MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 227

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Not to be outdone, Su Han ordered the beast to use the cat-kick.

The celestial beast came first, and kicked it towards Fei Kuang's knee.

The knee is a very fragile place, and Flying Legion uses his knee to perform the Flying Knee Kick.

It can be said that Su Han has completely pinched Fei Kuang's weakness to death.

However, at this moment, Wang Tie smiled.

"I've been fooled, I've been waiting for this moment."

"You think that's Feigelang's knee? You're wrong, Feigelang's legs are made of a spring-shaped substance, and its knee (agdi) cover can be anywhere."

As Wang Tie spoke, the position of Fei Kuang's knee suddenly changed.

The original knee moved down, and the position of the foot of the goddess beast changed from the knee to the thigh.

And Fei Kuang's knee just happened to slam into the belly of the beast of the beast!

"Ha, as expected of the fighting king Wang Tie!"

Seeing this, Bai Haofeng couldn't help but be happy.

Dare to mock me, hum, stinky boy, I'll see how badly you lose!

However, the heavenly beast was kicked, but there was a faint sneer on his face.

"I was fooled? I didn't~"

The goddess beast said charmingly.

"What is possible!"

Hearing this, Wang Tie reacted.

He found that there was a transparent wall between the belly of the beast and the knee of Flying Legion. It was a reflection wall!

"Wang Tie, although your strategy is good, it's a pity, after all, I'm still better!"

"Heavenly female beast, use your mental strength!"

Su Han gave an order, and the beast of the goddess displayed its mental strength.

Suddenly, the entire void was distorted by purple energy.

Purple spiritual power swept away!

What a terrifying spiritual force!

Is this what ordinary elves can do?

Wang Tie was completely shocked.

Not only him, but the Eight Heavenly Kings present were shocked.

They haven't seen it before, who can push Wang Tie to such a degree.

Su Han is definitely the first person!

Fei Kuang was distorted by the powerful mental force, showing an extremely painful expression, but it was still holding back!

The mental strength, the power of up to 90, plus the double restraint of the attribute, if you change it to someone else's flying leg, I am afraid this will be a second!

However, it was useless no matter how hard Flying Leg Lang held up.

After the purple energy spreads to a certain range, it suddenly shrinks back into the body of the beast.

Then, it exploded violently.

Boom! ! !

Purple light soars into the sky!

Flying Leg Lang was blown away directly.

"Flying Leg Lang, use Hell Thrust!!!"

Wang Tie ordered unwillingly.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Ah... Da..."

Fei Kuang let out a cry, and then his eyes widened, and he fainted completely.


The crowd was once again shocked.

Unexpectedly, a mere high school student actually defeated the fighting king!


Especially Bai Haofeng was completely dumbfounded.

He knew that the goddess beast was very powerful, but he never expected it to be so powerful.

With one move, the flying leg Lang of the Fighting King was instantly defeated.

"Is Su Han so powerful? Even the Heavenly King is no match for him. I thought that I could catch up with him by working hard, but now it seems that there is no such possibility at all."

Yang Jie was deeply moved.

"Yeah, Su Han, so handsome, goddess beast, so powerful!"

Silly Baitian Yasina was cheering for Su Han.

"Flying Leg Lang..."

Wang Tie looked at Fei Kuang, who was on the verge of death after landing, and knew that he was powerless to return to the sky.

But he is also a bold person. If he loses, he loses. He didn't find an excuse to replay.

"You won, congratulations, you passed the assessment of the fighting king."

Wang Tie said.

"Boy, that's awesome."

After a pause, Wang Tie added another sentence.

"Where, the king has won the prize."

Su Han is rarely humble.

Although he was very confident in the strength of the goddess beast, he did not go blindly.

This is just an assessment. Wang Tie did not show his real strength. If he shows his real strength, I am afraid things will not be so simple.

At the very least, Su Han knew very well that a big man like Wang Tie, whose main battle strength could not be a Flying Legion whose race value was less than 500.

He must have a more powerful elf, with a higher level and stronger strength!

Just because it was an assessment, I didn't take it out.

But even Feijilang was nurtured by him to a height that other Feijilangs could not reach.

Obviously, there is only less than 500 racial values, and the potential quality has been cultivated to the quasi-god level by him.

In addition to the fighting king, who else can cultivate it?

I am afraid that only Su Han exists at the Bug level.

The second Heavenly King to appear is the Fire Heavenly King wearing a flame cloak, Xiao Yan.

"Boy, hurry up and decide which elf you want to take part in the assessment, it's already past get off work hours, I'm in a hurry to get off work!"

Huo Tianwang has a fiery temper, and he urged him as soon as he came up.

Hearing this, Su Han was speechless.

Are you Admiral Kizaru who clocked in and out of get off work, so anxious to get off work?

"No, I've already decided that I'll still use the celestial beast."

Su Han said.


When everyone heard this, they thought they had heard it wrong.

After some hard battles, everyone will change the elf to challenge the second king, and no candidate has used the same elf to deal with the test of the king in a row.

Su Han is definitely the first person.

274. Xiao Yan, the fire king who is in charge of funny?

"As expected of God Su!"

There were also candidates in the examination room who were ardent fans of Su Han. Hearing this, they were deeply moved.

He recalled that when Su Han challenged Shui Ya, he also won the challenge with a single elf and a string of three.

Looking back now, it still feels amazing.

"Whatever you want. But if you lose, don't blame me."

"Hot Monkey, it's up to you."

Xiao Yan said.

and many more!

When everyone heard this, they felt that something was wrong.

No, you are the Fire King, where is the Fire Monkey a Fire-Elf?

You don't really think that the hot monkey's name has a fire, it is a fire elf, right?

This understanding is too outrageous, isn't it?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Xiao Yan said another sentence.

"Sorry, I made a mistake, come again."

"Flame Monkey, it's up to you!"

Xiao Yan said and threw a fiery red Pokeball.

The Poké Ball exploded in the air, and the flaming senior brother appeared handsomely.

"fire Fire!!!"

As soon as it debuted, the flame monkey expressed dissatisfaction like its own trainer.

Even I got my name wrong. Believe it or not, I released your four-legged beast? !

"I'm sorry, Fire Monkey."

Xiao Yan quickly apologized.

However, the name of the flaming monkey was wrong again.


The flaming monkey was so angry that he punched Xiao Yan fiercely.


The scene was suddenly silent.

Is this also one of the Eight Heavenly Kings?

I'm afraid it's not the comedian who is in charge of the warm-up!

"Assessment begins."

Longscale is also very doubtful about this, and quickly picked up the microphone and announced the start of the second assessment.

"Flame Monkey, use big characters to explode!"

Xiao Yan really is a heavenly king who does not play cards according to common sense. As soon as he comes up, he doesn't even need to test, and directly let the flaming monkey perform a big move.

Hearing the words, the flaming monkey cooperated very well and rose into the air.