MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 246 Worm factory

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Variant worms have become more and more prosperous nowadays. Slowly, survivors have found that some of the worms can be eaten in addition to the useful parts of the worms. Among them, there are a few types of worms, the combat power is very low, the meat quality is unexpectedly delicious, and the taste and nutritional value are not lost.

These worms are collectively referred to as worms by survivors.

The worms live on vegetarian diets and grow rapidly. However, due to their high nutritional value and low combat effectiveness, they are also classified in the food sub-group. Therefore, although the growth of these worms is very rapid, it is still very rare.

According to the information provided by the system, in fact, in the higher universe, these worms are one of the main materials for the manufacture of ordinary nutrients. Many companies and private individuals also specially built insect factories to breed these worms. Not only these worms, but also silver beetles that secrete secret silver, insects that produce isolated alloy raw materials, etc. are all being raised artificially. Of course, the artificially raised worms produce a much different quality of the different organisms than the wild ones.

Wu Ye has eaten the worms of these worms, and has also eaten the systemic nutrient. In view of the fact that the taste of the nutrient is too ridiculous, he is skeptical about the system, but he has raised the system to raise the artificial worms. Interested.

The beetles like the silver beetle and the Europa continent are too high for the current survivors to control, and they are not considered for the time being. However, like worms, they are naturally inferior in combat, temperamental, and fast-growing. They are much cheaper than the cost of raising livestock and poultry. They can be fully propagated to solve the meat problem of the survivors of the city. In addition, the nutrition of this worm High value, used to breed mutant animals, contracted beasts can greatly reduce costs.

However, it is also a bit bad that these worms are quite damaging to the environment. They are not correct, but the scenes of the worms that do not leave behind the grass are not suitable for the developed city. Besides, Yucheng also has a tree of life that is arrogant and tempered. With its love for worms, these worms are only raised in Yucheng, but they will not have the opportunity to grow.

After some consideration, Wu Ye decided to place the breeding base next to Qingyi County.

The vast majority of people living in Qingyi County are special fusion infections, but not all non-infected people. The infected people came to the city to find antidote, and many of them did not consider going back to the original settlement when they came. Therefore, all family members brought their families as much as possible.

Now Qin Wuhua is equivalent to disguising these infected people outside the city, and those who are not willing to leave their family naturally go to Qinglan County. There are not many people in this group, but they all add up to nearly ten. Ten thousand people. Qingyi County is not the same as the city, there is no planting area, no factory, no construction under construction. As a qualified businessman, how can the two young people watch so many cheap labor idle there?

It is not difficult to breed carnivores. They live on plants and have strong vitality. As long as the environment for keeping them grows clean, they are hardly sick.

It takes several hours to drive from the city of Bengbu and Qingyi County. It is not cost-effective to raise the fodder and grass in the past by the city. Therefore, Wu Ye intends to plant high-yield mutant crops directly in the satellite city. In order to raise the worms.

Under the birth of the tree of life, there are many varieties of crops in the city, among which sweet potato and potato produce the highest, and these two plants are just the second favorite food of the meat.

In this special power competition, Wu Ye also earned a lot of money, investing in a small satellite city as a breeding base for worms, and said that it is not bad money.

In the past two years, Ji Chong followed Wu Ye’s investment. He earned some money. When he heard Wu Ye’s investment in building a worm breeding base, he immediately came up and said that he also wanted to buy a stock.

Wu Ye is either too busy to die, or too lazy to die. Although he is determined to open up the satellite city to raise the worms, he can really not give time and energy to manage. Ji Chong wants to buy shares and let him enter, just he lacks a help for him. Managed people.

After getting along for so long, Wu Ye is very clear that Ji Chong is completely inherited from his parents' advantages. Although his character is occasionally unreliable, he is very talented in economic management. Under the management of a large plantation in Yucheng, he did not have any big scorpions. Although he loves money, he has always followed the good habits of getting it right, let him help the management industry, Wu Yehe Qin Wuhua feels very relieved.

More importantly, Ji Chong seems to be only in charge of the plantations and farms in Yucheng, but in fact, the whole grain sales channels of Yucheng are held in his hands. With these resources, the development of the worms The prospect will undoubtedly go up a step.

To open up a brand new satellite city, you need to choose a site, dispatch materials, mobilize manpower, etc., each of which consumes money and effort. Ji Chong's forefoot was delighted to enter the stock market. After the trip to open the satellite city, he fell on his head. He felt that Wu Xiaoye's baby face was so annoying! His cliff was also pitted by Wu Xiaoye, **** (╯‵ ′ ╯) ╯ (┻━┻

The excuse of Wu Ye slipping is quite bright and straightforward.

The economic value of the worms is high, and their ability to reproduce is also strong. However, they often do not have long achievements to let their similar species eat as food. It is so easy to find enough worms to breed.

Wu Ye not only took his own guard to go out to find, but also sent a task to the hunter's union, and mobilized the hunters to follow.

The hunters who occasionally ate the carnivores did not forget the delicious taste of the worms. When the city owner decided to open up the satellite city to artificially breed the worms, many people felt that they had taken a step closer to the days of eating meat every day. Of course, they also thought too much. Many people with ulterior motives expressed concern about the cultivation of mutant worms in Wuye. Some people in Yucheng even secretly rumored that it was impossible for Wu Ye to follow the footsteps of Li’s family.

In order to control the situation in Yucheng, Qin Wuhua has set up a special intelligence department. Now the intelligence department is getting better and better. These rumors have not yet spread in Yucheng. The people who spread the rumors were first imprisoned in the black prison. The plot is serious. Even being driven out of Yucheng.

I am worried that Wu Ye will make human-like genetic experiments like the Lee family. If you do, you will not be served, and you will fall in love with it.

Excluding those nails with ulterior motives, most people in the city are very optimistic about Wu Ye’s move. The current meat in Yucheng is basically able to meet the daily needs, but this 'need' is only for people who can afford meat. Many people, especially ordinary survivors, have to spend a long time to get a tooth sacrifice. Can you eat cheap and delicious meat, how can they not support it?

Before the city passed through the power competition, there were siege winds, and more than 80% of the abilities of the entrants were staying, whether they want to stay in the city, or to be more convenient in the recent life in the city. Invariably choose to register the citizenship of Yucheng, and of course register the identity of the hunter in Yucheng.

This time, the abilities of the entrants who came to Yucheng to participate in the competition were unprecedented. It has exceeded 10 hours. With so much combat power, the task of collecting the worms has become smoother.

The size of the worms is not large, the adult is generally ten jins, and the larvae are usually only about one jin. The newly opened satellite city acquires the insect species at a price of 200 credits per kilogram of the adult larvae, which is equivalent to 40 nucleus. Crystal, completely comparable to the price of some mutant animal meat, compared with the ferocious bloodthirsty mutant beast, soft and fat, slow-moving carnivores are as cute and harmless as angels.

According to this price, catch an adult worm, at least three or four hundred crystals, and the worms have a group property. Once found, they are often no less than 20, and a lucky team can catch it once. Hundreds of adult worms are properly the rhythm of a small hair, which is much easier than hunting zombies.

The carnivores like the warm and humid environment, and the place where the city is located is exactly in line with their habits. Therefore, as long as you are willing to find it, there will be no gain.

It took only one month for the satellite city to collect hundreds of thousands of small and small worms. The mutant sweet potatoes and potatoes transplanted from Yucheng have been rapidly rooted and propagated, but it will take some time to harvest. For the time being, we ate the food that was transported from Yucheng.

The acquisition of worms, the development of satellite cities, the purchase of worm feed, the wages of workers, etc., add up to a mess of money, and consumed nearly 200 million credit points in Wu Ye.

However, the effect is also obvious. The larvae multiply rapidly. When the temperature is suitable and the food is sufficient, the female usually produces an egg once a month, and the number of eggs laid is between 10-30 pieces each time. It takes only two months to grow into adults, and the growth rate is very fast. Of course, the growth rate is accompanied by a short period of time, usually only about 2 years. Once the worms die naturally, their meat can become very unpalatable and may even be slightly toxic.

Therefore, the satellite workers in the satellite city not only need to be responsible for feeding these worms, but also pay close attention to the life expectancy of these worms and ensure that they are eaten at the optimal time.

The time spent busy was very fast, and three months passed.

The first batch of eggs that were born in the satellite city also grew into adult worms. Workers who gradually learned about the habits of the worms and pigs picked out some of the worms that had to enter the edible stage to slaughter the meat and send them back to the city for sale.

The adult meat worm has a high meat yield. A standard 10 kg adult worm can get 8 pounds of meat. Nowadays, there are not many insects that can be sold by the insect factory. After the market has been investigated by Ji Chong, it is tentatively resold to the survivors of Yucheng at a price of 100 credits. This price is cheaper than that of the finest pork. Many people are willing to marry. The money tastes fresh.

The meat of the meat is delicious and tender, suitable for a lot of cooking methods. People who have eaten rarely say that it is not good. It is so sloppy that Wu Ye mouth is not so tired after eating a week of insects, let alone other survivors. The person.

Soon, the market for worms in Yucheng was opened, and other large settlements saw business opportunities, and they tried to feed the worms. Some people have developed well, the feeding has been very successful, and some people have just bought the insects at a great price for the forefoot, and let the mutant worms give the scourge the next moment.

In any case, Yucheng took this head, and the survivors also had a cheap nutritious ration.

Although the investment in the insect factory is huge, Wu Ye has never worried that he will not be able to return. After Ji Chong became a shareholder, he basically did not worry about the insect factory. At the beginning, he also looked for a few days with the guards, and then his energy was completely placed on another matter.

One is in the annals of history, and it is a great event for the next generation to celebrate the millennium.

Attacked Wuyuan City.