MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 13v4 Yeluqi's whereabouts

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The cold light was oppressive, and the sharp eyes flickering in the dark night seemed to choose someone to devour, the atmosphere was tense, but Jing Hengbo smiled softly.

"Today can be regarded as seeing a thief calling catch a thief," she said.

Lei Xi's complexion changed, and he said sharply: "If you are so eloquent, you have to confess here today!"

"Hey, let me say," Jing Hengbo raised his chin and pointed his fingertips at the group of men in black, "shouldn't it be time to intercept the prisoners first, deal with all the lunatics who dare to rob the prisoners, and then clean up the house? You are so eager to target me, don't you want to create a mess first, so that these guys can slip away?"

Under the firelight, Lei Xi's face turned blue, and then he said forcefully: "You are sharp-tongued, but you and this group of robbers are in the same group. It's the same to take down you first, and then take them down!"

"You can't take us." The group of men in black smiled and shook the paper bag in their hands, "It's urgent, if we tear it up, all the prisoners will be killed. It's better to die one or all, you should be able to settle the score Huo Ran's face changed, and he sternly said, "Back off! Everyone back off! Otherwise, I will kill all the prisoners in this tent, and you will also be sentenced to death by then!"

The soldiers all changed their colors, Jiang Ya looked embarrassed, Lei Xi's eyes flickered, and he said softly: "We can't let these people die, and leave a Yelu family. You can also say that the Yelu family is powerful and robs people while they are in chaos. You and I At most, they will be punished. If they are all dead, how can we take this responsibility?"

Jiang Ya pondered, and waved his hand with a livid face for a while, the group of men in black smiled triumphantly, watching the soldiers slowly withdraw from the encirclement.

The encirclement retreated from them, but did not withdraw from Jing Hengbo. The leader of the group of men in black turned his eyes, stared at Jing Hengbo, and said with a chuckle: "Little brother, you have done a great job, we should have taken you away Yes, it's just that you have seen it too, now that the situation is unfavorable, we don't care about you anymore, so you can do it yourself!"

After speaking, he laughed and jumped up, followed by the rest of the men in black. Lei Xi pointed at Jing Hengbo with a cold face, and said, "Take it!"

"Don't go!" This sound was at the same time as Lei Xi's, and the voice was even colder. It came from behind Jing Hengbo. When everyone turned their heads, they saw a tall and thin white figure slowly walking out of the tent next door. It was Nan Jin.

The group of men in black didn't pay attention at all, but they heard Nan Jin say loudly: "There are still some of you who haven't taken away!"

The group of men in black looked back in astonishment, Nan Jin waved his sleeves, and everyone was in an uproar.

The tent behind Nan Jin was opened, revealing a large pile of human bodies, piled one on top of another like an arhat. It looked like a group of gorgeously dressed young people. The top one was pale and unconscious. Nan Jin walked over and grabbed The man had hair, and said to the group of people in black: "Save the boss, leave the seventh?"

The man in black exclaimed: "Seventh Young Master!" The faces of the group of people changed drastically, and their vertical figures fell down involuntarily. Sweat rolled down the face of the leading man in black—tonight’s action was originally planned by the seventh son Yeluzhe, but the seventh son suddenly disappeared before the action. The plan was carried out, but who knew that everything went well, the eldest son was rescued, but the seventh son was trapped in the camp! Not only the seventh son, but also the noble children of Linzhou, and most of the important figures are all inside!

Rescuing one, but losing more and more important ones, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

More importantly, in this way, the rescue plan tonight will be meaningless. If the seventh son is left behind and the eldest son is taken away, and the many noble children ignore it, the Yelu family will definitely be punished afterwards. The rest of the league blamed.

Jing Hengbo also looked at the group of hostages in surprise. Could it be that Nan Jin took advantage of the chaos to kidnap these young masters? When did she become so smart and nosy? But how easy is it to kidnap this group of people?

Reminiscent of the snow ball just now, she seemed to realize something in her heart.

It happened suddenly at this time, most of the soldiers were baffled and didn't understand why these people didn't leave all of a sudden, even Jiang Ya was looking around in astonishment, Jing Hengbo suddenly giggled, stared at Lei Xi, and said in a manly voice: "Deputy Lei Captain, why is your face so ugly? Why, do you know these new hostages?"

With a sullen face, Lei Xi said coldly: "You traitor, what right do you have to talk nonsense here?"

"I'm just asking if you recognize these hostages. Where's the nonsense coming from?" Jing Hengbo said with a smile, "It looks like you and those black-clothed brothers have ugly faces."

"Traitor!" Lei Xi raised his eyebrows, "When is this, are you still slandering and slandering, trying to disrupt the situation so that you can escape?"

"This seems to be a method you are good at." Jing Hengbo replied with a smile.

"Shut up!" Lei Xi became more and more furious, "Come here—"

"Enough." Jiang Ya suddenly frowned and said, "I'll talk about the investigation of the spies later, it's important to settle the matter at hand first."

Lei Xi was startled, the half-unsheathed knife in his hand stopped, and after a while, he took a deep breath.

"Put him down first, and we'll interrogate him later." Jiang Ya waved his hand without looking at Jing Hengbo. He didn't want to listen to such disputes now, and his attention was all on the group of robbers.

Lei Xi put his hand on the knife, staring at Jing Hengbo flickeringly, thinking that Jing Hengbo would let her blood splash on the spot if Jing Hengbo dared to resist arrest, but Jing Hengbo was beyond his expectation, he didn't resist at all, sighed, let After being taken away by those soldiers, Lei Xi stared at her back with dark eyes, and then turned his head.

The group of men in black in the arena was stunned for a while, and finally made a decision—there were too many hostages captured, and they would be impossible to save, and they would let themselves and others fall into the trap. Send it out and talk about it.

At that moment, the group of men in black sneered, "Let's go!"

On the hostage pile, Yeluzhe at the top raised his head and stared at the people in black who were going away with resentment. The family always did this, and they were also the children of the Yelu family. The life of the eldest son was always more important than them!

Jing Hengbo was escorted past him, and seeing the resentment on his face, he pulled the corner of his lips.

She suddenly felt a strange gaze from the side, and turned her head to see Nan Jin, a girl with a normally numb face, staring at her with an incomprehensible gaze. Jing Hengbo was a little surprised, but didn't think too much about it. The soldier smiled respectfully at Nan Jin, but pushed her violently, "What are you dawdling about? Go!"

Jing Hengbo smiled and didn't think it was a pest. This group of soldiers was rescued by Nan Jin earlier, seeing Nan Jin's superb martial arts, and now seeing her taking so many hostages, the army has always admired the strong, so naturally their eyes are different. On the other hand, she looks like a complete waste and is suspected of collaborating with the enemy. It would be considered polite not to give her a cold knife.

Nan Jin watched as Jing Hengbo was escorted into a small tent next to him, turned his head, and glanced at Yeluzhe's back.

There was slight moisture on Yeluzhe's back, it was obvious that ice and snow had condensed just now, and the ice and snow had condensed into a peculiar shape, but she was the only one who saw it.

That was the order of the only surviving elder in the family, the elder of the great clan.

"Kill the woman who was with you."

Jiang Ya looked up at the direction in which the man in black was going away, and ordered the soldiers to chase after him, with a very ugly face.

Lei Xi smiled beside him and said: "Captain, there is no need to be embarrassed. Now we have a lot of hostages. It looks like they are still the children of Linzhou nobles. They just use them to negotiate with the major families in Linzhou. Isn't it enough to exchange prisoners?"

"This is the only way." Jiang Ya said, "But how do you know that these are the children of Linzhou nobles?"

Lei Xi's expression froze, and then he smiled and said, "The man in black called out the seventh son just now, he must be the seventh son of the Yelu family, and the one who can be with the seventh son is naturally a son of a wealthy family in Linzhou."

"You're right." Jiang Ya nodded thoughtfully, "The other party will definitely not let it go, we have to strengthen our defenses."

"Captain, don't worry, I will definitely arrange it properly. You are busy in the middle of the night, and you still have important things to do later, why don't you take a rest first."

The sword in Jiang Ya's hand hung down, he looked at the sky wearily, and said: "Those robbers have just left, and it is estimated that no one will come soon, everyone should take the time to rest."

Lei Xi said that Ye Lumin was rescued because he didn't catch the spies in time, and he was willing to continue the night watch. Jiang Ya persuaded him a few words, but he couldn't persuade him, so he agreed. Immediately ordered the soldiers fighting on the outside to take a short rest, and the soldiers on the inside kept watch to strengthen their vigilance.

The people in the camp tidied up a little and then became quiet.

Lei Xi took his trusted soldiers and stood guard in front of the tent of Yeluzhe and the others. Nan Jin also left the tent to rest, and when he passed the tent where Jing Hengbo was, he stopped suddenly.

There were faint lights outside the tent, reflecting the thin figure of the person in the tent. She seemed to be leaning against the tent with her head down, and she didn't know whether she was sleeping or thinking.

Nan Jin stared at that figure for a long time, and suddenly said, "Who exactly are you looking for at the market today?"

There was no movement in the tent, and Nan Jin didn't leave. After a while, I heard Jing Hengbo's tired voice, "My love."

The wind suddenly calmed down. In the distance, the tip of the wild bird's wings fluttered over the treetops, the dewdrops dripped from the leaves, and the chirping of night insects on the wild grass seemed to be heard instantly.

The wind also seemed to suddenly tighten, wild birds fell from the treetops, the dewdrops disappeared in an instant, the night insects did not sing, and the sky and the earth were not bright.

Nan Jin stood motionless.

After a long time, he walked away silently.

Before dawn is always the darkest and the best time to sleep. The snoring of the soldiers who fought fiercely all night can be heard almost ten miles away.

The night watchman had piercing eyes, watching everything outside vigilantly.

Lei Xi sat in front of the tent, pricked up his ears, and heard a few long and short birdsong in the distance.

He looked around at a few trusted soldiers, who nodded to him, then looked at the camp, and noticed that Nan Jin had already left, and he didn't know where he had gone.

He stood up quietly and entered the tent.

The hostages in the tent were still piled up, only Yeluzhe at the top was awake, staring at him with dark eyes, sneered and said in a low voice, "You're smart."

Lei Xi has a cold face, why is he willing to take such a risk? Reluctantly, he was caught by others and promised to help that time. Who knew that the eldest son was rescued, but the seventh son was kidnapped. He understood the look of those men in black before they left, and he had to help again, otherwise he would have to help again. If you continue to have trouble with him, your secrets will also be revealed.

Before leaving, those members of the Yelu family hinted that they would not go far, and would wait nearby to meet them, as long as he let these people out.

However, when I got closer, I realized that these people were not bound by chains or restraints. They were just stiff and seemed to be frozen. But how could they be frozen in this weather?

"They can't get away." Yeluzhe looked gloomy, "They can't move, and you can't take everyone out."

Lei Xi also noticed this, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead, he helped Yeluzhe, who was the only one who could barely move, down. The two stood in the tent and looked at each other.

Eyes like wolves in the darkness, each bloodthirsty.

The same people, the moment their eyes collide, they see the same killing intent.

Then the two turned around at the same time and each drew their swords!

"Chi Chi" sounded repeatedly!

In the dark tent, there was an endless sound of the tip of the knife piercing the flesh, accompanied by the puffing sound of blood gushing out, and a strong **** smell engulfed it.

Two people, one on the left and the other on the right, each took charge of one side, drew their knives and slashed and killed each other, just like slaughtering a pig.

In the splash of blood, those stiff and immobile young masters stared wide-eyed in horror. They never imagined that Yeluzhe, who usually walked around the stage with him and called him a brother, would suddenly kill the killer, let alone the traitor who was deployed in the army. , They are so cruel and vicious, their throats are stiff, they can't shout, many people have doubts in their eyes until they die-why do they do this? Aren't you afraid of being investigated by the big giants in the future?

But Yeluzhe and Lei Xi replied with cold **** knife points.

Can't help it.

If Lei Xi couldn't save everyone, he would definitely be blamed by the other party, and his identity and secrets would be in danger of being leaked.

Because it is impossible to save all of them, as long as one is left, Yeluzhe has to bear the responsibility.

So these people have to die, and if they push their deaths to this army, the rich families of Linzhou and even the nobles of most of the capital will fight with this army forever. Not only do they escape responsibility, but they can also take revenge.

Blood spattered, and Yeluzhe struck quickly, wiping the man's neck, and strangled his own arm with the knife.

He escaped through "untold hardships" in order to win the trust of those wealthy nobles.

The people piled up above had already been killed, they overturned them and continued to kill, not leaving a single one alive!

Lei Xi just turned over a somewhat stiff body, but the body was too hard, and there would be a sound when it was about to fall to the ground. He hurried to catch it, but a hand, one step faster than him, gently caught the person's body, He smiled and said, "Take it easy."

Lei Xi felt cold all over.

His eyes stared straight ahead.

That hand was white and slender, with slender fingertips, like a spring onion, like a jade tube, like a bamboo shoot, beautiful and delicate.

The voice was slightly lazy and hoarse, and the laughter seemed to be hooked, seductive.

But he felt that all internal organs seemed to be hooked suddenly, and he clenched tightly, forcing a cold sweat.

He raised his head dully, and saw Jing Hengbo smiling in front of him.

This sight almost made him faint, and his first reaction was to look outside. Not far outside, the tent where Jing Hengbo was imprisoned was still lit, and there were people standing guard, but no one exclaimed that the detainee was not there.

The detainees appear here mysteriously.

"Tsk tsk, so ruthless." Jing Hengbo chuckled lightly, "I was a step too late, you are almost finished."

She took a slow step on purpose. Only when these two people moved their hands and let the group of young masters see them kill, can the relationship between the Yelu family and the rest of the family be successfully separated, and the Yelu family cannot survive in the country of Yu, and chaos can occur in the country of Yu. , she was able to fish in troubled waters. Anyway, these sons of aristocratic families are rampant and lawless, and the fish and meat villagers have done bad things a lot.

It's just that these two people were more ruthless than she imagined. If she took a step slower, at least three more people would die.

Lei Xi and Yeluzhe looked at each other, and they rushed forward without saying a word.

"Bang." There was a muffled sound, and the next moment, the two of them fell to the ground. At the door, Nan Jin stood expressionlessly.

Yeluzhe and Lei Xi looked at each other again, this time they got up and turned over, and rushed towards Jing Hengbo in a tacit understanding.

Jing Hengbo looked like a soft persimmon that was easy to pinch.

With a "bang", the two collided, and the person in front of them was gone. Immediately, the back collars of the two were grabbed by a pair of cold and soft hands, forehead to forehead, and they touched each other hard.

"Crack." There seemed to be stars splashing all over the sky in front of their eyes, and the foreheads of the two were bruised and purple. They rolled their eyes and were almost knocked unconscious by their respective foreheads.

The woman's lazy laughter sounded behind their necks, "The heart is as dark, the person is as cruel, and the forehead is as hard as it is."

Amidst the laughter, Yeluzhe stared wide-eyed, watching the lights on the table in the tent suddenly move by itself, falling into the palms of the people behind him.

Behind him, Jing Hengbo polished the flint and lit a candle.

When the light came on, Lei Xi's face turned ashen—the army was about to be alarmed.

Yeluzhe's expression changed, suddenly he seemed to think of something, and said in surprise: "You are a woman..."

Jing Hengbo chuckled behind him, and Yeluzhe immediately stopped talking. Seeing the rope from the corner of the tent automatically fly up and land on him, he was finally sure in his heart that the queen was indeed behind him.

The queen is famous all over the world for her lightness skills and controlling things. Of course, many people think that this is her martial arts. A powerful family like the Yelu family naturally knows the queen's abilities better than others. Yeluzhe had also heard of it, but he never imagined that the queen would dress up as a soldier and follow the **** team to the Kingdom of Yu. It wasn't until she saw her teleportation and remote control that she appeared and disappeared just now, and in a flash of thought, she yelled out that One sentence.

Thinking of the queen, thinking of an incident that happened more than half a year ago, and some gossip he heard, his heart moved, and he suddenly found a glimmer of life for himself.

The lights were already on, and the footsteps of a large number of soldiers came hurriedly.

Jing Hengbo groped his throat with icy fingers, and said with a smile, "My dear, do you want me to give you a treat? Otherwise, tell me, will those rich families in Linzhou, and even King Yu's family, tear you apart? Ah, the Yelu family I'm afraid I won't let you go, you caused them such a big trouble."

The cold fingers stimulated the skin of the throat, causing uncontrollable convulsions. Yeluzhe seemed to smell the murderous aura. It was cold and bloody, and he could even feel that the queen was not in a good mood now.

Reminiscent of the Queen's recent reputation, he trembled all over, and suddenly whispered: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Save my life, I have important information you need, and I will exchange it with you!"

"Oh?" Jing Hengbo glanced at him sideways, with a leisurely tone.

"I...I can tell you the whereabouts of Yeluqi!"