MTL - Epoch of Twilight-Chapter 577 Fast forward time

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Luo Yuan may be able to create life with material hands, but these life are ordinary life.

He can't do anything about this nine-level space creature.

This level of biology, cells are branded with a strong will, each cell can be seen as a relatively independent living body, if the will belongs to one of the energy, then the cell is completely energy and matter The combination can no longer be replicated by conventional means.

Humans are not trying to clone this mysterious creature. There are countless such experiments, but they all end in failure. It is not the embryonic gene collapse, it is turned into pus, the clone blood is degraded, and it belongs to the ordinary.

When Luo Yuan was able to clone with his own cells, it was still because his cell's will was branded as powerful, not to mention space creatures, even the eight-level mutants were far worse.

Therefore, he has never thought of copying this creature on a large scale.

But even if it can't be copied, Luo Yuan has other means to get more energy crystal nucleus.

He instantly entered an extraordinary state, and suddenly he invented the dark light, the powerful power fluctuations, and the whole microcosm began to micro-microwave and tremble.

The micro-cosm itself is used as a laboratory for Luo Yuan, so it is also quite small, and the radius is more than a hundred kilometers. In the four-dimensional energy, only the micro-energy is leaked out, and the whole micro-cosm begins to be turbulent.

Fortunately, this kind of turmoil is far from being able to break the microcosm. Even with the absorption of four-dimensional energy, the entire microcosm is slightly inflated.

Luo Yuan did not care about the changes in this microcosm. He looked at the space ball in his hand, and the will penetrated into the interior, covering every corner. Only when he touched the body of the space behemoth, Luo Yuan felt a trace of resistance, but only a trace.

It is like a fragile soap bubble. As long as Luo Yuan is tweeting, it can be easily crushed, and the will penetrates into the interior without an atom.

This is undoubtedly devastating for this poor space behemoth, and its conscious structure will be instantly dissipated, and even the will of the cell will be destroyed.

Of course, Luo Yuan will not do this, but the action is careful and gentle, and the silky will touch the thin layer of will protection.

In the process of contact, the volatility of Luo Yuan’s will is quickly adjusted. Within a few hundred nanoseconds, this layer of resistance will instantly dissipate invisible. Luo’s will wave has become exactly the same as the space behemoth, and its body is no longer guarded. .

A lot of unfamiliar memories have emerged from Luo Yuan's thinking.

This is the memory of this space behemoth.

The end of memory can only be traced back to a cockroach that has already mutated. It hides in the soil of a forest and is fast and powerful by drawing trees and the nutrients of dead animals.

Gradually, it grows limbs, and the head is turned into a daisy-shaped giant mouth. It is not satisfied with the nutrients of the plant, and begins to swallow the mutant beast. Over time, it is from the bottom of a food chain. Low-level animals become the hegemon of one side.

In the process of its growth, it has encountered human encirclement more than once. Through its memory judgment, its origin is probably a tropical rain forest in Africa, because in its memory, all human beings are black skin, then The end of the world should have just begun.

As the strength of the cofferdam was greater than once, after a serious injury, it fled the land and entered the ocean.

This makes it more like a fish, plenty of food, so that its body is constantly skyrocketing, gradually evolved into a giant beast of the ocean...

Countless memories have passed by in Luo Yuan’s mind. The memories of these decades have been quite large, but for Luo Yuan, who accepts astronomical level information baptism every moment, this amount of information is also the sea. In a negligible wave, I can't look down on the waves.

At this time, as long as Luo Yuan is willing, he will instantly replace the consciousness of this space behemoth and make this monster become his avatar.

It’s just that for him, it makes no sense.

As an absolutely neutral observer, he observes the change of the giant behemoth and even every atom in the vicinity of more than ten kilometers in the next ten seconds.

This is already the largest range of brain computing power. Within ten kilometers of the circle, there are countless atoms, and irregular movements occur constantly. The movement of each atom in the next moment is random, and there is no rule. .

Fortunately, he does not need to judge, the ability to predict has told it the result after twelve seconds.

This is the talent instinct of his brain after four-dimensionalization. He only needs to memorize the results of all atomic states after twelve seconds, and instantly change all current atomic states and jump to the state after twelve seconds. There can be no trace of mistakes, even if you change one billionth of a million, perhaps this giant beast has died.

His brain is crazy about the speed of light, and the huge energy consumption makes his brain shine with glare.

Luo Yuan simulated tens of thousands of times with prediction, and finally got the confidence.

The next moment, the time seems to have jumped on the body of the behemoth, and the change in the middle of the eleven seconds is missing.

And the whole process is completed in only one tenth of a second.

This monster does not seem to feel anything strange, dying, making it unresponsive to the outside world.

Luo Yuan observed the state of it. When he saw that it was in good condition, he let go of his heart and proceeded.

Since the predicted picture is continuous, when the atomic state of the behemoth jumps to twelve seconds, the new predictive picture appears instantaneously, which allows Luo Yuan's operation to continue.

Time is on this monster, as if it is passing by more than 100,000 times.

After a second or two, I still can't see anything.

But when the time passed thirty seconds, the behemoth showed a slight movement.

After a minute, the behemoth began to swallow the liquid hydrogen.

After three minutes, it has been able to swim around slowly, and the surface of the skin gradually returns to its luster.

Ten minutes later, a faint blue light reappeared its skin and the movement became more fluid.

Time passed slowly, until half an hour later, Luo Yuan will spend nearly half of it, and finally stopped.

A strong will is his dependence on information erosion. If he is not necessary, he will never drain his will.

At this time, the space behemoth, wandering around in horror, seems to be a little restless, because of the unknown changes in the body and the environment.

Luo Yuan guessed the reason in an instant. After all, this is not a real time acceleration. He can control the change of each atom of it, thus changing its brain memory, but can not change its will memory. For such existence, the will has To a certain extent, you can leave the brain and carry a certain memory.

In the brain, its memory is continuous. It seems to have really passed six or seven years, but for the memory of the will, only half an hour has passed. The physical memory of the brain and the memory of the will, the contradictions appear. This makes the space monster instinctively upset.

Luo Yuan naturally does not care about the psychological state of the behemoth.

There was a flash of color on his face, and he noticed that in it, a yellow bean-sized energy core has formed.

Maybe just a few more times, you can harvest.