MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 194 Form a team

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Chapter 194 Forming a Team

Ji Xinghuo made an appointment with Jing Ji at a meeting place, hung up the phone, and opened "Tian Lai".

This is the internal software of the Sharp Sword Bureau. He sent a message to a director of the Intelligence and Information Department, asking the other party to investigate Jingji.

Defenses can not do without.

Although Jingji is a friend he has known in the star realm and has a life-long friendship, accidents are inevitable, especially since Jingji has a daughter, which is his biggest weakness.

If you really want to go to Africa and leave Chang'an, you must return the purple electric sword to the bureau.

 That is the perfect opportunity for the enemy to strike.

 Even, this may be a trap set for oneself.

Ji Xinghuo quickly took a shower, put on clean clothes, and entered the study. While waiting for the swordsman's investigation results, he searched the Internet and found this video immediately. It was first posted on a domestic website last week, with more than 300,000 viewers.

 In this era, the more popular videos have hundreds of millions of views.

 Hundreds of thousands of views are simply not enough to make a splash.

However, this is normal.

 The mainstream media on earth have always focused on the most powerful countries, and the major social platforms of each country only focus on what happens in a few countries.

 Africa has always been a neglected place.

Even if natural disasters, wars, and coups occur in Africa, and even tens of thousands of people are killed or injured as a result, it will not attract people's attention as much as a street fight or entertainment gossip within a major country.

 Life is priceless.

 But sometimes, there are huge disparities in life based on nationality and race.

Ji Xinghuo sighed inwardly. Using keywords, he found a few more videos, all of which were shot by someone in Africa of the monster. They could be traced back to the year before last, and they had very few views. However, last week's video is the clearest and was shot from the closest distance.

He carefully read the comments under several videos, and most of them were from netizens in Africa.

 Some people claimed to be residents of the East African Kingdom. About four or five years ago, there were rumors in the area that a man-eating monster appeared.

 According to eyewitnesses, the monster was a huge amphibian.

Like a crocodile, some say it is a monitor lizard.

It can lurk in rivers and underwater, have the ability to control water flow, can also release lightning, can become invisible, and is very fast. It often attacks cities and tribes and devours humans.

 Some people have also seen it hunting wild animals in the wild.

 Some people even claim that this monster can transform into other animals!

 There were several teams of strangers chasing it, but they all found nothing. There are also many random rumors, which are getting more and more outrageous as they spread, making it difficult to tell whether they are true or false.

  Ji Xinghuo organized the collected information.

 Based on the address of the video publisher, we selected some reliable places where the rumors occurred and marked a circle on the map.

 “Such a large range…”

 He has a headache.

The map shows that the monster appears around Lake Victoria, as well as on both sides of the Nile River and its tributaries north of Lake Victoria. Sometimes they go west, beyond the borders of the East African Kingdom and into the territory of the Zaire tribal chiefdom, which was formerly the Congo Basin.

 This area covers an area of ​​three to four million square kilometers.

 Finding a monster is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the African wilderness is not a safe place. Since the Star Gate opened two centuries ago, ether energy has continuously poured into the earth, which has not only changed the history of human society, but also caused earth-shaking changes in the global natural ecology.

 Africa was originally a huge animal world with rich and primitive ecology.

Countless wild animals have absorbed etheric energy, and over the years, after generations of reproduction, they have gradually undergone genetic mutations.

  There is variation and evolution.

 Nearly all animals have become stronger, more dangerous, and even evolved into monsters.

Initially, many astral creatures entered this continent from the three star gates in Africa, coexisted with wild animals, multiplied and merged. Today, the environment of the African continent is no different from that of the astral realm.

Of course the level of danger is certainly not as high as the star realm.

Even so, it is difficult for ordinary people in Africa to survive in the wild.

This is also one of the reasons why the population of African countries has always been at a low level. Except for warlord wars, local residents can only live in cities protected by city walls, with limited living space.

For some historical reasons, the major powers on earth have used the excuse of protecting the environment and wildlife to force all countries around the world to sign the African Convention on Conservation of Nature, which prohibits local African countries or forces from using thermal weapons to eliminate dangers in the wild on a large scale, and only allows them to Develop within a limited area.

 This convention has been very effective.

 As a result, more than 70% of the area south of the Sahara Desert in Africa is now a nature reserve of more than 15 million square kilometers, occupying half of Africa.

 But at the same time, there are many loopholes in this convention. For example, hunting monsters is not prohibited.

 Nor is foreign citizens prohibited from entering.

 When encountering danger, people have the right to kill the creatures attacking them on the grounds of "emergency escape".

Many aliens who dare not venture into the Star Boundary, or are relatively weak, will first go to the nature reserve to try their hand at it and accumulate some experience before transitioning to the Star Boundary.

Ji Xinghuo compared it.

 This monster’s activity range is mostly within nature reserves.

 After more than two hours of research, the phone rang and the Intelligence and Information Office sent the investigation results. There was no problem with Jingji, at least not yet.

 Ji Xinghuo was not surprised.

Just now, he searched for the video from the year before last and was able to confirm that the monster was real.

At that time, I was not a stranger, and the enemy could not travel through time and space, so he planned to set a trap for himself years in advance.

Ji Xinghuo went downstairs and went out.

  After a moment.

I met Jing Ji in a private room of a coffee shop. The last time I met him was two months ago. He looked better than then.

"How is your recovery from your injury?" Ji Xinghuo asked as he sat down.

In the battle to kill the legendary Dagonites, Jing Ji was seriously injured and almost lost his life. At that time, it was expected that he would have to rest for a whole year before he could fully recover.

 It has only been more than seven months.

"It's healed a long time ago. I'm now alive and kicking, and I'm a good man again." Jingji smiled confidently, but then shook his head, "My strength has probably recovered to 95%, and it won't affect the battle, so I can't rest. I want to go back to the star realm but I can’t let go of my daughter.”

Ji Xinghuo nodded, "Then let's rest for a few more months. It's not urgent anyway." "I have this plan."

Jing Ji looked at Ji Xinghuo and had a strange smile on his face, "Boy, have you had a good time these past few months?"

 “It’s not bad.” Ji Xinghuo laughed.

 “I’ve fallen in love with a global goddess, and all the men on the Internet are dying of soreness, but it’s just okay?” Jing Ji clicked his tongue twice, feeling indescribable envy.

Ji Xinghuo clicked on the table and said, "Let's get down to business."


Jingji explained the information he had collected, which was similar to what Ji Xinghuo had just searched, but more detailed.

“As for this monster, I learned from other channels that quite a few people are already targeting it,” Jing Ji finally said.

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

 I can tell that it is an electrostatic field with over-limit powers, and so can others.

If the content of the video is confirmed, the monster has at least two super-limited alien species, invisibility and electrostatic fields, each worth hundreds of millions.

 It has been a week now.

I am afraid that organizations, companies, and hunting teams from all over the world have already launched searches in Africa.

"How about it? Let's go to Africa to join in the fun?" Jing Ji was eager to give it a try, "The nature reserve is not as dangerous as the star realm. Even if there is no harvest, it can still be regarded as a wild trip to appreciate the magnificent scenery of the African savannah. .”

"The biggest danger is not from monsters, but from humans." Ji Xinghuo said thoughtfully.


Jingji nodded, "So we need to form a team."

"Okay." Ji Xinghuo thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"You are the most famous and powerful now. You will definitely be the captain, and you will decide on the candidate." Jing Ji said with a smile, "I only recommend one Chongzhen. He is a half-orc. He lives in Africa where there are many wild animals. He has a huge advantage and we all trust him.”


Ji Xinghuo was not humble, "Is Chongzhen still in the star realm?"

Yuan Chongzhen is single and a public child like himself. In the past few years, he has accumulated resources in order to reach the legendary level, almost all of which have been in the star realm.

 He has only returned to Earth once in the past few months. He met friends and stayed for two days before returning to the star realm.

“I will ask someone to go to the star realm and call him back soon.” Jing Ji said.

"Then there will be three people." Ji Xinghuo thought about it for a while, then started to shake people, picked up the phone and dialed Chi Zhonglin's number.

"Hey, Xinghuo." Chi Zhonglin appeared on the screen, with pink flashing lights and loud music playing in the background. He was already half drunk, shaking his head as if he was about to collapse, and asked, "Why are you here today? Sora called me?”

"There is a hunting target in Africa. Do you want to go?" Ji Xinghuo asked directly.


Chi Zhonglin's mind turned around before he remembered where it was. He shook his head like a rattle, "If there's no beauty, I won't go!"

“During the hunting period, I will lend you the Skywrath Blue Blood Spear.” Ji Xinghuo said softly.

 “Where are you? I’ll be there soon!”

 Chi Zhonglin immediately woke up and shouted excitedly.

Ji Xinghuo hung up the phone, sent him the address, and then dialed Jiangnan Caiyi's number. She happily said, "Good evening, Mr. Xinghuo!"

After hearing the purpose of the visit, Jiangnan Caiyi showed an apology on her face, "Xinghuo Lord, I will have a star gland implantation operation in a few days. I have been preparing for this promotion for a long time, and I really can't leave. I am really sorry. "She bowed several times in succession.

 “It doesn’t matter, I wish you success in your promotion!”

Ji Xinghuo finished talking to her and hung up the phone.

"There are four of us. Since Cai Yi can't come, let's switch to a profession with healing capabilities and stronger strength."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Zhonglin's voice came from outside, "I know there is someone who is suitable."

He came in smelling of alcohol.

"Arrived so soon?" Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised.

"Hey, it just so happened that the bar I was in was not far from here, only more than a thousand meters away. I ran right over." Chi Zhonglin sat down, took a breath, and looked at Jing Ji, "Who is this?"

Ji Xinghuo introduced the two to each other.

 “Brother Jing.”

 “Just call me Jingji.”

After the two parties got to know each other, Ji Xinghuo asked: "Zhonglin, who is the person you are talking about?"

"A friend of mine." Chi Zhonglin chuckled, "He is a battle priest, very strong, and a master on the ladder just like you. When you called me just now, he was next to me, following me I was almost drunk by him when we were drinking."

Ji Xinghuo's eyes lit up, battle priest?

This is a rare advanced profession. It is formed by the advancement of "White Knight" and "Black Bishop". Both of these professional templates can heal and have their own weaknesses. However, after advanced, not only the healing ability will be more Excellent, they also complement each other, and their combat effectiveness increases dramatically.

 “How is he like a person?” Ji Xinghuo asked.


Chi Zhonglin suddenly didn't know how to answer. He thought for a while, "Simple and honest? Upright? Anyway, he doesn't have any big ideas. The best thing about him is his ability to drink. He can drink three of me!"

Ji Xinghuo was speechless, "Can you call me over now?"

"no problem."

Chi Zhonglin called immediately and spoke quickly, "He said he would be here soon."

 Ten minutes later.

 A man as broad and thick as a wall walked in.

His muscles developed horizontally. He was about 1.8 meters tall, about the same as Ji Xinghuo, but his weight was probably twice that of Ji Xinghuo. His clothes almost burst. He had short hair and looked extremely tough as he walked on the street. Can make children cry.

 But as soon as he opened his mouth, he made people feel very down-to-earth, with a deep voice, a kind smile on his face, and stretched out his palms like cattail leaf fans.

He introduced himself: "I am Zhuo Ligetu. I have long admired the name of brother Ji."

 (End of this chapter)