MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 198 Thousands of Miles Away

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Chapter 198 A Thousand Miles of Search

All the way north.

The Akabane Velociraptor's endurance is indeed very good. It ran for more than 150 kilometers along the cement road. When it arrived at Masindi, it was only slightly out of breath.

Ji Xinghuo and his party slowed down and entered the city.

 “Let’s go and see now.”

Jing Ji was not optimistic and shook his head: "It has been more than a week since the incident happened. I'm afraid all the clues and traces have been destroyed."

Ji Xinghuo was about to speak when he saw another hunting team, also riding a raptor.

 The two parties were hundreds of meters apart on the street, looked at each other, and passed each other.

Since then, we have met several hunting teams on the way to the scene. Masindi, a city with a population of only over two million, sees foreigners with an unusually high frequency. Everyone was on guard against each other, all of them were strong, and many of them were members of the hunting company.

When everyone arrived at the location in the video, Ji Xinghuo and his teammates looked at each other and saw helplessness.

There are people everywhere!

Masindi's army blocked the neighborhood and prevented local residents from approaching.

 A loudspeaker on the car repeatedly played: "Entry to the site is charged per person, each person pays 1,000 Asian dollars or 4,000 US dollars, and the battle pet is free, and the time limit is ten minutes at a time."

People from all over the world are queuing up to pay.

 There were huge crowds of people outside the blockade, all residents coming to watch the excitement.

 “This search is nothing.”

Chi Zhonglin cursed, "With so many people entering, any clues have been destroyed long ago, and the smell of the monster cannot be distinguished."

Ji Xinghuo looked at Lu Yunhai and cast a consulting look.

"Broken Tooth can't do it." Lu Yunhai shook his head and said with a guilty look on his face: "The smell at the scene is too confusing. It doesn't know which smell comes from the monster, and there is no way to track it."


Ji Xinghuo communicated with Qinghong, but it couldn’t do it either.

 “You guys wait for me for a while.”

Jing Ji's figure suddenly disappeared from the back of the raptor. Ji Xinghuo saw him sneak into the shadows and enter a shop on the street.

He came back not long after and said to everyone: "Get out of the city and go east."

 “How do you say it?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

"The owner of that store told me a clue. On the day of the incident, someone saw the monster by the river east of the city, and gave me the specific navigation location." Jing Ji replied, as to how he came up with the question Come, no details.

Ji Xinghuo didn't ask any questions, and the group immediately left the city and arrived at their destination not long after.

"right here?"

Looking at the broad and peaceful river in front of them, more than a hundred meters wide, with undercurrents surging beneath the surface of the seemingly tranquil river, extending out from a vast swampy lake, everyone felt troubled.

"This is the Nile River, right?" Ji Xinghuo took out the map and compared it, and it turned out to be true.

The large swampy lake in the east is "Lake Kioga", covering an area of ​​more than 2,500 square kilometers. It is connected to Lake Victoria. meters, but the area is too large.


Jing Ji walked around and found several strange footprints.

 “Broken Tooth, go!”

Lu Yunhai gave an order, and the ancient hunting hound rushed over, lowering its head and sniffing the footprints on the ground.

Ji Xinghuo and others also took a closer look. From the outline, they could see that the animal that left it behind was very large. The sharp claws with five separate toes were nearly half a meter in diameter and were deeply inserted into the hard ground. Even after a week, they were still clearly visible. As it passed, a shallow mark was left.

Following the direction of a row of footprints, we entered the Nile River.

The ancient hunting dog sniffed hard for a long time, and finally stood by the river, staring at the wide river with a somewhat blank look in its eyes.

Lu Yunhai stood up and said: "It is speculated that its body length is about 10 meters, weighs 3 to 4 tons, and can run at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. It should be some kind of monitor lizard mutant monster, not a crocodile. The most famous in Africa The lizard in question is the 'Neho monitor', but I have never heard of one that can grow to such a big size, so I am not sure, only 60% sure."

These words immediately made everyone sit up and take notice.

 It is not unusual for an experienced hunter to be able to deduce so much data from the footprints alone, but Lu Yunhai is just a novice.

"Why is it called a monitor lizard and not a crocodile?" Ji Xinghuo was a little confused.

 “It’s very simple.”

Lu Yunhai was very confident, pointing to the footprints and explaining: "Both monitor lizards and crocodiles have five toes, but the crocodile's claws are thicker, while the monitor lizard's claws are longer and sharper. There are five deep holes under its feet. The difference is It’s still very obvious.”

 He ​​used his mobile phone to project a photo of the Nile monitor lizard, and it was exactly as he described, with long and slender claws.

The shape is very consistent with the footprints on the ground.

 The teammates are very excited.

Lu Yunhai continued: "Nile monitor lizards are semi-aquatic animals with good water properties, but they like to go ashore to bask in the sun and dry out the water on their bodies. Their diet is very complex and they will eat almost anything. They are distributed throughout Africa. But most of them live in rivers, lakes and swamps, and we can look for them in these areas."

"here you go!"

Ji Xinghuo praised him and said with a smile, "I didn't realize that Yunhai knows so much about animals."

"Haha..." Lu Yunhai was a little embarrassed, "These are the basic skills of a hunter. I have gained some knowledge in the past few years."

Jingji opened the map and took a look, a little confused, "It's hard to find!"

East Africa has a criss-crossing water system, with a large number of lakes and rivers connected to each other. This monitor lizard can follow the water flow across the entire African continent.

"As long as you know the general situation of the monster, it's not that difficult." Ji Xinghuo smiled calmly.

 Everybody look over.

Ji Xinghuo did not give in and said, "Just look for the footprints."

If Lu Yunhai's speculation is correct, Nile monitor lizards will often come ashore to bask in the sun.

 The monster's footprints are large and distinctive. They are still very obvious in the magnetic field induction. He does not need to search with his eyes. He only needs to look for footprints that match the characteristics along the river bank to find its traces.

 He explained it again.

Everyone was suddenly enlightened and marveled at the powerful detection capabilities of magnetic field induction. “Time waits for no one, so go upstream first.”

In the upper reaches of this section of the Nile River, more than 20 kilometers to the east is Lake Kioga. Six people rode a velociraptor along the river.

Ji Xinghuo's magnetic field induction expanded and he carefully searched the ground along the coast.

 The shallower water bottom has not been spared either.

 The search continued until dark and into the early hours of the morning, nearly 200 kilometers away from where the footprints were found, but still nothing was found.

 “It should be going downstream.”

“But it’s also possible that he swam into Lake Kyoga and climbed up from the other side of the lake.”

 Lu Yunhai made a judgment.

Ji Xinghuo's magnetic field induction can reach up to two thousand meters, while Lake Kioga is nearly 20 kilometers at its widest point and about 5 kilometers at its narrowest point, both of which are beyond the range of magnetic field induction.

 “Set up camp and rest first, then continue tomorrow.”

Ji Xinghuo chose a camp at the edge of a forest far away from the river, "I'm going to hunt food for the raptors."

As Lu Yunhai was setting up the tent, he saw Ji Xinghuo walking a few dozen meters forward, raising the invisible thorn, casually pulling out an arrow and shooting it. The arrow turned invisible and disappeared into the dark woods. A second later, a wailing sound was heard hundreds of meters away, followed by the sound of a heavy body falling to the ground.

The first mutant he fused was "Eagle Eye", which had excellent eyesight, but could not see very far in the dark night, and had no idea what prey Ji Xinghuo had shot.

Ji Xinghuo walked into the woods and soon came back carrying a huge wild boar.


 The wild boar was thrown to the ground with a muffled sound.

Lu Yunhai was stunned. This was the first time he saw Ji Xinghuo take action in the wild. It was completely beyond his imagination. Just imagine if Ji Xinghuo was an enemy, he would die without knowing it.

Zhuo Ligetu next to him also had serious eyes.

 He is good at healing and melee combat, and he is most afraid of this kind of extremely accurate super shooter.

 It’s simply terrible!

Jing Ji, Yuan Chongzhen and Chi Zhonglin have long been used to it. Jing Ji took a look and couldn't help but said: "This wild boar weighs at least a ton, right? If you are lucky, it may evolve into a monster." He took out his scimitar. , and with a few quick chops, the wild boar was divided into more than a dozen pieces.

Only a piece of front leg meat was left for roasting, and the rest was fed to the raptor and the ferocious war bear.

The sound of tearing flesh and blood echoed around the camp.

  After having eaten and drank enough, everyone went into the tent to rest.

“Yunhai, you go and rest, I will keep vigil today.” Ji Xinghuo walked to Lu Yunhai and said.

Lu Yunhai shook his head and said, "But before we set off, we told me to keep watch."

 “I’ll do it.”

"I'm not tired, you don't need to worry about me." Lu Yunhai still insisted, "I have been fused with the 'Headhunter Blood Source' for months, and have gained very strong physical strength and recovery power. I can also heal my injuries. Even if it lasts three days, It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep at night.”

 Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised.

Headhunters are a very common race in the star world. Most of them live in the most difficult and dangerous environments. If you kill them, you can get their talented alien species. After fusion, the aliens' physical fitness will be fully enhanced, which is very good. Extraordinary species.

"Call me as soon as you discover the situation." Ji Xinghuo said and went to rest.

 But he did not completely leave the safety of the entire team to a newbie, and secretly kept Qinghong awake, just in case.

 It was a peaceful night.

 The next morning, after everyone got up and cleaned up, they continued to look for the monster's footprints.

 It took Ji Xinghuo and his party a full circle of search around Lake Kioga for two days, but no trace was found. Finally, they returned to the river where the footprints were found.

 Between entering the lake and going downstream, Ji Xinghuo chose the downstream.

 The third day.

After the team searched for more than 100 kilometers downstream along the Nile River, Ji Xinghuo suddenly became energetic, and the magnetic field induction finally found new footprints.

 Everyone was happy.

Ji Xinghuo took everyone to a bush more than a thousand meters away from the river and saw several familiar footprints.

The ancient hunting hound immediately went up to sniff the footprints. Lu Yunhai's face showed joy and he said loudly: "These footprints are still very fresh and cannot be more than three days old."

 The teammates searched around and found no other footprints.

 “It does fly!”

Ji Xinghuo’s face was solemn, and there were no other findings in the magnetic field induction to prove this.

 A flying monster would be more than ten times more difficult to track and kill.

 “The broken tooth has locked the direction of the smell.”

Lu Yunhai happily touched his battle pet, comforted it with food, and let it lead the way.

The ancient hunting hound determined a direction and started running. Ji Xinghuo and six others rode raptors to follow behind. It stopped from time to time, circled around a few times, and then continued running.

 Following this for two whole days.

All the way west, crossing from the north of Lake Albert, passing through the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, and entering the Congo Basin, the vegetation became more and more dense. After coming down from the East African Plateau, low mountains appeared around it. The road was repeatedly attacked by monsters and monsters. Wild beasts attack, but there is no threat.

Here has passed the border of the East African Kingdom and entered the territory of the United Emirates of Zaire, more than 500 kilometers away from Masindi.

 In the afternoon, the ancient hunting hound suddenly stopped and let out a low howl.

Lu Yunhai turned around and said, "We are very close to the source of the smell. It should not be more than ten kilometers away."

 “Keep going.”

Ji Xinghuo ordered and followed the guidance of the ancient hunting hound.

 After a moment, he raised his hand to stop the team's controlled raptors and whispered: "Found it."

 (End of this chapter)