MTL - Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man-~ Chapter 2

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Lou Lou looked incredibly at this strange and familiar hand.

It was strange because there was a shallow scar on the back of her left hand. Although the treatment was timely and treated, the wound was too deep and eventually left a trace. Say familiar, how can you be unfamiliar? No matter the size of the palm, the length of the finger, the texture of the palm, it is exactly the same as your own hand.

The floor was a little confused about the current situation. She opened her eyes and found herself in a ward with a slightly sterilized smell. It is reasonable to say that she should be dead. When she closes her eyes, she will emerge. The scene from the rebar to the brain, the fear and pain, she did not even want to think back.

Just, if she is dead, how can she be at this hospital?

Lou Lou stunned and touched his face, but fortunately, no, no scars, no bandages, she was not disfigured, but this is totally unreasonable.

I couldn’t understand the floor sitting on the bed and stayed for a while. After being watched by the nurse on duty, I quickly called the doctor. The floor was not clear about the current situation. I had to cooperate with the doctor to check it. Doctor's question.

The doctor has eight sentences without leaving his head. After confirming that there is no discomfort in the building, the doctor gave the diagnosis: "Miss Lou, congratulations, you can go through the discharge procedure today, but you were in a coma yesterday. One day, I suggest you stay in the hospital for two more days."

"Thank you." Lou Yan politely thanked.

After the doctors and nurses left, the building rushed into the bathroom, and she lived in a single ward with a washroom.

Looking at the face in the mirror, the floor was stunned. As she expected, this was her face, but it was paler than the face that was poisoned by her cosmetics. With a healthy flush, the most important thing is that this face is much younger than her face and looks only eighteen or nine years old.

In the heart of the building, a fierce jump, followed by an uncontrollable joy rises from the bottom of my heart. Although she does not like watching TV, she also knows some big movies with the theme of crossing, and returns to the past. Movies, and now online novels, rebirth, crossing is even more red, then ... her current situation, is it also back to the past?

"Oh." I don't know how long it took to stay. The floor sang heard a voice in the room. She quickly pressed down the joy and sadness and walked out of the bathroom.

After seeing the people in the ward, Lou Jian is more convinced that he must have returned to the past. Otherwise, how can he see Liu Ayi? Both Aunt Liu and Lu Ayi are the nannies who are invited by the family. They are responsible for the daily life of their family. They have been working in their home for more than ten years, but Aunt Liu was taken over by her son who was successful in her twenty-five years. At that time, the building was quite reluctant.

Aunt Liu put down the things she brought, looked around the building for a long time, and saw her face and mental state very good, only to breathe a sigh of relief: "It seems that nothing is wrong, oh yeah, not aunt said You, don't be so impulsive next time, if you fall out, your mother is so sad!"

Listening to the words of Aunt Liu’s care, Lou Lou was moved. She was not close to her father since she was a child. Her mother was a workaholic. She usually had a little more time with the two aunts. After counting, Liu Ayi went with her son. After a city, I haven’t seen it for two years. Although the words I used to care about my aunts are always disgusting, I don’t want to refute this moment. Lou Loub smiled and said: “Auntie, I know, you don’t train me. ""

"You know it." Liu Ayi did not say any more. After all, there was a difference in identity. She couldn’t get too much. She took the toiletries from the bag she brought, and after she had finished washing her face, she handed it to the building. A heat preservation box containing her lotus seed porridge, and the building's pick up and sip it.

Aunt Liu opened the window and ventilated it, then took the bag and went into the bathroom. After a while, she took out a cleaned fruit and told her that the company had an important meeting today, so her father and mother could only I can see her after the meeting.

Lou Lou looked at Liu Aunt's busy schedule, only to think that the porridge in the mouth was extraordinarily sweet. As for Mom and Dad, she didn't come to see her. She didn't care very much, she used to get used to it, didn't she? After hesitating for a long time, Lou Lou finally asked for the exit: "Auntie, how can I be in the hospital?"

Looking at the current situation, she really did not return to the past, but she did not remember that she lived in the hospital at the age of ten, listening to the meaning of the doctor’s words, she was unconscious for one day yesterday, such an important thing, but in Memory, there is no impression at all, and, after she wakes up, she is not hungry except for a little hungry.

Since there are doubts, then ask, she is really a real estate, not afraid to be exposed to identity or something.

Aunt Liu did not feel wrong. He replied: "I don't remember? Yesterday, you had a dispute with the Qing Dynasty, fell off the stairs, and stunned."

Qing Qing, that is, Qing Qing, her half-sister, Lou Lou lowered her eyes, and her heart was a bit complicated. She returned to the past. Then, at this time, the building was clear and clear, and naturally it was not dead.

"Oh, hey, isn't it uncomfortable? Is the head hurting?" Seeing her bowing, Aunt Liu asked nervously.

Lou Lou quickly comforted her. By the way, the doctor’s test results were repeated. Liu Ayi was relieved. After the unconscious stunned yesterday, she did a full-body examination and found no abnormalities. Although the doctor said that she was fine. However, Aunt Liu feels that the doctor is right, or stay in the hospital for a few days.

After waiting for the porridge to finish the porridge, he talked a few more words. After Liu Aunt confessed that she had more rest, she took things back and there was a bunch of things to be busy at home. The most important thing was to make lunch for Lou.

The ward returned to tranquility. The squat went to the window and looked out. This time she stayed in the big city, but at the moment it seemed strange. She unconsciously touched the left wrist and found that the wrist was empty. She hasn't worn that thing yet, the bracelet that caused her to dispute with Lou Qing.

In the impression, there was a dispute with the building Qingqing and fell downstairs. It was said that this incident was related to Chen Hao.

I remember that Chen Hao’s birthday was soon after. She spent some time looking for a special gift from the jewellery line. After she got it, she put it on the dressing table in the house. When she finished eating the dessert and went back to the room, she I found that the box containing the gift was missing.

Both Liu Auntie and Lu Ayi looked at the soap opera downstairs. During this period, they didn’t go upstairs. Then, they must have taken the upstairs floor and took it. She ran to the questioning floor and cleared the room. The two were in the stairwell. There was a dispute and some shouting, and the two fell together on the stairs.

Fortunately, in order to avoid falls, the stairs in the house are covered with thick plush blankets, and there is nothing for both people.

But unlike that one, this time she actually fainted, and Lou Lou felt that it might be because of her rebirth.

Thinking of the incident, Lou Lang also knows the exact time now, just two months ago, she just turned twenty.

At the age of twenty, she was twenty-seven years old and actually returned to her twenties.

She didn't know that she should be saddened to be reborn. She didn't exist anymore. She was born again. She never saw Qin Hao again. The Qin dynasty who was willing to plead guilty for her...

It was also she was stupid. At that time, she shouldn’t rip her skin with Chen Hao at that time. However, she had a backlog of guilt for a few months, and she felt that she was on the verge of collapse, and she didn’t know What did she say, although she did not make a stupid thing with Chen Hao to grab the steering wheel, but let Chen Hao drive the car, so that a car accident occurred.

It is said that the woman's IQ in love is negative, and Lou Lou found that he is no longer obsessed with Chen Hao, and his brain is surprisingly smart.

However, she should thank Chen Hao, if not Chen Hao, she will not return to the age of twenty.

However, more is sad, she is back, what should Qin? Will he continue to plead guilty for her? She said, let him wait for her.

I didn't expect the thought before dying to come true. She thought that Qin Hao might have to wait for her to go to the next life. Now, is it the next life?

Lou Lou didn't know what to do for a while... Does she love Qin? She is also unclear. She and Chen Hao grabbed Chen Hao for more than ten years. After seeing his identity, she only felt sick and not sad. She saw Qin Qin suffering for her, and her heartache. I almost want to die, so she actually loves Qin Qin? At least deeper than Chen Hao’s feelings.

Thinking about it carefully, her emotional memory with Chen Hao is not profound. Instead, she remembers the struggle with Lou Qingqing very clearly. Does she like Chen Hao in the end, or is she purely trying to fight against the building? That is no longer important.

Reborn, everything is reshuffled, and those tragedies have not happened yet, but they have to change.

She will not waste all her youth for Chen Hao's scum man, nor will she be wrongly killed by the building's radical method, and will not let Qin Hao go to plead for her.

Lou Yi thought of what Qin Lan said, he said that he loves her...

At that time, although she was saddened, her heart was ecstatic, but now Qin Qin loves her?

If you don't love it?

Lou Lou suddenly wanted to call and ask, but holding a mobile phone, I didn’t dare to press it for a long time. There were several missed calls in the mobile phone, and a few text messages, both of which were sent yesterday and this morning. Open the last one: Hey, I will be back tomorrow, what gift do you want?

Yes, this time he was on a business trip. In the past, every time Qin Qin went on a business trip, she would have a lot of gifts. He never said anything. If she wanted it, he would buy it for her.

Qin Hao is very good to her and has always been very good.

So she didn't know at all when he fell in love with her.

The two of them are five years old, and the two of them grow up together. Qin Yu said to her that it is not a matter for her brother. In these years, she has taken care of her in every possible way, and she is more troubled than her aunt. Let her never think that the relationship between them has gone too far. Occasionally, some people admire her that she has a "good brother". When she is proud, she forgets.

Their mode of getting along seems to have never changed. Then, can she think that at this time, Qin Hao also has feelings for her?

Even if she has no feelings, she will let him fall in love with her again! He must be responsible for what he said! Even if nothing has happened yet! You can't rely on it!

The Lou Yi will be sad for a long time, and finally made a hegemonic decision. Anyway, she is such a selfish person, isn’t it? She did not dare to call, afraid of being found abnormal, hesitated for a long time, sent a text message.

I am waiting for you to come back - hehe.