MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 14 Escape from the Ghost Ship (1)

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Fortunately, the English notebook lay in the box well. Although many places were wet by rain, Luo Jian and Feng Yulan came to seize Ai Bailer while the notebook had not become worse. : The lady catches obediently.

"How? Can you understand?"

Luo Jian stuffed ** 's notebook into Feng Yulan's hands, holding him in the captain's room at the door of the cabin to shelter from the rain. Feng Yulan sat on a chair and squinted to observe the notebook in her hand carefully, frowning and saying, "Fortunately, although many handwritings have been muddled, the key part is the mainland in the eyes of some Hutong Taimei."

"What did you write?"

"The owner of this notebook is a Christian." Feng Yulan said: "The first sentence on the first page of the opening page is a famous saying in the Bible: residentialkillsafool, andenvyslaysthesimple. (Angry kills the foolish, jealousy kills the fascination. This is a sentence from the Old Uncle's Bible. "

"How do you know so clearly?"

"I worked in a foreign company before and met an American who believes in Christ. He brought this Bible with him. I have read it and checked some information because of it." Feng Yulan blinked and smiled: "It's strange, this Is n’t it a pirate ship? How can anyone believe in Christ? "

"God loves the world. Perhaps this believer thinks he can influence a group of pirates." Luo Jian felt his chin, guessing.

"But the first one killed was him." Feng Yulan looked at the notebook and shook his head with regret: "The writing on this notebook is very confusing. Writing time is confusing. "

"Can you see the point?"

Feng Yulan flipped over her notebook without looking up and said, "Give me some time."

Luo Jian nodded, then pulled out his silver pocket watch from his pocket, and began to watch the time, 14 :: 12.

More than two hours have passed.

The rain outside seemed to stop for a while, but soon it started again, and the sound of the rattling rain drove extreme silence. The oil lamp on the table became darker and darker, and Feng Yulan looked very hard.

"The lamp oil is almost gone." Luo Jian stood up and said, "This is the captain's room. There should be lamp oil. I'll look for it, and you continue to translate."

Feng Yulan nodded silently, and continued to ponder the distorted text on the notebook. Luo Jian searched in the captain's room for a long time and found a spare oil lamp. It seems that there is no need to change the wick oil.

Luo Jian lit a spare oil lamp, and at this time Feng Yulan suddenly said, "Most of the things on this notebook are seemingly insignificant."

Hearing Feng Yulan's words, Luo Jian sighed helplessly and said, "It seems we can't find clues in it?"

"No, not necessarily." Feng Yulan frowned even deeper, then suddenly looked up at Luo Jian and asked: "A Jian, do you know cryptography?"

"Ah? Don't make a joke, know nothing." Luo Jian spread his hand, then questioned: "Can you say that this notebook is written in cipher text?"

"It's possible." Feng Yulan turned the notebook over several pages, and then accidentally turned out the old photo clipped in the notebook, but A Lan was not interested in the photo. He pointed to the words in the notebook and told Luo Jian Said: "These word phrases are randomly arranged. Although the words are scribbled, they are neat. I understand each word separately, but the words cannot be combined when they are combined, that is, the preface does not match the post phrase . "

"On the entire notebook, only the very first quote in the Bible is the most fluent sentence."

Luo Jian squinted his eyes and thought for a while and said, "It seems that the owner of this notebook doesn't want to easily leak his secrets, so we can't help it."

"What to do? Would you like to try decryption?" Feng Yulan was still interested in the password or something.

"No, no need." Luo Jian rejected the proposal: "Neither of us is good at cryptography, and this note was written in English. If I really want to decrypt it, I will hardly do anything. The secret room will not arrange a situation in which neither of us can exert our strength, so there is only one guess-- "

"Is this note actually worthless to us?" Feng Yulan spoke to him.

"It's not like that, maybe it has other functions, but we don't know yet." Luo Jian stood up and said to Feng Yulan, "Let's bring the notebook, let's think about other clues."

"But can there be any clues?"

Luo Jian smiled mysteriously, took out two notes in his pocket and put it on the table, and said, "Follow the prompts."

Feng Yulan looked at Luo Jian's note and the above tips, etc., and frowned in confusion: "I can't see anything, but I just can't jump into the sea ... Of course I don't want to jump. What does it mean that the sky is a shortcut? "

"Technology in the seventeenth century is far from being developed today. There is no good detection equipment and telephoto equipment. At that time, almost all ships and masts had observation decks (of course, there are many ships today). The lookout on the stage is the highest position on the entire ship, and perhaps the closest to the sky. "

"You mean, we have to climb to the mast?"

Luo Jian crooked his head: "We have no choice."

As Luo Jian said, they really do n’t have more choices. When all the clues are interrupted, they have to follow some tips on the note, but wait for two people to stand on the deck and look at almost ten With a few meters high mast, and the observation deck almost on the top, Feng Yulan swallowed the throat with fear: "Ajan, I have a fear of heights."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know if you have any fear of heights?" Luo Jian hooked his lips and sniffed.

"But how are we going up?" Feng Yulan looked at the mast in embarrassment. The sails hanging on the mast had already become tattered in the wind and rain, leaving only a bunch of rags hanging on it. The mast It is woody, with moss growing in a humid environment, which becomes slippery and greasy, adding to the difficulty of climbing. rope. Luo Jian pointed to the rope.

"That's even worse. I think the rope will break when it is torn." Feng Yulan was unwilling. The rope is used to climb the mast, for the sake of changing sails. This rope looks much stronger than the sail, but long-term wind and sun have made the rope reachable. Many places have broken the line. Feng Yulan is reluctant and not unreasonable. This rope is just looking at all Feeling about to break.

"Then you stay here, I'll go up." Luo Jian looked at Feng Yulan's small body, this product looks fragile, in case it really falls down, it is estimated that people hang up without breathing. .

"No, I don't want to stay alone!" Feng Yulan started to make trouble.

"So what do you want? There are only two options. One is to follow me, and the other is to stay here!" Luo Jian toughened, and his face was solemn.

Feng Yulan looked at Luo Jian pitifully, and looked around at the barren surroundings again. The deck was soggy and dark, and the cold rain fell down the collar of his clothes along the collar of his clothes. shake. In such a dark place, I still have to stay alone ... In the end, Alan still compromised and followed Luo Jian's fate. The rope started to climb, and the rope made a squeaking sound in his hands. He heard Feng Yulan's heart trembling and turned back to Luo Jian, who had been holding his short knife in his hand with no expression on his face. Feng Yulan didn't understand how Luo Jian maintained such calmness. He was so calm and overly different from Luo Jian in his usual impression.

There was a small accident during the climbing. The rope Luo Luo stepped on was suddenly disconnected, but Feng Yulan, who was frightened next to him, hurriedly reached out to grab, and successfully caught Luo Jian's arm. However, Luo Jian was still the unshakable face, easily grasping the other rope, one turned over and climbed up.

The sea was very turbulent, and the hull dangled from time to time, and it became more and more severe, which also made climbing difficult, but in the end Luo Jian dragged Feng Yulan to the observation deck with ease.

The observatory is a small circular platform on the mast, with railings around it, which can stand about five or six people. When Luo Jian and Feng Yulan climbed up, they found that there was actually a body on the observatory. A corpse covered by a broken sail sat on the platform against the mast. The human form was faintly seen under the sail.

"There are actually corpses here?" Feng Yulan crouched down curiously, reaching out to pull the cloth of the sail, but Luo Jian was very vigilant, reaching out to block Feng Yulan's movements, and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yulan turned to Luo Jian in confusion.

Luo Jian reached out and pointed to the mast of the observation deck. Feng Yulan looked down Luo Luojian's gaze, and found that on the mast of the observation deck, it was a piece of paper nailed by a tack, purple print.

A new note appears!

Luo Jian and Feng Yulan looked at each other, Luo Jian quickly came forward and tore off the note, and held the lamp, the two squeezed together to see the content on the note, there was still a beautiful pen word on it:

[Two dear adventurers:]

[If you are here, congratulations, your escape from the back room is half done. 】

[The key to the door is on this corpse in front of you, but the door that can truly leave the secret room requires you to find it yourself. 】

[Ps: the guardian of the guardian key is full of aversion to you]

【the above. good luck! 】

Feng Yulan has not yet made any remarks, but Luo Jian quickly turned the note over, and it turned out that there was a clue on the back:

[The sailor was the last to die. He stood on a high lookout and stared at the murderer's back. 2k novel reading network