MTL - EVE: Start a Space Station-Chapter 556 solution

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【EVE: Start a space station】【】

After all, New Eden's warships and equipment have been tested in the market in the past few years, and they have made great achievements with their excellent performance, and they are still very popular in the market!

"Now our own warships are not enough, how can we sell them?"

Shi Man shook his head and refused.

And Aura had expected it long ago, but analyzed to Shiman: "My lord, what we lack at present is the flagship and not the conventional warship, so we only need to sell the conventional warship immediately.

This conventional warship, as long as the resources are sufficient, as far as our current production capacity of New Eden is concerned, it will not delay the construction of our own super flagship team. "

Now the most important thing in New Eden is the production of flagships, especially the production of super flagships.

This will not only consume a lot of resources, but also take a long time. Even if New Eden has sufficient resources, it will take at least three months to produce a Titan!

And based on the fleet in Stoneman's budget, this requires New Eden's flagship production line to run at full capacity, so Stoneman just rejected Aura's proposal.

"Conventional fleet, will anyone want it?"

Shiman looked at Aura with some doubts.

Now it is not the same as before. Now the battles in various battlefields are dominated by super-flagship fleets. Conventional fleets can play very little role on the battlefield, and most of them are used for supporting purposes. Is there still a market for this?

Aura looked at Shiman a little speechless, and then explained: "Although our battles during this time are mainly flagship battles, there are still a few civilizations in this universe that can have super flagship teams, and more battlefields are still based on flagship battles." Battleships are the main ones, and several dreadnoughts can be used as killers.

Our conventional warships are quite popular in the market.”

To put it bluntly, after New Eden started using the super-flagship team this time, almost all the wars encountered later were super-flagship battles!

So this also makes the role of conventional battleships less obvious under the flagship-level cannons and doomsday weapons, and makes Shiman ignore the existence of many forces that still hold dreadnoughts as treasures.

Listening to Aura's explanation, Shi Man also knew that he had made a joke, and couldn't help but blush.

"Then leave this matter to the Caldari guys, they are more familiar with this."

Shi Man waved his hands and ordered.

Different from Emma and Gallente, this Caldari is a commercial country established by various chaebol groups, and they are familiar with the business.

After all, this professional counterpart is not!

Aura complied, and then sent Stoneman's order to Caldari.

Then, after simple calculations, Shi Man discovered that no matter how good the arms trade is, there is still a huge resource gap.

After all, this is the construction resource of nearly 2,000 super-flagship teams, and it is necessary to carry out war reserves. It is conservatively estimated that at least 3,000 super-flagship teams must be built. This resource gap makes Angel civilization shake its head when it looks at it!

After summarizing the previous battles, Stoneman has changed the previous fleet configuration under the suggestions of various officials. The current super flagship team system in New Eden is that each super flagship team has fifty Titans, one full A mixed aircraft carrier fleet composed of a super aircraft carrier fleet and three small aircraft carrier fleets, two combat auxiliary fleets, ten dreadnought fleets, plus nearly a hundred conventional fleets, which also protect various special ships including the scout ship .

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【EVE: Start a space station】【】

It can be said that the current super-flagship fleet in New Eden is more than twice the size of other civilization standards, and this is also the limit of the fleet that officials such as Chelm Solan can control after connecting with the central computer of New Eden!

While this brings strong combat effectiveness, this resource is also inevitably greatly increased, and the gap is so large that it makes people desperate.

"Worry, there is no other way to obtain resources!"

Thinking of the huge resource gap, Shi Man couldn't help but lay down on the sofa and drank the fat house happy water.

In this regard, Ola also shrugged helplessly, and he had no other choice.

Now all the resources that New Eden can squeeze out have been squeezed out by him, not even a trititanium alloy was spared, and now there is really no way out.

Shiman opened the game login interface familiarly, staring at the black and gray login interface as usual in a daze, Aura did not speak about this, but stood silently aside.

This is the only souvenir that Shiman can remember from his hometown, so he will open it to have a look when he has nothing to do.

While looking at the login interface, Shi Man suddenly sat up straight on the sofa with a flash of inspiration.

"My lord?"

Aura looked at the stone man who suddenly had a big reaction, and asked tentatively.

And the originally sad face gradually became full of smiles, his eyes were very bright, and he said to himself: "Yes, this conventional method must not be able to obtain a large amount of resources in a short period of time, but it can War support war ah!

The resources brought by the destruction of a civilization can be more and faster than this honest mining and trading! "

Support war with war?

Aurora twitched involuntarily.

"My lord, the four major empires are still in the stage of military expansion and cannot start battles. However, relying on pirate forces alone may cause the enemy's backlash and be detrimental to our development. Please think again!"

Even if it's plundering now, except for the reckless people of the Sky Snake, everyone else is still doing sneak attacks, and they will not push the enemy to a desperate situation at all.

It's not that officials like them don't have the strength to destroy these front-line defensive civilizations, but that they are afraid of causing the enemy's backlash, and then there will be another large-scale battle.

At that time, it was really self-defeating, and it would delay the New Eden revenge plan infinitely, so it was unnecessary.

Now Shi Man is preparing to use war to support war, and he is still rushing to destroy human civilization. This is against the revenge plan!

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to these civilizations on the surface. UU Reading" Shiman opened and used the authority link to the New Eden central computer to obtain relevant information, while explaining to Aura.

After Shiman read the information, Aura's eyes lit up when he saw the information in front of him.

"You want to attack the civilization inside the wormhole?!"


Shi Man looked at the positions of the entrances and exits of the wormholes marked on the star map, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"The civilizations in this wormhole are all fat and oily, and just getting one is enough to support us for a while!

And as long as the entrance and exit of this wormhole are blocked, and then the electronic communication is suppressed, there is no fear of news leaking out. "

Because of the existence of cockroaches, the positions of these originally hidden wormholes are almost open to New Eden. Coupled with the wormhole technology of the Sasha Group, they can accurately locate the target wormhole.

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【EVE: Start a space station】【】

It is trivial to find a wormhole that belongs to the free camp!

Shiman looked at the positions of the wormholes on the star map, turned his head and told Aura: "Since it's a wormhole battle, let's dispatch the hibernator fleet, and let them move around!

This time, it's up to you and Maude to do it. It's time for you two to go out and relax. "

"Yes, my lord!"

Aura took the order, and a savage smile appeared on her face, which made people feel chilling.

PS: Everyone, due to a minor operation yesterday, it is impossible to update.

I mentioned this in the group, but I forgot to post a leaflet explaining it because of the urgency of the matter. I am very sorry!