MTL - Entertainment From Divorce-v3 Chapter 780 ball skills

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It's a new day, another sunny day.

But the summer sun seems never to be pleasing, and it always makes people feel restless.

At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, you can feel the heat wave in the air.

the capital.

Brilliant Entertainment Company, President's Office.

The air conditioner in the office blows a cool breeze, which is in stark contrast to the temperature outside.

Tan Yue stared at the computer screen, his hands kept typing on the keyboard, showing extra concentration.

After arriving at the company early in the morning, he sat in front of the computer and began to write the script of "Infernal Affairs".

"Infernal Affairs" is a classic movie in Tan Yue's heart, the plot in it is very clear in his mind, and everything is progressing smoothly so far.

As a director, Tan Yue needs to transform these words into pictures, and many things need to be added to it.

For example, whether the lens is a long-range view or a close-up view, the pictures produced are different, and the things to be expressed will naturally be different.

These things need to be written out in the script.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Tan Yue picked up the cup at hand and drank water, staring at the computer, wondering whether this "Infernal Affairs" would be liked by the audience.

The film "Infernal Affairs" is about the same as the mission on earth.

One is to save the small-category film market, and the other is to save the Hong Kong film market.

Tan Yue has already looked up the development of gangster films in this world.

Police and gangster movies reached their peak after the martial arts action movies fell out.

At that time, a large number of directors of martial arts action movies transitioned to police and gangster movies, which allowed the police and gangster movies to rise rapidly in a short period of time, and many high-quality movies appeared.

Of course, there will also be great disadvantages. The emergence of a large number of police and gangster films will soon cause the audience's aesthetic fatigue.

In five or six years, gangster films began to decline, and now they are classified as small movies.

"Infernal Affairs" saved Hong Kong films on earth, and Tan Yue certainly hopes that through this film, audiences in this world will like this kind of film again.

After a short break, Tan Yue once again devoted himself to the script.

until there was a knock on the office door.

Chen Ziyu opened the door and came in: "A Yue, let's go have lunch."

Before I knew it, it was noon.

"Okay!" After Tan Yue saved the script of "Infernal Affairs", the computer was put into sleep mode.

Before the movie is released, all confidentiality measures are necessary.

Tan Yue stood up from the chair, raised his arms high, and stretched his body. The soreness in his shoulders and back relieved a lot.

"Pay more attention to rest." Chen Ziyu had said this sentence countless times, but every time she saw Tan Yue working so hard, she still couldn't help nagging.

Tan Yue drank the remaining half glass of water: "It's okay, it's just that I sat for a long time, just stand up and move around."

When I came to the company restaurant, I simply ordered two dishes and staple food.

Chen Ziyu picked up a piece of chicken leg and put it in Tan Yue's bowl: "Eat more."

Tan Yue gnawed on the chicken leg, and Chen Ziyu asked, "How's the new movie going?"

"Everything is progressing smoothly. Give me a few more days, and the script of "Infernal Affairs" can be completed."

Although he knew that every time Tan Yue had a new script, he would finish it in a very short time, but Chen Ziyu was a little surprised when he heard this sentence.

After all, it is a story, and just conceiving the plot is not a task that can be completed in a short time.

This time, I had just finished writing the script of "Langya Bang", and even started writing "Infernal Affairs" without a break in the middle.

Moreover, these two scripts are not of the same type at all, and most people probably haven't realized it yet.

Seeing how delicious Tan Yue's food was, Chen Ziyu gave Tan Yue some food in distress.

After lunch, the two returned to the office.

Chen Ziyu hung up the phone, looked at Tan Yue and said, "Ah Yue, a new batch of fitness equipment has arrived in the company's gym, I have time to exercise."

With the continuous expansion of the Bright Entertainment Company, the previous fitness equipment was not enough. A few days ago, Chen Ziyu asked the logistics to buy another batch.

They spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer. Once the time is long, it is normal to have some back pain.

After Brilliant Entertainment moved to this building, Chen Ziyu specially transformed a place into a gym, in order to hope that employees can exercise more.

Sitting in front of a computer all the time can also tend to sluggish the brain, and exercising keeps the brain active.

"I really need to exercise more." Tan Yue thought of his backache and back pain from time to time recently, and came to the computer to prepare for work.

Chen Ziyu stopped her with a voice: "You can't continue writing, take a lunch break first, take a break, and write slowly with your mind."

Tan Yue originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Chen Ziyu's displeased look, he held up his hands and compromised: "Listen to you, I'll take a lunch break now."

The corners of Chen Ziyu's mouth raised slightly, he nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Go to bed, I'll go back to the office first."

"Go to sleep now."

Watching Chen Ziyu leave, Tan Yue had a smile on his face. Since he started writing the script of "Langya Bang", he hasn't had a lunch break for a while.

"I'm really sleepy." Tan Yue put on the massager, lay down on the sofa and started his lunch break.

Whether it was a TV drama script or a movie script, I wasn't particularly anxious at first, but after starting to write, Tan Yue wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

Thinking about the past few days, writing scripts during the day and writing scripts at night, I was really a little tired, and I fell asleep soon after I lay down.

'Dididi, Dididi'.

The alarm clock on the cell phone rang.

Tan Yue vaguely opened his eyes, turned off the alarm clock, lay down for a few more minutes, sat up from the sofa, made himself a cup of tea, and came to the window.

With his right hand dragging his chin, he didn't know where to look in a daze.

"I haven't slept so deeply during my lunch break for a long time." Tan Yue shook his head to wake himself up.

If there is no alarm clock to wake him up, Tan Yue feels that he can sleep till night.

"Boom boom boom."

Hearing the knock on the door, Tan Yue felt a lot more awake: "Please come in."

"President Tan, here are some documents that I need you to look at." Chen Ye came in with some documents.

"Put it on the table first, I'll deal with it later." Tan Yue came to the computer and sat down.

"Okay." After Chen Ye put down the file, he closed the door and left the office.

Tan Yue took a sip of tea carefully, the strong tea flavor made his mind much clearer.

Opening the document that Chen Ye just sent, Tan Yue looked at it seriously.

It's just that the movie script is not in a hurry, he basically deals with the files in hand first.

The first document was submitted by the public relations department, and it was mainly about the recent discussions on the company's artists on the Internet.

As long as it is not a particularly important matter, it will be reported to Tan Yue in the form of a document.

After reading the first document, Tan Yue drank a sip of tea and regained consciousness, then picked up the second document.

This document is an invitation from a music variety show.

When it comes to singers appearing on variety shows, Tan Yue generally agrees.

Actors can't leave a stereotyped impression in the eyes of the audience, singers don't care, they need variety shows to increase their exposure.

After signing his name without any problem, Tan Yue opened the script of "Infernal Affairs" and continued to write.

The office fell silent, Tan Yue picked up the water glass and looked at the lower right corner of the computer screen, more than four hours had passed.

The sun outside the window also came from directly above to the west.

As of now, more than half of the script of "Infernal Affairs" has been completed. Compared with the script of "Langya Bang", the plot of "Infernal Affairs" is much less.

He picked up the massager on the side and put it on his neck. Feeling the vibration of the massager, he immediately felt much more comfortable.

Tan Yue leaned back against the chair tightly, in a lying posture, closed his slightly sore eyes and raised his spirits.

Such a concentrated work is a great test for the body and the spirit.

"When I'm free in the future, I need to find a time to exercise every day." Tan Yue felt that his body aches became more and more obvious.

Sitting for a long time is not friendly to the waist and back.

"By the way, there is a gym in the company." Tan Yue opened his eyes, and suddenly remembered what Chen Ziyu said about the company's new batch of fitness equipment.

In fact, he seldom goes to the company's gym, and always thinks that he is in good health and does not need to exercise.

The other side sees the gym as a place to build muscle.

Tan Yue's requirement for his body is to maintain a well-proportioned body, and he can have muscles, but he doesn't like a body full of explosive tendons.

However, the recent physical soreness made Tan Yue feel that it was very necessary to exercise.

Even if you don't use those equipment, you can run on the treadmill for a while.

Just like the lunch break, it doesn't need to be too long, half an hour of exercise is enough to make your body healthier.

Thinking of this, Tan Yue took off the massager, closed the computer interface, got himself another glass of water, and prepared to go to the gym downstairs.

Seeing Tan Yue coming out of the office, Chen Ye thought he had work arrangements and hurried forward.

"Xiaoye, I'm going to the gym downstairs."

"I'll go with you!" Tan Yue had never been to the gym before, and Chen Ye felt it was a bit new.

Tan Yue moved his body, waved his hands and said, "No, my shoulders are aching recently, probably due to lack of exercise. I'll go on the treadmill for a while, as long as I'm busy."

"Okay, Mr. Tan."

Tan Yue was about to leave, turned his head and said, "There are documents directly on my desk, and I'll deal with them when I come back. If anyone comes to me, just say I'm in the gym."

Chen Ye nodded in response.

Tan Yue took the elevator and left.

Chen Ye returned to his job, thinking about Tan Yue's physical condition.

Since she became a secretary, she has never seen Tan Yue go to the gym to exercise.

In order not to affect the work of other employees, the gym was placed on the first floor.

Some equipment is accidentally dropped on the ground during exercise, even if the ground has a cushion, it will inevitably make some noise.

Tan Yue got off the elevator and came to the gym.

In order to allow more people to exercise, the gym space reserved at the beginning is still extraordinarily spacious.

After the arrival of a new batch of fitness equipment, there is still plenty of space.

The company's gym is intended for employees to exercise in their spare time, and most of the fitness equipment is treadmills and spinning bikes.

For ordinary people, this is the simplest and most direct way of exercising.

At this time, there are more than a dozen treadmills where people are exercising.

Tan Yue watched as he walked, and there were barbells, dumbbells, and back muscle trainers

"There's even a pool table." These four pool tables were newly added this time, but Tan Yue didn't know yet.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!" A passing employee hurriedly greeted Tan Yue when he saw Tan Yue.


After the employee left, he came to his partner and muttered in a low voice, "Boss Tan came here today."

"Really?!" Looking at Tan Yue's figure, he was a little surprised. He often came to run, and this was the first time he saw Tan Yue in the gym.

When the other people around heard the movement, they looked at Tan Yue at the same time.

Tan Yue was still looking at the equipment in the gym.

More and more employees who were exercising in the gym noticed Tan Yue's arrival and went to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

Tan Yue also responded one by one, and then came to the treadmill.

"Mr. Tan, come to exercise today." This person is a senior executive of the company.

"I should learn more from you and come and run more."

"After sitting in the office for a long time, it is inevitable that my back will hurt."

Tan Yue said with emotion: "Yes!"

The two chatted for a while.

Tan Yue stood on the treadmill and began to run to avoid injuring his body. He first walked slowly to a fast walk, and finally started to run, increasing his speed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, he was already sweating profusely.

Feeling his breath, Tan Yue thought that if he had nothing to do in the future, he would still run frequently.

During the period, many employees passed by, but they did not disturb Tan Yue after seeing him.

Looking at the time on the treadmill, half an hour has passed.

Tan Yue gradually slowed down the speed of the treadmill, and walked slowly for five minutes before getting off the treadmill.

Take a few steps back and forth around, sit in the rest area and start to rest.

Tan Yue's face was covered with sweat, his jacket was completely soaked in sweat, his breathing gradually became even, and he drank warm water, which was very comfortable.

The biggest change is mental state.

The fatigue of the recent period seemed to be swept away, and Tan Yue felt that his spirit was much better.

Until he felt his physical strength recovered, Tan Yue saw a few people playing billiards on the pool table not far away, and couldn't help but want to try it.

He has relatively little contact with this sport and thinks it should be quite simple.

Tan Yue came to an unused pool table confidently, holding the cue stick with stiff fingers to aim.

The ball missed.

Tan Yue remembered that he promised to call, took out his mobile phone and called.

When I promise to have nothing to Besides drinking, what I really like to do is play billiards.

Before he just learned to play billiards, he wanted to show Tan Yue his skills.

But Tan Yue was really not interested in billiards, so he ruthlessly refused.

The phone beeped twice.

"Old Tan, what's the matter? Are you looking for me to drink?"

Tan Yue said speechlessly: "You are a drunkard, do you have anything else on your mind besides drinking?"

"Then why are you calling me?"

"I'm in the company's gym now, come down and play pool with me."

Xu Nuo suddenly became energetic: "You wait for me, I will be there soon."

The call was cut off immediately, and Tan Yue put the phone in his pocket, waiting for the promise to come.

(end of this chapter)