MTL - Eternal Gate-Chapter 2079 Nirvana

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When Zhao Yun reappeared, it was already a chaotic world, hazy.

He doesn't know where this is, he only knows that if he finds the emperor here, he can save his wife.


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His scream was a call from the soul.

No one responded, and the whole world was eerily quiet.

have no choice,

He had no choice but to push through the layers of clouds and mists, and shouted all the way.

It took a long time to see the divine light flying, it was the light of time.

It's a pity that time is like a dream, and he wants to touch it, but he can't reach it.

get together!

He stood still one step at a time, making a tactic with one hand.

Immediately, the law of reincarnation manifested.

In no particular order is the queen's power of time and space.

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The two forces were intertwined and formed a round of bright sun.

The sun is shining, the chaos is gradually dissipating, and the flying time is merging, and a green lotus is gathered, which is ready to bloom, and the emperor is in it.

"It's just you."

Zhao Yun stepped across the nothingness, took Qinglian and left.

However, chaos reappeared, and even the reincarnation of time and space persisted.

In addition, there are thunder and lightning, each of which destroys the world.

In fact,

That is not thunder and lightning, but a strange form of taboo.

Yes, it is a taboo, taking one's life against the sky, this is a bad rule in the first place.


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It's not over yet.

She is transforming.

To be precise, her soul is recovering, and the sound of the Dao of Time is resounding.

At this moment, the eight million miles of starry sky began to rain light.

That is the power of time, dyeing the vast starry sky like a dream.

"One catastrophe, one fortune!" The old tortoise stretched out his hand, and took a ray of time. It is fresh, with artistic conception hidden, and Dao accumulation.

"If I die once, can you drag me back?" Slaughter God General chuckled, asking the Queen and Moon God, these two methods are too heaven-defying.

Moon God remained silent, and Queen Slaughter Sky simply ignored him.

There are many ways to die, and not all of them can be resurrected.

Like the Emperor Immortal, as long as the years persist, there is hope to regain it.

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"Damn it."

Xie Motian hissed and howled angrily, as if he had gone mad.

In the final analysis, the robbing of the Burial God Cauldron, the transformation of the Heaven Slaughter Queen, and the Nirvana of the Immortal Court Lady are all because of him, and because of his entry into the world, there is a series of causes and effects. At this moment, she wants to give herself a title : Give money to the boy.


Zhao Yun has already passed, circling around the Emperor Immortal, back and forth.

Well, it's his daughter-in-law, who is undergoing a great nirvana.

The most intuitive thing is that his cultivation has returned to the Emperor God Realm.

There is also its coercion, which has also risen suddenly in these few moments.


The God Burying Cauldron trembled and flew over without being summoned.

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It is like a naughty child, scurrying around beside Dixian.

It came to receive baptism, to accept the baptism of the years, drenched in the rain of time, and its confused mind became much clearer, buzzing and trembling non-stop.


Zhao Yun stroked his chin, and swept the Burial God Cauldron up, down, left, and right.

The old tortoise didn't lie to him, the emperor might really be able to cure Shending's disease.

The rain of time alone has such an effect. If the emperor took the initiative to cast the spell, it would be even better. If the spirit of the weapon is clear, it can use the strongest power.

"After her transformation is complete, you can go to the God Realm." The Queen said.

"The Burial Sea, I haven't been there for many years." The Moon God glanced at the Primordial Continent, as if he could see the gods and demons in the sea of ​​gods through the endless nothingness.

The queen has a grudge against the buried sea, so why not.

If someone joins forces, let's fight together!

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