MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 31 Less master cooking

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He Wei came to the classroom, Ding Zhi had already helped him occupy the seat, and when he came in, he recruited.

In the eyes of the whole class, He Wei calmly sat next to him and took his own textbook. "Thank you."

"Small things are not enough, but," Ding Zhiton paused and his eyes turned. "If Master He can teach me a trick, I..."

"Do you really want to enter this door?" He Yan looked up at him and looked serious.

Ding Zhi also quickly and seriously, "Think."

"This door is not as easy as you think, it is very hard, and it is accompanied by danger. Do you really want to be good?" He Xi’s heart is indeed pampered, although Ding Zhi’s age is relatively large, but his talent is good, and he has a unique talent. Let him practice indiscriminately, but it is violent.

Ding Zhilian did not take such a serious exam, he nodded, "I will insist! I am not afraid of danger!"

"Squad leader, do you speak mute with He Dashao? You will see your two mouths moving, and you can't hear them." Ding Zhi asked a boy sitting next to him.

He Wei removed the enchantment and said: "Go back to the dormitory and say."

Ding Zhi was full of excitement. He really wanted to run a few laps to vent, and his heart slammed like a blast, but his face was very sloppy, his mind was delicate, and he turned his head to the boy: "I have been practicing lip language recently. , want to be together?"

"What are you doing this? Are you going to be an agent?" The boys joked.

"The teacher came, don't say it." Ding Zhi waved his hand and stopped talking, but his heart was more admired by the means of He Wei. So close, no one can hear the voices of the two, it is really unfathomable. .

Difficult to finish two classes, Ding Zhi can not wait to fly back to the dormitory immediately, but the pace of He Wei is leisurely, he is not urging.

He Wei naturally understands his mind and said: "School of Wu can not be anxious."

Ding Zhiyi heard that it makes sense. To practice ancient martial arts, he must be able to calm down, so he can take a deep breath. He can't change his mind because of this.

There is still a certain distance from the dormitory in the teaching building. Although there are trees blocking the roadside, the heat wave from the ground is rushing to Dingzhi. He is afraid of heat, and soon he will sweat and see a drop of congratulations. The sweat did not flow, and the envy was so great that it strengthened the determination to learn ancient Wu.

Back to the dormitory, although Ding Zhi tried to rush to the bathroom to pour cold water, but thought of the calmness of the greetings, insisted on holding back, only eyes wide open to listen to He Wei commanded.

Ye Xiao and Qi Qi have classes, and there are only two of them in the dormitory.

He Wei saw him stupidly standing on the ground, like a large dog to be fed, could not help but laugh. "It's sweaty, you go to take a shower and come out and say."

Ding Zhide ordered, immediately executed.

He Wei decided to teach Ding Zhi, on the one hand because Ding Zhi really likes Guwu, on the other hand because Ding Zhi is a good person, and he is honest and quite sense of justice. When he and Ye Xiao practice together, more or less It has an impact on Ye Xiao, so that Ye Xiao will not be too alone.

Ye Xiao can practice enchantment, this has been confirmed, but for Ding Zhi to practice what exercises, He Shaozhu is still in the mind to choose.

Ding Zhi was daring, and he was brave and brave. He was born with strong veins. He was aimed at his characteristics. When he finished the shower, he finally chose a practice method - "Changfeng."

It sounds rather graceful, but the practice is strong and fierce. When you practice until the end, you can have a hurricane-like power. Of course, the realm of cultivation can be seen in Ding Zhi’s understanding.

Ding Zhixing rushed out and saw the look of He Wei's contemplation. Some did not dare to disturb. He Hao looked up at him. "Guwu is not able to learn in an instant. At the same time, what you need to do is to keep fit and to If you don’t understand anything, you can always ask me."

This is no problem at all, Ding Zhi nodded.

"Wait a minute, Master He, don't you have to talk to my parents about this matter? Also, do I want to respect tea?" These are the rituals he saw on television and novels.

He Wei waved his hand. "I don't have so many rules, but there is one. You need to keep in mind that you can't be a disaster."

"I understand, Master!" Ding Zhishuang was bright and decided to look back at He Wei.

He did not intend to accept the apprentice. He just wanted to train Ding Zhi, but after thinking about it, the apprentice was also good, and he was accepted. "You come over first, I will teach you to recite the law."

Ding Zhi moved his chair and sat next to He Wei. "Master, is there a book?"

"It’s all in your head." He’s fingertips were on his forehead and he clicked. “You can only remember it here.”

Ding Zhi said that if he was admitted to Beijing University, his IQ would not be low. Ding Zhi felt that it was not difficult to recite the law. However, when He Wei would recite a series of laws, he was completely forced.

Every word can be understood, but together, he doesn't know what it means. If you can't understand it, it's just a bit of a hard time.

He Wei saw that he was in a difficult situation and felt that he was out of order.

Ding Zhi is different from them. They have accepted this kind of enlightenment since they were young, so it is easy to understand when they contact the exercises, and Ding Zhi is now just an ordinary person.

"Let's do it, you must first look at the whole body acupuncture points, I will teach you again." I can only come slowly step by step.

"You?" Ding confused.

"Well," He did not intend to marry him. "Ye Xiao will be with you in the future."

“Ye Xiao?” Ding Zhi was surprised. “He is also?” So, their dormitory is only an ordinary person.

"When Ye Ye laughs back at night, I will deal with something first."

Ding Zhi immediately removed the chair, came to his seat, turned on the computer, began to search for the acupoint map, first read the acupuncture name and then read it. As for the approval, it can only go to the next-door medical university to steal the teacher.

He also turned on the computer, entered the keywords, put on the headphones, opened the video, and looked at it seriously. Ding Zhi wants to go back this time and see that He Wei is watching a video of cooking, it will be a big shock.

He has a strong learning ability and superb memory. He has always seen dinner time approaching, and those steps are already familiar with the chest.

He closed the computer and saw Ding Zhi still obsessed with the acupoint map, and he praised his efforts.

At the same time, the Royal Hotel Presidential Suite, a man in a black suit, just came back from the outside, sat on the sofa, listening to his report, and looked so sullen.

"You mean, the monitor on the necklace is not destroyed, but nothing can be seen?"

The men can't help but shrink. "The doorkeeper, the subordinate guess, should be blocked by the formation."

The man heard the words, meditated for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed. The laughter made the man shudder and shuddered. "He is smarter than you think. Maybe the secret of the necklace can only be solved."

The man was silent, the man waved his hand, and his hand immediately turned, but the next second was stopped. "I heard that the killer who was sent out by the demon sect last time had no news, and even the body could not be found?"

"Yes, the door owner."

The man sneered, "Yu Changling is too suffocating, but it is a sly character to smell people, and it is easy to hear people, He Wei, these two people focus on you."

The men took the lead.

The man picked up the phone, opened the address book, and prepared to call He Feng. In his mind, he suddenly flashed his eyebrows. He paused, snorted, and finally did not dial out.


He Xiaogang and Ding Zhi came out from the cafeteria and received a phone call from Wen Renyi.

"I found out that the contact with He Feng is the Rakshamen Gate. The man is the new owner of the Rakshamen Gate. It is evil, and the means are hot and difficult to deal with."

He Wei "hmm", "He will not shoot for the time being."

It’s easy to silence for a few seconds. “He’s in the middle of the day, you’re careful. There’s one more thing.”

Hehe listened.

“The central square and the thugs near Jingda, after investigation by the Action Team and Li’s research, determined that they had taken some unknown drugs, which could be improved in a short period of time, but because of unstable traits, many warriors Blind use, leading to a fire."

“What about the source of the drug?”

"The current source is still under investigation, but it can be determined that it is not domestic." Wen Renyi paused. "I suspect that it is related to the previous overseas organizations."

He Wei’s brain is running at a high speed. The overseas organization surveyed the original body six years ago, intending to win the treasure, and was easily found by the people. It was designed to make the people vulnerable to desperation. If the mob incident is related to that organization, then they must be What are you planning?

"Now the necklace is in your hands, presumably they will create trouble again." Wen is easy to worry about the incident.

In the later stage of the Tianjie, it is considered to be strong in the eyes of the lower-order warriors, but in the eyes of the innate martial artists, but the ants, although the Hezhen tactics are strong, but in the face of absolute power, the array can not add much points.

"Ayi, that was the organization that harmed you six years ago, but they took the necklace after I had an accident and stopped acting, but that time in the wind, you still encounter assassination, who is the assassin?"

"General Manager, Mr. Zhao is waiting for you in the reception room." The voice of Guo Yang came from the phone.

"Auntie, let's go home and say this thing." Wen Ren said that he had finished talking.

He Wei took his mobile phone back into his pocket and saw Ding Zhi waiting for himself not far away. He still remembered the words in his mouth. He was recited the name of the acupuncture point. The afterglow of the sunset lengthened his figure, and the campus was quiet and peaceful.

The two returned to the dormitory and saw Ye Xiao and Qi Wei. Qi Qi was packing up his bags. Ding Zhi joked: "School and go to the library?"

"No, my friend was injured and hospitalized. I went to see him. I didn't come back tonight." He said that he would close the zipper and carry the bag out of the door. Ding Zhi had not had time to ask the specific situation.

There were only three of them in the dormitory, and Ye Xiaoyi glanced at Ding Zhi, who was grinning and looking at him.

He Wei sat in the chair and looked up at the two. "Ding Zhi, you and Ye Xiaoxian explained it again."

Ding Zhijun clearly conveyed the meaning of He Wei to Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao understood, he looked at He Wei, "I will not take the initiative to harm people, you can rest assured."

"However, I want to try first, can you take the practice."

The scorpion behind the juvenile lens is extremely serious, and He Wei can't help but laugh. The basis of the enchantment is the gods. With this talent, the gods will be superior to the same martial artists, and the powerful gods, memory and comprehension are super Almost ordinary people.

Ding Zhi did not know the ability of Ye Xiao. He had a shameful experience. He couldn’t help but say: "If you can't understand the law, you should admit the acupuncture point with me first."

Ye Xiao only looked at He Wei.

He knows his mind, but he wants to prove his ability. Ye Xiao has long been accustomed to a rule. Only by reflecting his own value can he be qualified to get what he wants.

He Wei continued to teach him all the Fa, and Ye Xiaojing listened, and Ding Zhi couldn’t understand it. He could only look at it.

After the greetings were finished, Ding couldn't help but ask Ye Xiao: "Remember it?"

Ye Xiao looked at the eyes of He Wei. "I remember."

Ding is dumbfounded. Why is the gap between people and people so great? No, he wants to rise!

He Wei was expected to have such a result. He was very satisfied. Ding Zhi could influence the character of Ye Xiao, and the existence of Ye Xiao could inspire Ding Zhi’s fighting spirit. The two complement each other.

Early the next morning, when He Wei got up, Ding Zhi and Ye Xiao both consciously climbed up. He was sitting on the balcony and practicing. The two went to the playground to refine their bodies. When they came back, they did not forget to bring breakfast to He Wei. .

He Hao didn't have a class in the morning, and Wen Man said that he would go home today.

Wen Manyi was busy, but he quickly handled the work and planned to go back to cooking. As soon as he entered the house, he noticed that He Wei was busy in the kitchen, and the smell of the food gradually spread from the kitchen.

He is full of sense of accomplishment in cooking. In Zongmen, he was called a genius, a genius, a genius, and now he is a genius of cooking. Although people can’t be narcissistic, they can think of Ayi. He was happy when he had a surprise when he was eating.

It has always been easy for people to take care of him, and He Shaozhu also wants to reduce some of the burden for the people.

It is easy for people to walk into the kitchen slowly. Now he can see some vague pictures. Although the figure of He Wei is not clear in his eyes, he just thinks that Auntie is the best person in the world.

"Ayi, you are back." He Wei looked back. "Your soup is good, you should go to rest first-" He paused. "Ayi, can you see it?"

He just did it with the eyes of Wen Yi.

It was easy for Wen to take a step closer, and his eyes fell on the face of He Wei. He suddenly laughed. "Well, Auntie looks good."

He’s heart was first happy, but then he stopped. “No, the whiteness on your eyes has not completely disappeared.”

"Auntie is good-looking." Wen people are easy to say.

His look is too serious, and He Xin’s heart trembles as if he had just eaten a cake, sweet and smothered, and poked deep inside.

"eat first."

He Shaozhu showed cooking for the first time. He wanted to make it easy for people to taste early. He was easy to drink a soup, and his smile was blooming on his face. It seemed like a quiet and beautiful pool of water, and the ice lotus blossomed and touched.

"Good to drink."

He Shaozhu gave him a dish.

Wen Yiyi smiled and said: "It's delicious."

A sense of satisfaction that has never been seen before, he was born in He Xin's heart. He looked at the side face of Wen Junyi, who only heard that there was such a person to accompany him on the road of cultivation.