MTL - Entertainment From Divorce-v3 Chapter 792 Qi Xue's trip to Paris

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A big Benz is driving fast on the highway, and there are navigation and music sounds in the car.

Tan Yue chatted with Xu Nuo and rushed towards home.

"Old Tan, it's snowing!" Xu Nuo, who was sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car, was worried as the snow hit the car glass head-on, "It won't be snowing anytime soon, will it?"

If it snows heavily, the highway may be closed, and they can only take the national highway, so they don't know how long it will take to get home.

"I'll check the weather." Tan Yue turned on his phone to check the weather forecast: "The Xiaoxue reported above should be fine."

He said there was no problem, but he was also worried in his heart. The weather forecast had never been accurate.

"I hope so!" Xu Nuo prayed silently in his heart, in order to ensure safety, he gently lifted the accelerator and slowed down the speed.

Vehicles on the highway also began to gradually reduce their speed.

Tan Yue's cell phone rang suddenly, promising to lower the volume of the car's stereo.

"A Yue, is it snowing on the road?" Chen Ziyu asked with concern.

"Just started, how are you doing?"

Chen Ziyu sighed: "The capital city is also snowing, the plane will be delayed, how long will it take before departure?"

Seeing that it was almost time to board the plane, the airport broadcast suddenly sounded the news that the plane was delayed.

Tan Yue comforted: "Wait a little longer, the light snow will not delay too long, and we should be able to board the plane soon."

The more I go home, the more I miss home in my heart.

Chen Ziyu was inevitably a little irritable, but she still did not forget to remind: "It is still snowing on the road, you two drive slowly."

"Don't worry, we've slowed down and started running on the road."

Tan Yue chatted with Chen Ziyu for a while, when the boarding announcement sounded from Chen Ziyu's side, they hung up the phone.

Unconsciously, I ran for more than two hours. Although it was snowing all the time, thankfully it didn't rain heavily.

"What's the situation ahead?" Xu Nuo looked at the navigation display showing that the road ahead had turned red, frowned tightly, and the speed of the car slowed down again.

Tan Yue guessed: "There may be a traffic accident ahead."

It was not a highway intersection, and there was a traffic jam, so there was a high possibility of an accident.

After more than ten minutes.

"It couldn't be that there was a real traffic accident, right?" Xu Nuo didn't want to admit it, but he had to accept the fact.

The vehicle in front has come to a complete stop.

"I can't help it, wait a little while." As soon as Tan Yue finished speaking, an ambulance passed by the emergency lane on the right.

After a while, Xu Nuo suddenly said, "Old Tan, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Do you want to wait for the next service area?"

"No, I also want to go to the toilet in the next service area, but I can't wait now." Before he finished speaking, Xu Nuo pushed open the car door and came to the side of the road to solve his internal emergency.

Gu Shen couldn't help covering his face.

After nearly an hour of waiting, the road was cleared.

Xu Nuo let out a long breath and said, "Finally we can go!"

There was no accident after that, and they returned to Jishui smoothly all the way, and lined up to get down from the intersection of the expressway.

"It can be regarded as coming back." Xu Nuo stretched his waist to relieve the pain in his waist.

It was already dark.

Jishui did not snow.

At this time, it was Tan Yue who was sitting in the driver's seat. He drove to Xu Nuo's house and said, "I'll take you back first."

Not long.

Xu Nuo rang the doorbell: "Mom, I'm back, open the door."

At this time, Tan Yue was also outside the door.

There are too many things promised, and one person can't bring them up at all.

"Xiao Yue is here too, come in and sit down, the old man hastened to pour water." Mother Xu said happily.

Tan Yue put down the things in his hands: "Uncle and aunt, don't be too busy, the car is still parked downstairs, I will go home first, and I will come to visit you some other day."

After some tugging and tugging, Tan Yue finally came out of Xu Nuo's house, got into the car and rushed home.

Li Yulan stood at the door, looking outside, clutching her phone, muttering, "Why aren't you home yet?"

She was afraid of affecting Tan Yue's driving, so she didn't call all the time, and gradually became worried after dark.

Tan Zhaohe sat in the living room, staring at the TV and thinking about his son.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong."

The doorbell rang.

Tan Zhaohe just wanted to get up to go to the door, but was snatched away by Li Yulan: "Here we come!"

"Mom, I'm back." Tan Yue carried a lot of things in his hand, some for his parents, and gifts for his sister-in-law An Nuan and little Tan Xin.

"I still took so many things back home, why are you so slow today?" Li Yulan took the things.

"They all go home for the New Year, and there is a bit of traffic jam on the road."

Li Yulan said distressedly: "You are exhausted, please sit down and have a rest."

"Xuan and I took turns driving, but my waist is a little sore." Tan Yue sat on the sofa.

"Is Tzuyu home yet?"

"Well, she went back by plane and arrived home at six o'clock in the afternoon."

Li Yulan nodded: "You two hurry up and settle the marriage, and go home together for the New Year next year."

Tan Yue leaned back against the sofa, smiled and did not speak.

Tan Zhaohe said: "My son has just come back, let him have a rest, and bring up the matter of marriage when he comes back."

Li Yulan gave her a blank look: "It's been a long time since I saw him, I miss Ziyu."

"I know, Mom, we'll come and see you when we have time." Tan Yue said with a smile.

Li Yulan stood up and said, "You can rest for a while, I'll cook first, and your sister-in-law and Xinxin will come over later."

"I'll help." Tan Zhaohe also came to the kitchen.

Tan Yue carried his suitcase, returned to the room, and began to pack his luggage.

The room is still the same, there is no change, the only change is that the quilt covers are replaced with new ones.

Tan Yue won't stay for too long this time when he goes home for the New Year. "Infernal Affairs" will be released during the Spring Festival, so he didn't bring too much luggage.

After hanging a few clothes in the closet, I lay down on the bed.

Driving on the high speed is very hard. Although two people take turns driving, they are always chatting, talking, and sitting in the car.

Not long after Tan Yue lay down, his eyelids felt a little heavy, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken up by the ringing of my mobile phone.

It was promised.

"Hey, what's the matter, Fatty?" Tan Yue said in a daze.

"Go play billiards!"

Tan Yue looked at the time on the phone: "Are you crazy? What time is it, and you still go to play ball, aren't you tired after driving all day?"

Xu Nuo let out a long sigh: "Okay, you go to sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Nuo felt a headache.

When the family was eating, my mother talked about the blind date.

From tomorrow to the end of the year, blind dates have been arranged every day, and the schedule is very full.

The joy of going home disappeared in an instant, Xu Nuo couldn't bear the pressure a little bit, and didn't want to stay in this house any longer, so he wanted to ask Tan Yue to play billiards to relieve his mood.

Paris France.

The weather is cold and the snow is fluttering.

In a luxurious suite in a high-end hotel, Qi Xue, who had just taken a shower, was wearing a clean white bathrobe and her hair was still drenched. She picked up the hair dryer in the bathroom and started to dry her hair.

Smooth long hair fluttering.

While blowing her hair, Qi Xue looked at herself in the mirror. Recently, her complexion has improved a lot.

Hiding my thoughts in my heart is always bad for my health. I slowly let go of my thoughts, and my whole body is much more relaxed.

In the past six months, she didn't take on any more scripts, but only took on a few female supporting roles in order to fulfill the contract.

With Qi Xue's current position, she must be the heroine to join the crew, but now she doesn't fight, and is willing to be a green leaf to set off others.

During the filming, the director was a little terrified. It was the first time for a big name like Qi Xue to be a female supporting role, but fortunately, Qi Xue was willing, and there was no offense to Qi Xue. The filming process went smoothly. Li, the main reason is that Qi Xue's professional ability is too strong, and she doesn't have many scenes. It's just a few scenes, all of which are done at once.

However, according to the information learned by the manager Ouyang Fang, even though Qi Xue only played the role of a female supporting role in those few crews, she was still used by the crew for publicity, and it was the biggest publicity stunt.

This is to take advantage of Qi Xue's popularity and huge fan base to win the TV drama market.

Regarding these things, Qi Xue didn't care or care about them, and her mentality was much calmer. According to Ouyang Fang's words, her demeanor has become "fairy" in the past year. =\"font-weight:600;color:#721f27;\">Next page! Current Page 1/Total 2 Pages

Not too much.

A few days ago, France was going to hold the Paris International Film Festival. Qi Xue had a film shortlisted, and the organizer in Paris sent an invitation to Qi Xue.

The Spring Festival is approaching in China, and it is a time for family reunion to celebrate, but Qi Xue is feeling a little depressed, which has nothing to do with the matter, but with the atmosphere. Seeing those happy and happy families, she feels a little sad.

Because of some things in the past, the relationship between her and her parents is also very rigid. Apart from a few lonely big houses, she has nowhere to go, but she doesn't want to spend this time of family reunion alone.

Now that the organizer of the film festival has sent an invitation, let's go to participate and go abroad to relax.

Therefore, Qi Xue came to Paris from Shanghai.

The Paris International Film Festival has come to an end, Qi Xue was only shortlisted and did not win any awards.

This was within her expectations. Artists from Huaguo have always been in an international dilemma. This is related to the field of ideology. Qi Xue knew that even if her film had a better performance, she would not win an award. Before I came here, I already knew that this time I was destined to be an escort.

But her goal was never to win prizes, she just wanted to relax and leave the cheerful domestic environment for a while. In her heart, she still felt that she was out of tune with that atmosphere, which could only bring back her memories of the past. Those memories are what she finally wanted to settle down.

After the Paris International Film Festival ended, Qi Xue received another invitation letter, an invitation letter for a high society dinner in Paris.

The invitation was given to her by Leonor.

Qi Xue is not familiar with this Leonard, but they have filmed two movies together, and they are ordinary friends.

Leona was very happy when he heard the news that Qi Xue came to Paris. He had wanted to ask Qi Xue to come out with the excuse of leading a tour of Paris, but Qi Xue refused. She didn't like the excitement and just wanted to have a good time. change.

After the international film industry in Paris came to an end, Qi Xue didn't want to return to China so early, and when she was feeling a little sad, she received an invitation letter from Leonor. Qi Xue readily accepted this invitation letter.

She didn't go for some high society dinner, she had seen a lot of high society things and wasn't interested, but she had always heard that Paris was the capital of romance, so the high society dinner in this romantic capital was different from other places. What a difference a high society dinner party is.

After drying her hair, Qi Xue changed into her clothes.

Instead of wearing the luxurious dress that Leonard sent, she wore a Huaguo cheongsam.

The cheongsam is black, which brings out the exquisite beauty of her figure. It is slit to the thighs, revealing off-white stockings. The stockings wrap from Qi Xue's thighs to calves, and then go all the way down, and don't fit into the white high-heeled shoes studded with diamonds. , Under the yellowish light in the room, the beige stockings glowed a faint yellow.

A strong classical taste permeated Qi Xue's whole body, and the raised collar showed the slender and white neck, which seemed to be exposed but not exposed.

The twirled and twisted flower buckles are in harmony with each other, and the gap between the two pendulums is high, and the beautiful legs in white silk stockings are looming.

All kinds of amorous feelings of a woman sway endlessly in an instant.

Qi Xue didn't deliberately dress it up, it's just that her figure is too perfect, she is a natural hanger, no matter what style of clothes she can wear, she can look beautiful.

And the reason why she chose cheongsam this time is also because Qi Xue didn't know when she fell in love with Or maybe she fell in love with cheongsam after her personality gradually matured and calmed down.

After everything was packed, Qi Xue went out.

She is a well-known first-line star in China, and she never dares to walk on the street without covering up, but this kind of worry is much less on the streets abroad, and few people know her.

There is a luxury car rented by Tianjing Entertainment waiting at the entrance of the hotel.



The Champs Elysees Avenue is the most prosperous area in the center of Paris, France. It is located on the central axis connecting the Louvre Museum and the Arc de Triomphe.

It runs across the east-west main road of Paris, the capital of France. It is 1,800 meters long and 120 meters wide at its widest point. held on this avenue.

Majestica Club is located on the Champs-Elysees Avenue, and dozens of luxury cars have already parked at the door.

A black limousine slowly stopped in front of the main gate of Majestica Club. The driver got out of the car and walked quickly to the back door and opened the door. A beautiful woman with an oriental face slowly stepped out of the car.

Qi Xue walked slowly towards the gate of Marestika Club. Her appearance attracted the attention of everyone present. She is very beautiful, especially the beautiful temperament of the shareholder woman, which immediately made the viewers feel at ease. shake.

Qi Xue, who was dressed in a black cheongsam, exuded a style all over her body, a rhythm from the inside out. The cheongsam is full of charm and decent, the beautiful bare legs, the high bun, graceful and charming, the oriental charm, like a classical flower, blooms in the depths of time, does not fade with time, it is so enchanting It is so exquisite that it shocks all the Westerners on the Champs Elysees.