MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 262 clone twins

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Chapter 262 Cloning twins

Ji Xinghuo was in a happy mood. After tasting the special delicacies of this alien race at a restaurant run by a "dragon man", he continued to wander around the City of Eternal Day.

While walking around, I turned on the electromagnetic induction from time to time to check the surrounding situation.

 Suddenly, four figures caught his attention.


These four people are all dressed differently. They look like they are from different alien professions. They are all men, and their bodies are quite different.

But according to Ji Xinghuo's induction, their magnetic field shapes were almost exactly the same.

 “The masses?”

Ji Xinghuo immediately remembered that rare profession.

He approached quietly, speeding up his pace slightly and turning into the street where the crowd was, and the target soon came into view. Just seeing one of them, he recognized him at a glance as the same group of people he met in the Chaka Star Gate Fortress when he first entered the star realm two years ago.

 “What a coincidence.” Ji Xinghuo sighed to himself.

There are only 66 registered "people" on earth. I met the people twice, both with the same person.

Two years have passed, and I have been promoted from a junior alien to a super alien. This group of people were super aliens at that time, and their strength has also improved a lot, but they still have not become legends.

Ji Xinghuo will naturally not alarm the other party.

He watched from a distance as the crowd entered a crystal building. It was a grand hall. There was a row of crystal pillars tens of meters high at the door. It was majestic and full of people. In the open square facing the hall, many aliens were in groups. of people standing together and talking.

There are also legendary guards from the Jingying clan around the main hall, and several rows of tall machine sentries stand in the square.


Ji Xinghuo was a little curious and stepped onto the square.

 Then, when I looked up, I saw several large words written horizontally above the entrance of the hall.

This is the writing of the Jingying tribe, which he cannot understand, but there are several lines of writing of other races at the bottom, one of which is in True Dragon language.

 “Exotica Auction House.”

Ji Xinghuo's eyes brightened as he walked through the crowd and walked into the hall.

 Inside the building is a hall with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. The height of the dome is more than 30 meters, and even giants can enter and move around. Just like other buildings in the City of Eternal Day, the floors, walls and ceilings are all made of crystal, which is magnificent.

 But this place is more lively than anywhere else in the city. There are many seats arranged in the hall, and there are businesses selling food and drinks, like a vegetable market.

 People are sitting at the table or standing, and everyone frequently raises their head and looks upward.

Ji Xinghuo raised his head as soon as he came in.

Over the hall, there are many huge lights and shadows suspended, like projection screens on the earth, with lines of text information displayed on them. The text on each screen is different, including Jingying language, True Dragon language, Sinyarak language, Winged language and so on.

Ji Xinghuo compared the True Dragon language and the Sinyarak language and found that the content on each screen was the same, and he only had to look at one of them.

 All screens are synchronized and refresh information changes in real time.

 He looked at the True Dragon Language screen and read it carefully.

 The left side of the screen is the name of the auction object, and the top line reads "Quantity", "Starting Price", "Current Bid", "Remaining Time" and so on. Starting from the second row, there are detailed data of various auction items, listed row by row, like a table, which is clear at a glance.

“Paradise Diamond, quantity 1, starting price: 55 ether crystals + 100 eternal day merits, current bid: 98 ether crystals + 161 eternal day merits, remaining time: 26 star hours, 43 star ticks, 14 star breaths.”

 This is the auction item displayed in the first row.

 is also the one that has received the most attention.

Ji Xinghuo heard many people around him talking about this and quickly understood.

 This "Paradise Diamond" is a capacity-expanding wonder!

Each alien can only use it once in his life, and it must be between level 4 and level 6. It will be invalid if it is lower than level 4 or higher than level 6.

The Diamond of Paradise is a unique treasure of the City of Eternal Day. It is produced from the "Diyuan Star", the home planet of the Jingying Tribe. It is extremely rare and can only be found in the rare auction house of the City of Eternal Day. Every astral month, an average of three to four are auctioned, attracting many foreign bidders.

  Different from general expansion wonders, the Paradise Diamond can increase the chance of fusing alien species twice at a time!


Ji Xinghuo was shocked when he heard this.

 I have been in the star realm for two years, and I have never seen a magic expansion item that can increase the chance of fusion twice. It is said that high-quality Red Emperor blood crystals, called blood diamonds, can also increase the chance twice, but there is no chance of seeing it.

  The higher the level, the harder it is to find expansion rare items.

 Many expansion wonders are only suitable for low-level evolvers. If one like this can increase the chance of fusion twice at a time, no wonder it will cause people to rush for it.

The starting price is 55 Ether Crystals, which is more expensive than psionic energy, but it is worth it.

 So someone bid for 98 Ether Crystals.

If you can fuse two alien species, let alone nearly a hundred ether crystals, even if it is doubled again, there will definitely be someone willing to bid.

 The following time is a very widely used timing method in the astral world. An astral sky is divided into 50 star hours, each star hour is divided into 50 star moments, and one star moment is 50 star moments. Converted to Earth time, one star hour is approximately 59 minutes, one star quarter is equal to 71 seconds, and one star breath is approximately 1.4 seconds.

 Once the auction time comes, the Paradise Diamond will belong to the highest bidder.

 Very easy to understand.

However, what is Yongzhi Merit?

Ji Xinghuo didn't know who to ask. He continued to look at the auction items and browsed them quickly for a moment.

The number of auction items on the screen is fixed, only 60 in total, about half of which are treasures produced by the Jingying clan. Except for the most eye-catching Diamond of Paradise, there are also weapons and equipment made by the Jingying clan. None of them are. Less than Super Two Stars.

Ji Xinghuo saw a bow on it, called the "Black Eternal Crystal Battle Bow", with three stars of super power.

 Its starting price is 40 Ether Crystals + 60 Eternal Merits. The current bid is already half of the starting price, and someone will bid a higher price every few minutes.

There is also a set of "tantalum silicon battle armor", which is also a super three-star, and the price is higher.

 The treasures produced by the Jingying clan are all extremely valuable.

 The remaining half of the auction items should be entrusted by other races. The bids only require Ether Crystals or True Dragon Coins, and no Yongzhi meritorious deeds are required. These items are diverse, including weapons and equipment, alien species, battle pets, million-level True Dragon Coins exchangeable for ether crystals, employment information, etc. However, the prices that can be displayed on them are much higher than ordinary products, and they have obviously been screened.

Even Ji Xinghuo saw the auction item of Tianqi Yixing!

“Star Gun, quantity 1, starting price: 1500 Ether Crystals, current bid: None, remaining time: 685 star hours.”

 With such a long auction time and no bids yet, it is obvious that no one is interested.

Ji Xinghuo didn’t even know what a star gun was. But guessing from the name, it should be an ether gun similar to one that can be used in the star realm?

 He has no interest and cannot afford it.

 Suddenly, all the screens above refreshed, showing a new auction item.

“Clone twins, quantity 1, starting price: 30 ether crystals + 60 eternal day merit, current price: none, remaining time: 100 star hours.”

People in the auction house hall were in an uproar and stared at the screen. Ji Xinghuo also opened his eyes wide.

 “Clone twins!”

 It turns out that this trans-limited alien species comes from the City of Eternal Day. No wonder, we just met the "crowd" from Earth.

 The starting price of the cloned twins requires Yongzhi meritorious service, indicating that they are the products of the Jingying clan.

 Several aliens around him took out a crystal badge and were operating it quickly as the light and shadow on the badge flowed.

 Suddenly, the price of the clone twins on the screen changed.

 Someone bid for 35 Ether Crystals + 60 Eternal Merits, but within a few seconds, the price rose again. It was still 35 Ether Crystals, but the Eternal Merits increased to 65. After that, the bid price changed every half minute or so, and the competition was quite fierce.

 It was not until a few minutes later that the bidding slowed down, and the current price stabilized at around 50 Ether Crystal + 80 Everlasting Merit.

Ji Xinghuo understood.

 The bidding rules of the Exotic Auction House, as long as either the Ether Crystal or the Everlasting Merit is higher, you can bid.

 He sees that other people's Everlasting Day badges are the same as his own.

 So I took it out and tried it.

 “Why not?”

Ji Xinghuo felt strange. He looked beyond the crowd around him and saw a row of crystal counters inside the auction house hall. There was a humanoid crystal counter standing at intervals. There were foreigners lining up in front of them, seemingly waiting to handle business.

 “Is it going to be opened?” Ji Xinghuo walked over and lined up behind one of the teams.

 There are not many people in the front.

 When it was their turn, some people followed the Jingying clan out of the auction hall, entered an electromagnetic shielded room, and came out after a while.

Ji Xinghuo was waiting in line and paying attention to the auction information on the screen.

 Soon it was my turn.

 “What service do you want?” the humanoid Jingying tribe asked without any emotion.

Ji Xinghuo showed off his Everlasting Day badge, "I want to know how to participate in the auction and the rules of the auction house."

Jingying clan replied: "Follow me."

Ji Xinghuo followed him into an airtight room. There was another Jingying tribe inside, but his appearance was in the form of a spider demon. The lower body was a huge spider with six legs, and the upper body was humanoid. Standing in the middle, he was more than three meters tall, like Tall sculpture.

 “Give me the badge.” The crystal piece on the forehead of the spider-shaped crystal elite vibrated and made a sound.

Ji Xinghuo handed over the Yongzhou badge.

The spider-shaped Crystal Hero has four arms, two long and two short. The long right hand catches the Eternal Day Badge, and the moment it touches it, the light flashes.


 He let out a sound of surprise, "Hui Zhu actually gave you an amethyst badge."

The Spider Crystal Ying Clan couldn't help but look at Ji Xinghuo and observed it for a few times, with a bit of confusion on their crystal-like face.

"What's the difference?" Ji Xinghuo didn't understand it himself. The Yongzhou badge looked exactly the same as other people's.

"There are four levels of badges in the City of Eternal Day." Spider Crystal Hero said: "White crystal, blue crystal, amethyst, black crystal. The badges at each level have different permissions, especially in the auction house, badges The higher the level, the lower the handling fee.”

The personality of this Jingying tribe is obviously different from that of his fellow tribesmen. He is more talkative and has richer expressions.

Ji Xinghuo guessed that it was for this reason that the other party was sent to manage the rare auction house, so he asked: "How is the handling fee calculated?"

“Whether it is bidding or entrusting, the handling fee for the white crystal badge is 20%. For each level of the badge, the handling fee will be reduced by 5%.” Spider Crystal Ying Clan replied.

Ji Xinghuo’s expression remained unchanged, but he cursed in his heart: It’s so dark!

 Even if it is an amethyst badge, there is a 10% handling fee. But why did Hui Zhu give himself an amethyst badge?

"Your badge has been linked to the auction house. As long as you are in the City of Eternal Day, you can check the auction information and participate in the bidding at any time." The Spider Crystal Elite returned the badge to Ji Xinghuo, "This is also the Amethyst badge. The functions, white crystal and blue crystal badges, can only be used by coming to the auction house."

 “Thank you.” Ji Xinghuo held the badge.

He knew how to use it. He injected star power into the badge in his hand, and immediately activated a light curtain, which was the information of the auction house, and he could also switch the text.

“Please pay 10,000 true dragon coins.” The spider crystal hero said suddenly.


Ji Xinghuo was stunned for a moment.

"Amethyst badges are not for nothing. You must pay a usage fee, which is 10,000 true dragon coins per month. If you pay in crystal yuan, you can get a 20% discount. If you subscribe for consecutive years, the discount will be even greater." Spider-shaped crystal elite clan A familiar smile appeared on his face.

Ji Xinghuo was speechless, why didn’t you say it earlier?

Ten thousand True Dragon coins per month, 180,000 per astral year, equivalent to four and a half ether crystals, about 80 million Asian dollars.

Had I known that the usage fee for the Amethyst Badge was so expensive, I would definitely not have opened it.

 Just change it to a white crystal badge.

He looked at the tall spider-shaped Crystal Hero. This guy was a legendary strongman and not easy to mess with. Moreover, he was on someone else's territory. He could only give out these 10,000 True Dragon Coins.

Ji Xinghuo took out the True Dragon Coin and handed it to the humanoid Jingying clan next to him.

“Thank you for your support of the Qiji Auction House.” The spider crystal Ying clan nodded, “My name is ‘Xuan Ming’, you can consult me ​​if you have any questions.”

“What is Yong Zhou’s meritorious service?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

Xuan Ming was not surprised by this question. It was obviously the first time for Ji Xinghuo to come to the City of Eternal Day. He immediately replied: "Pass the assessment of our clan and become an Eternal Day Guard. Go to Diyuan Star and kill the people designated by our clan." enemies, you will get eternal merit."

 Go to the Abyss Star!

Ji Xinghuo was startled. Wouldn't that mean he had to go through the star gate in Guangming Peak? How dare the Jingying tribe allow foreigners to enter their home planet?

Furthermore, according to Xuan Ming’s words, he still wants to participate in the battle on the Earth Abyss Star.

The Jingying Tribe is so powerful, and the etheric technology is so advanced. They have been in the star realm for more than 70,000 years. What enemy can invade the Earth Abyss Star that they still can’t defeat?

 “What are the requirements for the assessment?” Ji Xinghuo asked again.

 “At least level four.”

Xuan Ming looked at Ji Xinghuo and said with a smile: "With your strength, you will definitely pass the test. I think this is the reason why Huizhu gave you the amethyst badge."

Ji Xinghuo was not so confident, "Is the battle on the Abyss planet dangerous?"

“It’s very dangerous for the Jingying tribe, but it’s not bad for foreigners. If you’re more cautious, you can come back alive.” Xuan Ming obviously didn’t want to reveal too much, “When you get to Diyuan Star, you will naturally know the situation.”

 (End of this chapter)