MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 181 Become famous all over the world

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Chapter 181 Become famous all over the world

Even though it has been over for more than an hour, the incident at Tianqin Stadium has not diminished in popularity online, but has intensified.

 All platforms and media are reporting on this matter.

 This is the case in the information age.

 The "opening incident" has spread all over the world. No matter which country or region you are in, as long as you turn on the Internet, you will immediately be flooded with this explosive news.

 At least half of the world's more than 42 billion people already know about this.

The remaining half of the people are either sleeping or have poor information, but they will soon be bombarded with this news within a dozen hours. News programs, live broadcast rooms, forums, virtual worlds, almost everyone is discussing this matter, as if it is pervasive.

  The total views of videos related to the opening game have exceeded 100 billion!

 People watch the video over and over again, analyzing the strength, professional templates, equipment of both parties in the incident, guessing the reasons behind it, etc.

Countless self-media use the fastest efficiency to gain popularity and analyze the video.

 With various analyses, a series of questions have emerged. The most curious question is Ji Xinghuo’s identity.

 The “opening match event” ranks first in popularity.

 The second most important question is “Who is he?”

This "him" refers to Ji Xinghuo, and there are many other nicknames, such as "mysterious stranger", "gunman", "opening match victim", "assassinated person" and so on.

At first, everyone was still guessing, and no one could give an answer.

 But more than half an hour ago, an article was pushed to the third place on the hot search list: "Exclusive reveal: the identity of the parties involved in the opening game incident!"

Ji Xinghuo had already guessed the result before he opened the article.

Because my classmate group has exploded, from elementary school to middle school to university, students in each group are constantly @ themselves, and the number of group messages is growing rapidly and does not stop for a second; classmates and friends are sending messages one by one When I came to private messages, my phone kept ringing.

 Fortunately, he set up a whitelist so that only family members and a few friends could make incoming calls, otherwise his cell phone would be full of calls now.

Ji Xinghuo opened the article first without checking the message.

  The first sentence at the beginning is: His name is Ji Xinghuo, born in 2201, from Chang'an, graduated from Fengming Language University, a public child, a high-level alien, and the 10,000th person on the ladder!


Ji Xinghuo blurted out a national curse.

Who wrote this? Simply, crudely, yet accurately revealed his identity.

I looked at the author of the article. This is a self-media called "Secret News Guangqu", which specializes in exposing anecdotes from all walks of life. It used to have only more than two million followers and was slightly famous. But in the past half hour, , the number of followers skyrocketed to more than 30 million!

Ji Xinghuo continued reading, and the content surprised him.

The entry point of this article is a screenshot from a previous game broadcast. It was in the second game of the game, and the live broadcast camera happened to sweep from the seat area where I was.

 The process takes less than a second.

 But it was in this second that "Secret Information Guangqu" found the clue.

In the picture, a family of five people are sitting in a row, and he is sitting in the middle. To his left is Liang Qiu Feiyan, who is whispering to him. It is obvious that they have an unusual relationship.

There is a floating camera floating next to her, which is live broadcasting.

  The anchor is a public figure, and his appearance will not be processed, and he will show his true appearance on the Internet.

 The author of the article found Liangqiu Feiyan’s live broadcast room.

 Then he searched through videos from the past few years and confirmed that Liangqiu Feiyan and he were brother and sister, and heard the name "Xinghuo" from other family members.

 The next step is simple.

Although Xinghuo is a relatively common name in the Asia-Pacific Community, with hundreds of thousands of people sharing the same name, there is only one alien with such strength and a master who has emerged recently, and that is Ji, who is the last person on the ladder. Xinghuo, all the information in the Tianglai files are also correct.

Furthermore, in the past few months, Liangqiu Feiyan mentioned several times during live broadcasts that her third brother was a genius and powerful.

During the game today, spectators sitting nearby also accidentally took pictures of themselves.

  Keywords can be heard in these videos.

 The entire article has strict logic, sufficient information, and a large number of videos, screenshots and photos to prove it. Anyone who reads it will not have any doubts and know that this is absolutely true.

 At this moment, the number of articles read is soaring at a rate of hundreds of thousands per second.

Millions of people have left comments below the article.

Ji Xinghuo saw his classmates and friends, their comments were pinned to the top, some confirmed their identity, and some provided more information about themselves.

 A lot of information such as age, birthday, education, past deeds in school, etc. were revealed.

My own social account has also attracted countless people!

 The number of followers has exceeded 50 million. Every time it is refreshed, the number of followers will increase by tens of thousands, and the number of comments will also increase dramatically.

 Then, the last piece of content about Zhao Manying that was posted a few years ago was wildly forwarded.

 People retweeted it with ruthless ridicule.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

“Although you are very strong, you are still wishful thinking about falling in love with the sword fairy!”


 “It’s a pity that you came a step too late.”

"Sword Fairy already has a boyfriend. It was too late for you to become famous. Are you dumbfounded now?"

 “It turns out that geniuses also like to dream.”

This piece of content was intercepted and made into an emoticon package with AI drawings. People reposted it everywhere, spreading like a virus on the Internet. Others went to Zhao Manying's social account to leave messages, hoping she would respond, all gloating about her misfortune.

Ji Xinghuo didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

  When I first came back from the Star Boundary, I didn’t know Zhao Manying. This piece of content really made me feel ashamed, and I wanted to delete it.

 As you become more famous, your content becomes more widely known.

 Like that comment said: A clown!

But now that Zhao Manying is his girlfriend, Ji Xinghuo's mentality is completely different. Instead, he has the mentality of a crowd.

These fun-loving people are now crazy and venomous, making fun of themselves and calling themselves clowns. When the truth comes out, every taunt they send will hit them in the face like a boomerang.

  Ji Xinghuo's mouth corners rose unconsciously.

Of course, not everyone was ridiculing one-sidedly, and some people speculated: "Could the boyfriend of the sword fairy be you?"

 “Maybe he is the man with the shrunken head.”

“Yes, yes, the time seems to be right...”

However, there are only a very small number of people who have this kind of speculation. As soon as it was published, it was drowned in countless mocking saliva, and it did not attract the attention of many people.

Ji Xinghuo stopped reading and closed his social account.

 He then opened the family group and found that Liangqiu Feiyan had sent dozens of messages in a row, all the while apologizing to him.

 “Third brother, it’s all my fault.”

"I didn't mean it. I knew it a long time ago and I won't broadcast it live so that your identity won't be exposed."

 “Alas, I will never broadcast live again, there is no future anyway.”

 “Woo woo woo…”

The family comforted Liangqiu Feiyan in the group, but she still felt very guilty and was now at her second brother Zhong Ming's house.

Ji Xinghuo shook his head and sent a message: "It's okay." The phone rang immediately.

After the call was connected, Liangqiu Feiyan appeared on the screen, with her brothers and sisters beside her, crying: "Third brother, are you okay over there?"

"It's okay." Ji Xinghuo smiled and said, "Why are you crying like this? I don't care about such a trivial matter, so don't take it to heart either."

"But you said before that you didn't want anyone to know your identity..." Liang Qiu Feiyan still felt guilty.

"People's thoughts always change, and I can't control this kind of thing." Ji Xinghuo's face was very relaxed, "Being pregnant is like being pregnant. Sooner or later, you won't be able to hide it and people will see it. I used to just think that it would be late." A little famous, but now it’s exposed, it won’t have any impact.”

Liangqiu Feiyan suddenly burst into laughter.

The other three siblings were also happy. Ye Dongyun smiled strangely and said, "Xinghuo, what kind of metaphor are you talking about? Is this the same as pregnancy?"

Zhong Ming came over and said, "Xinghuo, what's going on between you and Zhao Manying..."

“I’m afraid I can’t hide it for long.” Ji Xinghuo shook his head.

The brother and sister looked at each other, and Zhong Ming sighed: "If your relationship is exposed, you will face huge pressure from public opinion. I thought I could hide it for at least a few months or even a year or two, but I didn't expect it would be known so soon." ,well…"

Ji Xinghuo shrugged his shoulders, "It doesn't matter, they don't know what I look like anyway, so they can't harass me in reality."

 He looked at the screen, "On the contrary, you may be dragged down."

Those reporters and paparazzi cannot find themselves and have no interview channels, so they will look for their family and friends. Most of them have set up personal privacy on the Internet like themselves, but a few have made it public, and they will definitely be harassed next.

“We will keep a low profile and not accept any interviews.” Ye Dongyun said immediately.

Wang Zizhen doesn’t have this problem. He spends all day in the virtual world. As long as he doesn’t go out, others can’t find him.

Zhong Ming and Liang Qiu Feiyan are both public figures and it is difficult to avoid them.

"Third brother, I will stop broadcasting for a while and move to another place to live. I can concentrate on training and strive to become a different person." Liang Qiu Feiyan had just thought about it.


Ji Xinghuo nodded, "You can resume broadcasting after the limelight has passed."

Zhong Ming also said: "The new season of the Second Division League has also begun. I can't refuse the club's interview. When someone asks about you, I will always say I have no comment."

"Second brother, you have to take care of yourself. I'm really tired of being asked. It doesn't matter if you reveal something." Ji Xinghuo laughed. "If this can bring you exposure and make the club take you more seriously, that's also a good thing."

 “Haha, then I will take advantage of you.”

Zhong Ming said this, but he made up his mind to keep it secret.

 Ji Xinghuo hung up the phone.

Zhao Manying's affairs at the club were not over yet. He continued to wait while scrolling through his mobile phone.

 A moment later, the article exposing his identity had been read more than 100 million times, and the number of followers on his social account had increased by more than 20 million. At the same time, more and more people are retweeting that content, and the comments below have exceeded five million.

 Suddenly, almost everyone knew this piece of content, screenshots and emoticons could be seen everywhere, and countless people were enjoying it online.

Ji Xinghuo has another nickname: Clown!


He is calm and collected, like a crowd that has nothing to do with himself.

  Browsing the news on my phone, watching some experts’ analysis of my battle videos, and replying to private messages from some classmates and friends from time to time. Ji Xinghuo ignored countless people asking him to respond on his social account.

 Suddenly, a new hot search keyword quickly surged: "Ji Xinghuo is Zhao Manying's boyfriend!"

Ji Xinghuo’s eyes narrowed.

As expected, he couldn't hide it anymore. He clicked on the topic and found that it was all hearsay.

The sources of these gossips are a group of gossip media and Super League bloggers, as well as many senior entertainment reporters, that is, professional paparazzi.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, it all starts with speculation, hearsay, and hearsay, but these people all said it with a clear nose and eyes, and they all mentioned one thing. Zhao Manying just admitted to the club management and teammates that her relationship with Ji Xinghuo relation.

These news publishers are almost all big bloggers with tens of millions of followers, and there are even authoritative media outlets with hundreds of millions of followers. The news in the past has always been accurate.

 Their release times are all within a minute or two of each other.

Ji Xinghuo snorted.

 If what I expected was correct, someone deliberately leaked the secret to the media, and it was someone who was in the box at the time.

Yu Meiling is the most suspected, followed by Shi Renzhong.

 Of course it does not exclude other people present.

 The news spread quickly.

More and more people are seeing this hot search and are in disbelief.

The news became more and more true as it spread, and the club did not come out to deny it. Those who had just laughed at Ji Xinghuo as a clown suddenly began to panic.

Immediately, a piece of content posted by "King Wu" Shi Renzhong almost confirmed that this was true. He posted on his social account @ Zhao Manying and Ji Xinghuo.

  Although he said nothing, it seemed as if he had said everything.

 The comments below were in an uproar.

Before people could react, a few minutes later, a piece of content on a social platform ignited the entire network. The publisher was Zhao Manying himself.

She directly forwarded the content: "If Zhao Manying asks me to be her boyfriend, although I am not a womanizer, but because she is beautiful and strong, I can consider it.

 Then he wrote: "The request has been accepted."

  And accompanied by a photo of the two at the revolving restaurant on the night they first met.

Although this photo shows two figures cuddling together from behind, and the front window is the dazzling and colorful night view of Chang'an, and the front cannot be seen, everyone can recognize that the woman leaning her head on the shoulder next to her is none other than Zhao Manying herself.

Her hands are clasped with the man's, which is reminiscent of the day she announced her relationship. The photo she posted was also in the same scene.

 In an instant, the entire network was detonated by Zhao Manying!

Countless people were stunned.

What happened tonight was so magical, with twists and turns, it was like an annual drama. First, there was a life-and-death battle in the opening game, the game was forced to be suspended and rescheduled, and then the identity of the person involved was exposed, and a genius was discovered.

  Then, everyone thought that this genius was also a clown, full of ridicule and extreme enjoyment.

 Then it completely reversed and was slapped in the face like crazy.

Those people who had just had a carnival in all countries and corners of the world, as well as Zhao Manying's many male fans, almost all had their defenses broken.

"I do not believe!"

"Sword Immortal, you must be joking, right? How can the number one on the ladder fall in love with someone who is the second in the ladder? It's so nonsense!"

 “Ah ah ah ah…”

"How is this possible? I can't accept it! Am I the clown?"

 “So it’s you, kid!”

 “The hatred for taking away one’s wife is irreconcilable!”

Ji Xinghuo laughed out loud in the parking lot. It felt like the first sip of iced Coke in the middle of summer. He was hearty and felt good all over his body.

 He opened his social account, searched on the Internet for a while, and published a new piece of content again after six years.

There is no text, just a big picture of a clown.

 (End of this chapter)

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