually: "It hurts at all, it is difficult."

After a pause, he gave Baoer a pulse and pursed his lips: "In the mother's body, I was wounded, and I took a lot of trouble for the mother."

Luo frowned, before he spoke, and the ghost doctor said, "But there is still a way, but some adventure is just that."

Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at the ghost doctor, his expression slightly agitated: "What can I do?"

The ghost doctor thought for a while and said, "There is a kind of cricket that will make people feel like they are burned after being planted. The kind of cricket can make all the blood in the body warm up. Your illness will start from the cold and cause the palace cold. It would be effective to drive away the cold with that cricket. But after planting the cricket, it was very painful and ordinary people could not bear it. "

Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Chang, who bit her lip, but did not hesitate: "Okay."

"It's just that the puppet is very expensive. I keep it in Ghost Valley, and I have to go back to get it." The ghost doctor frowned, but made it difficult again.

Luo Qingyan thought for a while, then said: "In a few days, the queen and I will set off to Lingxi. The queen can go with you to the Ghost Valley and cure the disease, and then come to Lingxi."

The ghost doctor nodded: "This is a trick."

Luo Qingyan drank a few glasses of wine with the ghost doctor, and took Yun Shang into the carriage and rushed to the palace. Yun Chang leaned on the carriage wall and patted Baoer gently. Baoer was well-behaved when he slept at night. No matter how upset, I won't wake up.

Luo Qingyan always fixed his eyes on Yun Chang, with a bit of convoluted meaning in his look.

The carriage turned around, and Luo gently said, reaching out, placing his hand behind Yun Sang's head, protecting Yun Sang's head from the carriage wall.

After the stability was restored, Yun Chang raised her hand and pulled Luo gently down. Luo Qingyan held Yun Chang's hand and wrote a few words in Yun Chang's hand. Yun Sang nodded her head slightly, closed her hands, and held Baoer in her arms a little tighter.

There was a hissing noise outside the carriage suddenly, followed by the exclaiming sounds of Lo Yi and shallow sound outside the carriage. Yun Chang hadn't returned yet, but felt that the carriage seemed to be getting faster and faster, and was moving to the side. past.

Yun Chang quickly lowered her head and subconsciously protected Bao'er in her arms. As soon as her waist was tight, Yun Chang had been lifted up by Luo Qingyan, and flew out of the carriage.

Yun Changfang saw that the horse pulling the carriage had fallen to the ground on all fours, and there were many fine silver needles and nails on the soles of the feet. With the faint light of the only glazed lamp on the carriage that had not been broken, Yun Chang saw the iron nails on the ground covered with cold silver needles.

Luo Qingyan hasn't landed yet. Before the surrounding wall, there have been dense black men. They are all armed with swords. Yun Chang looked at the costume, which should be the dark guard of Luo Qingyan.

It was just opposite Luo Weiyan's Dark Guard, but there were more people than Dark Guard, and they were all in black. They were only holding swords, but not swords, but bows and arrows.

What a catch.

Yun Chang chuckled his lips coldly and laughed, provocatively: "What came out are some babies, who have the courage to take our lives, why not come out to meet? Zheng Qiming, if I didn't guess wrong It should be you. "

The headed man in black laughed: "The queen mother cares a lot, there is nothing Zheng Qiming here. The mother doesn't want to delay time, and the soldiers can't wait." He waved and said, "Put an arrow . "<