MTL - EVE: Start a Space Station-Chapter 594 Battle (4)

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The huge loss of the Dreadnought Fleet completely disrupted Rapp's offensive rhythm, and he immediately ordered the regular fleet to fight the Gallente regular fleet, hoping to reduce the pressure.

At the same time, the Cronus-class plundering fleet, which had always been as quiet as a conventional battleship, also began to display its power, launching an attack on these enemy conventional fleets.

The Morrow-class dreadnoughts equipped with strafing guns also fired at it.

Facing such super high firepower, Rapp's conventional fleet turned into wreckage at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was powerless to fight back.

"Damn it, the second and third guards immediately launched an attack on the enemy Titan and covered our evacuation!"

Facing such terrifying Gallente firepower, Rapp no ​​longer underestimated it, and immediately ordered the fleets on both wings to launch an attack.

Hopefully, after launching an attack on the Gallente Titan, it will divert the enemy's attention away so they can evacuate.

This Gallente melee ability is really terrifying. Originally, I was like a wolf joining a herd, but I didn't expect it to be a sheep joining a tiger!

And as the enemy attacked its own Titans, the Gallente army didn't react at all, instead, it was still trying its best to strangle Rapp, the army that penetrated into it.

Seeing the enemy's disdain for not even conducting remote repairs on the Titan, Rapp was heartbroken.

"Attack the enemy Titans with all my strength, and destroy all the enemy Titans!"

Since this Gallente despises his own firepower so much, let him pay the due price!

Subsequently, the other two armies used a super-flagship team as the base to focus fire on an Orobas-class Titan, intending to turn eight Gallente Orobas-class Titans into ashes.

In this regard, the auxiliary fleet of the Gallente fleet is still indifferent, and is still doing all it can to maintain the remaining night-class super aircraft carrier frantically, as if they did not see their own Titans being set fire by the doomsday.

Afterwards, Rapp stared at the Orobas-class titan who was still alive and well after the doomsday salvo, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This time the doomsday volley has no obstacles in the shooting circle, and all doomsday hits!

How could it be possible that even one of the Titans could not be defeated by the doomsday focus of the entire Demon Super Flagship Team?

At this moment, Rapp felt a little heartache.

Seeing this, Sigh, Jerusalem smiled disdainfully.

"Hehe, naive, do you really think that the second-generation Titans are so fragile?"

That's right, these Orobas-level titans are all the second-generation titans that were unlocked with Gallente at the beginning, and this is also the key to Aura's daring to let Gallente take on this decisive battle alone!

Adrien Black Flag on the other side was also taken aback when he saw this scene, and after zooming in on the battlefield projection, he immediately noticed the difference between these titans.

"Battle module? How is this possible!"

Seeing the energy compression ripples on these Orobas-class titans flowing in and out of the dreadnought after the battle module was activated, Adrien Black Flag suddenly lost his voice.

This will assemble the battle module on the Titan. It is not that the demon civilization has tried, but all of them ended in failure.

Because this battle module will cause a huge load on the battleship after it is activated, and the Titan itself is a perfect decisive weapon. After installing this battle module, this balance will be broken. If you are lucky, the Titan will become a little more fearless. Ship, if you are unlucky, the Titan will explode right away.

The demon civilization has been researching this aspect for decades, but has yet to find a perfect solution, and finally declares that this direction is a failure, and turns to study the second-generation Titans of other lines of defense.

And now these Orobas Titans in Gallente made him doubt his life, because these Titans were telling him with facts that the second-generation Titans in this direction were correct.

For dreadnoughts, this battle module is the soul. After it is activated, it can greatly enhance its own defense and attack power, making it a fearless fixed firepower platform.

Don't look at this dreadnought like a child in the face of a super flagship, but it is a real terror to other warships. For small forces, this dreadnought is already a strategic weapon!

And now the enemy's titans in front of them are all equipped with this battle module, its power can be imagined.

At least judging from the doomsday focus just now, the titans equipped with the battle module in front of them are not failures, but real second-generation titans.

Then, these Orobas-class Titans proved this point with their actions.

I saw one of the Orobas-class Titans aiming its flagship gun at a super aircraft carrier in the Rapp fleet. With just one firing of the flagship gun, the shield of the super aircraft carrier was directly penetrated, and then The second shot shattered its armor, and the third shot completely penetrated its hull.

Looking at the Gallente Titan that destroyed a super aircraft carrier with only three shots, the demon civilization side all took a breath of air.

Anyway, this is also a warship of the strategic level second only to the Titan!

Even if it is a one-on-one fight with a Titan, it is absolutely impossible to be so shocking.

Compared to the terrifying power, the rate of fire of the Titan flagship gun is what shocked Rapp and Adrien Black Flag the most.

These Orobas-level titans in front of them proved their own strength, and also proved their control over the battlefield with their strength.

After watching the performance of this Orobas-class titan, Sigh Jerusalem nodded in satisfaction.

"As expected, I spent a huge amount of money to study with Shangguan Qianqian for more than half a year. The power is really good!"

To put it bluntly, these second-generation Titan technologies are actually the perfect technology for assembling battle modules on Titans.

The second-generation Titan technology that was unlocked with Gallente at the beginning was just how to transform the Orobas-class Titan into a hull that can withstand the battle module. As for the battle module, it needs the help of the three gods.

This is because the battle module mutants of the Trigods can use quantum entanglement to mutate the battle module so that it can be assembled on the body of the Titan.

Although the principle is so, it is also a sigh. Jerusalem and Shangguan Qianqian have been working together for more than half a year to achieve a perfect combination. This is still the existence of the Orobas-class battleship module hull technology, otherwise Time will be longer.

Although this technology has made breakthroughs, it can only be used by Gallente's Orobas-class Titans.

Even if the envoy-class titan of the Amarr Empire wants to upgrade to a second-generation titan, at least decades of research is needed to obtain a hull that can withstand the huge load brought by the battle module.

This is the case even in New Yindian, and the cost of other forces can be imagined, not to mention that the most critical abyss battle module technology is still firmly in the hands of the descendants of the three gods.

It can be said that other than Xin Yindian, other people want to own the second-generation Titan, that is completely a dream!

82 Chinese Network

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