MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 70v3 enthroned

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"Let the arrow!"

Ming Yan'an exclaimed hoarsely.

Almost as soon as the sound came out, hundreds of arrows whizzed out, trailing crimson trails. In people's field of vision, countless vertical and horizontal blood-like horizontal paths are drawn.

At this speed, at this distance, unless Jing Hengbo disappeared immediately, it would definitely be too late.

Ming Yan'an stared closely at the prison car, afraid that the chain would suddenly fall off, or that she would repeat her old tricks, and suddenly there would be a flash of ecstasy in his heart—the chain was still there, Jing Hengbo was still there, and the fastest rocket had already hit the railing of the prison car , it's too late for her to escape now!

He even saw that Jing Hengbo seemed to be picking something out of his bosom at this moment.

What can I take out to save her at this time? A shield as big as a palm?

Ming Yan'an was about to laugh, and opened his mouth, ready to have a heroic smile that swallowed mountains and rivers, and let out a bright voice for his upcoming victory.

But he suddenly remembered that something was wrong.

When the rocket is launched, what should be ejected from the prison van, enough to stab Jing Hengbo through his body?

Why didn't the knife come out?

Then he heard, "Long!"

There was no movement, and suddenly there was a green light in front of my eyes.

Layer upon layer, dense green light.

He widened his eyes, and saw that the prison car, which was half covered with tiger claw vines, was completely covered by green leaves in an instant.

Layer after layer, branch after branch, under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, those tiger claw vines were growing at an indescribable speed. In an instant, the prison car doubled in size and was densely wrapped by the tiger claw vines.

This scene is actually weird, the crimson fire path is approaching from both sides, like a red "one" that is about to close, but a large green giant grows out of the middle, and it is still expanding.

"Chacha" sounded repeatedly, and in the blink of an eye, the rocket hit the prison car.

The flame did burn immediately, but because the green leaves themselves contained moisture, it was not as fast as expected, and because the green leaves were so many and thick, they couldn't burn in for a while.

The green leaves of tiger claw vine on the surface were burned immediately, but they grew back inside, and the speed of re-growth was faster than the speed of fire. The long prison cart was burning, as if a ghost was hiding inside, playing a game of transporting grass and trees.

Ming Yan'an opened his mouth wide and failed to close, his blushing face suddenly turned pale, and then suddenly turned blue. If his imperial doctor was present at this time, he would know that he was too frightened and a stroke was imminent.

But Chai Yu and all the other generals and ministers, including the fifteen gangs who were watching from afar, stood there in a daze, no one cared to pay attention to others.

The soldiers who were fighting on all sides also noticed the abnormality here, and when they looked back, they were so shocked that their weapons almost fell to the ground.

Not to mention that the people who were driven to "watch the ceremony" opened their mouths wide and swallowed a stomach full of cigarettes.

After a while, someone shouted: "Queen of Destiny, the fire is hard to burn!"

"Ming Yan'an is going against the grain, and the heavens will not help!"

"The queen is the lord of my tortoiseshell fate! The rebellious minister and thief Ming Yan'an!"

At the beginning, it was scattered, and they couldn't tell where it came from. Gradually, more and more people shouted.

Ming Yan'an started to tremble, grabbed Chai Yu, took advantage of people not paying attention, and slowly retreated into the crowd, a large group of shield soldiers rushed up to protect him in the middle.

"Stop using fire! Go up and kill her! Go up and kill her! She's still in the carriage!" Ming Yan'an shouted, his face and voice seemed distorted.

A large group of soldiers rushed forward with knives.

The gate of Shen Tieguan City opened, and soldiers poured into the city.

Tie Xingze had already heard about the internal strife in the silent army and the beheading of the leader, so he greeted him personally down the tower with joy.

Gong Yin didn't move, he had no intention of intervening in Shen Tie's affairs.

Murong Zhen, who was carrying the head, did not see Gong Yin, his eyes flashed slightly, and then returned to normal.

He offered the head, and Tie Xingze naturally praised and rewarded him, and asked him about his position in the silent army and why he acted like this. Murong Zhen replied calmly: "The humble job is the captain of the seventh unit of the Tianting Battalion of the Mo Army. I can't bear to see the general act so perversely and betray my lord. He specially set things right and offered his head as a traitor to the king."

"This king thought that all the silent army betrayed, but fortunately there are such loyal and righteous soldiers!" Tie Xingze admired to the left and right, and then sighed, "Actually, until now, this king has not understood why the silent army betrayed?"

Murong Zhen was silent for a while, and said: "Actually, I have my own secrets, and it's a long story."

"Oh?" Tie Xingze asked immediately.

But Murong Zhen refused to say anything, with a clear expression on his face that "there are too many people in this place, it is not appropriate to openly talk about secrets".

"That's it," Tie Xingze said immediately, "Later on, I will stay at the Guancheng post house, and you will also live there. In the evening, I will personally invite you to a banquet, in order to thank you for your understanding of righteousness and your assistance to our army."

Murong Zhen smiled sincerely, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He never took another look at Gong Yin on the city wall.

On the city wall, Gong Yin never even looked at him. He stared in the direction of the tortoise shell and swiped his fingers to make up his mind.

The tortoise shell is heavy with iron, wind and smoke are faint, but Dige is shrouded in a peaceful spring.

The green, black and white quiet courtyards, pavilions and pavilions in spring are softened by the deep mist and rain, and the tough outline in the past also looks poetic and soft.

A group of ministers walked out of Jingting's study in a solemn manner, and the Master of the National Teacher, uncharacteristically, stood at the door to see them off in person.

The ministers left in a hurry, because they knew that they would be busy next time.

Zou Zheng stood under the eaves of the corridor, watching the backs of the crowd leaving in a hurry, barely controlling the ecstasy in his eyes.

To my surprise, things went so smoothly to this day!

Starting today, the ministers who have left will prepare for the enthronement of the national teacher.

The memorial about the enthronement of the national teacher was put forward five days ago. He hesitated for a long time because of this, he wanted to start early to avoid long nights and dreams, and he was afraid that the pretense would be seen through if his foundation was unstable, and he wanted to wait until he had gained a firm foothold before taking his time. However, since he pretended to be the national teacher, the attitudes of the people around him have remained the same, and the government orders that have passed through his hands have been unimpeded, and there is nothing wrong with him. Did he really hold the Great Wilderness regime? This is completely without reason.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and felt that it would be better to realize his long-cherished wish as soon as possible. Only after stepping up to the supreme position, the panic and anxiety in his heart can be slowly melted away by the power he actually holds.

He took the risk of summoning an admonisher and gave him a hint. According to his observation, this person is also a flexible and cunning person. As expected, at the court meeting the next day, the admonisher joined forces with several low-weight people. A colleague who is not inferior, publicly submitted a letter asking the national teacher to ascend the throne.

To his surprise, almost none of the ministers objected to this motion. Shan Hu Jingcong seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Immediately, the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, and the chief officials of each department met with them like flowing water, and came up with various regulations on the specific enthronement matters. The long list was well-mannered, and he was dazzled by it, but he was so happy that he could hardly believe it.

The efficiency of each department is surprisingly high. Today Li Silai has chosen a certain day in the second half of this month as the auspicious day for enthronement.

The action was so fast, it hit him in the arms, he guessed vaguely in his heart, it seemed that Gong Yin had indeed made preparations for enthronement early, and also let the courtiers off, so when he mentioned it again, no one was surprised, and quickly entered the track.

Is this considered to be a wedding dress for him after all the tricks have been exhausted?

Thinking of this, he smiled smugly, feeling that this March is really the most colorful spring in his life.

His eyes suddenly focused, and on the flower wall in front of him, a cluster of twigs trembled in the wind, and one of the flowers was missing a petal.

He watched calmly, then turned back to his study. After dinner, he said he wanted to go out for a walk, and refused to follow Yu Chun and others.

He took a casual walk for a while, his current gait and expression, under the moonlight is clear and cold, just like Gong Yin.

Naturally, the palace people dare not get close to the national teacher who is as high as the mountains and far away from the snow.

As they walked, they approached the queen's bedroom. Recently, the guards in the queen's bedroom are still as strict as before, and everyone is used to it.

But at this moment, the bedroom door was left open, he entered quietly, waved to the guards, and everyone retreated like flowing water.

The lights in the bedroom were dim, making the palace look deep and desolate. Mingcheng was waiting for him by the light of the only candle.

The pale yellow candlelight reflected on her face, her face was as white as thick paste, cold and motionless, but burning flames emerged from the bottom of her eyes.

"You have to give me an explanation," she said.

"I don't need to explain." Zou Zheng's tone is very similar to Gong Yin's now.

"Then I have no choice but to lift your mask and tell the world that there is a liar here." Ming Cheng smiled, and at some point, when she laughed, there were already slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

"You should know that your threat is useless." Zou Zheng flicked his fingers lightly, "Without my order, you can't leave this palace at all."

Mingcheng stood up, and the wind caused by her figure caused the candle to flutter, causing her smile to flicker, "Really? But do you think I must leave the bedroom to reveal the secret of your Li Daitao's stiffness?"

"Then you might as well try." The candle was flickering, Zou Zheng picked up the jade scissors on the table and cut the wick.

Mingcheng watched his movements expressionlessly.

Zou Zheng suddenly put down the scissors and stared at her eyes, "The scissors or the wick, there won't be any tricks?"

"I don't know, but you can try it too." Ming Chengman said, "It's like these days, haven't you played tricks on me yet?"

Zou Zheng paused, lowered his eyelashes, "I have to admit, you impress me."

"Why didn't you think that maybe someone is helping me?" Mingcheng's smile suddenly became more mysterious, "Look, I said just now that I don't need to go out of the palace to take off your disguise. Why don't you keep asking?"

"Who can help you? Can anyone help you in this Yuzhao Palace?" Zou Zheng sneered.

"What do you think?" Ming Cheng flicked his fingers and smiled casually, "Maybe it's a certain minister, maybe it's a certain court lady, maybe it's someone close to you, maybe it's someone that no one can think of, maybe..." She Suddenly, quietly, with a breath, he said, "It's a dead man."

In the dark room with dim candles and cold wind, against the woman's pale face and mysterious voice, Zou Zheng suddenly shivered uncontrollably, and felt something cool seep from his back.

But he refused to show the slightest timidity on his face, impatiently he put the scissors down heavily, "Playing like a ghost!"

Although he scolded this sentence, he was unavoidably uneasy—recently here in Mingcheng, he really had doubts in his heart. After he decided to ascend the throne, in order to avoid the threat of Mingcheng, he once ordered Yuchun to attack secretly, but Mingcheng was very vigilant and never success.

And there was another thing that made him uneasy, that is Meng Hu's whereabouts, although he made up a reason, but when he finished assassinating Gong Yin and went back to find Meng Hu's body, he couldn't find it.

Mingcheng said that maybe the "other party" helped to deal with it, but she was eager to escape back to the palace and broke up with the helper in a hurry, and she didn't have time to ask in detail. It was just a guess, not to mention that even if she said it, it must be true?

Meng Hu is Gong Yin's number one confidant, if he is not dead, everything he does will be in vain. For this reason, he was worried for many days, but just like Gong Yin's death, there was no movement about Meng Hu's matter.

If Meng Hu was still alive, it would be absolutely impossible for Li Daitao to freeze without saying a word.

The reason is this, I always feel uneasy, looking at Mingcheng's expression that seems to be determined but also secretive at the moment, this kind of uneasiness is like a beast lurking in the dark night, slowly approaching.

He paused, and finally decided that it was better not to take any risks.

"Stop thinking about it here." He said softly, and fixed Mingcheng's eyes, "My ascension to the throne is not a bad thing for you, do you still think that according to the current situation, I can make you a powerful queen? ?”

Mingcheng didn't speak, and sat down slowly. It's really unrealistic to be a queen with real power. You can see what happened to Jing Hengbo. But continue to live like this? Striving for a little limited freedom? So what's the point of her taking such a big risk?

"I know you are unwilling." Zou Zheng suddenly raised his hand and covered the back of her hand.

Mingcheng was stunned, and seemed to want to withdraw her hand for a moment, but in the end she didn't move, she lowered her head, Zou Zheng couldn't see the expression on her face, only saw her pink lips pursed into a tight line under her small nose, the back of her hand His skin was also tense, but after a while, it slowly relaxed.

Her attitude made him calm down, and he smiled slightly - women, it's always like this.

"You've got into a dead end." His persuasive tone is the most suitable for shaking a woman, "Why do you have to be a queen? How restrictive is the law of the Great Desolation for the queen? Why did you forget, the other side of the queen? What kind of home?"

The back of Mingcheng's hand trembled again.

"Be my queen." Zou Zheng took her hand, put it in his palm, and rubbed it gently with the base of his fingers. They are a perfect match. At my enthronement ceremony, I will make you my queen. You don’t have to be that puppet queen anymore, and you are no longer in a hostile position with me. From now on, we will join hands and share the world, wouldn’t it be good?”

Ming Cheng never raised his head, nor refused, Zou Zheng looked at her with a smile, his blue eyes were slightly tinged with arrogance.

It took a long time for Mingcheng to raise his head, but his face was full of spring, full of smiles.

"So, very good."

"Excellent." The corners of Zou Zheng's lips curled up in satisfaction - he knew that no ambitious woman could resist such a temptation.

"But I have one more request."

"You and I are the same body, just say it."

"You must announce to the world that you welcome me as your queen with the most solemn etiquette. On the day you welcome me as your queen, you must depose the Queen of Blackwater and give her to death."


"Kill her!"

Ming Yan'an's roar was stirred in the wind.

The soldiers rushed forward, and the swords in their hands were about to pass through the burning tiger claw vines and insert them into the prison car.

Suddenly, with a sound of "pa", the four doors of the prison car slammed and hit the swords of those people. Knock the killer away.

Everyone was shocked again—why did the door of the prison car open?

The prison car has been remodeled, and four locks can be opened at the same time. That is to say, four people must hold the keys at the same time to open the door. But now, the four doors are opened at the same time, and Ming Yan'an even only heard the sound of unlocking.

The four doors opened at the same time, but the tiger claw vine was still growing, and blocked the opened door after a while, still unable to see clearly what was going on with Jing Hengbo inside.

Ming Yan'an really wanted to see if Jing Hengbo could break free from the chains in the prison car. The chains were made of white iron, and there was only one key, which was in an extremely secret place on his body.

This key is so important that he didn't even tell the most trusted national scholars.

But he dared not go forward.

What if Jing Hengbo had already broken free from the chains and was waiting in the prison car...he shivered.

Chai Yu beside him said suddenly: "She must not have broken the chain, she was just scaring the others, I'll go and see!"

"Why do you take the risk yourself!" He immediately pulled her.

"This girl has too many tricks, the soldiers think she is magical, and the morale of the army will be lost!" Chai Yu pointed at the prison car, and said sharply, "As a commander, you can no longer shrink behind others, you must take the lead!"

Ming Yan'an blushed, let go of her hands, and Chai Yu rode out. Ming Yan'an was ashamed and grateful, and suddenly the blood surged in his heart, and he shouted loudly at her back: "Princess, be careful!"

He used this to express his determination and gratitude, and also to show the soldiers her dignity, and the determination of the royal family to live and die with the soldiers.

There was an uproar from all around, the officials and common people who were far away looked at Chai Yu in surprise, they did not expect that the king's new concubine had already been established.

Chai Yu waved his hand, and said in a crisp voice, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

She drove straight to the prison car, without approaching, directly grabbed the gun on the horse, and stabbed the still silent prison car.

Everyone held their breath.

In the next moment, there seemed to be a sneer from inside the prison car, "Come on!"

Chai Yu fell, and the gun passed through the prison car, but her whole body seemed to be grabbed by a pair of transparent giant hands, and she was caught straight into the prison car.

With a "crash", she passed through the vine, which was still growing, and immediately covered the gap.

In a hurry, everyone was stunned again, and then Ming Yan'an shouted: "Put out the fire! Put out the fire!"

Someone came over with a bucket that had been prepared, poured it down, and the fire was extinguished.

The wet leaves flipped for a while, revealing Jing Hengbo's face, a bit smoky, but still smiling, pinching Chai Yu's neck with one hand, shaking Ming Yan'an, and said: "My lord, this is Your concubine? Congratulations, you have been named a new concubine. How is it? Do you plan to protect this concubine?"

Ming Yan'an's face was pale, and he stared suspiciously at Chai Yu. He had doubts in his heart and wanted to test it out, but just before Wan Jun's affectionate recognition of the princess, he ignored her life and death in a blink of an eye, and there were so many subjects present , it is said that he is actually a cool master, how can he control the tortoiseshell in the future?

His heart was pounding, and there seemed to be blood rushing in his head, and he felt dizzy for a while. He didn't know that his half-green, half-red face was terrifying, so he suddenly remembered that his medicine seemed to be still with her, and thought about it. Thinking: "What do you want?"

"The key." Jing Hengbo always had that kind of lazy tone, making people feel that big things, in such a soft accent, seem to be no longer important.

With a livid face, Mingyan An fumbled from his bosom for a long time, and took out a small kit, and asked someone to send it over.

Jing Hengbo nodded to the kit, and the person who gave the kit opened the bag and poured out several pairs of small golden keys.

Only then did Jing Hengbo nod his head, and opened a gap in the tiger claw vine, motioning for him to throw it over.

The soldier threw the kit inside.

Ming Yan'an's eyes flashed, and the corners of his lips pursed coldly.

The kit passed through the gap in the tiger claw vine, and Jing Hengbo reached out and grabbed it.

As soon as she grabbed it, her hand involuntarily left Chai Yu and let go of her neck. Chai Yu suddenly reached out his hand like lightning, grabbed the kit, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Everyone stared dumbfounded as she straightened her neck and swallowed the kit desperately.

Jing Hengbo was furious, and strangled her neck with his hand back, shouting: "Spit it out! Spit it out!"

As soon as she let go, the tiger claw vine fell down again, covering the prison car. Everyone could only see the prison car shaking violently, there was a faint humming sound, and there was a rattling sound of chains, as if two people were fighting fiercely.

At this moment, there was another shocking change, and everyone couldn't react. Ming Yan'an was both surprised and happy, and the green and red aura on his face crossed and flashed faster. He subconsciously stepped forward and touched his arms again.

The tiger claw vine was still growing, and it had already hung down to the ground, and even spread out, climbing forward on the ground like a green ghost. The soldiers looked at it with horror in their hearts, and couldn't help but retreat.

At this time, the two sides had stopped fighting, and the Shangyuan Army ignored the Hengji Army, and the Hengji Army also forgot to fight desperately. The crowd was rushing towards the center of this place, and Ming Yan'an's personal guards used long spears to stop the people from going out.

Wan Jun held his breath, waiting for the fight between the two women. A fight between women vaguely determines the final ownership of the tortoise shell.

Suddenly there was a scream of "ah" in the prison car, and the voice turned out to be Jing Hengbo's special voice.

The prison car swayed again, and suddenly there was a sound of "snap". Everyone was vaguely hidden in the gaps between the green leaves, and seemed to see a flash of fire, and then someone said "ah", and suddenly bumped outward, and bumped out.

Everyone stared at the person who came out, wearing a purple skirt and silk, it was Chai Yu, the horizontal halberd army was struck by lightning, the Shangyuan army let out a long breath, and couldn't help shouting: "The princess is brave!"

When Chai Yu came out, he knocked open the door, and everyone saw the flames bursting up inside.

Before splashing water, it was the tiger claw vines outside, but the oil had been splashed on the inside before, so naturally it couldn't be washed off. The tiger claw vines were densely packed before, blocking the fire, and there was no fire inside. Violently, everyone saw that the chains were still untied, and the person tied to the chains had already been submerged in the flames, and was convulsing and struggling desperately. Perhaps the pain was too great to make a sound.

Burning people alive in public is an extremely tragic punishment. Everyone couldn't help but backed away, averted their eyes and dared not look directly, and cold sweat dripped from their palms.

Burning like that... I can't live no matter what...

Chai Yu rolled out on the ground in embarrassment, Ming Yan'an dismounted himself and caught her, his bluish face became more and more intense, and he looked more and more terrifying, but he didn't realize it, his face was full of excitement and joy, and said: "Okay! Okay !Thanks to you!"

With his support, Chai Yu stood up, and the two of them stared silently at the burning prison car, watching the flames in the prison car silently devour the twisted and struggling figure until it was burnt into a piece of charred corpse.