MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 41 What are your eyes so big?

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"I saw a man driving a Land Rover to Nanshan today, which looks like a rich man." Wang Rudao.

"Well, some people have watched the car coming and collected herbs a few days ago." Zhang Xiuying was calm.

"Hey, drive the Land Rover to collect herbs, what herbs?!"

"Huang Jing, sold nearly 400,000."

"How much?!" Wang Ru thought he had got it wrong.

"Three hundred and ninety thousand." Zhang Xiuying looked up at her daughter. "What are your eyes so big?"

"On that two acres of land, 390,000?"

"Ah, what happened?"

"No, why don't I know this?" Wang Ru almost shouted.

"What are you doing, ladies, you haven't asked?" Zhang Xiuying said that Wang Ruzhen was awkward.

"No wonder, it’s no wonder that when I talked to me yesterday, I was so emboldened that two acres of Huang Jing made so much money. If the whole piece of Nanshan is full, how much money it will earn!" Wang Ru’s eyes were full of time. Red sheet of money.

"Shantou, Shantou?" Zhang Xiuying shook in front of her eyes.

"Ah, is it okay? You can encourage my younger brother to let him grow up. How do I see that a few acres of land, large areas are empty!" Wang Ru returned to the way after the gods, today went up the mountain At that time, she saw that there was a large piece of land in Nanshan.

"Hey, don't worry about your brother's business, think about your business, hey, that's the second marriage!" Zhang Xiuying said.

"I know mom!"

In the afternoon, Wang Yaoan quietly peeed in the house, and finally succeeded once, and there was a bark outside.

"Who is it?"

"Little Yaozi!"

"Ah, sister, why are you here again?!"

Wang Yao suddenly felt that his head was big, and he read the "Natural Classics" in succession for a few days. The effect was completely void in front of this wonderful old lady.

"I heard that you have made a lot of money with Huang Jing?"

"Well, what do you want to do?" Wang Yao’s eyes immediately alerted him.

"I see that you are empty in the Nanshan blockbuster, why not plant Huangjing?"

"My Chinese herbal medicine, interest first, as for money, that is something outside the body." Wang Yao is very calm.

"You can pretend, not to lose money when you commit suicide!" Wang Rubai gave him a look, very disdain.

"I am not suicide, it is to save people!" Wang Yao will get angry when he mentions this thing. Which pot of his old sister does not open the pot, is it a mother?

"You don't have to explain it."

"What do I explain, that is the truth!"

"What are you doing in this leisurely mountain?"

"Let the sheep." Wang Yao did not have a good air.

"What, put the sheep, are you still preparing to raise the sheep?" Recently, the price of mutton is relatively expensive, and it is good to raise sheep, just as I know a person from the Animal Husbandry Bureau..."

"Sister, I am still very busy, you go home to cook, the mountain road is rugged, go slowly!" Wang Yao directly pushed this embarrassing old sister out.

"When it's time to cook, hey, your kid!" When Wang Ru came back to God, he found that he had already been introduced by Wang Yao. More importantly, the door was locked from the inside.

"Hey, you kid!"

Finally quiet!

Wang Yao took a deep breath and silently learned the "natural classics" that he knew well, and then continued his mission.

When he came home for dinner in the evening, Wang Ru had already taken a free ride, and tomorrow is Monday, she is going to work.

"My sister is gone?" Wang Yao suddenly felt that the family was still squatting all day, and it was quite good to ask this question.

"Yeah." Zhang Xiuying responded, watching the look seemed to be worried about something.

"Hey, you said that the person won't continue to wrap your sister?"

"I was worried about this?"

"You have friends in the city, let people take care of it." Wang Fenghua, who rarely spoke, suddenly said that as a father, there is no way to worry about his children, but in another way, the father loves the mountain. That's what I mean.

"I will call you soon." Wang Yao should take the lead.

"That is, take care of the individual, lest she be a girl's family, and suffer losses outside."

After eating, Wang Yao entered the room. After thinking about it, I thought about it. In Lianshan County, I couldn’t find a trustworthy person. Although there were many classmates, I have not contacted for several years. And this kind of thing is not really good for people.

"Oh, there!" Wang Yao suddenly thought of a person and made a quick call.

Less than half of the words, the person at the end hangs up the phone, but it is ten minutes of effort. Wang Yao’s family has one more guest, Wang Mingbao.

“Why are you married?” Wang Mingbao asked just as he didn’t take a drink when he sat down.

This is the person Wang Yao thought of, one is the same village, and it is small, trustworthy, and second, Wang Mingbao opened the door in Lianshan County for business, more kung fu, more people know, can help, so Wang Yao called him. He didn't expect to just go back to the village today. After receiving the call, he said that there was not a few words and he came directly.

"Someone is chasing her, but that person is not a good bird. I am afraid that my sister will suffer. In your city, if you have something, you should take care of it."

"Cheng, what is the name of what is not open?" Wang Mingbao immediately responded after listening.

“Hu Cheng’an is also working in the Agricultural Bureau, and there is some background in the family.”

"Hu Cheng'an!" Wang Mingbao wrote the name in his mind. "Yes, the person who destroyed the medicine field, did you catch it?"

"not yet?"

"I have some eyebrows, but there is no evidence." Wang Mingbao said.

"Ah, who?"

"Beihe, Wang Jiangang." Wang Mingbao said the name.

"Wang Jiangang?" Wang Yao listened to his brow slightly, and he really had no impression of the name.

"I don't have any impressions. He is one of the people who want to contract Nanshan. Moreover, I went to the village committee to transfer the video of the recent accident. This guy went out at 8 o'clock in the evening and went home at midnight, but strangely, The camera in the village actually didn't take him where he went!"

"I wanted to swindle him, but suddenly I was hospitalized, and it was put down."

"In the hospital, when, what disease?" Wang Yao asked after listening.

"Well, it seems that it was a dozen days ago, when I walked the night road at night, I fell into the ditch and broke." Wang Mingbao said.

"A few days ago, at night?" Wang Yao listened to his eyes, and one day he was in the middle of the night to go to his medicine field to make a bad, he found it, and then hurriedly fled into the Nanshan.

"what happened?"


Wang Yao shook his head. Now it is certain that this Wang Jiangang’s suspicion is very big. However, Wang Yao is still very admired for this person who dared to do bad things in the middle of the night and then entered the mountains. Unfortunately, the night road is much more, and he is still working. Losing my heart, the result is a ghost.