MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 28 Nourish the heart and calm the nerves

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"I miss you a little." Zhang Xiuying said.

"I am a little stunned?" Wang Yao hurriedly asked after listening.

His mother Zhang Xiuying has a total of four siblings, Zhang Xiuying ranks the boss, and his little name is Zhang Xiumei. He is the best for him. When he was a child, he always bought him all kinds of delicious food, and took him out to play. Now, he still calls from time to time. Ask him about his work and the object, and he just called him a few days ago.

"Old mistakes have been committed, can not sleep." Zhang Xiuying said.

Wang Yao also knows that he has a problem with Xiaoyan. When he is sick, he is uneasy, he is boring, he can't eat anything, can't sleep, he has seen many doctors, he has eaten a lot of medicines, it is useless, there are two Old Chinese doctors say that this is a disease that is infected in the month and is not easy to cure.

"Don't look for a doctor?"

"It doesn't matter, I am lying at home now. I just called her and didn't have much strength to talk." Zhang Xiuying worried that after all, it was a relative and a sister.

"Maybe, Anshen will be useful!"

Suddenly, Wang Yao thought of the task that he had not completed yet, and the prescription given by the system.

Anshen San: Drowning and regulating the spirit, soothe the heart and soothe the nerves.

With the magical effect of "detoxification grass" in front, Wang Yao can basically confirm that the effect of this "Anshen San" is certainly not good.

"Wait for the maturity of the moon, we will take medicine tomorrow."

Wang Yao immediately decided that compared with the health of his loved ones, one or two "Moon Huacao" can be counted.

"Mom, don't think too much about it, I haven't done it yet, I am hungry." Wang Yao tried to divert her mother's attention.

"Well, I will cook for you."

It didn't take much time for the meal to be done. Wang Yao's father also returned to his home. A family of three sat down to eat, very warm.

After eating dinner, Wang Yaozhao went into his room and read some books related to medicine. At this time, the sky outside the house, the sky is very clean, only a few clouds, the moon is high, the moonlight is cold.

"This moon is good, I hope that Huacao will be longer in the month."

After watching the book for a while, Wang Yao went to bed and rested.

The next morning, the weather was slightly colder.

Wang Yaozhao started very early, cooked a pot of noodles, and cooked some dry food. After eating, he went out to Nanshan.

Whenever I saw the herbs in the medicine field, Wang Yao’s mood was very good.

First, carefully turn around the medicine field, then take out the ancient spring pot, pour out the ancient spring water, dilute and then pour the medicine field, more than a dozen trees nearby and ginseng planted under the tree.

After all this, Wang Yao came to the side of the ten "Yuehuacao", looked at the green leaves, and carefully picked two leaves from the two different plants, like "detoxification grass." "Generally, the green liquid flows out of the fracture and then quickly drys."

"I hope I can grow again."

After Wang Yao returns to the hut, he will take out the prepared herbs that are prepared for "Anshen San", carefully check them again, and then start taking medicine.

Ginseng, angelica, medlar, licorice...

Not only the weight of the medicinal material, but the order of the medicinal materials is completely in accordance with the prescription.

The firewood is burning more.

The "Herbs Pot" was a hot air, and the smell of a unique herb quickly filled the small room.

After a period of simmering, the drug power in the medicinal materials was all decomposed. Wang Yao put the newly collected "Yuehuacao" into it. After seeing the water, the stalk became quickly dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, the color of the whole soup has also changed, slowly changing from the original light brown to a light orange.

After seeing the color change, Wang Yao quickly removed the "Herbal Pot" from the flame.

He looked at the Chinese medicine that he concentrated on this time.


However, the system does not have any hints.

"First put it up and say it." Wang Yao cooled the medicinal soup slightly and put it into a glass bottle that was ready.

"I don't know if it is unsuccessful. I can't just give it to Xiaoxiao. If there are side effects, what should I do, or can I try it first?"

When he thought of it, he poured out a small cover and drank it with water.

A warming into the abdomen is then absorbed by the stomach.

At first, Wang Yao did not feel any change. After about 20 minutes, he felt that the surrounding area seemed to be quiet, and he felt that his mood was calm and his body was very hot, but his mind had a faint coolness. The feeling of being comfortable.

it works!

He immediately realized that his medication should be formulated successfully.

"Try again for Sanxian."

Thinking of this, he went out of the hut, and then poured a small cover in the small basin of the Sanxian River outside the kennel, and then called Sanxian.

"Three fresh, drink water."

Wang Yao pointed to the small basin.

"San Xian" looked down at the water basin, then looked up and looked at Wang Yao, and the eyes seemed to be asking.

"Shovel, what do you mean, is there something added to my water?"

"Hurry and drink." Wang Yao repeated it.

San Xian bowed his head and drank a few mouthfuls of water, then shook his head and shook his head.

“Well, did you feel that something is wrong?” Wang Yao did not understand the dog’s understanding. Then he observed its reaction. As a result, Sanxian was as usual, after strolling for a while, then he returned. Beside his own kennel, kneeling on the ground, looking at the distance quietly, seems to be thinking about esoteric philosophical questions, such as - "When can I have a companion?"

"No side effects!" Fully followed up for more than an hour, from the realization of Sanxian, combined with their own feelings, Wang Yao can basically be sure that this drug has no side effects.

After two trials and confirmed that there was no problem with the "Anshen San" that was cursed by himself, Wang Yao put the bottle containing the soup into the grid of the package, and then locked the door and prepared to enter the city.

"Sanxian, look at the door." Before he left, he yelled at the dog, but did not hear the response. He turned his head and looked at it, but found that the dog's eyes were still staring at the distance.

"What is the situation?" Wang Yao reached out and shook his eyes.

Wang Wangwang, San Xian was somewhat unwilling to return two.

"Give me a good pharmacy, especially those few grasses, don't be in a daze here. Hey, what do you mean by this look?" Wang Yao found that the dog he raised was more and more spiritual. Even the eyes have brought a bit of humanity.


Wang Yao went down the mountain and went home to ride the motorcycle.

He lived in Lianshan County, and it took about 20 minutes to ride a motorcycle. After entering the city, Wang Yao first went to the supermarket to buy some tonics and things, and then went to Xiaojiao.

Knocked open the door, the door is a middle-aged woman, not tall, with a sallow face, two deep eye bags, the whole look no spirit.