MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 16 A bowl of bihydrolysis

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"What should I do?"

I have been busy for nearly ten days. Without any progress, I have learned a lot about the knowledge of medicine. On the mountain, the growth of the herbs he planted is also very good. After ten days, the growth is more than normal. In the case of several months.

Wang Wangwang, just as he was sitting on the bench and staring at the distant mountains, San Xian next to him suddenly screamed. Not long after, he saw a person in the field of vision, tall and tall. Fang face, looks masculine, is his good brother, Wang Mingbao.

"Hey, is this a new herb?"

"Well, the bench is in the house, take it by yourself." Wang Yaodao.

Wang Mingbao sat down, ordered a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then spit a cigarette ring.

"In the mountains, don't eat cigarettes."

"Oh, just one." Wang Mingbao should sing, "Remember the little follower that followed us when I was young?"

"Wang Zexiao?"

"Well, remember?"

"How can I not remember, when the kid was a child, it was very sticky. I saw him a few days ago. How did you suddenly mention him?" Wang Yao asked with a smile, saying, this prince Xiao still did not come out. The relatives of the five clothes.

When I was a child, I always followed them. Several people were the same age, grew up together, and they got along very well with each other, and they got along well, and there were many contacts on weekdays.

"He is hospitalized in the county, and he is not sick!"

"What time?" Wang Yao hurriedly asked after listening.

"The day before yesterday, it is said that the situation is very bad, the hospital has issued a notice to let the family prepare for their thoughts." Wang Mingbao said.

"Go, go to the city, go and see." Wang Yao immediately said after listening.

"I think so too, so come to you."

The two brothers went down the mountain, went into the city, went to the hospital, bought some things, and inquired about the ward where Wang Zexiao was found. There was a person lying on the bed inside, in a coma, his face was blue-black, positive. It’s Wang Zexiao, the other two beds are empty, two people at his bedside, his parents, the mother is sobbing in a low voice, and the man is also frowning. After all, the children who have worked hard to raise them, The blink of an eye is dying, and anyone will be so uncomfortable.

"Uncle, hey."

"Xiao Yao, Ming Bao, are you coming?"

"I heard that Zeshaw is ill, let's see, how is it, is it better?"

"No, still coma." Wang Zexiao's father sighed.

"What disease is so powerful?" Wang Yao asked.

"It's poison. The doctor said that he was poisoned, but he couldn't find out what poison it was. He only knew that the toxicity was very strong and could not be controlled!"

poison? When I heard this word, Wang Yao lived.

"Why don't you transfer to the hospital?" Wang Mingbao listened. After all, it is a hospital in the county. The medical conditions are limited. Some diseases have never been seen before, let alone treatment. If you change to a bigger hospital, maybe This disease can be treated.

"The hospital said that in the process of transfer, Zexiao's illness may further deteriorate and there is a danger of life."

This is the set of rhetoric, the cure is not good, and the patient is not transferred to the hospital, and is not willing to take responsibility. Now the medical institution, oh!

Wang Mingbao sighed after listening, and anger was helpless.

"Maybe, I have a way!" Wang Yao whispered.

"What do you say?" Wang Mingbao on the side.

"It's nothing."

Two people sat for a while and chatted with Wang Zexiao's parents for a while. Wang Yao glanced at Wang Mingbao with his eyes. The latter immediately understood what he meant. The parents were frowning and they were not suitable for staying here. Too much time can't help.

"Uncle, hey, don't worry too much, call us for something, let's go back first."

"Hey, let you run a bit."

"It's all a village, Zexiao is growing up with us, it should be."

It took two people to stay away after a long time.

"You said, how could this Zexiao suddenly be poisoned? What poison is in him?" After the ward, Wang Mingbao was curious.

"What the doctors can't understand, do you ask me?" Wang Yao said with a smile. "He and his friends went out to climb the mountain. They should have encountered any poison. However, it is reasonable to say that there is no poison here. At most, it is some." The scorpion, the cockroach add poisonous mushrooms, and the like, this is autumn again, and this kind of thing is even less."

"I just talked to him the day before yesterday, very strong, I didn't expect it to be like this, hehe!"

On the way home, Wang Yao’s head is all about getting the detoxification from the magical system and being able to solve the poison.

Is that able to save the poisoned Wang Zexiao?

Back in the village, Wang Yao went straight to the mountain.

In the medicine field, gentian, windproof, and sand ginseng are all very good. Of course, the most distinctive ones are the ten strains of detoxification, and the heart-shaped leaves are green as the best emerald.

"How should I take this herb?" Wang Yao looked down at the detoxification grass that swayed gently with the mountain wind.

“Is it taken directly, or is it made into a soup?”

After thinking for a while, Wang Yao decided to try it.

He first brushed the medicinal casserole, then poured a bowl of semi-ancient spring water, then went to the medicine field and carefully smashed down the leaves of a detoxification grass. Immediately, the emerald liquid flowed out of the fracture. See the wind will solidify.

"I hope to be successful."

He threw the leaves of the detoxified grass into the ancient spring water, then lit the dry wood and looked at the changes in the casserole.

The water just happened to be hot, and the magical scene happened. The leaves of the detoxified grass actually melted, and then the spring water in the casserole turned into a green color, and a faint herbal flavor floated out, and Wang Yao immediately took it. From the top of the fire, a closer look, just a small pot of clear water, as if melting the jade, there is still a half point of the detoxification leaves.

"This, what's going on?!" He was stunned.

After returning to God, carefully put the green liquid in the pot into a glass bottle, only to see it crystal clear, without a trace of impurities.

“Can it be useful?” He looked at the liquid in the glass jar.

After thinking about it for a while, he went down the mountain and rushed to the city on a motorcycle.

"After all, it is a human life, let's try it."

"Xiao Yao?!" When he rushed to the hospital, Wang Zexiao's parents were very surprised to see him. After all, he just left in the afternoon.

"Uncle, hey, I am here to help Zexiao." Wang Yao wiped a sweat.

"Help Zexiao, how can I help?" Wang Zexiao's parents hurriedly asked after listening.

"I went to visit an old Chinese doctor in the afternoon. He gave me a prescription and said that it was able to solve the poison. I brought it over." Wang Yao took out the glass bottle prepared in advance. Ancient spring water of poisonous grass.