MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 147 Modern President Wen 14

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Even Mr. Shang and Mrs. Shang are also coming back, taking advantage of the hard work of Shao Qian, who has finished the meal, and then talked about Ansar’s affairs intermittently, then focused on The next is Ansar’s first push.

Well, this is very important. I can't let my family misunderstand that I have lost my temper for no reason. Shao Qian thought very seriously in his heart that he is now developing in a good direction. If the family is misunderstood as a first mover, then he may have to be disappointed for a long time.

It’s really distressing for Mrs. Shang’s words to be heard. My own baby has been bullied after just getting out of the day. If there is any psychological shadow, then I can’t cry with my husband.

I have to say that the second is really in the mouth of the business people is really afraid of the mouth, holding in his hands afraid of falling. In the past, his children didn't go out, but they would lose their temper and throw things at home. Just don't hurt yourself. It’s hard to go out for a day today, and I’ve been bullied by other people. Fortunately, my child is recovering now. If it’s the same as before, maybe I’m going back to the room again and I’m not going out again.

"Hey, rest assured, this thing Dad handles." Mr. Shang’s words are hard-pressed. In today’s situation, the merchants in China are absolutely ranked, even if the Ansar’s power abroad is bigger, they It is also impossible to reach out to China.

To take a step back, even if the Ansar family dared to reach in, he could also unite with many business tycoons in China. Today's China is different from the past. Foreign forces want to enter China, but also the local forces do not agree.

"Yeah." Shao Qian nodded hard. "But I also have a responsibility. I should not stun him."

When Mrs. Shang heard this, he really smiled and held Shao Qian and kissed him a few mouthfuls. His own baby was stunned with a face and said something seriously. It’s really unspeakable: “Nothing, just My baby is happy, it doesn't matter if I cut it a few times."

Mrs. Shang, are you sure that this way of teaching will not teach your child to be disabled? I don't know why, I heard Mrs. Shang said this. Inexplicable, I feel that the reason why the second few have a slight violent tendency is that they are also used to being used.

However, it is obvious that the merchants do not think that the merchant lady is wrong. It is true that they are from the second son of the family. It is also the fault of others.

Well, this way of education in your home, it is definitely a good gene to not teach people to be disabled.

This family is not very serious about the matter, so the situation is not so good, but the atmosphere of the Y family in Y is not so good.

The owner of the Michelle family was really mad at this little son. After Ansal returned home, he was slapped by him. Later, Ansar, who was wronged to complain, was embarrassed. A dog blood sprinkler. Then, even if I did not listen to Ansar’s explanation, I would go directly to the small black house.

To say that Ansar’s departure from home is really not going to make Michelle’s owner so angry. The younger son of his family is spoiled when he is young. It’s also a common thing to go out and travel in the past without a word. Moreover, there are people around Ansar, and the Michelle owner will not worry about anything.

However, this time it was different. This time, Ansar peeked at the information he had placed in the study, and found the place where the illegitimate illegitimate child had sneaked out.

Nowadays, they have been sent back from China. Some of the scandals of their family have come back with Ansar. These scandals that were painstakingly suppressed are now placed on the bright side. Many are still some of the more sensitive and sensitive core issues. How can this make Michelle’s homeless?

These scandals broke out once after Ansal was sent back, and he said that he did not believe anything with the despicable illegitimate child. However, what if it is related to the despicable illegitimate child? Nowadays, what he mainly does is to settle these thorny problems now, not the life of the despicable illegitimate child.

However, since they want to complete them, can they still have a chance to breathe? On the second day of the scandal of the Michelle family, the Michelle owner was directly taken to the relevant department of the Y country at home.

On the same day that Michelle’s owner was taken away, the industries of all the Michel family in the country of Y encountered large and small problems. In the next two months, the Michel family's industry can be said to be like a wind, and the small families with vassals under Michelle have left, for fear that they will be involved.

How can the Michelle family quickly disintegrate in a short period of time to keep the Caesars from being vigilant? Although they are involved in some industries that are not black and gray, but they dare not follow the relevant departments of the Y country.

In this month's time, the Caesar family can say that the tail is very tight, and those semi-dark and semi-dark industries are all hidden in the dark.

One month after the collapse of the Michelle family, it seems that it has been calm. The Michel family, which stood at the top of the upper class of the Y country, seems to evaporate in this world for a while, leaving no trace of existence. same.

However, the people in these high society are not clear? Without the support of the people in the Y State, how could the Michelle family collapse so quickly?

You know, even if the Michel family is bigger, they can't really be hostile to some of the authorities in the Y state. I don’t know who the person who really defeated the Michel family is.

However, the person who was not guessed by the entire upper class of the Y country was sitting at the long-haired stall to feed his own baby. If he was just feeding the man, it would be a good thing. Peel the grapes into your mouth, then go over and use the tip of the tongue to open Shao Qian’s teeth, and then let his tongue tip dance with himself...

The sweet and sour juice spreads in the two populations, and it gently crushes the grapes, then pushes into the mouth of Shao Qian, and then peels one after waiting for him to eat, and then puts it into his mouth...

Slowly, Shao Qian is a little impatient. If you eat a grape, you are still very hot, but it is not as good as your own. So Shao Xiaoqian pushed the head away directly when he passed it, and then he took a plate of grapes in his arms and had a good time.

Meiran’s mouth was filled with grapes and looked at Shao Qian with some sadness. He couldn’t think of such a fun game. How could baby not like to play?

"What happened on the other side?" Shao Qian asked after a few grapes. After more than a month, he has improved his pronunciation, and he can speak fluently if he is not a long sentence.

"The Michelle family is over." I wiped it with a wet wipe, and then I went down to kiss Shao Qian’s cheek: "The next step is the Caesar family."

"Yeah." Shao Qian nodded. "Be careful when you do, don't let people grab the handle."

"I can rest assured that I am doing things." I heard that Shao Qian said that he was happy. He kissed him on the cheek and kissed him: "There are many people who want to bring down the two families in Y, as long as they choose cooperation. Objects, not afraid to kill them."

"The politician you were looking for..." Shao Qian frowned slightly: "Is there any trouble in the future?"

He said that he was fascinated. The politician likes to gamble. He prefers to play with young girls between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. It is precisely because he grabs his handle and promises him to bring down the Michelle family. Then the money of the Michelle family will be his, which makes this greedy politician agree to cooperate with it.

However, Shao Qian is really worried. This person is afraid of the possibility of assassination of him if he is afraid of leaking. He is naturally able to protect, but he is also worried about what he can do if he can't be with him from time to time.

"You can rest assured." Fiercely squeezed Shao Qian to sit on the sofa and hugged the person directly to his thigh. "When he was dealing with the Michelle family, I had already submitted some of his evidence to the country of Y. Anti-corruption group."

Shao Qian looked at him with no words. When he saw the bad smile on his face, he couldn't help but ask: "You are not afraid that the Michelle family has not been handled well, and the politician has been arrested?"

"Don't be afraid, the ZF of the Y country is always worried about Michelle and the Caesar family. They are really suffering from the opportunity to deal with these two families. Now I have sent this opportunity to them. Even prepared a sacrificer for them, how can ZF in Y country be unhappy?" This is really a clear heart. The Michelle family has been so arrogant these years, can the Y country not worry that they will grow stronger and threaten their own interests?

For this old family that is getting bigger and bigger, the ZF of the Y country is really more and more difficult to control. For this big family, they want more up-and-coming talents, better control, and no threat to national interests.

So, when the sacrifices and the scandals that were concealed were thrown out, the government of the Y country was helped, which is why the Michelle family could not suppress the scandals anyway. one.

Solving the Michelle family, one of the two giants, it didn't take long for another Y country to fall into the French Open. This is really two things, and the next one is the big Caesar family.

For the Caesar family, it is not intended to use the method of dealing with the Michel family. In addition, the previous Michelle family experience will certainly make the Caesar family wary, not so easy to be fooled.

Therefore, he now needs such a one-and-a-half-point accident, one that can provoke the ‘accident’ between the Caesar family and the dead.

However, nowadays it is not anxious. To deal with the Caesar family, he has time and is not in a hurry with this half-time. The most important thing now is to think about how to deal with the merchants and let their own treasures live with them.

Perhaps it is a good idea to live in classmates this evening? For Mr. Fiji, who began to seriously think about this issue, we can only turn a blind eye and get into the water. Two less have never been to school, where are the students?

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