MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 829 Distress in a mountain

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Shanglu and Changshan looked at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"The habit of broken sleeves? What are the traits of broken sleeves?" The two of them froze before Shanglu turned to look at Uncle Qin: "I haven't heard of such a thing?"

"Well? How could that be ..." Uncle Qin was also puzzled: "But I clearly heard someone say that, then, Shanglu, you have always been good at inquiring about the news, go quietly and inquire, and see What happened? "

Shanglu quickly responded, which is related to the reputation of the owner and naturally runs fast.

There are not many people in the town, and the news comes and goes quickly. Shanglu went out in less than a quarter of an hour and probed the news back.

"It's all because of the matchmaker who just came here. When she saw that we were all men in the same yard, she said that we were all male pets raised by my son, and said this everywhere, and went back to the family who asked her to come to propose. The matter spread. According to me, it would be better to find the matchmaker to threaten him severely, and let her come forward to clarify it on her own. "Shang Lu's face was full of indignation, and the fire flew in his eyes.

"Clarify what clarification, you let that matchmaker clarify, maybe a worse rumor will come out. Say we want to cover up and force the matchmaker to come forward to explain, what will we do when the time becomes more and more black?" Shang Lu glanced down at the still closed door and sighed: "Wait for the master to come out and ask him what to do."

During dinner in the evening, Amber knocked on the goalkeeper Mr. Liu and invited them out. Everyone was watching his look carefully. It seemed that the earlier sadness had disappeared, and his expression was a little indifferent.

After serving Mr. Liu, several people stood behind him and waited. Mr. Liu waved his hand and said, "You all go down to eat. You don't have to wait here."

The other three raised their eyes and looked at Uncle Qin, frowning, not knowing what letter was being delivered.

Mr. Liu himself saw it, and frowned, and said quietly, "What are you doing?"

Uncle Qin coughed twice, and then said the rumors heard in the afternoon. Mr. Liu was holding his chopsticks to stretch out his hand for a little meal, but only for a moment, he slowly retracted back, silent After a while, he calmly said, "Yes, it will save you some unnecessary trouble."

Uncle Qin had imagined that Mr. Liu would be unhappy and angry, but never thought he would react like this, and hurriedly said, "My son, this is not possible. If they are so nonsense, how will my son get married in the future?"

"Marry a wife?" Mr. Liu seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't finish the following words for a long time. After a while, he opened his mouth and smiled, "I'm afraid, I will never marry a wife in my life. "

With that said, everyone was startled: "My son, you must."

Mr. Liu waved his hand and said, "I'm going to have a meal, you go out first."

When everyone saw this situation, they didn't dare to obey, so they went out in despair. As soon as he went out, he turned to a corner where his son couldn't see.

"Uncle Qin, what's the look of my son?"

Uncle Qin didn't look any different, only sighed: "Now we can't persuade our lord, the person who is in his heart will never get it. But let's not worry, it ’s his hit The women who are destined to live together have not yet appeared. "

"Not yet, the master is now in his thirties." Amber's voice suddenly raised a bit.

Uncle Qin raised his hand and tapped amber's head: "Small voice."

Amber hurriedly glanced at the door, and pursed his lips, "As I said, it would be better to go straight to Jincheng and bind that person, wouldn't it be?"

Now, even Shanglu and Changshan raised their hands together and knocked on the head of amber: "You want to know, who do you know? Who is that master? But ..."

Shang Lu snorted, raised his hand, and pointed to the sky: "You talk nonsense again, be careful."

Uncle Qin also glanced at Amber: "If that person can be **** to solve the problem of the master, I will certainly try to do everything to tie it, but our master's temperament is not unknown to you."

Everyone heard the words and sighed in unison.

At midnight, it snowed. Nanxun Town was colder than Jincheng, and it snowed a little bit. Mr. Liu got up early, and Changshan hurriedly dressed Mr. Liu with his thick dad that he had cast out a few days ago, and said softly: "The son has only morning class today. He can come back earlier. There is no stove in the private room. It's so cold. The little boy put a soup wife in the son, and the son will hold it later. "

Mr. Liu smiled: "Which gentleman is holding a soup lady in class, those students are seven or eight years old, and have never complained about being cold, I'm not cold."

Changshan skimmed his lips and said, "They are all used to this climate. When the son first came, it was much colder than Jincheng, and he couldn't adapt. If the son didn't want to bring Tang Fuzi, he would wear another piece of clothes. "

Mr. Liu glanced at Changshan, Fang nodded and said, "Forget it, take Mrs. Tang."

After breakfast, Mr. Liu left the back door alone and went to the private house opposite. Mrs. Tang in her hand gave it to the private student when she saw a student who had practiced writing on the snow with a tree branch early.

Back to the yard at noon, it was inevitable to be chanted for a while.

Mr. Liu did not take it seriously, only smiled and said, "The day after tomorrow will be the new emperor's ascension ceremony, and the private school will have two days off, and the New Year will soon be. In a few days, there will be fewer students in the private school."

Uncle Qin said with a smile: "The son can also rest for a few days, a rare leisure. Let's also have a good year. Later, I will go to the town to see and buy some new products."

Mr. Liu nodded and smiled, "You arrange it, and let me write the blessings and couplets."

A few people laughed and they were busy.

The weather was getting colder, Mr. Liu was getting a little cold, and his voice was also dumb. Fortunately, because the new emperor was ascended to the throne, he took a vacation in his private room, but he didn't need to go there. Then he only asked Uncle Qin to grab some medicine, drank the medicine, covered the soft couch with a thick quilt, and read a book.

When Shang Lu came in, he saw that Amber was waiting for Mr. Liu to drink medicine, and stood aside.

After drinking the medicine, Amber snorted at Shang Lu: "My son is still ill, don't bother the boy with a little thing."

Mr. Liu laughed and said to Shanglu: "What's wrong?" His voice was still a little hoarse.

Shanglu sent a gift and whispered in a low voice: "In the past two days, horses have been transported quietly more at night, almost every night, the number varies."

After hearing the words, Mr. Liu gave a slight sigh before sighing: "When it snows, there will be fewer people entering the mountain. Don't worry about being detected, so he will become more frequent, just because the war is approaching."

Everyone did not know how to answer the question. Mr. Liu raised his eyes and looked at Uncle Qin and Shanglu: "Is Emperor Ning Guo still in Jincheng?"

Uncle Qin nodded: "The last time the news came from Jincheng, it was. I heard that we had to wait for the closing ceremony before leaving for Ningguo."

Mr. Liu nodded his head slightly and pondered for a long time before whispering: "If Emperor Ning Guo left Jincheng after the ceremony, it should be years later. If His Majesty wants to start war against Cang Jue Qingsu, he will most likely unite with Ning Guo At the same time, this kind of grasp is also greater. Your Majesty, should start military around February, and there is still time. "

Uncle Qin heard the words and said quickly: "But the son wants to shoot?"

Mr. Liu closed the book in his hand and whispered, "When I'm sick, I'll leave class, and I'll walk around."

The crowd was not with him for a day or two. After hearing the words, they knew that he wanted to see the surrounding terrain and quickly responded.

The disease came quickly and quickly, and within a few days, he was getting better, but he was ill, and the private school was out of class. After a few days of snow, the sun came up again. Seeing the weather was good, Liu Yinfeng was fine, so he took Uncle Qin and Shanglu out of the door and was going to walk around.

Because of its proximity to the border, some soldiers often patrol near Nanzhao Town. Uncle Qin had already explored the soldiers' patrol area clearly, and directly took Mr. Liu around and entered the mountain.

The snow on the mountain had not yet finished, and it was extremely difficult to walk. Moreover, Mr. Liu had just recovered, and after walking for a long time, he felt exhausted and leaned against the tree to rest.

Uncle Qin suddenly noticed something unusual around him, so he hurried to protect Mr. Liu behind him, and said quietly, "My son, I have footprints."

Mr. Liu stunned, pried open the grass, and saw the footprints, especially in the snow.

"You can see the shoe print. Someone should have come." Mr. Liu said quietly, raising his eyes and commanding Uncle Qin and Shanglu: "You two look around, but someone else has entered the mountain, and you must not go too far. I'm a bit tired, rest here. "

Uncle Qin and Shanglu glanced at each other. They still had confidence in their martial arts, and they often did so when they explored the terrain with their own son. The two nodded and walked in opposite directions. .

Within a few steps of going out, they heard a strange noise coming, and they both screamed a bad voice in their hearts, hurriedly ran back, but the situation in front of them made their hearts suddenly hang.

There is a weirdly shaped machete across Mr. Liu's neck. A woman in a Tsing Yi stands behind her. She still has a basket behind her and some unknown grass in it.

"What are you doing? Let go of our son." Uncle Qin secretly observed the surrounding situation, thinking about how to **** his son from the woman safely.

"What do I do? I also want to ask who you are and what you want to do? It's cold, and I ran into this uninhabited mountain and sneaked up and said, who are you?" The woman left He shook his lips and shouted sharply, but it sounded like a doll, but it didn't seem to be a threat.