MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 218 plateau hunting

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Chapter 218 Plateau Hunting

Ji Xinghuo calmed down.

The magnificent and vast scenery is just the surface. Underneath, there are countless dangers hidden. The bizarre natural environment, as well as many monsters, alien races, aliens, etc., all seem to choose people to devour. If you are not careful, you may lose your life. life.

 Otherwise, this plateau would not be called "bloody".

 Continued on for another day.

Ji Xinghuo finally set foot on the **** plateau.

The climate in Jianyue is not too cold and is relatively comfortable, but on the plateau, it is obviously much colder than Qianfengyuanlin, probably only a few degrees above zero.

Ji Xinghuo was well prepared before setting off. He added a cold-resistant suit to his ceramic armor. It was very light and made of aerogel material. The thin layer can play a very good role in keeping warm. It is strong enough to withstand temperatures as low as over 100 degrees below zero, and has good breathability without affecting activities at all.

I also applied a layer of nano anti-cold wax on my face, so I am not afraid of the cold wind at all.

Shortly after setting foot on the plateau, Ji Xinghuo noticed something unusual.

 He looked up at the sky.

 A scarlet moon hangs high in the sky and can be seen clearly even in the daytime. This is the "Red Flame Star", one of the four "moons" in the star realm.

 Say the moon, because they may also be planets.

 In normal times, the Red Flame Star appears and disappears, and scientists on Earth have not yet figured out its laws and orbits. It is completely different from the planets in the Milky Way.

At this moment, Ji Xinghuo saw something strange at a glance.

 The Red Flame Star has become bigger!

He was sure that this was not his imagination, but on the Bloody Plateau, he could clearly feel that the scarlet moon seemed to be about one tenth larger because it was closer.

Ji Xinghuo stared at it subconsciously.

The Wanxiang Star Pupil can see very far away. The Scarlet Flame Star magnified in his field of vision. Gradually, he could vaguely see criss-crossing black lines on it.

Those black lines are not actually black, but areas with lower brightness, which contrast with the highlighted areas and appear like shadows.

This is the same as sunspots.

Ji Xinghuo observed the black pattern carefully. The Scarlet Flame Star was further enlarged in his field of vision. He could see it more clearly and the shadows became clearer.

 In an instant, his eyes widened!

 “That’s not a shadow!”

 “It’s a man-made building complex!”

Ji Xinghuo shouted in his heart. There seemed to be endless black and red buildings in front of him, as tall and continuous as mountains. Among the countless fortresses and palaces, there were terrifying and ferocious monsters everywhere. They were fighting each other in **** battles.

In the very middle of the Scarlet Flame Star, there is a black throne of unknown height and size, with a huge hazy figure sitting on it.

Ji Xinghuo couldn't see clearly, but at this moment, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared in front of his eyes.

 There are also scarlet flames filling the sky!


Ji Xinghuo felt his eyes sting and let out a cry of pain. All the horrific scenes in his field of vision disappeared in an instant.

He finally came to his senses and found that his heart was beating wildly, like a drum, and the blood all over his body was boiling, flowing crazily in his body. The holy scale armor was also activated unconsciously, and hot air came out of his body, as if it was turned on. The blood burned.


Ji Xinghuo took a deep breath and returned to normal after a long time.

He raised his head and took a quick look with lingering fear. The Scarlet Flame Star was still hanging high in the sky, and there was no change. The scene just now seemed to be just his illusion.

 “It’s definitely not an illusion.”

Ji Xinghuo immediately guessed a possibility.

 Red Emperor!

One of the four most powerful star gods in the star realm, he is also called the **** lord of the star realm, the "Red Emperor Killing Yan" who ranks first among the four great **** lords!

He was extremely shocked. Was it true that the Red Emperor was on the Scarlet Flame Star?

This shouldn’t be a secret in the Star Boundary. It’s just that the Earth’s Star Gate has been opened less than two hundred years ago. Qianfeng Yuanlin is a relatively remote place in the Star Boundary. It has no access to the upper echelons of the Star Boundary, so it’s not known about the four moons. secret.

According to this speculation, there are also star gods on the other three planets. Are they the other three gods?

 “Star God…”

Ji Xinghuo shook his head.

 Legends say that star gods are born naturally in the star world, or are evolved from living beings. They are the end point of the evolution of all life.

 But it is too far away from me, and it is useless to think about it.

However, the chaotic order on the Bloody Plateau is closely related to the Star God.

Before coming here, when he was collecting information online, many foreigners who had been to the Bloody Plateau mentioned one thing. Most of the foreigners on the plateau were followers of the Star God.

 Among the believers, the highest proportion are those of the Red Emperor, accounting for more than 80%!

The Red Emperor advocates blood and fighting. Even believers have never stopped killing each other. They have an infinite desire for killing.

Every inch of land on this plateau is soaked in blood.

 Hence it is called the Bloody Plateau!

Qinghong ran all the way. After entering the plateau, the vegetation was not as dense as Qianfeng Yuanlin. Most of them were shorter and there were endless prairie, so the speed of advancement was much faster. But among many mountains, there are still large forests, breeding countless beasts and monsters.

 One of the monsters is called "Wind Beast", which is good at hiding and running, and is extremely fast.

This carnivorous monster is small and hard to find.

 But their hearts are a kind of expansion miracle. After beheading them, before the corpses are cool enough, by devouring the hearts, they can fuse with one more alien species.

 Hence, it attracted many people to hunt the wind beast.

Ji Xinghuo recalled the appearance and habits of the wind-blasting beasts in his mind. They usually live near the snow line of mountain peaks and like to eat a variety of herbivorous cloven-hoofed beasts.

 If you want to find them, you must go up the mountain.

 The plateau is full of mountains!

To be precise, the plateau is the land held up by countless mountains. As far as the eye can see, there are continuous peaks on all sides.

Ji Xinghuo opened a simple map, identified the direction, and randomly selected a mountain peak in the west.

 Qinghong flew up. Soon, Ji Xinghuo arrived at the foot of this mountain with a drop of about three thousand meters. He asked Qinghong to run around the foot of the mountain and scan the surrounding area with electromagnetic induction. After fusing the electrostatic field, the radius of electromagnetic induction expanded to three thousand meters. He asked Qinghong to slow down slightly so that he could sense more carefully.

The appearance of the wind beast is similar to that of a cheetah, but they have six legs, smooth skin that can change color, and invisible wind wings on their backs that can fly at short distances and at high speeds.

This appearance is easy to identify.

Electromagnetic induction has discovered many wild beasts and birds, but no wind-blasting beast.

He was about to ask Qinghong to go up the mountainside. The electromagnetic induction was just a little short of scanning the top of the mountain, but several black shadows flew up from above.


 Ji Xinghuo looked up and observed.

It's not a pterodactyl, but a flying monster that has never been seen before. Its wingspan is about ten meters, its torso is in the shape of a lizard, its wings are covered with black feathers, its bare belly has huge claws, and it has a long neck. Above is an ugly head, like a vulture.

Ji Xinghuo thought about it carefully and remembered that it was an "evil-eating vulture."

This kind of monster is a tyrant on the plateau. They eat almost anything, living or dead, meat, plants, wild beasts, and humans. They are not picky at all.

 The Vulture is a gregarious monster with a violent and untamable personality.

Even though they have fast flying speed and good endurance, they are not suitable as flying mounts and generally like to build nests in high places.

 “I met him as soon as he came here.”

Ji Xinghuo watched as more and more evil-eating vultures appeared in the sky, and in a blink of an eye there were more than ten.

They were hovering in the sky and did not swoop down, but he knew that these bullies on the plateau were eyeing him and Qinghong.

 “Run that way.”

Ji Xinghuo points to the flat grassland to the west of the foot of the mountain.

There is no cover there, and it is the favorite hunting terrain for raptors, which can attract this group of vicious vultures.

 Qinghong immediately did as he was told.

It turned around and ran towards the grassland, getting faster and faster, looking like it was running for its life like crazy.

Sure enough, the evil-eating eagle in the sky followed immediately.


Ji Xinghuo said.

Qinghong speeded up again, and the evil-eating vultures also flew faster. Several smaller ones turned back and gave up hunting, leaving seven larger evil-eating vultures.

Ji Xinghuo looked back from time to time. They had entered the range of electromagnetic induction.

Judging from the strength of the magnetic field, two of the seven evil-eating eagles are outstanding monsters. They are very large, with a wingspan of about twelve meters. The remaining five are elite monsters, with a wingspan of ten meters. For humans, It's a behemoth.

If you were an alien with average strength and encountered these evil-eating vultures, if you didn't have special life-saving abilities, you would most likely become their food.

Qinghong ran faster and faster, covering seven or eight kilometers in a few minutes.

 The evil-eating vulture is still chasing me in the sky.

Finally, a superb evil-eating vulture couldn't bear it any longer. It flapped its wings and sped down toward Qinghong, like a fighter jet.

 Other evil-eating vultures followed suit, their broad wings blowing strong winds.

 “Keep running, don’t stop.”

Ji Xinghuo ordered Qinghong, who had already taken the invisible thorn in his hand, and held a handful of arrows in his right hand, which were all ordinary titanium alloy arrows.

  Previously, I used a lot of capacitor arrows to shoot the stone mandrill in the canyon. Although I picked them up, most of them were damaged by overload and could not be repaired.

This time, I only brought a total of 200 capacitor arrows with me, so I had to use them sparingly.

 It’s not that I don’t want to buy more, it’s just that there is no stock.

 A few seconds later.

There was a strong wind above the head, and the air flow was violent. The largest evil-eating vulture had already dived within fifty meters. The other evil-eating vultures were lagging behind, scrambling for the first place, and all entered the killing range of the invisible thorn. Even the sky was covered. Throw in the shadows.

Ji Xinghuo, who was on Qinghong's back, turned around and raised the invisible thorn. An arrow had already been placed on the bow.

 The nearest evil-eating vulture has already rushed in front of him.


It opened its mouth and let out a sharp scream, causing an invisible shock and a mental impact on Ji Xinghuo. At the same time, the huge claws under its belly reached forward and grabbed Ji Xinghuo and Qinghong, trying to catch them all and lift them to the sky.

 Almost at the same second, Ji Xinghuo shot the arrow.

 The bowstring vibrates.

The vibration was inaudible amid the strong wind and howling, and the arrow was also obscured by the refraction effect and could not be seen.

 However, the effect of this arrow was immediate.

The evil-eating vulture swooped in front of it. Its ugly head suddenly moved back, as if it had been slapped hard by an invisible force. Its eyes exploded, and an arrow penetrated its skull and flew out from behind.

With the whine, the huge body immediately lost control, fell to the ground and rolled, its feathers flying around, and it was almost shattered into pieces.

 Qinghong accelerated suddenly, avoiding being hit by the corpse of the evil-eating vulture, and gained some distance.

 The evil-eating vultures behind saw this scene and screamed in surprise.

 The farthest one immediately slowed down and was about to fly high to escape.

 But it’s too late.

Ji Xinghuo stood up on Qinghong's back, turned around and faced the target, his body as steady as standing on the ground, his hands as fast as afterimages, and shot the second arrow.

 (End of this chapter)