MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 175 Urban campus text 11

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Women think that they are hiding their good looks and they are all seen by Shao Qian. This kind of seemingly concerned about the gloating scene is really a little disgusting. This kind of white lotus's attitude, I really don't know how cheap it is to go.

"I can't compare your sad days. I heard that I still have a third brother. You have to be careful." Shao Qian said, his eyes swept over Li Qi, who was angry with him. "After all, the things that are carefully guarded, blink of an eye." It has become someone else's, and who is uncomfortable?"

When the woman heard this, her face suddenly became stiff, and her eyes flicked.

She naturally knows that Li Shuo has a woman outside, and she knows that there are two illegitimate women, but she does not know that Li Shuo still has an illegitimate child outside.

I think that she is so easy to grab everything. If I wait for the little cockroach to grow up, I will rob my family with her son...

Yue Qingmei’s eyes stunned, and no one could **** something with her son. Everything about Li’s family should be her son’s. Li Burning can’t take it away. The little hybrids outside can’t be taken away!

"Jia Le is what this is saying." Yue Qingmei's eyes quickly covered up. She softly and weakly smiled at Shao Qian: "Your father is now a good man, you don't hear from anyone." What is the difference between the three? The father is not the kind of person who makes seven or three."

"I don't like to listen to you when you say this." Shao Qian made an exaggerated expression: "As the saying goes, the dog can't change it." What he used to be, what he must be now."

"Hey, who is the dog?" Li Qi heard Shao Qian's words suddenly unhappy, he said that Li Shuo is a dog, then what is he?

"There is a father who must have his son." Shao Qian said with an innocent voice: "You are very conscious when you arrive. I have not said anything else and you spontaneously admit it."

"You, he..." Li Qi heard the words even more angry and rushed to the crown, only thinking of a fist to smash the face of Li burning.

"Gail, I know that you hate us. But, do you say your father, where is it?" Yue Qingmei is better than Li Qi’s endurance, she is so soft and weak, where to stand, face Looking at Shao Qian with distressed feelings, he feels a lot of pain in his general: "Auntie knows that you have suffered in the past two years, and your heart will definitely be wronged. You can rest assured that you will come back this time, and Auntie must entertain you."

entertain? Shao Qian laughed out loud. When will I use the word hospitality when I return to my home?

"You are really generous." Shao Qian rolled his eyes and sneered: "I just wanted to say a few words to you this time. What my mother left for me, I will get it back quite a bit. You enjoy it. For many years, I don’t remember to come back with the benefits."

Yue Qingmei listened to him saying that his face did not change in the slightest, and even looked at Shao Qian with a look of pity: "Jia Le has not been in the past two years. Naturally, I don't know the company's losses in the past two years. Seeing... I can't do it anymore. If you want a company, I naturally would advise your father to return it to you."

Shao Qian heard this as a cold smile, then pulled Lu Hao and turned it out of the villa. When he passed the small iron gate, he stepped down: "You must have ‘good’ to enjoy these days.”

Yue Qingmei smiled and looked at Shao Qian's departure and did not answer. After Shao Qian and Lu Hao came out of sight, this turned and whispered to the woman who had been standing behind Li Qi: "Miss Sun, there are some things to be dealt with at home. I will not leave you."

Miss Sun just listened to the words of several people in her ears. At this time, she naturally had other thoughts. She did not seem surprised at Yue Qingmei’s behavior. She just smiled and left Li Qi with a wink.

Li Qi had a pity to watch Miss Sun leave. He originally planned to go out to eat dinner with this woman, and then find a hotel spring breeze.

He is really satisfied with this small, wave, and cargo that has just been soaked.

When Yue Qingmei saw his son's expression, he knew what he was thinking. His heart was really angry. He thought that her Yue Qingmei had a conspiracy of conspiracy in her life. How could she have such a thing that she did not know how to eat, drink, and have fun?

However, even if the son only knows how to eat, drink, and play, Li’s everything can only be Li Qi’s. Even if he loses, he can only be defeated in his son’s hands.

Shao Qian and Lu Hao slowly returned to Lu Jia, he went to Li Jia, really just went to Ying Ying Yuemei. What Yue Qingmei is worried about, such as competing for property, he did not think much, and did not bother to ask for such a company that violated the law and evaded taxes and tax evasion.

Yes, Shao Qian did not think about Li’s property from the beginning, and the company that was hanging under his name on the bright side.

Li Shuo has worked hard for more than ten years. The company's top management is basically his confidant. Even if he took over the company, he only took over a name. In a short time, the company's power still put me in the hands of Li Shuo.

Shao Qian is not without the ability to hold the company in the palm of his hand, but it is too much trouble. He is a person who is afraid of trouble. With this time, it is better to go out with Lu Hao to travel and travel.

Therefore, Shao Qian thought from the very beginning that he would confuse the Li family. When Li Shuo made the crime, he would let him go to the prison to confess to the mother.

Yue Qingmei, he has also helped her think about the ending. She is not trying her best to become Li’s wife. In order to live the rich life of the envy of others?

The more he wants to get it, the less he will let her achieve. When Li’s tax evasion was arrested, Li Shuo went to the bureau, and Li’s property was bound to fill the gap. At that time, he had a way to make Yue Qingmei unable to get a penny.

He would have to look at what kind of face she was after the dream of Mrs. Yue Qingmei Fu was broken.

The first thing that Shao Qian returned to Lujia was to open the computer and collect the various tax evasion taxes, bribe officials, and even two copies of the customs smuggling cultural relics collected by Yushu.

The person who can be selected by Shao Qian to do this is the leader in charge of the **, and it can be said that it is notoriously unselfish. His most famous investigation was to win the first seven officials involved in corruption, and one of them even had two levels higher than him.

The official did not disappoint Shao Qian. On the second day after Shao Qian sent the materials, Li Shuo was taken away directly by the company and ordered the company to suspend business for rectification, and asked the company to submit all the accounts for convenience. Check it out.

When Li Shuo was taken away, he looked blank, especially after hearing that the person who arrested him was a ** agency.

Since he dares to make things that violate the law and discipline, he naturally has a connection with some officials. And he gives the most money on weekdays, is it the leader of the local government?

Thinking of this, Li Shuo really was furious, and the turtle grandson received so much money on his daily basis. Now this is to turn against himself? Why is he not afraid of taking out the evidence of the interest transactions between the two? No one can run away by then.

However, Li Shuo did not have time to say or do anything. He even had a car accident when he was not brought to the agency. The small off-road vehicle head in reverse driving directly hits the middle of the J car, slamming the J car in the crash, and when the ambulance arrives, the car is seriously injured as a vegetative person, as well as Jg seriously injured, and two One **** was slightly injured.

It is precisely because of this car accident that the top leaders of the ** organs were angered, and the order of death must be checked out in any case.

When Shao Qian heard the news, he was really surprised. He didn't even think that he actually extended so many things.

His original intention was to send Li Shuo to prison, let him go in and pay back the debts owed to their Li family, and by the way, some scums were also sent together. But never imagined that those scum would actually do such crazy things, actually trying to kill Li Shuo on the road, and even tired of the three Jg at the time.

Lu Hao knows Shao Qian’s character. Naturally, he knows that for this matter, Shao Qian is worried about the three Jg who have suffered innocent disasters, so he proposed that Shao Qian should use Yu Yu to cure the most injured Jg. Just change the fate of this police officer.

Shao Qian heard Lu Yan’s words, and suddenly his eyes were very meaningful. He only snorted for a long time. By the way, you know the jade.

Lu Hao... Lu Hao touched his nose and laughed twice. He didn’t dare to say anything to Shao Qian for a whole day. He was afraid that he would be unconscious and spontaneously say something close to the truth.

However, Shao Qian accepted Lu’s opinion and gave appropriate treatment to the three Jg who suffered innocent disasters, so that they directly avoided any disability in the body.

In the last half of the month, the news was almost occupied by this rectification. Even Shao Qian and Lu Hao received news of the Black Hawk, allowing them to secretly arrest a scum that fled abroad.

This time, the arrest and rectification was also called the 7.18 French Open.

Things gradually came to a close after half a month, and Li Shuo did not die, but did not wake up again. Li’s property is exactly what Shao Qian expected. Most of the property was confiscated to fill the loopholes, while the remaining small part was ZF’s tough request for the company’s undocumented staff.

It can be said that a big Li family, in the end, is only a house with two rooms and one hall outside the five rings, and a deposit of ten thousand yuan.

These are still Shao Qian’s unwillingness to do too much, and they have left a living path for them.

However, for the Li Qi brothers and sisters who spend a lot of money, and Yue Qingmei who has already managed the life of Mrs. Fu, 100,000 pieces are just a pastime for them.

Moreover, there is still a Li Shu who has become a vegetative person. Does it cost money every day in a nursing home?

This is simply enough for the three people. After the money spent in the hands, it was straightforward to give up Li Shuo who was still in the hospital, no longer paying any fees, even when the doctor called to pay the hospitalization fee. Li Shuo has nothing to do with them, let the doctor go to Li Shuo’s son.

The doctor couldn't help but find a way to find Shao Qian's phone and explain why he was contacted.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Shao Qian can be said to be crying and laughing. Then there was some emotion. It was not unreasonable for her mother to fight Yue Qingmei, because her heart was not as embarrassing as Yue Qingmei.

Although Shao Qian did not want to pay attention to Li Shuo, but he could not watch Li Shuo so dead in the hospital.

When he received a person from a private nursing home, Shao Qian felt that his heart had changed and his heart seemed to be soft. If this is left before, he will manage Li Shuo to live and die?

But now, he actually began to think about how the real original owner would do such a thing. The real Li burning, like his mother, has a soft heart, even if he hates Li Shuo again, he can't do it when he looks at him.

After Shao Hao arranged Li Shuo, he also spoke for a while with Lu Hao. It was nothing more than saying that he seemed to be more and more like a person, and he began to have some feelings.

He said that this is nothing more than ridiculing himself, but stopping in Lu's ear is another meaning.

Lu Hao didn't have any feelings at the beginning of his birth, and he didn't even know what the emotions were. Can he catch it and get it?

Later, Lu Hao wandered alone in the vast and boundless space. There was nothing in it, no sound. He was in such an environment for a long time. There was a fierce emotion in the heart of Gujing’s heart. Later he knew This is incitement, is... lonely...

Later, he created the baby, he wants the baby to talk to him and live with him. But he forgot, baby was like him at the beginning of his birth, and he also had no feelings. Every time I talk to him, the baby looks at himself with the eyes of the dead water. He always asks himself, he answers...

Clear cognition baby is like when the first time I have no feelings, Lu Hao is very violent, and even the whole space begins to twist and collapse, and all the places around it begin to crack the gray and gradually expand.

However, in the end, Lu Hao still controlled himself, because at what moment he was in the moment of the crack in the space riot, he saw fear in the eyes of the baby. Even if... this kind of eyes flashed away.

Later, Lu Hao wanted to open. Since he was able to learn loneliness in the long years and learned to get angry in the relationship with the baby, why didn't he create something and let the baby learn some emotions slowly?

This whole Xinghai was created by Lu Qian for Shao Qian, just to let him learn the seven passions that belong to people. Although...the starting point is good, but in the middle... there are some small accidents...

Shao Qian didn't know what Lu Hao was thinking. After he settled in Li Shuo, he didn't pay much attention to him. As for Yue Qingmei and her children, Shao Qian was not so kind. He left them with 100,000 yuan and a house, just thinking about being able to take care of Li Shuo. Now that they have abandoned Li Shuo, there is no need for them to give them a house.

However, before Shao Qian started, they were deceived by the money. The last three people were driven out of the house. They only rented a cheap house with only a few hundred dollars left in their hands. For the days of three meals a day.

After Shao Qian knew that they had not done well, he did not pay attention to them, but followed the days when Lu and Lu were both okay to travel and do the task.

By the time the Lujia couple were older, Lu Hao retired from the Blackhawks to take over the Lushi Group and developed the group into a Fortune 50 company in a short period of time.

At the age of 30 when Shao Qian and Lu Hao were 30 years old, Mrs. Lu, who had already had a white hair, asked them to do surrogacy and add two children to Lu Jia. At that time, Lu Hao’s face was ugly and directly rejected Mrs. Lu’s request, and bluntly he would not let any woman give birth to his own child, and his baby could not have children with other women.

Mrs. Lu was shocked by such a fierce emotion as Lu Yan. She originally only made comments, but did not expect that Lu Hao would have such a big reaction. However, after thinking about it, is Lu’s possessiveness for Li Burning to be a crazy point? Since Lu Hao took over Lu, he will waitlessly every time he goes out to do the task, and even stipulates that Li will give himself a message every half hour. Otherwise, he will never let Li Burn again. Leave him half a step.

For such a situation, Shao Qian and Lu Hao had a cold war, and even the two had a big fight. However, the strange thing is that Lu Yan’s insistence has never changed.

For such a situation, the Lujia couple really had a hard time understanding. They never thought about it. How did Lu’s feelings about Li Burn become an approximation?

They didn't understand, Shao Qian didn't want to understand. However, he had a fight with Lu Hao, and after three days of the Cold War, he did not pay much attention to this matter. Moreover, it is not a big deal for him to send a message. Is it not necessary for Lu Hao to feel uneasy because of this incident?

And what about Lu Hao? The reason why Lu Yi made such a request to Shao Qian is that he is afraid. In this world, their age is getting bigger and bigger, and their physical functions are slowly declining. This means that they will return soon. Xinghai, and the power of the soul in the baby is getting stronger and stronger. .

He began to panic and began to worry that Baby suddenly remembered everything, remembering who he was, remembering the sin he had suffered...

He is worried that the baby who knows the truth will leave himself. This kind of thinking is increasing day by day, and even he has gradually got some crazy ideas. He wants to use the Xinghai to trap the baby inside... I want to completely imprison him...

However, he also understands that if he does this again, he will completely lose the baby, and even according to the baby's temper, this time will really be the same, completely dissipated in the Xinghai. If it is such an ending, Lu Yan can't accept it...

Lu Hao does not want children, but Lu Jia needs a heir. Lu Jia and his wife are very good to Shao Qian, so he does not want Lu Jia to have no successors since Lu Hao.

Therefore, Shao Qian’s Lu Xun chose a good-hearted child to take home from the side, and explained it before Lu Hao’s anger was to throw the child out.

In the end, the child still stayed, but was ordered not to approach Shao Qian, it is best not to appear in front of Shao Qian.

Shao Qian lived to a hundred and two years old in this world. He was a little earlier than Lu Yan. Some of his dim eyes looked at Lu Hao. He couldn’t see Lu Lu’s look now, but he still Struggling to lift his right hand and touch Lu Yan's wrinkled face, let him close to his own effort to say a word.

After the talk, Shao Qian was forced to leave the world. At the moment he left, he saw the shock of the old Lu Yi first, and the expression of ecstasy on the back.

On the day when Shao Qian left the world, Lu Hao personally changed his clothes and refused anyone's help. He shook his legs and hugged him into the double coffin. Then he let everyone leave and changed himself. The black clothes stepped into the coffin, lying next to Shao Qian, his right hand clutching Shao Qian's stiff and cold left hand, with a satisfying smile on his mouth and slowly closing his eyes.

At the moment when consciousness is about to disappear, he is still thinking about what Shao Qian said: Don't be afraid, I love you.

The author has something to say: there will be BUg~ I downloaded a small black house for myself and locked the computer. If the number of words is not finished every day, my computer will be locked... I found that this is still quite good for me. Useful...