MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 221 artificial meteorite

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Chapter 221 Artificial Meteorites

Ji Xinghuo's mind became active.

But he soon restrained himself. He could not kill people casually for spiritual energy, nor would he deliberately stir up trouble and cause a war.

  I will not offend others unless they offend me.

However, if others are killing each other, it can be an advantage.

 But he didn’t know where the conflict between the Highlanders and the Biao would occur and what the scale would be. It would be too inefficient to find it by himself.

 “There must be a channel for intelligence.”

Ji Xinghuo took out a simple map to check.

 This map is downloaded from the Internet and then printed out.

Its maker is a senior explorer of the star realm. He has been in the star realm for decades and has a good understanding of the Thousand Peaks Abyss Forest and the surrounding areas. He has been adventuring and hunting on the **** plateau for a long time, and has come into contact with many foreign races. He also knows how to highland. Human language and Biao language.

Still, the map is crude and imprecise.

 The Bloody Plateau is too big. According to the explorer's estimate, the area exceeds 400 million square kilometers. Without satellites, it is difficult to make a high-precision map.

 Only the more famous places are marked on the map.

  Peaks above 10,000 meters, main mountain ranges, cities, tribes, etc., as well as dozens of roads. There are also some dangerous restricted areas.

The closer you get to the east of the plateau, the more detailed the map is, while the further west you go, the less information there is.

 Because most of the activities of manufacturers are in the eastern part of the plateau.

Ji Xinghuo checked for a while and found that the Highlander tribe he encountered before was not marked on the map, and he did not know where the nearby Biao tribe gathering point was. Obviously, either he has reached a relatively remote place, or there are too many such tribes on the plateau and they are not worth marking.

His eyes fell on a conspicuous location on the map.

 “The sky fell off the cliff.”

Turning over the map, there are hundreds of simple introductions written on the back, among which Tianchui Cliff is at the forefront.

Tiancuiya is a city located in the eastern part of the Bloody Plateau.

It is built on the top of a mountain peak. The entire mountain peak is a huge and complete rock. The surrounding cliffs are perpendicular to the ground. The drop from the ground is more than a thousand meters. The peak is flat, like a knife, covering an area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers. , all ethnic groups mixed together and formed cities.

Tiancuiya is one of the famous cities in the eastern part of the Bloody Plateau. It is not the largest, but because of its good order, it has become a trading place for many surrounding tribes and races.

 Many foreign adventurers and hunters are also willing to settle down in Tianhui Cliff.

Tianchui Cliff was originally one of Ji Xinghuo’s destinations.

 Just didn’t want to go so early.

He took a look and found that he was about 2,400 kilometers away from Tianxian Cliff. If he went with all his strength, he could reach it in three astral heavens at Qinghong's speed.

 “Go and have a look.”

“You should be able to get useful information from falling off the cliff.”

Ji Xinghuo made a decision and asked Qinghong to speed up slightly.

Not long after, he discovered the Biao tribe again, but ignored them and went around them.

Based on the movement direction of these Biao people, Ji Xinghuo probably guessed the location of the Biao people's gathering point, and deliberately took a detour to avoid conflict with these unreasonable red-eyed lunatics.

While driving quickly, I searched for the Windstorm Beast along the way.

  Unfortunately, nothing was found.

The Windstorm Beast could not be found, but I had seen enough of the natural scenery on the plateau. Snow peaks, grasslands, forests, rivers, valleys, all kinds of magnificent scenes were like an endless painting, unfolding before my eyes and extending to the world. the other end.

Ji Xinghuo would appreciate it more at first, but later on, after watching too much, he gradually lost his feeling.

 And there are dangers.

The plateau is full of dangers, including all kinds of beasts and monsters. These are only secondary. The most dangerous ones are all kinds of people.

 No matter where you go, there will be highlanders and Biao tribes around you.

In addition, there are Dan people, Huang people, plateau headhunters, Antelope people, etc. None of these "people" are friendly to foreigners. As long as they find outsiders in the wild, their first reaction is to kill them. Sacrifice to the Red Emperor.

Ji Xinghuo did not want to provoke these bloodthirsty believers and tried his best to avoid them, but he still had no choice but to encounter them several times.

 Then comes the battle.

If someone offends me, I will offend him.

Ji Xinghuo will certainly not be merciful and kill these lunatics who are looking for death. Ji Xinghuo will kill them all and harvest a lot of spiritual energy.

 The third day.

Ji Xinghuo rode Qinghong on a vast grassland. The surrounding grass grew to more than half a person's height. The wind blew through, forming endless waves, like a sea of ​​grass.

Looking around, as far as the eye can see are towering and steep mountain peaks, covered with white snow on the top. A winding river flows on the plateau, nourishing countless species. There are tall forests in the canyons between the peaks. It is really beautiful. .

However, he had no intention of appreciating it.

I opened the map and took a look. I saw that it was only over a hundred kilometers away from Tianhui Cliff, and I could arrive there in the afternoon.


Ji Xinghuo put away the map, slowly took out the invisible thorn from his back, held it in his hand, drew the bow and shot an arrow. An invisible arrow flew out and shot into the deep grass more than a hundred meters away. Suddenly, there was a howl, and a wolf-like monster fell down and revealed its figure in the grass.

 This is a plateau dire wolf.

They are gregarious monsters with high intelligence. They often ambush on hidden river banks and roadsides, attack passing targets, and also use encirclement tactics.

 While setting up camp the night before yesterday, Ji Xinghuo was attacked by a group of dire wolves.

 Qinghong discovered them in time and eliminated them easily.

Just now, Ji Xinghuo had discovered this group of dire wolves and pretended not to notice them. After the arrow was shot, other plateau dire wolves immediately rushed up in the grass and howled, intending to scare the prey.

From his perspective, there seemed to be a dozen big snakes swimming in the grass at high speed.

The plateau dire wolves are very fast and work well together, spreading out and outflanking them from different directions.

However, it is still a bit slower than Qinghong.

  Qinghong ran as usual and did not change direction.

Ji Xinghuo quickly drew the bow with both hands and shot out arrows. The dire wolves fell down one after another. Immediately, the dire wolves noticed something was wrong and turned around and ran away, but they were shot through the heart before they could escape far. In less than ten seconds, the wolf pack was wiped out.

 Qinghong turned around and ran back.

Ji Xinghuo jumped down and checked the dire wolf corpses one by one, but found no valuable alien species.

After all, they are just ordinary monsters, and the leader is just an elite.

He picked up the arrows and rode Qinghong to continue moving forward. Killing the wolves was just an episode on the way, and he harvested more than 30 points of spiritual energy.

 Advanced dozens of kilometers more.

Ji Xinghuo met other people, most of them were hunting teams and some were loners. Like him, they were going to fall off the cliff.

 On the plateau, everyone is always on guard.

  Never approach or interact with strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Even though Ji Xinghuo discovered several aliens from Earth and a team that should be a hunting company, he had no intention of contacting them.

 Getting closer and closer to Tianchui Mountain, the mountain peaks are getting steeper.

Ji Xinghuo became more careful.


 Suddenly, he saw a very unique mountain peak. It was not a cliff falling from the sky, but a cliff more than ten kilometers away. It is the side of a tall mountain, with exposed rock formations rising from the mountainside. It is extremely steep and the rock walls are completely vertical to the ground, which is extremely spectacular.

Rock peaks like this can often be seen since approaching Tianchui Cliff. But no one has such a big gap.

Ji Xinghuo visually observed that the drop from the top of the cliff to the bottom may be more than two thousand meters.

 The most important thing is that there is a river at the bottom of the cliff.

He couldn't help but think of a very famous scenic spot on earth, the "Pulpit Rock" in Northern Europe. The cliff is close to the fjord, with a drop of more than 600 meters, which is extremely steep. The drop of this cliff is even greater, more than three times that of "Pulpit Rock"!


  Ji Xinghuo suddenly had a great idea in his mind.

 Just do it.

 He immediately asked Qinghong to change direction.

 After a while, Qinghong ran to the bottom of the cliff. He raised his head and looked up at the cliff. He had the illusion that the sky was about to fall. He felt extremely shocked.

 “The drop should be more than two thousand meters!”


Ji Xinghuo sighed.

If this were on Earth, it would definitely become a world-famous attraction.

He looked at the river more than a hundred meters wide under the cliff, picked up a stone and threw it down, nodding secretly. The river was deep, but the flow was not fast.


Ji Xinghuo patted Qinghong and let it run around the foot of the mountain. When it reached the gentler side of the mountain, it started climbing.

Even though it is relatively flat, it is not something that ordinary people can climb up.

Qinghong climbed a third of the way, getting steeper and steeper. The **** in many places was 70 or 80 degrees, and there was no place to stand at all. But Qinghong was a master of climbing, and his sharp claws could easily penetrate the rock wall, like A huge gecko quickly climbed up the mountain.

Ji Xinghuo sat on Qinghong's back with his legs clamped together, feeling a little frightened as he listened to the cold wind whistling in his ears.

 It took almost an hour to reach the top of the mountain.

 The temperature here dropped to more than ten degrees below zero, and the strong wind blew on my face like an ice blade.

 Looking around, everything on the ground has shrunk. No matter which direction you look, there are endless peaks and mountains. After climbing over the top of the mountain and walking a few hundred meters down, we came to the cliff. It was in the lee of the wind, so it was quieter.

The cliff is very wide and bare, with nothing else except stones.

Ji Xinghuo approached the edge of the cliff and glanced down.

Even though he knew he would not fall to his death, he was still a little dizzy and his feet were a little weak. This is the instinct engraved in human genes.


Ji Xinghuo calmed down and calmed down.

 He found a stone weighing tens of kilograms and threw it from the cliff.

 Then look at the mechanical watch to time the time.

 “1, 2, 3…”

At about the 22nd second, Ji Xinghuo heard a thumping sound from below. Although it was very weak, he could still hear it clearly with his hearing.

 The speed of sound in the star realm is 1024 meters per second, and the acceleration due to gravity is close to that of the earth, about 10 meters per square second.

 Deducting the two seconds for the sound of falling water to propagate, the free fall time of the stone is about 20 seconds.

 Ji Xinghuo quickly calculated.

 The result was quickly obtained. The height of the cliff was a little more than 2,000 meters, with an error of less than 30 meters. According to the free fall formula, when the stone falls on the river, its speed should reach 200 meters per second, which is equivalent to a speed of 720 kilometers per hour!

 “That’s fast enough!”

Ji Xinghuo’s eyes lit up.

  Imagine what would happen if you were hit by a rock traveling at 720 kilometers per hour?

 What if this stone weighs several tons?

 In fact, when he was on Earth, he had thought about putting certain high-speed moving things into his dimensional stomach and releasing them as weapons.

 But in the end it never happened.

The best is of course space-based weapons thrown from space, but how to catch them? If you make a mistake and don't put the things thrown from the sky into your dimensional stomach, you will be killed and it will become a big joke. It is also difficult to catch steel ingots by renting a plane and transporting them to the sky and then dropping them down.

Furthermore, there are countless satellites in the earth’s orbit watching over you, and even going into space requires the support of official agencies, which will expose your own secrets.

 In short, there are many difficulties.

Ji Xinghuo could only give up the idea.

 The cliffs on this plateau provide perfect conditions!

Ji Xinghuo walked around and quickly found a suitable boulder. He pushed it, it should weigh twelve tons, but it was a bit bigger and couldn't fit into the dimensional stomach bag. So some of the things were transferred to Qinghong's dimensional stomach bag.

 Try again, it just fits in.

  “You cannot occupy all the space, but leave some capacity empty, just in case.”

Ji Xinghuo observed the boulder and found that its shape was not regular enough. When it fell, it would increase air resistance and prevent it from reaching the theoretical speed.

He pulled out the Lei Chi, and there was a clanking and cutting sound.

Soon, the boulder was roughly cut into a spherical shape, the surface was smoothed, and the weight was reduced to only about ten tons.

 Put it into the dimensional stomach bag, occupying about three cubic meters of space.

 “Just right.”

Ji Xinghuo walked to the edge of the cliff, and there was one last step left, which was to test how he could put the falling boulder into his dimensional stomach.

He put the parachute behind his back, holy scales emerged outside his body, and took a few deep breaths.

 Then, jumped off the cliff.

The wind was howling, and Ji Xinghuo, who was in free fall, opened his eyes and stared at the river below, getting closer and closer to him, as if a huge wall without boundaries was coming towards him.

 The circle of his right eye flickered, turning on all things.

The falling speed was getting faster and faster. When it was close to 20 seconds, it was only more than 100 meters above the ground. Ji Xinghuo finally opened the parachute and slowed down slightly, but still fell straight into the river with a loud splash and a huge splash. sink to the bottom of the water.

 For an ordinary person, with such a fast falling speed, even the surface of the water would have been turned into pulp.

 But for Ji Xinghuo, it was just a small problem.

 He quickly surfaced and looked up at the straight cliffs with a smile on his face.

More than ten seconds later, a small black dot fell from the sky and fell lightly into the water. It was Qinghong, and it also jumped down.


Ji Xinghuo rode Qinghong back to the cliff, put on his parachute, activated the Holy Scale Armor, took out a ten-ton boulder from his dimensional stomach bag, and placed it on the edge of the cliff. After making all preparations, he pushed hard. The boulder rolled off the cliff and began to fall.

 He also jumped down after the boulder, his body clinging to the top of the boulder, and they fell together at high speed.

 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds…

 The boulder fell faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the river.

 Like a meteorite falling from the sky!

When he was still more than a hundred meters away from the river, Ji Xinghuo kept his hand on the boulder. With a thought, he put the boulder that was falling at high speed into his dimensional stomach.

 The boulder disappeared and he immediately opened his parachute, slowed down and fell into the water.

 Climbing out of the cold river water and reaching the shore, Ji Xinghuo's face was filled with an uncontrollable smile: "Artificial meteorite! I succeeded!"

I have a high fever today and my head is dizzy. I gritted my teeth and wrote this chapter. I’m sorry.

The kinetic energy of this stone is about 200 million joules, which is equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of 48 kilograms of TNT.



 (End of this chapter)