MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 5 Sleep with the bed

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He smashed his shoulders and entered the villa.

The villa is very spacious, the decoration is different from the style of the restaurant under the name of the people, or the villa is eye-catching.

He adapted to the life here for a day, feeling that he should thank God and let him be born again in this body, but the more he wants to think that he has a kind of connection with the world, otherwise how can he dream of the original? What?

Just thinking, the phone rang, and He Wei looked at the electric display. It was a person named "Dahuang", one of the original "friends", the full name of Huang Qi, the son of a nouveau riche.

"He Da Shao, I heard that you are discharged from the hospital today? The brothers want to celebrate and celebrate, do you want to come out and squat?" Huang Qi, the male duck, challenged the nerve toughness of He Wei.

"No, the doctor said that I need to rest, you are too noisy, I hang up first." Didn't wait for Huang Qi to say, he hung up the phone, it was the heavy metal music over there that made his brain hurt.

The result was just hanging up the phone, and another call came over, Xu Lin.

"what's up?"

"He Da Shao, you are on fire! Go to Weibo!" Xu Lin's voice sounded very excited, just like his own fire.

Weibo? He Wei filtered in his mind as if it were a common platform for people in this world to communicate.

"I know."

He hung up the phone and opened the client. He found that there were a lot of Weibo friends or Aite him or sent him a private message. The most asked is He Da Shao, the person in the video is really you? Is it you?

He Wei tried to open the video link. At the beginning, he walked out of the cake shop and dug the cake to eat. The video went until Xu Lin walked away with the flying mouse. After the video was finished, he clicked on the comments below.

All the "ah, ah," he turned down, nothing more than "small brother is handsome", "handsome guy is so powerful" and so on, except for a small part of the keyboard black, others are crazy screens and the like .

He Shaozhu was the first time to intuitively feel this straightforward praise. Although he used to be a model of his peers, everyone saw him as a respect, and he never praised it so enthusiastically.

This feeling is very novel, but not bad.

He put down his mobile phone and turned around in the house, thinking about which room he should go to. He didn't tell him that he just wanted to sit on the sofa and wait for the person to come back, and he heard the sound of the door lock.

Wen people easily enter the house to close the door, although the eyes can not see, but the action is no different from others, He Wei thinks about it, Wen Renyi has been stepping into the innate situation after all, God knows how much stronger than ordinary people do not know Even if the eyes are blind, the heart is still there.

Hearing people can easily feel the existence of He Wei, slightly gimmick, "You have no rest?"

He Wei "hmm", "Forgot to ask you which room I want to sleep."

The smell of people was awkward, a little confused: H "We are not already married?"

and then? He Wei didn't understand what he meant, or he was unwilling to understand it. After all, everyone knows that they have no feelings at all. They haven't even said a few words. How can they sleep in a room?

He Wei feels that his words may hurt people, but he still said: "We are only married, you have your life, I have my life..."

Wen people easily walked a few steps forward, facing He Wei, with a white face and a godless look, "You dislike me, I don't think I have martial arts."

The cold and frosty face actually showed grievances.

He Shaozhu is not a sympathetic person, but it is not a cold-hearted person. He is a self-sufficient person. When he is in the altar, he will suffer from the downs and downs, and he will be vulnerable when he is strong and strong. Now, even if you misunderstand your partner, you will be even more injured.

"I didn't dislike you," He said with a smile. J "Actually, I admire you. You see, you used to be a male god. Now it is still a male god. I am only a beggar. Where will you dislike you?"


He Wei "hmm", but he did not say any lie.

The soft light of the living room was scattered on the face of the person, and he was plated with a gentle layer. He "looking at" He Wei, slamming his lips and smiling, his voice was low and soft. "That comes with me."

He Wei thinks that this person is really gentle, looks good, has a good voice, is very capable, and has a strong mind. Even if blind, it does not detract from his slightest grace.

Wen Yi easily opened a door, He Wei went with him, it is very spacious, looks comfortable and elegant, reveals the ancient charm, the furniture is made of the best wood, the room exudes a trace of fragrance, refreshing.

“Can you still be satisfied?”

The voice of low softness and clear flow sounded on the side of the ear, and the greetings looked back to the gods. The ghost made the difference: "Well, it is much better than what I saw in the restaurant."

The smell of people is easy to swear, and then smiled. "This is the place that I arranged before I was blind." The implication is that the restaurant has nothing to do with him.

He Wei is deeply sorry for the misunderstanding. "Not too early, do you want to rest?"

I heard that people nodded. "You go to the bath first, the clothes are in the closet on the left. I still have some things to deal with. You should rest first." He said that he would leave the bedroom.

He has always been comfortable with the situation. He feels that there is nothing between the two men sleeping together. Anyway, the bed is so big, he sleeps very well. I believe that people should not be able to pick a sleepy posture.

He took a shower, dried his hair, and put on his white pajamas lying on the soft big bed, closed his eyes, felt the inner part of the veins, urged them to circulate, washed the veins over and over again, and the inner part gradually Strong, if there is a layman who knows the situation in his body, he will be extremely surprised, even if the inner level master's internal speed is not so fast.

By the time he turned eight weeks, Wen Yi was easy to come in. He closed his eyes and breathed as if he was asleep. He smelled people and easily paused, and then went to the bathroom if nothing happened.

He Wei can't sleep in such a situation, especially if he lives in a room with a completely stranger, but it doesn't matter. He does not sleep during the operation, and he can be as energetic as the next day.

Wen people easily wear the same light gray pajamas, lying down beside him, breathing slowly, He Wei estimated that he was already asleep, then relaxed his mind, letting the inner circulation spontaneously circulate in the body.

Suddenly, a painful groan--in the still bedroom, He Browed his head and reached out and turned on the light to see the people. It seems that people are suffering from painful things. In the eyes of He Shaozhu, Wen Yiyi is his younger generation, and this child has given him a good impression. He still has to care.

Fingertips touched the human eye, and the inner part permeated and appeased. The smell of people gradually calmed down. He昼 let go of his heart, and he was about to move his hand. A pair of scorpions opened in front of him.

There is a purple mist in the white scorpion, which is amazing.

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