MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 954 Exquisite

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"Slightly wait." Zheng Weijun called Wang Yao in the face of Pan.

"Mr., it is me, Weijun." His name and attitude made Pan, who was always on the side, very curious. This kind of respectful attitude usually only appeared in the younger generation, or the lower level to the superior, let alone so respectful. It is.

"okay, I get it."

"Mr. is free in the afternoon, have we finished the meal before?"


Pan always smiled, and he now wants to meet the person who can make the Zheng family, who has always been very self-sufficient, so respectful, and who is called "Mr."

"I also want to see this gentleman who makes you so respectful." Pan always smiled.

“It’s better to meet up.” Zheng Weijun said.

They had eaten dinner, waited for a while, drank a few cups of tea, and waited until the smoke and alcohol on their bodies dissipated, and then they drove together to the mountain village.

“Here?” After entering the mountain village, the Pan was surprised.

"Yes, it is here, the first time I come here, the first time I see the gentleman will be very surprised." Zheng Weijun smiled.

The car stopped at the south end of the village, and a building that was incompatible with the surrounding area appeared in front of them, black tile white wall, Jiangnan water town, which is the southern architectural style.

“This building is very refined.”

"This is the doctor's medical center."

Outside the door, the Pan stared at the wooden signboard for a while.


Zheng Weijun knocked on the door, and then the two people heard the sound of "please enter" at the same time, just in the ear.

Into the yard, although it is winter, but the small courtyard does not appear to be particularly bleak, a small piece of bamboo green and gratifying.

"This yard is more refined." Pan sighed.

Just look at this house, this yard, you know that people here are not simple, this is not the kind of luxury that can be piled up, but an "elegant", both inside and outside.

Two people entered the room and saw Wang Yao sitting in a chair with a book in his hand.


"Come on, sit." Wang Yao smiled.

Pan was directly stunned and looked at Wang Yao with surprise, then looked at Zheng Weijun next to him.

"Is this one?"

"This is the gentleman I said." Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

"Good young!" he sighed in his heart.

"Sir, this is Pan Ge."

"Hello, sir, my name is Pan Jiayou."

"Hello, my name is Wang Yao, I am a pharmacist."

"Pharmacist?" Pan Jiayou listened to the sneak peek. This style of calling was the first time he heard it. The first thing he thought of was actually the "Eastern Yellow Pharmacist" in Jin Yong's martial arts novels.

"Talk about your mother's specific condition." Wang Yaodao.

"Oh, okay."

Then Pan Jiayou said that his mother's condition was carefully Wang Yao. Some details were carefully described. It is obvious that he is very concerned about his mother on weekdays.

"I understand that I can treat, you take the time to take the old man and come over." Wang Yaodao.

"Yes, I know, thank you." Pan Jiayou listened.

They left the hospital without leaving the hospital for a long time.

"Brother, is this Mr. Wang really magical?"

"Oh, I know that your brother has doubts in your heart. This is normal. After you have seen it with the old man, these doubts will vanish. When you get there, you will know what I said, ah, before you come. I must remember to call in advance a few days ago, and the husband may go out."

"okay, I get it."

"Actually, in the capital, people often come." Zheng Weijun looked out the window.

"Beijing, come to seek medical attention?"

"Yes." Zheng Wei said.

"And my fault in this body is that the husband is cured. Only by personal experience, will you know how amazing the gentleman is." Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

"Then I will go back and prepare as soon as possible. I will take a look at my mother and let him see it."

"Well, make sure that the medicine is sick!"

Pan Jiayou smiled after listening. He felt that he seemed to be brainwashed in front of him. He had almost blind worship and trust to Mr. Wang.

"This is almost the New Year, you have to go to the capital to go to the small snow home to sit." At night, Wang Fenghua said.

"Oh, I am ready to go through two days, and Xiaoxue has a little time, and I will be there in the small town."

"Well, that's the best." Wang Fenghua listened.

"When is the snow coming in the New Year?" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Thirty days will not come. After the year, I will come back." Wang Yao smiled.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Zhang Xiuying listened to three good words.

This matter Wang Yao discussed with Su Xiaoxue in the past two days, just as she is about to have a holiday. She still wanted to come over a year ago, but she was persuaded by Wang Yao to prevent her from coming over. However, this caught up with the Spring Festival travel, although she said that she would not be able to vote for a ticket, but there are too many people, a girl's family, or wait.

This is the meaning of Wang Yao and the meaning of his parents.

South and thousands of miles away.

"This is going to be a New Year. We haven't updated the progress yet. It seems that the case has been dragged down." Lu Xiufeng said.

"I have been thinking about these cases for the past two days. The reason why Miao Tianchuan did this was to plant a blame. He couldn’t get into the drugstore. It can only be done in this way, with the help of outside forces. It is said that with the help of the power of the country to deal with Miao Xihe, then along this line of thinking, can we use the Miaoxi River as a bait?" Yang Guanfeng said.

"What is the meaning of using the Miaoxi River as a bait?" Lu Xiufeng glanced, and immediately his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, this is why we didn't think of it early!" He shot his thigh.

"This idea is good, good, OK, old Yang."

"You should not be happy first. There are many difficulties in this idea. The first is how to persuade Miao Xihe to agree to cooperate with us. The second point is also the most difficult point. How to use him to trap Miao Tianchuan, and this process can not hurt the innocent Through the previous three cases, I can see it. This Miao Tianchuan is a sly character. There is no bottom line. He can do anything, and through the database, we know that he has another identity. The Qiu’s wanted criminals, this person is likely to be proficient in firearms and blasting, which is extremely prone to a wide range of casualties."

"That's why I think about it. I think the first question you are worried about, Miao Xihe should cooperate with us. He may even want to catch this Miao Tianchuan. After all, he said that he would not threaten him. Life is safe, but this keeps pouring dirty water on him. This is enough. As for poison, if Miao Xihe is willing to cooperate with us, it should not be a problem. He is a detoxification expert. The last question is really considered. If he uses the poison to kill the Miao Xihe, then he has to consider other ways, such as a large-scale explosion." Lu Xiufeng said.


"There is still one thing, how is Miao Chengtang?"

"It's very good. I also have a fellow countryman in Jinmen. I am thinking about finding a job there after the year."

"That's good, that's good. So let's take a look at him recently?"


This is the case. On this day, Miao Qingfeng and Miao Changhong came to say goodbye. They want to go back to the stockade. Because they want to celebrate the New Year, the stockade pays great attention to this traditional festival. This has been the case for hundreds of years.

"Okay, thank you all these days."

"You are polite, we have limited ability and we have not helped."

"No, you have helped a lot!" Yang Guanfeng hurriedly listened. "It is a great help for us to save only a dozen people."

"After years, we wanted to go to the stockade and express our gratitude. When you go back, you will also convey it."

"Well, welcome the two to our stockade." Miao Qingfeng.

On the same day, they left the county.

"They had a lot of troubles in the past ten years. When we got there, we knew the location of Miao Chengtang." On the road, Miao Qingfeng said to Miao Changhong.

"Well, you can't let him be so happy."

Thousands of miles to the north, Jinmen.

In these two days, Miao Chengtang had a hard time to sleep, and his face was much better than that in He County.