MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 201 Sword energy beheading

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Chapter 201 Sword Qi Killing

Zoligetu sat down on the ground, his armor was soaked inside and outside, and he was spitting out water. When he saw Lu Yunhai running over, he gasped and said, "Brother, you saved my life."

Jing Ji also nodded, with gratitude on his face.

"This is what I should do." Lu Yunhai looked serious and was not complacent about it.

Chi Zhonglin said: "Fortunately, you acted decisively and blasted the monster into the river with one shot, otherwise we would have been miserable this time."

Ji Xinghuo exhaled.

  He has always had great confidence in Lu Yunhai, and today's performance is not surprising, but now is not the time to reward based on merit, the giant lizard is not dead yet.

In the synchronized senses, Yuan Chongzhen has already caught up with the monitor lizard with Qinghong. The secretary bird it transformed into is not particularly fast among birds, and it was seriously injured. After the initial escape, the speed is now It's already declining.

 “Can you still move?” Ji Xinghuo stood up and asked.

"no problem."

Halberds of thorns and scales in the pond both indicate good health.

 Only Zhuoligetu's face was a little pale. He had spent too much on treating his teammates continuously in a short period of time.

The White Knight's "Life Infusion" and "Sacrifice Aura" have quick effects and good recovery. They are all based on consuming one's own vitality. The Black Bishop's "Reaper of Souls" can originally harvest the enemy's vitality and use it to Replenish the consumption, but Zhuoligetu has been healing and has no chance to replenish it.

 He also transferred the injuries of his teammates to his own body, suffering even greater damage. After a few minutes of fighting, he was almost drained.

  I was electrocuted and suffocated again in the river, and I collapsed all of a sudden.


 Zoligetu waved his hand, "It's important to chase the monster, I can recover on the way."

As he spoke, he took out a few bottles of potion and poured it into his mouth. His face immediately turned rosy. He took a few breaths and stood up. He treated the injuries of the ferocious war bear, then turned over and sat on the bear's back.


Ji Xinghuo saw that he could still hold on, so he said: "Let's set off immediately."

The group of people started running, all wet, and returned to where the velociraptors were tied, untied them, and jumped on them one after another.

 The direction of Qinghong sensed from "Alien Symbiosis" is heading east.

 “Over there!”

  Ji Xinghuo points to the east.

The raptor ran with all its strength, without conserving its energy, and shuttled through the tropical rainforest at high speed.

While running wildly, Ji Xinghuo sensed Qinghong's position every half a minute and led the team to correct the direction. Nearly an hour later, Qinghong stopped moving, and the picture seen in the synchronized senses was fixed at the same place, having landed.

 The phone rang immediately.

After the call was connected, Yuan Chongzhen’s voice came out: “It has landed. I have sent the positioning coordinates to the group.”

"Keep a distance and stare at it. Don't alert the snake. Wait until we arrive." After Ji Xinghuo responded, he opened the location map and took a look. The monitor lizard's hiding place is in a canyon between Lake Albert and Lake Edward, which belongs to East Africa. Part of the Rift Valley is located within the borders of the East African Kingdom.

  “120 kilometers.”

 “We have to be there in two hours.”

Ji Xinghuo silently calculated the distance and time, and ordered his teammates to slap the raptors hard to make them go faster.

 From the Congo Basin to the east, the altitude gradually increases and enters the plateau.

 The density and height of vegetation are declining.

The view becomes wider and you can see the Great Rift Valley in the distance, the volcanoes standing on the horizon, and the lush grasslands with a large number of wild animals, including zebras, antelopes, elephants, lions and cheetahs. The scenery is picturesque and full of life. However, Ji Xinghuo and others had no intention of appreciating it and kept urging the raptor to run on the plateau.

 Some mutated ferocious beasts and monsters attacked them when they passed by.

 But before he got close, he was shot to death by an arrow.

 After running at full speed for more than two hours, the long-stamina Velociraptor began to pant heavily, the feathers on its back were wet with sweat, and its speed inevitably slowed down.


Finally, when the Velociraptor's physical strength was about to bottom out, it was only a few kilometers away from the location where Yuan Chongzhen sent it.

  Ji Xinghuo asked everyone to slow down a little.

 Ahead is a grand canyon, running through the north and south, with no end in sight.

The canyon is several kilometers wide and two to three hundred meters deep. There are vertical fractured cliffs on both sides, exposing geological faults of different colors, which is extremely spectacular.

 This is part of the East African Rift Valley.

Ji Xinghuo did not approach the Rift Valley rashly. Yuan Chongzhen had been sending messages in the group, and everyone quickly found him in a bush on the west side of the Rift Valley, only a few dozen meters away from the cliff.

 “You are finally here!”

 A shadow leopard emerged from the bushes and transformed back into Yuan Chongzhen's appearance.

Jingji couldn’t wait to ask: “Where is the monitor lizard?”

"It's inside the rift valley." Yuan Chongzhen pointed to the bottom of the cliff to the east. "I dare not look too much for fear of being noticed. Xinghuo's battle pet has been monitoring it."

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

Qinghong shrank to only a few centimeters and kept lying on the edge of the cliff, staring closely at the monitor lizard.

At this time, it crawled back and returned to Ji Xinghuo's hand. He said: "Bramble Halberd, a silent phantom. Let's observe it and make tactical arrangements."

The Halberd of Thorns released a silent phantom that enveloped the entire team.

Everyone lowered their bodies and quietly approached the edge of the cliff.

There is a river meandering through the rift valley, forming large and small lakes and pools. There are many animals grazing leisurely by the river. Hippopotamuses live in the water, and there are also crocodiles lurking. It is a magnificent scene of wild nature, which makes people wonder. Unforgettable.

 “Where is the monitor lizard?” Chi Zhonglin asked.

Everyone looked at Ji Xinghuo. Even Yuan Chongzhen didn't know the specific location of the giant lizard. He only confirmed from Qinghong that the giant lizard was underneath.


Ji Xinghuo pointed to a pool that the river passed through. It was not large and not deep. There was a group of crocodiles moving around in the water.

There are more than a dozen crocodiles in this group. Some of them have mutated and evolved to be close to monsters. Some are still the size of normal Nile crocodiles. Their bodies are submerged in the water and only their eyes are exposed on the surface. However, only the left eye is good and the right eye is blind. Yes, but it's too far away to see clearly.

“The crocodile near the water on the east side is the monitor lizard.” Ji Xinghuo whispered.


 The teammates were all surprised.

This crocodile looks ordinary, about six meters long, and is inconspicuous among the crocodiles. It lies motionless in the water.

Had it not been for Ji Xinghuo's identification, they would never have discovered that this was the monitor lizard.

"In addition to transforming into a secretary bird, it can also transform into a crocodile?" Zhuo Ligetu was a little confused, "I thought it had the ability to transform into a beast."

“It’s not the transformation of a beast,” Yuan Chongzhen said, “it should be mimicry.”

 Beast transformation is different from mimicry.

Both are outstanding superpowers. The alien species transformed by beasts mainly come from "Blood Melt Beasts". After fusion, they must cooperate with the transformation alien species of other monsters to complete the transformation and possess the abilities of this monster; while mimicry only needs to be exposed to Genetic information can be changed immediately, but it can only change into the target's appearance and simulate the sound, but it does not have the ability to target.

 The difference between the two changes is very big.

As a half-orc and an expert in change, Yuan Chong knows this best.

Ji Xinghuo nodded slightly and observed the monitor lizard carefully.

Although the distance was more than a thousand meters, in his eyes it was almost the same as in front of him. He could clearly see the monitor lizard turning into a crocodile, controlling the water flow to wash its body under the river surface.

"Vitality Riptide." "It is using Vitality Riptide to recover from its injuries. We need to hurry up."

Ji Xinghuo asked everyone to step back from the edge of the cliff and said solemnly: "We can't let it run away this time. While it is seriously injured, we must attack with all our strength and kill it directly with a thunder blow."

 Everyone nodded.

 “Xinghuo, you arrange it.” Jingji said.

"I will take the lead this time." Ji Xinghuo was thinking about tactics on the way here and said confidently: "Jingji, you cover me, Zhonglin and Zhuoligetu, lurk over there, get as close to it as possible, and launch a frontal attack. ; Chongzhen, you become a shadow leopard and sneak attack behind it."

Then he looked at Lu Yunhai, "Yunhai, go around to the cliff to the east. That's right within the range of the electromagnetic rifle. If it turns into a secretary bird and takes off, be sure to shoot it down."

 “Take it with you and keep it hidden.”

Ji Xinghuo took off the stealth ring from his hand and handed it to Lu Yunhai.

He and Jing Ji walked together, covered by the silent phantom. Lu Yunhai was more likely to be exposed on the cliff.

Lu Yunhai put on the stealth ring, his eyes lit up, and he immediately mastered the use of this super ring.

 The whole team understands their tasks.

Zhuo Ligetu has almost recovered, and once again blessed everyone with "Blood Sacrifice" and "Strong Will." Others, including Ji Xinghuo, endured their headaches and all used nerve enhancers again to improve their thinking. speed.

 Eliminate the odor, use medicine, and improve the status.

  After a moment.

Lu Yunhai took his battle pet and lurked to the east side of the rift valley, lying down on the cliff.

Ji Xinghuo and the others entered the rift valley from a distance. Covered by the silent phantom, they carefully avoided wild animals and slowly approached the waterhole where the monitor lizard was. Yuan Chongzhen also went around to the other side, turning into a shadow leopard and outflanking him from downstream in the shadows.

 One thousand meters, eight hundred meters, six hundred meters…

 When he was close to 500 meters, Ji Xinghuo took off the invisible thorn from his back, held it in his hand, and set up a capacitor arrow.

 Four hundred meters away, the monitor lizard was still unaware. The crocodile it had transformed into was lying in the water with its right eye slightly closed.

 Three hundred meters.

Ji Xinghuo drew the bow string, and the electric current in his arm converged on the arrow, lighting up the electric light. The light was covered by the silent phantom and was not exposed.

 At a distance of two hundred meters, the crocodile suddenly opened its single eye.

 But it’s too late!

Ji Xinghuo shot the capacitor arrow half a second ahead of schedule. With a sharp explosion, the invisible arrow instantly penetrated the electrostatic field and shot into the crocodile's remaining intact left eye.


 The crocodile revealed its true form as a monitor lizard, screamed loudly, and rolled in the pool.

The electrostatic field outside its body enveloped most of the pool, and countless lightning bolts jumped, electrocuting more than a dozen crocodiles around it into unconsciousness. The weaker crocodiles were turned into charcoal and died suddenly on the spot.

Ji Xinghuo shot the arrow and threw away the invisible thorn. He drew his sword and ran towards the giant lizard at full speed. After entering a hundred meters, he flashed four times in succession to the giant lizard, which was more than ten meters away. He was on the edge of the electrostatic field, opened his mouth and roared, and let out a dragon roar.


 The wind howled.

  A deafening roar rushed straight at the already blind monitor lizard.

It was trembling all over while it was struggling. The double blow of severe pain and mental shock made it temporarily lose consciousness and fall into the pool. The electrostatic field outside its body also disappeared.

Ji Xinghuo flashed onto the back of the giant lizard and slashed with Lei Chi with his right hand. All three arcs were activated, and the blade was extremely sharp. Under the influence of his huge power, he immediately cut into the neck of the giant lizard, and the entire blade No one fell into it, and blood spurted out from everything below.

The halberd followed closely behind, the shadow jumped over, and the scimitar slashed the tail of the monitor lizard.

 He slashed three or four times, almost cutting off the tail of the monitor lizard.

Yuan Chongzhen turned into a black iron giant ape, jumped up high, hit the giant lizard on the head, pressed its head to the ground, and shouted: "Stab its head!"


The two-meter-tall giant lizard in the pool charged forward with the Skywrath Blue Blood Spear tightly, and thrust the tip of the spear into the giant lizard's mouth.

The monitor lizard struggled wildly, and the electrostatic field erupted again.

Ji Xinghuo and Jingji dodged the lightning.

Yuan Chongzhen and Chi Zhonglin refused to let go. The black iron giant ape was still struck by lightning. His thick hands wrapped around the neck of the giant lizard, like an iron clamp, suffocating it. Chi Zhonglin's spear almost stabbed him from his throat to his stomach, and he stirred desperately to cause more damage.

White light erupted from Zhuoligetu's body, and the "halo of sacrifice" healed the two people. He threw away his shield, raised a huge mace weighing hundreds of kilograms, and slammed the monitor lizard on the head.

 Bang bang bang…

 The monitor lizard was dizzy, with scales and flesh flying everywhere.

 The terrible pain and blow left it with only the instinctive reaction of a beast, forgetting that it could turn into water, and the electrostatic field was also interrupted.

Ji Xinghuo stood a few meters away, Lei Chi threw it at his feet, holding the magic sound in both hands, all the star power in his body was mobilized, electric currents beat on the dragon scales, his eyes were focused, the magic sound's sword blade trembled violently, and the tip of the sword swallowed Detailed sound waves.

 “Get out of the way!”

 As Ji Xinghuo shouted loudly, several teammates who were fighting with the giant lizard immediately withdrew.

 The monitor lizard suddenly lost pressure, but its eyes were blind and its heart was at a loss.

Ji Xinghuo’s figure flashed.


He flashed forward at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye, as if he merged with the sword in his hand. His powerful body power exploded, and the magic sound blade spurted out a huge ultrasonic sword energy, accurately hitting Lei Chi on the neck of the giant lizard. wounds caused.

Countless rays of sword energy burst out, like white waves rolling into the sky.

 A bang.

 The white sword energy was perpendicular to the ground, leaving a deep and straight ravine, more than ten meters long.

The head and body of the monitor lizard fell on both sides of the ravine respectively. The flesh and blood at the break were finely chopped, as if it had been chopped into pieces with thousands of knives, and there was no movement at all.

Ji Xinghuo stood in front of the giant lizard's body and let out a long breath.

This ultrasonic sword energy directly consumed half of the star power. Fortunately, the results were gratifying, and this terrifying Hong-level monster was finally killed!


 Chi Zhonglin cheered, and then felt pain everywhere on his body.

Yuan Chongzhen also changed back to his human form, grinning in pain.

The two of them suffered the most damage in this battle. They were bombarded countless times by lightning from the electrostatic field. Their whole bodies were scorched black and their skin was torn apart.


 But they all laughed happily.

Zoligetu happily came over to treat the two of them. He also had injuries on his body, but they were relatively minor.

Lu Yunhai ran down from the cliff, his face extremely excited, and shouted: "We succeeded! Damn it, I didn't expect that I killed a flood-level monster for the first time in hunting..." His excitement was beyond words. Still can't believe it now.

Jingji couldn't help but shook his head. He was a novice after all, but it was understandable.

 “It’s time to collect alien species.”

Ji Xinghuo was not particularly excited. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the giant lizard's body, and its information interface popped up in his field of vision.

 After just one glance, a huge surprise appeared on his face.

 Ask for a double monthly pass! thank you all. There will be an update tonight.



 (End of this chapter)