MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 19v3 Gong Yin's fiancée?

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Scene Hengbo in the mezzanine heard these conversations clearly.

I almost exploded my lungs.

Pretending to be her, playing with her boyfriend? Still let her listen?

What is the idea of ​​King Yi Guo?

Jing Hengbo vowed to teach him a lesson, but only if he reminded Gong Yin first. The Lord of Yi Country's disguise technique is really exquisite, his face, gait, expression and even small movements are all the same, he is also good at acting, now it is night again, under the dim light, in an emergency, Gong Yin has no time to identify carefully , is easily fooled.

But she herself is trapped, unable to teleport, control objects and make sounds, how to remind?

Jing Hengbo calmed down and started to get lucky.

Genuine energy is born from the dantian, passing through the heavy pass, the bright moon shines brightly.

With such luck, she was suddenly pleasantly surprised to find that her Mingyue mentality seemed to have improved. The airflow that used to be as thick as chopsticks should now be as thick as a thumb. I don't know where it broke through.

She is actually a lazy person, and she is busy in various ways. She practiced kung fu day after day, but she can still improve in this way.

In fact, any high-end exercises, once started, will naturally circulate in the body, especially the internal exercises such as the Mingyue Heart Method, which echoes nature, as long as there is a moon in the sky, the tides in the body will not stop, breathing and sleeping will be practiced. Jing Hengbo was also trained by Master Ziwei according to the special method set by his individual physique. He practiced martial arts during fights, and when the time came, a slight effect would come naturally.

She remembered that when Lao Bushi mentioned his skills, it really shone like a lump of moon. Although she was far inferior to Lao Bushi, it was always okay to shine, right?

This plank is interlayered, so there are always gaps, right?

King Yi Guo pulled Gong Yin's hand, and leaned on his shoulder lovingly.

Gong Yin saw that he was moving a lot, and suddenly said: "Your shoulder injury is better."

King Yi Guo was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Gong Yin's eyes suddenly swept over, King Yi tilted his head, half-hid his face in the shadow of the lamp, his smile was charming and hazy under the light red light, slightly seductive.

Gong Yin's gaze directly swept across her face and landed on the floor.

On the dark sandalwood board, there seems to be a faint white light.

As he moved his steps, King Yi saw the white light out of the corner of his eyes. He turned around and blocked the problematic board, but the light was divergent and could not be covered.

Seeing that Gong Yin was about to walk over, he rolled his eyes, suddenly let out an "oops" and exclaimed, "Who is dragging me!"

Immediately, he tilted his body, looking as if he was being dragged down, and "plopped" into the water!

Gong Yin stopped walking, turned around, and saw him fall into the water. Just startled, the feet trembled suddenly, and then the whole water pavilion began to collapse!

The water pavilion is not a house structure, but piles are laid in the middle of the lake, horizontal boards are laid, and frames are built to make a simple pavilion-like viewing platform. At this moment, the pile broke, the entire water pavilion was collapsing, and Gong Yin inevitably fell into the water.

With a sound of "crack", the hidden drawer that trapped Jing Hengbo also fell into the water, mixed with the piece of wood, floating and sinking in the lake water.

With a sound of "哗啦", Gong Yin came out of the water, his eyes swept across the lake, he wanted to find the board that glowed with white light just now, but now all the boards have been broken and floated all over the lake, each one looks exactly the same, Where can I find it?

Not far away, the king of Yi Guo was struggling, as if he had a cramp, and stretched out his arms to Gong Yin, with a sad look on his face asking for help.

In a certain dark drawer in the water, Jing Hengbo's work was interrupted, the white light could no longer be emitted, and the cold lake water poured in. Soon to flood her mouth and nose.

At the same moment, Princess Yicheng and Yelutan entered the palace.

Princess Yicheng originally thought that it was difficult to enter the palace, but who knew that there was no one in the palace tonight, she was already familiar with the palace guards, so she went in with a little reward.

After entering, I realized that the guards were all in the inner palace, and seemed to be besieging some assassin.

When Princess Yicheng heard that there was an assassin, she immediately refused to join in the fun, but Yelutan insisted on going. Princess Yicheng couldn't hold back him, so she had to lead the way.

She looked at Yelutan's new face greedily as she walked, and felt that the beauty was beyond description, and it would be good to take another look.

Not long after arriving at the lake, the first thing I saw was a piece of wood on the lake. Some people were struggling in the water, and some were on the water, pointing their feet at the floating boards, as if they were looking for something.

The man was dressed in white, although the clothes were wet, but his posture was floating. Princess Yicheng had seen countless men, so she was naturally good at judging the quality of people from their posture and demeanor. At a glance, she couldn't help sighing: "What a beautiful demeanor, the face must also be very good .”

Yelutan took a cold and indifferent glance, first glanced casually, and then turned his head suddenly, with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

He pulled Princess Yicheng and hid behind the rockery next to her. Princess Yicheng was frightened and refused: "What are you doing, you scared me to death..." Half complaining and half coquettish, she cuddled closer and closed her eyes , imagining that he is really in the arms of that beauty at this moment...

Suddenly there was a pain in the back of her neck, and when she heard a muffled sound, she rolled her eyes and passed out without saying a word.

Yelutan kicked her to the foot without expression, paying attention to the lake.

It was Gong Yin who was patrolling the lake, and after taking a look at "Jing Hengbo" who was "struggling for help" in the water, he finally flitted over and stretched out his hand.

King Yi was overjoyed and stretched out his hands to him again, but Gong Yin grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the shore.

This flick was very powerful, and with a "hoo", King Yi flew out of sight...

A large group of guards screamed and rushed to rescue him. Gong Yin glanced in that direction, with a look of shock and sarcasm in his eyes.

Yi Guo, well-deserved reputation. Too bad it didn't work for him.

He didn't want to pursue it, his attention was on the lake at the moment, there were boards floating everywhere on the lake, which one contained her?

If she was really put in the dark drawer, she must be in danger at this moment. The dark drawer is narrow and she cannot move. Once water is poured in, it will easily cover her mouth and nose and suffocate her...

Gong Yin was anxious, but his actions were not chaotic at all. Standing in the center of the lake, he raised his breath slightly, and suddenly a ball of white light appeared in his palm.

If you look closely, it's not white light, but a mass of white airflow, spinning into a crystal ball with flying snow, crushed ice, and whistling airflow in the center of the sphere, which looks like a miniature miniature ice and snow world.

Behind the rockery, Yelutan's eyes changed slightly, seeming happy or cold.

Gong Yin urged the ice and snow pearl. The ice and snow martial arts he used before was not special. There are many similar martial arts in Dahuang practice, and he didn't want to reveal his identity. But at this moment, ordinary ice and snow martial arts are not enough to help him find Jing Hengbo in the fastest time.

Compared with concealing his identity, the safety of Tianjing Hengbo is more important.

The ice and snow pearl took shape, and Gong Yin pushed his hands outward.

In an instant, there were snowflakes all over the lake!

A gust of cold wind swept through first, and the lake immediately began to freeze.

Then, the water vapor in the air instantly condensed, and shattered snow floated up.

In the crushed snow, Gong Yin's snow-white palm was like a cold cloud, shooting out countless egg-sized ice beads.

The red lights in the distance are diffuse. At this moment, the evergreen trees are verdant, and the lake is covered with ice and snow.

In the pale red light, the lake is full of ice beads flying, refracting colorful streamers, like a sudden meteor shower.

A lake of flying snow condenses the sun and the moon, and it is suspected that the sky will be moved to the world.

The guards who rescued King Yi on the shore turned around in unison, their eyes reflected the flying snow in the lake, and the iceberg-like people in the snow.

Ice beads shot at every board without missing a single one.

Gong Yin was highly concentrated and closed his eyes slightly. He wanted to hit all the wooden boards with ice beads at the same time in the environment he was most familiar with and most able to play, to find out the one with a different sound because of the hidden drawer!

The ice beads hit the wooden board, just for an instant.

Can't be wrong!

In the dark, dark drawer, Jing Hengbo was struggling.

The lake water has been poured into the nose, the chest is squeezed, as if being stirred by a sharp knife, the pain is almost bursting, there is not much air in the dark drawer, and it is still immersed in the water, she knows that she will suffocate to death in three minutes of drowning, it seems at this moment It's already a dead end.

She secretly hated herself for being too bold, wanting to know some secrets, and not attacking King Yi earlier.

Suddenly the tip of the nose became cold, the floating feeling disappeared, the water that was not in the mouth and nose disappeared, she heard the sound of rattling faintly, and felt the tingling sensation of the thin slice cutting the skin, she woke up in a daze, and immediately understood that it was frozen!

How much skill does it take for Gong Yin to freeze the lake in an instant?

She gritted her teeth, endured the pain all over her body, and started to get lucky again. She also had to work hard to save herself, so that Gong Yin would not spend too much and find herself as soon as possible.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound overhead, as if many things were flying by.

Behind the rockery, Yelutan was also staring at the ice beads.

He saw that Gong Yin seemed to want to find one of these wooden boards, so he was also very interested.

The ice beads crackled down.

Both Gong Yin and Yelutan were listening carefully.

Yelutan raised his brows suddenly, he heard a wooden board close to him, the sound was abnormal!

At the same time, Gong Yin on the lake seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head away.

With a flick of Yelutan's finger, an identical ice bead popped out with a "snap", and it flew away to the one that hit the wooden board where Jing Hengbo was.

Then he shot more than a dozen ice beads in a row, crackling and hitting the ice beads shot by Gong Yin.

The weight of the ice beads will increase, and the sound of hitting the upper board will also change.

If he wants to confuse Gong Yin, he only needs a moment.

Sure enough, Gong Yin paused slightly, and frowned—there were more than a dozen voices with inconsistent voices! And in different directions!

Wanting to memorize a dozen or so prescriptions all of a sudden, and on a drifting lake, this is extremely difficult, Gong Yin frowned, and had no choice but to swipe to the nearest wooden board with an abnormal sound.

As soon as he turned around, Yelutan rushed out and dragged the board he found earlier to the shore.

He held the wooden plank in one hand, and slapped Princess Yicheng awake with the other, and asked anxiously as he fled outside, "Where is the safest place in this palace?"

When others encounter this kind of situation, they may have to spend a long time on the lake, but he knows that the person in front of him cannot be deduced by common sense, and he may find out that the situation is wrong immediately. He cannot carry this wooden board in time to run out of the palace. Find a place to hide.

Princess Yicheng just woke up, still in a daze, subconsciously said: "...the west wing where the servants live, there are few servants here, it is very deserted..."

Yelutan dragged her out without saying a word.

Gong Yin on the lake originally turned his back to him, but suddenly he turned his head like a telepathy, and saw a black shadow flash past, a vague outline, familiar with shock.

At this time, he also turned over all the boards that sounded wrong, no!

Thinking of the black shadow and the familiar outline just now, his eyes became colder, he swept up from the lake, and chased after it.

Yelutan ran wildly with Princess Yicheng, and Princess Yicheng gradually couldn't keep up, and it was inconvenient for Yelutan to hold the huge wooden plank in his hand. Hearing Princess Yicheng's wailing from behind, he felt a little annoyed, so he turned around and put the She fainted in the grass.

Immediately after he smashed the wooden board, Jing Hengbo fell out of the dark drawer, Yelutan leaned over to look at her face, and snorted coldly.

It really was Jing Hengbo.

The drawer was shattered, Jing Hengbo got out of trouble, stood up with difficulty, the wood chips were still stuck to his body, and couldn't care less, he grabbed Yelutan and said: "This group of people is too evil, let's go out first, and then we can figure out a way to get rid of them." It's over, by the way, I have another important discovery to tell you..."

Yelutan was caught by her suddenly, startled for a moment, then vigilantly flashed his murderous intent, looked at the back of her head and slowly raised his hand, he paused when he heard the last sentence, and then slowly put it down.

Jing Hengbo didn't look at him at all, besides Gong Yin, who came to save her at this time? Besides Gong Yin, who else can freeze the lake? Besides Gong Yin, who else has this cold air? It's a no-brainer.

She didn't expect that someone else was ambushing here at this time, and it was Yelutan who came from the same origin as Gong Yin.

Pulling Yelutan to run, she asked, "How's your body? Was it inappropriate to use your internal force just now..." Turning her head inadvertently, she said in surprise, "You took off the mask? You're going to be seen by others... "

Suddenly there seemed to be someone's laughter in the distance, the voice was familiar, Jing Hengbo was stunned for a while, and said happily: "Ziwei is not dead!"

When Yelutan heard this sentence, murderous intent flashed in his eyes again, and he slowly raised his hand again.

Jing Hengbo's strong support came, but he couldn't hear the secret even if he wanted to hear it, so he had better kill him.

When Jing Hengbo died, he must have been in shock and pain. If Madam knew it, she must be very happy.

"Ziwei is here. I don't know if Xunru will come too?" Jing Hengbo said cheerfully.

Yelutan's hand stopped again, and his eyes changed drastically in an instant.

"Let's go, let's go see them." Jing Hengbo pulled Yelutan and walked in that direction.

Yelutan's eyes changed again, his expression was anticipation, joy, reluctance and pain, complicated like a mess of snow.

"Hey, why is your hand suddenly cold?" Jing Hengbo suddenly looked down at his hand, then patted his forehead, and suddenly said, "By the way, I don't know how many people came from them, it's not appropriate for you to appear in the place right now." In front of too many people, I'd better go and see first to make sure there are no outsiders before you appear."

Yelutan pursed his lips, then raised his palm again.

The night is long and the dreams are many, let's solve it now, so as not to be found out by inquiry.

Gong Yin chased after the shadow in the direction where the shadow was grazing. After walking a few steps, he stumbled and looked down. A woman fainted behind the rockery.

He wanted to ignore it, but the frost on the woman's body made him stop.

With a light pat, Princess Yicheng woke up, saw Gong Yin at a glance, and was stunned.

"Where is the person who was with you just now?" Gong Yin asked.

Yi Cheng didn't answer, his eyes flicked around him again and again, and he recognized that he was the man on the lake just now.

Her eyes fell on Gong Yin's face again, a master of Yirong, she could tell at a glance whether it was wearing a mask or a mask from a master of Yiguo.

"I..." She leaned softly towards Gong Yin, raised her hand out of breath, as if about to point in one direction, and said in a low voice, "...I saw..."

Gong Yin wanted to find out Jing Hengbo's whereabouts, so he could only support her patiently, holding her arm weakly, trying to push her body away from him as much as possible.

"In..." Princess Yicheng suddenly tore off Gong Yin's mask, "I lied to you... Ah! You!"

The laughter suddenly turned into an exclamation, and she stared blankly at the face in front of her, her face turned pale, and then flushed again.

She could hardly believe her eyes—the face she never forgot, fell in love with at first sight, and thought only belonged to a fairy, turned out to really exist, and now it was right in front of her.

Immediately, Yelutan and Lu Zhuohong were thrown out of the blue. She was shaking with excitement, her teeth were chattering, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Gong Yin's mask was torn off by her, and she pushed her away as soon as she turned over her sleeves. Princess Yicheng rubbed his original mask with her hand, so Gong Yin had no choice but to forget it, kicked her away, and wanted to leave.

"Immortal!" Princess Yicheng suddenly rushed up and hugged his leg, "Don't go! Don't go! Please don't go!"

Gong Yin glanced at her coldly, and Princess Yicheng thought, ah, it's so beautiful, she used to think that Yelutan's temperament was cold, but now she knows what real coldness is!

"My lord!" Sensitively aware of Gong Yin's murderous intent, she hurriedly said, "I want to report to you. There is someone pretending to be you!"

"Who?" Gong Yin put aside his murderous intentions.

"He's called..." Princess Yicheng wanted to show off, so that she could have a few more words with Gong Yin, but Gong Yin's coldness was a kind of oppression, she didn't dare to delay, and said softly, "His name is Yelutan."

Gong Yin was slightly taken aback.

"He seems to have fished something out of the lake..." Princess Yicheng gave information again.

That was Jing Hengbo, Gong Yin finally confirmed that she was safe, and let out a long breath. But what to do next, he rarely hesitated slightly.

He should have taken Jing Hengbo back without hesitation, but it was Yelutan who appeared at this moment.

The inner disciples of the Nine Heavens Sect also have three, six, nine grades. Although Yelutan is not the highest grade, he is much higher than Namur and his like. Among the disciples, there is a relatively special existence.

Yelutan's descent must have been ordered by Xu Pingran, and the target was either him or Jing Hengbo.

Then, whether or not to appear in front of him, and how to appear, should be carefully considered.

Of course, the premise is that Jing Hengbo is safe.

There was a strange rattling laughter in the distance, as soon as he heard this laughter, he knew that Master Ziwei had arrived.

With Master Ziwei around, it was impossible for Yelutan to harm Jing Hengbo.

Gong Yin was slightly relieved, but he was worried about Jing Hengbo's safety after all, so he flied towards that direction in a flash.

Princess Yicheng stared at his back with bewilderment, jumped onto the road, hurriedly found her old friend, and whispered a few words.

The night wind shattered her low thoughts.

"...I must keep him!"

Yelutan's palm was lifted up, and the palm was frosty white, and the back of Jing Hengbo's neck was right in front of him.

Jing Hengbo suddenly flickered and had already gone a few feet away. He looked in a certain direction with his head, stretched out his hand and waved at him, and said, "There are no outsiders! They are all people who can be assured. Come here, let's meet them, Go out early to avoid being besieged by King Yi."

While talking, he waved to the distance and greeted him from a distance.

Yelutan was a little hesitant, he was afraid of bumping into Yelv Xunru in the past, and he was a little bit looking forward to meeting Yelv Xunru, he wanted to go there and kill Jing Hengbo, if he was a step later, Master Yelv Xunru and the others would really have no chance if they came over Yes, but it seems that there is something wrong in the past...

After Wei Wei thought about it, he decided to make a quick decision. Looking at Jing Hengbo's hand gestures, master Ziwei Yelv Xunru was still far away, and he still had time to kill Jing Hengbo, destroy the body and wipe out the traces, and then look at how the blind girl is doing recently .

He dodged to catch up, but before he arrived, an icy edge flashed in his sleeve, piercing Jing Hengbo's back to his back.

Jing Hengbo suddenly disappeared again, and the next moment, a hand grabbed his front.

That hand was obviously not fast, but he couldn't dodge it. When he lowered his head, he saw the dark purple sleeve on that wrist.

At the same time, there was a "bang" sound from behind, and he received a palm. Amidst the blood surging, he heard a familiar voice laughing: "Eat me with a tiger fist!"

The sound hit the heart and lungs more than a fist, and he let out a "wow" and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Only then did Bing Leng fall to the ground, falling into a pool of his own blood, with a jingle.

Yelutan slowly raised his head.

The one who was carrying him was Master Ziwei, with a face like a most beautiful woman, looking at him with a disturbed and strange look, and was shouting: "Ah, Gong Yin? Gong Yin?"

A figure turned around, it was Jing Hengbo, smiling and holding his chin, he said, "Xibei, Xibei."

Beside her was Yeluqi, who glanced at him and smiled strangely, then took off his cloak and put it on for Jing Hengbo.

Jing Hengbo sneezed, put on Yeluqi's clothes tremblingly, rolled his eyes at him and said, "Stop pretending to be paralyzed?" and smiled at Yelutan, "Know why I found out that something is wrong with you? The first Gong Yin is fine. He will take off the mask, seeing me fall into the water, how could Second Gongyin not put on clothes after saving me? You see, Yeluqi knows how to put on thick clothes for me."

Yeluqi laughed and said, "It's like I'm ignorant."

Jing Hengbo chuckled, with a smug expression on his face.

Yelutan was full of pain, as if his heart was burning, he didn't care what they said at all, their meeting was just a kind of cold irony to him, but at this moment he didn't care about this irony, his attention was all behind his back — There is breathing behind the back, is it Yelv Xunru? what is she doing? Why don't you talk? What did she want to do after punching him? Another stab?

It is painful to think this way, but it doesn’t matter. Life is painful. Either struggling to get out of Nirvana in pain, or dying in pain to get great relief, both are happiness.

Yelv Xunru was indeed behind him.

She didn't speak, she lowered her head to the blood spat out by Yelutan, recalled the place where the "ding dong" sound was made before, and gently poked the ice edge with her foot.

The corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, which was not easy to be noticed.

"Who is this guy? Why does it feel familiar?" Jing Hengbo poked his head to look at Yelutan's face curiously, "Also, how could he pretend to be Gong Yin in such a good way? It really looks like this!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to tear off the disguise on Yelutan's face.

Yelv Xunru suddenly turned around from behind, patted Jing Hengbo on the shoulder, and asked, "Hey, where is Zhen Gongyin?"

When Jing Hengbo was reminded by this, he immediately forgot about tearing up Yi Rong, and looked around: "Hey, where is Gong Yin?"

"What are you talking about here? What can he do?" Master Ziwei picked her up, "The National Team Yi is coming, they have to leave or fight, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to wait for Gong Yin here." Jing Hengbo said, "You must be very busy recently, old man. If there is a fight, you go first. I want to tear off this guy's mask first, and see which one it is, why?" It feels so familiar." As he spoke, he wanted to tear off the mask again.

Yelv Xunru suddenly patted her on the shoulder again, and said, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one important thing. I got something recently, let me show you."

A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Yeluqi's face, and he turned to look at Jing Hengbo.

Jing Hengbo withdrew his hands, "What?"

Yelv Xunru chuckled, and took out a kit.

"Yo, you want to give me a gift bag." Jing Hengbo took it with a smile, "I'm really sorry..."

"When I came over, I was stopped by a girl who took this kit and asked me about her fiancé." Yelv Xunru said with a smile, "I heard that her fiancé was very familiar, so I asked for the kit. , show you."

"He used the kit to inquire about his fiancé, why did you bring it to me..." Jing Hengbo opened the kit inexplicably, touched something with his fingers, and said with a smile, "This thing has a special touch..." Slightly pulled out, and then His fingers froze, and so did the expression on his face.

Yeluqi looked at her expression with a half-smile, then at Yelu Xunru, and finally at Yelutan.

Jing Hengbo maintained the movement of opening half of the kit, and pulling out half of the things with his fingers. He was dazed for a while, then pinched the bottom of the kit quickly for a while, and then became dazed for a while. She slapped her face away.

"Where did this thing come from..." Jing Hengbo said in a breathless voice for a while.

She has forgotten everything now, and her mind is full of this kit. The things in the kit are so familiar that she can tell it belongs to Gong Yin at a glance. Not to mention Yelu Xunru, the elder sister of her love rival.


My mind is a bit messy, I believe it or not, but I don't understand how this happened.

Not to mention Yelutan now, even if Tai Shilan comes, it may not be able to attract her attention.

"A girl gave it to me, please help me find someone." Yelv Xunru leisurely said, "It is said that half a month ago, at the border of the tortoise shell, I met a man who was in danger at that time. Going to save someone, this girl fell in love with that man at first sight, and she did not hesitate to sacrifice her life to save him from his predicament. At that time, this girl also had selfish intentions, she fell in love with this man, threatened her with a marriage contract, and only willing to take the risk to save him if he promised to marry her. The man was pressed for time and couldn't help it, so he agreed to the girl's request, made a marriage contract with her, and gave her this bag. After that, the girl couldn't find anyone. Her family wanted to make an engagement for her, but she refused to do so. After receiving many beatings, she later told her family that the man she had privately appointed for life was absolutely extraordinary and must be better than the one her family found, so her family escorted her out to find this fiancé, and wanted to see it with her own eyes. If it happens, she will be remanded to go back to marry. It is a matter of life, and she is determined to find her fiancé, holding the paintings in her kit, and inquiring about everyone. Just happened to meet us, we think this painting is familiar, but we don’t want to Let people show the painting casually, so I promise to find someone to help her, bring the kit, and show it to you now, are you familiar with this thing? Tell me, who is this man?" He held his chin, Looking at Jing Hengbo with a smile.

Yelv Xunru knew very well that based on the relationship between Jing Hengbo and Gong Yin, it would be useless to make up a **** story about a man's change of heart, and Jing Hengbo would not believe it, so she told the truth, only changing the protagonist, eighty percent true Divided leave, the most credible.

Jing Hengbo had already heard that a soy sauce shop opened on his face, and the colorful changes were wonderful. The time period that Yelv Xunru mentioned seems to be the time when she forced Gong Yin to come to Shen Tie from a dead end? Later, she vaguely heard Gong Yin mention a few words, saying that she encountered obstacles on the road, which delayed her time. Could it be that at that time, Gong Yin had no choice but to engage in a marriage contract in order to escape?

She thought about Yelu Xunru's words in detail, and felt that the time, place, and people were all in line. She hadn't participated in or heard about it before, so she couldn't know about Gong Yin's encounter with obstacles.

She also wondered if it was Yelu Xunru who did it herself, but she always felt that Xunru didn't seem to have such good intentions to save her younger brother's rival in love? Gong Yin really wanted to kill Yeluqi!

"Hey hey hey hey." Upon hearing this, Master Ziwei understood that he was talking about Bai Pulin, rolled his eyes, thought that Yelv Xun seemed to be playing tricks, he didn't have to take part in good deeds, he had to get involved in bad deeds, and immediately said: "Are you talking about the Baipulin on the border between the tortoiseshell and Shentie? The old man has passed by, and there are traces of formations there, and it is quite a large formation. It's time to untie it."

Jing Hengbo let out an "uh" and believed again, suddenly put the bag into his arms, and grabbed Yelv Xunru's hand, "Sister, so who, so whose fiancée, where is she now? "

Yelu Xun rolled his eyes, "I put her in an inn in the Magic City. The inn is called Chang'an."

"Then let's go." Jing Hengbo immediately dragged her to leave, "I'll talk to that girl, talk to her."

"What are you talking about?" Yelv Xunru refused to leave, "Aren't you going to wait for Gong Yin?"

Jing Hengbo is now unwilling to wait for Gong Yin. She has to deal with his fiancée before Gong Yin finds her. Otherwise, she will deal with that girl in front of him. It's big.

It's better not to let men see some of the women's defense of love. She grinds her teeth with green face and fangs, and Yelu Xunru feels as if she heard the sound of sharpening a knife to her fiancée.

Yelv Xunru lowered his head and "looked" at Yelutan. Slowly rolled up the sleeves.

Some things were originally just a joke, and I didn't want it to come in handy in the end.

"I'll just leave a mark for Gong Yin." Jing Hengbo casually drew a circle on the ground, sprinkled some ice slag, tore off a piece of Master Ziwei's sleeve, and half-buried it under a stone. On the stone was written "Chang'an Inn" four words. Then he urged a few people to leave quickly.

Yi Guo's guards did not move, which meant that Gong Yin was not under siege, and probably got caught by something. When he sees the mark, he will know to come out to find her.

The Yelu siblings were naturally happy to see the success, Master Ziwei also happily picked up Yelutan, because he suddenly discovered that since he caught this kid, Yelu Xunru suddenly became less clingy to him, although Master Ziwei didn't Understand what the reason is, but also happy to see such a situation. If this kid is here, Yelv Xunru can save face and not pester him, he doesn't mind taking him with him for the rest of his life.

At this time, Yi Guo's guards also began to outflank them, but for a few people, it was really easy to break through the encirclement, and a few figures quickly tore through the night and left.

Someone looked up at the figures in a corner of the palace, facing Jing Hengbo's face, but his eyes were gloomy.

It is King Yi.

A figure slowly walked out from behind the rockery, and also watched the direction in which they were going.

He is Gong Yin.

He had already come over before, and he saw all the actions and conversations of Jing Hengbo and the others just now.

Several times I planned to go out and explain, but I gave up the idea several times.

Yelv Xunru behaved strangely, he wanted to see clearly in the dark first. Determine whether the intention is against Jing Hengbo.

As for the fiancée, looking at Jing Hengbo's appearance, she seems to be happy to solve it? Then let's see how Her Majesty the Queen plans to solve it.

As for the misunderstanding? Misunderstandings are arranged for men and women who have never experienced anything and are not firm in each other's minds.

Let the Queen go down and deal with Yelu Xunru, Gong Yin thinks that this blind girl is really more difficult to deal with than Jing Hengbo.

He suddenly waved his sleeves, and behind him, Princess Yi Cheng, who approached quietly, immediately stumbled.

Princess Yicheng lying in the mud, tears in the mud — ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

A pair of boots suddenly stopped in front of her, and Princess Yicheng raised her head in surprise, only to see that face that made her suffocate every time she saw it.

Gong Yin looked at her without fluctuation, he was very familiar with the woman's obsessed eyes, it felt like a fly in summer.

"Are you going to disguise?" he asked.

Princess Yicheng nodded desperately.

Gong Yin thought for a while, he felt that King Yi Guo today was a little weird.

"Help me change my face." He said, "The kind that no one can find out."