MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 258 City of Eternal Day

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Chapter 258 The City of Eternal Day

Ji Xinghuo stood on a hillside, in the refracted light, looking ahead at a highlander tribe built among the mountains.

 “It’s too late again!”

 He scratched the thick beard on his chin, his tired face full of helplessness.

Three days ago, the microphone received a message from Chief Hanqiu, saying that a war broke out between two Highlander tribes. He traveled day and night and rushed over as quickly as possible, but when he arrived, he found that the war was already over.

Moreover, this is the second time.

The last time was ten days ago. When Ji Xinghuo arrived, he only saw the victorious side cleaning up the battlefield and burning the enemy's corpses.

Failing to catch up with the war twice in a row made him realize a problem.

 The Bloody Plateau is too big.

 The transmission of information is also very slow. Even if Chief Hanqiu sends the news as soon as possible, it will actually be delayed for many days before Chief Hanqiu gets the news.

 Wars occur frequently on the plateau and occur every day, but most of them are not particularly large-scale.

Like the last war between the Bloodrage tribe and the Skullcrusher tribe, because the scale of the war was very large, both sides needed to mobilize and prepare and hire foreigners, so they had enough time to transmit information and arrive at the battlefield in time to obtain spiritual sources. able.

The Bloodfury Tribe’s war was already a rare war in several years.

 The smaller the scale of the war, the sooner it will break out and end sooner. Sometimes, by the time the news reaches Tianchuiya, the fight is actually over.

Ji Xinghuo summarized two reasons.

 First, the message delivery is too slow, which cannot be solved by ourselves.

 The second reason is that my driving speed is too slow.

 The former is the main reason.

In the case of the latter, even if Qinghong is allowed to move forward at full speed regardless of his physical strength, and when it gets tired, it can be shrunk and carried with him to rest, and then he can take over the running, he may not be able to arrive in time.

 “There is no solution.”

"My flying speed is not as fast as Qinghong running on the ground. It consumes too much star power and cannot sustain long-term flight."

“Unless the place where the war happened happened to be not far away, no more than a thousand kilometers away.”

Ji Xinghuo thought about it over and over, but there was no way.

In the past ten days, he has been on the road almost all the time, running back and forth for tens of thousands of kilometers, making both himself and Qinghong very tired.

 Not only did he fail to obtain spiritual energy, but he also delayed finding the Windstorm Beast.

"rest for a day."

Ji Xinghuo turned away from the highlander tribe and found a place to camp. In the tent, after eating and drinking, and listening to the howling cold wind outside, Ji Xinghuo took out the **** plateau map he bought on Earth, and after comparing it, he found the approximate location of his current location.

“In the northwest of Tianchui Cliff, the distance is about 7,000 kilometers.”

  “I actually ran so far!”

Ji Xinghuo himself was surprised.

His eyes fell on a city mark on the map, to the west of him.

This sign is very eye-catching. It is different from other cities. It is approximately north of the center of the Bloody Plateau, only more than 600 kilometers away from me.

 Turn over the back of the map and find its introduction.

 “The city of everlasting day.”

Ji Xinghuo's eyes lit up and he immediately remembered that before he became a foreigner, he had read information about this city on the Internet many times.

City of Eternal Day is a city established by an alien race. There is a star gate in the city.

Its status is similar to that of Olympia.

There are eight star gate cities like this in the Thousand Peaks Abyss Forest, and as many as twenty on the Bloody Plateau.

Ji Xinghuo has also passed through two or three star gate cities since leaving Tianshui Cliff. However, just like the people on earth do not allow foreigners to enter Olympia, each star gate city is heavily guarded and strictly prohibits any foreigners from approaching. It is completely exclusive.

 In the star realm, it is very dangerous to approach the star gates of foreign races rashly.

Ji Xinghuo stayed far away.

However, the City of Eternal Day is a unique star gate city. It is open to all races and welcomes any foreign race to enter.

 The founders of the City of Eternal Day are the "Jingying Clan".

This alien race is very unique and strange among many alien races. They are very rare silicon-based life forms.

 Strictly speaking, the Crystalline Tribe are non-carbon-based life forms.

 Compared to humans, the lifespan of the Jingying tribe is almost infinite. According to the earth’s calendar, their history is as long as one million years, and they have entered the star realm for more than 70,000 years!

Even if you look at the entire True Dragon Star Territory and the Orion Spiral Arm, the Jingying Tribe is one of the oldest races and can be called a living fossil of civilization.

 Naturally, the Jingying clan is very powerful.

 This is also the reason and confidence that they dare to allow foreigners to enter the City of Eternal Sun.

On the Bloody Plateau, there are two largest cities. One is the Slaughter Flame Tribe in the Red Emperor Blood Mountain in the southwest, and the other is the City of Eternal Day in the middle of the plateau. The Killing Flame tribe is the nominal leader of the highlanders, while the Jingying tribe is the protector of more than twenty alien races on the plateau.

 “Everyone has come.”

“It’s not far away anyway, so let’s go to the City of Eternal Day and have a tour to broaden our horizons.”

Ji Xinghuo is very interested in the Jingying clan.

Of the many star aliens and alien races known on Earth, the Jingying Tribe is the most talked-about and mysterious apart from the True Dragons and Winged People.

This is silicon-based life, a life that only existed in science fiction before the star gate opened!

 Have a rest all night.

 The next day, Ji Xinghuo's physical and mental strength recovered, and Qinghong also cheered up and drove him to the west.

The altitude of the central part of the Bloody Plateau is higher than that of the east. The peaks are more steep and continuous, and the terrain is extremely undulating. Sometimes the road has to go up and down a long way. In order to save time, Ji Xinghuo often takes Qinghong with him. Fly directly over.

Even so, it was near evening that he approached the City of Eternal Day.

 At this time, we have entered the "Frost Moon", the penultimate month of the cold season. There are more than twenty hours of darkness every night, and the weather is even colder.

The City of Eternal Day is built on a relatively gentle highland. It covers a vast area, covering millions of square kilometers. There are not many and high peaks in it, and the field of vision is very broad. This is rare in **** high mountains. There are many Rivers flow down from the surrounding mountains and form glaciers, like silver snakes dancing across the earth.

Ji Xinghuo stepped onto this highland and looked at the undulating terrain.

 He felt a little regretful.

If it is the hot season, there will definitely be endless green prairie here, with magnificent scenery and a very pleasant climate. But now is the cold season, and all we can see is a vast expanse of snow. The cold wind is raging in the sky, and we can't find a place to take shelter from the wind.

 Finding other people through electromagnetic induction, Ji Xinghuo immediately put away Qinghong and walked forward in the wind and snow.

 More than an hour later.

 Jinhui fell from the horizon to the foot of the mountain, and it immediately became dark.

Ji Xinghuo could still see in the night and found a road extending westward. The ground was paved with stone slabs and was wide and flat, like a highway.

He looked ahead and saw a group of light in the distance in the dark night, which was very large.

 A straight beam of light shot into the sky. Even in the cold wind, frost and snow, the light pillar can be seen clearly from dozens of kilometers away, like a lighthouse in the dark, guiding travelers.

Ji Xinghuo continued to walk along the road for more than ten kilometers. Gradually, the light range in front of him became wider and brighter. With his eyesight, he could already see that it was a huge city as bright as day, located in Above the earth, it is fascinating.

 As the distance gets closer, roads converge from all directions, and there are more and more pedestrians.

Ji Xinghuo secretly looked at these aliens.

 Highlanders, Biao tribe, Dan people, Huang people, and ranger tribe, these are all common races on the **** plateau, as well as many alien races.

 This is the first time I have seen many of them. Although most of them look similar to humans, they each have different characteristics.

Ji Xinghuo could only recognize three or four kinds of aliens.

Like him, they all went to the City of Eternal Sun, but in the wild, everyone kept a safe distance from each other.

Ahead, a huge outline appeared in the night. It was a translucent bubble about thirty kilometers in diameter, like a large bowl upside down on the ground, covering the entire city. The cold wind, frost and snow are isolated outside the bubble, but inside the bubble is a completely different world!

Ji Xinghuo was shocked after seeing it clearly.

The first impression this foreign city gave him was that it was bright and majestic!

There is a hundred-meter-high city wall built on the outermost periphery. The material of the city wall is not the common stone, but a pure white crystal that is like one body. The bubble that envelopes the whole city is inspired from the city wall, as if it is its base, flowing. Subtle light.

 In the city, spiers hundreds of meters high stand out in an orderly manner with distinct layers.

The design style of these spiers is completely different from the buildings on Earth. They are grand and gorgeous, with bright gold-like decorations dotted around the edges.

 All buildings in the city, including spires, are made of crystal.

In the sky, there are many platforms and squares suspended, and countless crystal lamps emitting bright light illuminate every corner.

Most of the city is flat, surrounding a mountain peak in the middle of the city, with a vertical height of about three thousand meters. Compared with other peaks on the Bloody Plateau, this height can only be considered short. The surface of the entire mountain has been transformed. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is divided into layers of platforms, connected by flat steps. There are spiers standing like a crystal forest, all the way to the top of the highest mountain.

There is a crystal palace on the top of the mountain, from which a huge light beam shoots out, penetrates the bubble, and disappears into the night, into the deep sky of unknown height.

 “It’s so shocking!”

Ji Xinghuo couldn't help but sigh.

Those who have not been there in person can hardly imagine that there are such gorgeous and dazzling cities in the world. If he had to use one word to describe it, he immediately thought of "heaven".

“The City of Eternal Day is indeed worthy of its reputation.” Ji Xinghuo quickened his pace slightly, approaching the city, and the city wall entered the range of electromagnetic induction.

 He was suddenly stunned for a moment.

 In his own electromagnetic induction, there are actually many blind spots in the City of Eternal Day.

These areas are not blank, but the magnetic field pattern is filled with a kind of interference, just like using a lot of junk information to cover up the real situation, making it impossible to distinguish.

 It is equivalent to shielding the magnetic field changes.

Although there are not many such blind spots, they only account for less than one tenth.

 But Ji Xinghuo was still surprised.

 This is the first time that my own electromagnetic induction cannot get information. These areas, including the interior of the city walls, those magnificent crystal spiers, as well as the internal spaces and underground of some buildings, are obviously key places in the City of Eternal Day.

 Close to the city of eternal daylight, the light dispels the darkness.

 There is a tall city gate under the city wall.

Ji Xinghuo walked towards the city gate. Standing close, it was even harder to feel the magnificence of the city gate. The huge transparent bubble in the sky should be a kind of protective shield.

 The cold wind, frost and snow blew on it, as if it hit a wall and was blocked.

 He withdrew his gaze and looked outside the city gate.

Around the city wall where the city gate is located, although the magnetic field is shielded, the fluctuations of ether energy cannot be concealed. In Ji Xinghuo's eyes, huge energy flows behind those white crystal walls. According to a certain pattern, it is obviously An artificial creation.

However, what attracted his attention most was the guard at the city gate.

 “Jingying clan!”

Although Ji Xinghuo had already seen it in the information, he was still very curious when he saw this alien race with his own eyes.

There are six guards from the Jingying Tribe in this group, but their appearances are completely different.

 Three of them are humanoid.

There is a big difference in their heights. The shortest one is about 1.7 meters, and the tallest one is nearly 3 meters.

However, these three Crystal Elites have trunks and limbs like humans. They stand on two legs. Their bodies are extremely broad and thick. Their skin is crystal clear. Their bodies seem to be made of crystal. There is a layer of delicate metal armor outside their bodies, but they are not "wearing" it. Instead, it was integrated with their bodies, and the armor seemed to grow out.

 They have heads, but no necks.

 The whole face is also in the shape of crystal, and the facial features are blurred. If you don’t look carefully, you might think it is a blank face.

 The gap between the three humanoid Jingying tribes is already very large, but compared to the other three Jingying tribes, at least they can still be seen as humanoid.

 The other three, two of them look like giant scorpions.

They have six legs, supporting a strong torso. The upper body is upright like a human. They have four upper limbs. The upper two are arms holding weapons. The lower ones are two giant claws. There is a thick crystal pointed tail behind them. Balance your body's center of gravity.

The last Jingying clan is like a ferocious beast, lying on all fours, with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth. The crystal body is covered with thick metal armor, covering the whole body, and no weak points can be found.

Ji Xinghuo was amazed by what he saw.

 Sure enough, as stated in the data, the Jingying Tribe has no specific form.

 They are the same when they are born, without gender. As they grow, they can choose different forms according to their own preferences.

About half of the Jingying tribe chose the human form.

 In addition, the mainstream ones include scorpion, spider, snake and beast. There are many differences between each form.

Beyond the mainstream, there are many weird and wonderful Jingying tribes.

Ji Xinghuo remembers a sentence very deeply, "There are no two identical Jingying tribes in the world."

These six Jingying tribes are all fifth-level legends!

They stood on both sides of the road at the city gate, motionless and not breathing.

 It is like six statues.

"It's too extravagant for legendary powerhouses to guard the city gates!" Ji Xinghuo shook his head secretly. There are more than a dozen gates in the City of Eternal Day. If each gate is equipped with six legendary guards, then there will be hundreds of legendary guards. Jingying clan.

 On earth, this is unthinkable.

For foreigners entering and leaving the city gate, the Jingying guards just watched and did not stop them from checking.

 Everyone in the front entered the city smoothly.

Ji Xinghuo also swaggered towards the city gate. Unexpectedly, a humanoid Jingying clan guard suddenly moved and looked towards him.

 “Please stop,” the guard said approaching.

Ji Xinghuo stopped, with a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't understand why he was blocked when others could come and go at will.

I took the time to make a detailed outline, and today I only have this chapter.



 (End of this chapter)

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