MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 85 Escape from the Land of Bone (16)

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"Meaning? Hehe—" The old man laughed, and the gullies on his face squeezed together, making him look very infiltrating: "It doesn't make sense, this is just a burial chamber where I am being held."

There is a secret hidden in this huge and majestic catacomb.

But when the old man talked about all this, he didn't have the feeling of nostalgia or memory. He seemed to be telling a story simply, and using a slow and abhorrent tone, he slowly slapped the story to ghosts and others. Come together.

Many, many years ago, in a poor and closed area, there were such a group of people ... or, a nation.

This group of people has lived in this area for many years, year after year, generation after generation. Their clothing and customs are different. They live by mountains and rivers and live by hunting and farming. And they are extremely xenophobic, foreigners will be excluded when they come here. Earlier, if there were innocent aliens here, their treatment was more cruel and they would kill the person directly.

However, with the progress of the times, this closed nation also had to contact the outside world. They still maintained a high degree of vigilance, distinguished their own people from others, and claimed to be their own nationality—the Yan people.

The Yan people have a crazy belief.

Because the area where the Yan people live is barren and remote, the field harvest is not very good, and almost all of them are counting on God to live with a good heart. However, the nearby forests are particularly lush, and there is a prairie farther north, with many animals infested. The Yan people gradually live by hunting and grazing, and migrate to farther north, but even so, the poor The Yan population is still scarce from year to year, and hunger and cold cover all their lives.

They began to pray to the gods they believed in.

The “god” that the Yan people believe in is no longer known, but all the Yan people trust this thing crazy. They think that the gods can help them get out of their difficulties. They believe that as long as they continue to worship the gods, all problems Will be solved.

According to the Yan custom, every few decades, they will choose a patriarch from a bunch of newborn children. The patriarch will be the "endorsement" of the gods. The Yan people believe that the gods will be attached to their patriarchs. Lead them to glory.

Therefore, every time a new patriarchal campaign begins, these poor children will receive all kinds of training. They will have the best food and accommodation, but they will have to accept all kinds of inhumanity from the time they learn to walk. Training and torture, they will enter the forest hunting alone from their teens, and they will spend more than half a year in the forest. If some of them die unfortunately, it does not matter, there are a lot of alternatives, children who survive, Is the ultimate winner.

"I am the last alive of those children." The old man on the tree sighed as he told these stories. He was slow for a while and continued to tell: "Yes, when I become the ultimate winner, become The next Patriarch will also be the Yan ... the beginning of the demise. "

There are no gods, no horrible or magical legends, and no one is caring for the sad nation of the Yan tribe. The existence of the patriarch is just the beginning of a new tragedy.

Because of the sparse population, the Yan people pay great attention to the offspring. Every woman must have a lot of children. Men even use these women as some kind of blood-continuing tool. Therefore, this kind of thing is almost non-existent. As long as a girl in the clan is fourteen years old, any man in the clan has the right to enjoy her, and when women no longer have the ability and constitution to give birth, they will even be extremely cruelly abandoned.

Yes, at that time, such a woman was abandoned and she became ill. From the perspective of this backward and closed nation, this is already a terminal illness. There is no need to waste precious food on this seriously ill woman. Even though she was pregnant for six months, she was weak at the time and was unable to leave her child. Premature babies were more likely to die and even infected mothers.

The Yan people immediately decided to leave her. People were afraid that her strange illness would be contagious. They drove her into the forest and wanted the beast to eat her.

The desperate and extremely weak woman stood with her stomach in the dark woods. She was not lucky at all, and no one would come to her, so she soon encountered the wolves in the woods. She was surrounded and surrounded by her. She thought she would die and was torn and eaten, along with the poor, unborn child in her stomach.

But no, the wolves surrounded her, but did not eat her. Yes, this is a miracle. It is probably the woman's big belly that the leader of the wolf pack realized. They drove her into her den, and sought wild fruits and water every day, even bloodless. Animal meat pieces for women.

The woman survived, and many she-wolves slept around her every night, warming her, her belly was getting bigger and bigger, she knew that she was about to die, but she was also about to die, and her severe illness had brought her down. She didn't know if she could give birth to this child successfully. She hugged a female wolf in the wolf pack. This is the companion of the head wolf. She begged it:

"After I die, please let my child come alive."

God must have heard the voice of this great mother.

The woman closed her eyes forever during childbearing, so the she-wolf pounced on and tore the woman's belly and carried the **** fetus out. This was a thankful moment because the child was alive!

Healthy and complete survival.

Children are raised by wolves as their own children. The wolves are extremely protective of their cubs. Human babies develop slowly and have low mobility, but they have never been abandoned. They are patient and teach everything they know little by little. To this child, the child raised by the wolf is completely different from the ordinary child. He is more fierce and cruel, full of animalism, no human language, only howling at the moon like a wolf, not walking on both feet, but Extremely dynamic, with sharp claws and teeth.

But man is human after all. Even if he was raised by a wolf, this child is still extremely clever. He soon realized that he was different from the wolves. Sometimes he saw Yan hunters in the forest. He knew that he and Those humans are the real kind.

However, the wolf boy has never thought of returning to his own population. He has deeper feelings for the wolf group. The wolf group has an extraordinary concept of the group, which also extends to him.

Therefore, the wolf child just looked at the humans from a distance, spied on them, learned and imitated in the dark, and for a long time, he could occasionally understand the words of the humans and learn something from them, but more, the wolf The child is no longer willing to explore.

The wolf child is full of curiosity, but also full of fear. Human beings can use fire and various weapons skillfully. Even if their response, physical strength, and physical qualities are not as good as wolves, they can still successfully hunt wolves. group. They are powerful, although wolf children sometimes find that they are far more cruel to their people than to their prey.

When the selection of the patriarchs of the Yan tribe began, more than a dozen solitary and helpless human cubs were sent into the huge woods. The wolf children temporarily separated from the wolf group. He was also full of curiosity about them. He chose One of the human cubs followed him carefully, this was the first time in his life that he boldly tried to approach a human.

And this human teenager selected by the wolf child, as the last surviving patriarch, is regarded as the so-called ‘god’.

After that, in fact, it can already be easily guessed. The teenager helped by the wolf child survived successfully. He became a friend with the wolf child. He spent half a year in the forest and lived with the wolf child every day. They slept together at night and helped each other to hunt their prey during the day. The human teenager taught the wolf child human language and told him all kinds of knowledge, and the wolf child, he taught the juvenile the law of survival in this forest.

Half a year passed quickly. The Hui nationality's day has come. The teenager did not bring the wolf boy back to the human residence. He knows that all kinds of fighting and dark fighting in his nation are turbulent. This is simply not understandable by the wolf boy. So he was also very smart and soon learned how to protect his friends. It's just that the boy is also immature. Because of the wolf boy, the boy is very familiar with the forest. His help has made the Yan people find that they can hunt their prey faster and better!

Therefore, the teenager was soon regarded as the patriarch, and even after that, when the hunger season came, the greedy Yan people decided to kill the wolves in the forest in order to get more prey. Despite the patriarch's strong opposition, the Yan people still flocked in groups. The patriarch didn't want to betray his own country, but he didn't want to hurt his friends either. He weighed the interests and he still acquiesced to the behavior of the people.

His behavior is beyond reproach. After all, he is already the head of a tribe. He must consider for his own nation. He has been such a destiny since his birth. He is the patron saint of the entire nation. From his birth to adulthood, he has received all Education is telling him that these destinies cannot be reversed by a child raised by a wolf.

The patriarch let his people go, but he also put the wolf group into a desperate state. The wolf group where the wolf child was killed was also killed. The wolf parents who raised him were also dead. The Yan people caught the poor wolf child and took him. Bring back human territory.

People are afraid of this wolf boy, because of his unusual beast nature and terrible and cruel fierceness, people think that this must be a mischievous ghost! The superstitious Yan people think that as long as this ghost is eliminated, the gods will once again visit the Yan people and take them to unparalleled glory.

Everything is in line, but misplaced.

The wolf child was blinded by hatred, and he could not imagine that his only trusted friend had betrayed him. The patriarch was also very softhearted. He secretly let go of the wolf child, but also brought an unimaginable disaster to his race.


When the story ends here, the old man in the tree pauses. He looks down at the ghost and said to them, "In fact, you can imagine the next thing, that child ... Oh, crazy revenge on me, When he returned to the forest, he summoned all the wolves in the forest, even outside the forest, desperately gathered strength, and then he took the huge team to fight the Yan tribe. "

The ghost bit his own lip, narrowed his eyes, and just wanted to say something, but Alan next to him took the lead and asked, "You lost both? Or did you win? Or did the wolves win? But why build this one? What about the tomb? "

"Actually, this battle ended in human victory." The old man bowed his head, his voice sorrowful: "Yes, I won, but I regret it because ... the thing I value most Man, he died with the demise of the wolves. "

"You love him?" The ghost asked.

"I love him." The old man said, tears seemed to flash in his cloudy eyes: "When I saw him for the first time in the forest, his posture impressed me, and that was the happiest moment in my life, There is nothing better than that time. "

"That ’s why I regret it. I regret it. It also made me hate it. I started to hate my people, my people, and I hate them!" The old man said here, his face gradually twisted, his silver hair turned white Silk was also shaking around, and at the same time, the roots and vines under the feet of ghosts and others began to twitch violently.

The old man's eyes were cracked and his tone was fierce, but he burst into laughter: "So on that full moon night, I pretended to be possessed by what they called" gods ", and I told them that the ghosts of the evil spirits are still there. At any time, we will be possessed by others to destroy our nation, so I instructed them to build a dedicating tomb, bury me and him together, and tell them that the tribe must be paid a tributary funeral every year. Funeral items, I want little by little, this **** nation completely disintegrates, I want them to disappear from the river of history! I want to destroy them with their ridiculous gods! "

"It turns out ... is this the truth of the burial tomb?" Duan left the mouth, and he did not know when to replace the fox mask worn on his face with the mask of the evil spirit. The moral of that mask seems to represent something, and the truth is always sad.

The old man looked at Duan Li and suddenly laughed: "My story is over, I know why you came, and I also know that your ultimate goal is to get out of this grave, right?"

"Will you help us?" Ghost paused, and he had a hint of hope, making him have to grab the tail of this hope and ask carefully.

The old man sneered and continued to sneer and started yelling, "Help? It's ridiculous! Didn't you understand me? No one can escape from here, starting from the moment the tomb is closed! This place will always belong to me Everyone in this grave! It can only be me and his funeral! No one of you wants to escape! "

"What if I want to escape?"

Just when the old man shouted the last sentence, a cool voice suddenly sounded. At the moment when the ghost and others listened to the story, no one noticed that there were two more people in the huge tomb, Luo Jian and Xun. Yan stood beside the ghost and others, Luo Jian took a deep breath, looked up at the old man on the trunk, and raised the volume again:

"If I want to leave from here, will you let me go?"

The old man snorted suddenly, staring at him blankly. 2k novel reading network