MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 488 : Blue Star's No. 1 person! Shock the world!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

[Dao Yuan True Explanation Ten Levels of Consummation Amplification Twelve Stages (Middle Stage of Good Fortune)]

[Yi Jin Jing 10 layers of perfect increase 12 stages (middle stage of creation)]

[Ten slaps and ten levels of consummation of ghosts, ten stages of growth]

[Five thunders and the third level of the law of perfection increase the tenth stage]

[Broken soul finger: the third layer, a total of three layers (four stages of increase)]

[Po Dao Fist: The sixth floor, a total of six floors (four levels of increase)]

[Ba Jue Palm: The fifth floor, a total of five floors (four stages of increase)]

[Ancient Eucharist: The seventh floor. 】

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 200 million. 】

[Reincarnation platform fragments: 10% (3% used.)]

All skills are fully upgraded!


Even Lin Chen couldn't help getting excited.

This surge in strength made him extremely happy.

He's not overly inflated, though.

There are still two harvests that are not being used at the moment.

One is, three red treasure chests.

The second is the reincarnation platform fragments.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen didn't open the red treasure chest first.

Instead, he chose to absorb the fragments of the reincarnation platform first.

There was a roar in his mind, as if he had gone through another epoch-making, and his own path of reincarnation reappeared under his feet.

The ups and downs of countless big stars piled up a road to the gods, and the end of the road is the broken land of reincarnation.

The way is extremely broad.

Now, Lin Chen has taken a step forward, and he is not as unfamiliar with everything as he was the first time, but started to take steps again with ease.

With one step down, Lin Chen felt the same feeling before again, ghost power, physique, and spirit all soared in all dimensions.

Even at this level, the improvement of the road of reincarnation has not weakened in the slightest, and it is even more exaggerated than the first improvement!

The deeper this road of invincibility goes, the more feedback it brings to Lin Chen.

And this only consumed half of the reincarnation platform fragments.

It doesn't mean it's over.

This sudden surge of power makes it difficult for people to calm down, and it will make people swell unconsciously.

But Lin Chen suppressed the surging heart, did not stop, took another step, and took the third step of his path to enlightenment...

After a while.

Lin Chen stepped out, the space opened automatically, and he successfully returned to his own room in the villa.

He's progressing too fast.

Even his background was a little unstable for a while, the energy in his body was like drunk, a little violent and uncontrollable.

As soon as he returned, the aura on his body shook suddenly. The powerful force was not restrained by Lin Chen immediately, and there was an overflow.

The entire villa collapsed in an instant, and the surrounding houses shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Among the ruins, Chongdong crawled out in a disheveled manner. He had been in the villa all the time and had not refined the **** crystal, so he was directly crushed by the rubble into the ground, and he couldn't help cursing for a while.

But when he felt some kind of power nearby, his expression changed drastically.

"This is... the ghost power of high-level fortune!"

In the community, many people left the house in a panic.

This is a wealthy area, where the upper class live. Some players live here, and they all look in the direction of Lin Chen's house in shock.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Dozens of blue-clothed members were even more nervous, and immediately dispersed the crowd.

They have only recently lived here, so they know who lives in that villa.

"Why is this happening?"

"Did something happen to Li Shen?"

"Anyway, contact the headquarters first."

They were all professionally trained. Although they were shocked and uneasy, they still suppressed the storm in an orderly manner and contacted the headquarters in Kyoto.

However, at this moment, from the rubble of the collapsed villa, a figure rose into the sky like a black arrow.

"It's Li Shen!"

"He's fine!"

The players were overjoyed, and the ordinary people were even more pleasantly surprised when they saw Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's true face is no secret, but he understands the profound things in simple terms and rarely shows up, so not many people know that Lin Chen lives here.

Originally, they thought that something related to ghosts had happened, and they were a little worried, but when they saw Lin Chen, they were all pleasantly surprised and very excited.

"We actually lived with Li Shen."

"Is this Li Shen? He is really handsome!"

"Hey, why does the figure next to him look like the True Dharma Protector King?"

"What does it look like? It's our Chonglan sauce!"

There was an uproar nearby, and some women screamed excitedly after seeing Lin Chen and Chong Lan.

Is there anything more exciting than having your favorite idol live next door to you?

If so, two of my most admired idols live next door to each other!

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 5.7 million] (1 to 1200)

[Spirit: 5.5 million] (1 to 1200)

[Ghost power: 200 million] (1 to 4000)

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 200 million. 】

[Reincarnation Platform Fragment: 10% (10% has been used.)]

[Red item props: Puppet of the same body: After refining, it can perfectly replicate all the power of the main body, and has a certain degree of independent thinking and absolute loyalty. 】

[Red item: a leather ghost suit. After wearing it, it can perfectly simulate a ghost, which cannot be distinguished from the outside. Only those who have mastered this ability can see the reality. 】

[Red props: space-time boat (small), can perfectly wander in the long river of time and countercurrent of space, and can carry one person. Note: This prop can be upgraded, and it can be upgraded once with two billion magic coins. 】

Lin Chen turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

There, he could feel a familiar atmosphere.

That is the power of reincarnation, that is, the breath of the fragments of the reincarnation platform.

After the third step of the road of reincarnation opened by Lin Chen, he can already feel the whereabouts of other reincarnation platform fragments. Of course, the distance is limited and cannot be too far away.

What he felt at the moment was the reincarnation platform fragment on the Great Elder.

In Lin Chen's cognition of this ability, apart from himself, it seems that there are only fragments of the reincarnation platform that can detect other people's bodies.

Great elders, Chen De, etc. do not have this kind of perception.

In addition, Lin Chen's grasp of the fragments of the reincarnation platform has also changed.

His 10% reincarnation platform fragments can already exert their original power, and the effect is extraordinary!

At this time, the face of the great elder who was dancing enthusiastically with his aunt in a certain park changed slightly. He felt that the power of Blue Star's law had relaxed again.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

This incarnation of him can exert even stronger strength.

In one thought, he jumped from the real king to the good fortune.

This situation shocked him, because he knew that someone must have broken through to the Creation level, so Blue Star relaxed the rules.

And there is only one Blue Star human being who has the opportunity to break through the good fortune.

That is morning!

This made his eyes widen. Lin Chen's improvement speed exceeded his imagination, and he was extremely shocked.

At the same time, he also sensed a familiar force.

This kind of power is both powerful and abundant, and it also allowed him to completely confirm his guess.

"It's really amazing. It seems that my choice is not wrong. Only you can break all this evil and despair."

Lin Chen's power was unleashed wantonly!

This is what he did on purpose!

When Blue Star's law is lowered, the Horror World will notice it immediately, guessing that someone has broken through to good luck, and after extra calculation, naturally only he has the ability to break through.

So he didn't hide it, but directly revealed it to the world.

Blue Star in jeopardy? Feeling unstable? The world is terrified?

Then let his power sweep it all away.

This invincible breath can inspire everyone's heart!

It can also deter all hidden evil spirits!

Lin Chen's long hair fluttered with the wind, his aura was as deep as hell, and he released his divinity. Under the background of the blue light, everyone's eyes became dull, as if they saw a god!

He is announcing to the world that his strength is just like what the sword pointed at, showing his will to fight against the terrifying world!

And players from Huaguo and nearby countries have felt this power!

For a moment, everyone was stunned in shock.

This kind of power is too vast, which makes people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Even some top six-star players have difficulty keeping calm, and their hearts are beating wildly.

"What a terrifying power this is!"

"True king level? No! This has already surpassed the concept of true king level, it is already above good fortune!"

"In the ghost power, there is a strong vitality. Some of us humans have reached the eight-star level!"

"Who the hell! How is this possible?"

They were inexplicably shocked, and their brains went blank for a short time, but in the end they almost thought of a person at the same time.

"It's only him!"

The prerequisite for breaking through to eight stars must be a seven-star player, and Blue Star is the only seven-star player.

Only Chen who killed ghosts and gods the day before yesterday!

In a certain deep mountain, the ghost power surged from a person's body. Judging by the aura exuded by him, he had already reached the level of a true king! It can be called the best in Blue Star.

"Finally found my own way, after three years of training, three years of deep understanding, and now I have finally succeeded in reaching Seven Stars. UU Reading"

This person has sword eyebrows and star eyes, looks very young, with incomparable excitement on his face, if Gu Yehan and others are here, they will definitely recognize his identity.

It was Blue Star who was the first to reach six stars and discover the path to seven stars. Now judging by his words and the ghost power he displayed, it really has reached seven stars.

Apart from Lin Chen, he became the second strong man to reach seven stars.

However, before his excitement lasted long, he felt a stronger force erupting in the distance, making him feel like he was struck by lightning.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"This is…"

"Eight-star ghost power? Human breath? This is impossible!"

The whole world is shaking.

After the high-level human beings reacted, they were very pleasantly surprised. Lin Chen's strength cheered everyone up. The major news media immediately rushed to report, and they came to Lin Chen's residence as soon as possible, so that the god-like The figure appeared in front of everyone.

In the network, the chat channel among the players exploded directly.

The barrage about "Li Shen" quickly swiped across the screen.

And the evil ghost in the blue star trembled under the mighty ghost power, completely terrified.

An invisible figure in a certain bath looked up at the direction where the aura erupted, and finally shook his head slightly, as if he didn't care.

It's just that his natal invisibility ability works faster.

On this day, Lin Chen completely took the position of Blue Star's number one person!

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