MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 958 Glass man

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The plane arrived in Beijing on the same day.

The weather in Beijing is not particularly sunny, it looks a little cloudy, and the air quality is poor.

In the airport's pick-up hall, a woman, light gray windbreaker, casual pants, eye-catching, standing there is the brightest part of the whole hall. Anyone who walks by her side, no matter how old or young, will be more Look at her eyes, there are hot, admirable, awkward, but her eyes are always staring at the direction of the exit, she is waiting for someone, waiting for her beloved.

"Sir." She saw her sweetheart, and then smiled happily. At that moment, the flowers were full of courtesy.

"Little snow." Wang Yao came to the front and put Su Xiaoxue in his arms.

"I go!"

"Is this person not very good?!"

"Oh, this peony is stuck in cow dung, and God didn't open his eyes!"

"Xiao Li, you said what the girl is thinking now?"

"Are you alone?" Wang Yao did not find Chu Lian nearby.

"Yes, I am alone, let's go." Su Xiaoxue happily took Wang Yao's arm.

"Wait, I see, um, it's getting more beautiful!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

Su Xiaoxue just smiled.

Hey, Wang Yao gently kissed her face, and suddenly Hongxia flew up to her cheek.

"If you don't want to face, so don't scatter the dog food!"

“It’s too much like it!”

Two people left the pick-up hall with kindness, and Su Xiaoxue drove the car to Wang Yao to come home.

The Sujia people specially prepared dinner for him, but Su Xianghua was not at home. The chef who cooks is a dish, and he cares for Wang Yao.

When eating, Song Ruiping talked with him more often, such as how his parents are physically, recently busy at home, and so on. To be honest, there is not much topic between them.

After dinner, Wang Yao and Su Xiaoxue were both tired and said a lot. Then Wang Yao went to the small courtyard. Now he does not live in Sujia. Although Song Ruiping invited him to stay, he still compares. Note, after all, he is not the son-in-law of the Su family.

"Mr." Chen Ying had already prepared for him to live in. After seeing Wang Yao, he was very happy.

"It’s coming to trouble you again."

"You are too polite."

The next morning, Wang Yaoqi was earlier. Chen Ying and Chen Zhou’s younger brothers started earlier than him and exercised in the yard. It’s just that the air in the capital is not very good. It’s just foggy and it feels like breathing. What is so small is inhaled into the throat and lungs, which makes people very uncomfortable. Compared with Nanshan, it is a heaven and a ground.

"Sir, have a meal." Chen Ying soon prepared breakfast, a few delicate side dishes.

"Well, your craft of cooking is getting better and better." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Thank you."

After eating, he came to the Su family, and together with Su Xiaoxue, two people are roaming the capital, there is no clear destination, as long as two people are together, in fact, Wang Yao has already taken the capital here when he came a few times ago. The main scenic spots have turned around.

The two people didn't feel tired. They didn't know how long they had gone. They all went to noon. Then they found a restaurant on the side of the road and asked for two dishes.

"Well, the taste is not bad!" Wang Yao tasted it.

“Is it?” Su Xiaoxue rarely eats outside.

"So let's drink?"

"Drink." The two of them asked for a small bottle of wine.

Drink while eating and talking.

At this time, the capital Sujia.

"Zhao Jie, how come you have time to come home?" Song Ruiping smiled and greeted a guest.

This is a middle-aged woman, the maintenance is good, but the spirit is slightly lacking, not like the spirit of Song Ruiping.

"Hey, something is looking for you."

"Come, what, you said."

"Do you know the situation of Xiaorui?"

"I know, isn't it going to be treated abroad, is it better?" Song Ruiping said, she said that she had already guessed it.

"No, it's still like that."

"Yeah." Song Ruiping nodded.

"I told you the truth. I also heard that Xiao Xue’s boyfriend is a very skilled doctor. Guo’s father, grandfather, and Xiaoxue’s illness are all he treated. You see, can you say? Say, let him see our family Xiaorui?" Women's Road.

This is a request.

Song Ruiping also knows that the other party knows that the door is coming up, and it is not too late, most of it is directed at his future son-in-law, and sure enough.

"So, when he comes back, I will say it."

"Okay, then I am waiting for your news." The woman smiled after listening.

Wang Yao and Su Xiaoxue were only going home when they were near the evening, and they still had some meaning.

"Xiao Yao, tell you something."

"You said, aunt."

Immediately, Song Ruiping said something about the morning and Wang Yao.

"What age, what disease?"

"This year is about fifteen years old. It is a congenital fragile bone disease. It is very easy to get hurt. If you fall, you may have a fracture. We are also called a glass man." Song Ruiping said.

"This disease?"

This disease Wang Yao knows, is a new nature of the disease, as the saying goes from the mother's womb, and among all diseases, congenital diseases are the most difficult to treat, because the cause of this disease is the body The source of the problem is wrong.

"Xiao Yao, you want to treat it, treat it, don't want it, don't be embarrassed." Song Ruiping said.

"How is this family?"

"They are good at home." Song Ruiping listened after a sigh, then smiled.

"Hejia's family style is still very strict."

"Let's see you, tomorrow, I will wait for him in the small courtyard."

"Okay, that's it." Song Ruiping said with a smile.

People who are big portals, people who come to the door, it is really no way, I hope you can help, pull a hand, this kind of love is also in mind, will return, do not look at their Sujia Now that I am a big family, I will probably encounter any difficulties when I am going to make friends, and I will make fewer enemies.

The next day, the woman took her child to the small courtyard where Wang Yao temporarily lived.

Because he was afraid of his injury, he pushed him in a wheelchair.

This is a boy, his face is not very good looking, the key is the eyes, no spirit, a gray.

Maybe he feels that his life can't see hope?


"Little snow, oh, it’s getting more and more beautiful in the past few years." The woman smiled.

"Hello doctor, Wang."

"Hello there."

"This is my son, He Rui, Xiaorui, ask people?" The woman leaned over and patted her son.