MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 36

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Over there, Zheng Fenger took Fu Fengzhai’s people to worship Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng gave Lu Qingqian a look and gestured Lu Qingqian to deal with the matter.

Lu Qingqian converges on the flower idiot, screams the gangster round his eyes, chooses the most dignified expression he thinks to go forward, but the people in Fufengzhai look at him curiously, thinking that he is coming to express closeness. of.

Lu Qing Qiang looked down at Zheng Fenger: "I am Tianning to teach the right to protect the law, do you want to do things for Tianning?"

Zheng Fenger was shocked, and the people underneath immediately discussed it. Originally listening to Lu Qingqian as Han Changsheng as the leader, they had some doubts about the identity of Han Changsheng. Now, listening to Lu Qingqian’s personal statement, they still shocked them. This young man dressed in Yuehua’s disciples is actually the legendary Tian Chang’s teacher, Han Changsheng, who has no evil in his face.

Lu Qingqian coldly said: "Why, do you want to repent?" Zheng Fenger is indeed a personal talent. How many men on the rivers and lakes worship her skirt, she is first-class, and the news is very proficient, so Han Changsheng and Lu Qingqian have received Her Fu Fengzhai is the mind of Tianning Education. Tianning teaches the role of a special extra-special envoy, which is reserved for these people. However, Tianning teaches people to accept people. Naturally, they cannot be randomly collected. They must be sincere and loyal to Tianning. If they are forced to do so, then it is better not to.

"No, no!" Zheng Fenger said, "The little brother saved my life. The words that Zheng Fenger said when I spoke out were naturally talking. I was just astonished. The two little brothers were so handsome and kind, they would be the devils. ......"

Lu Qingqian heard someone say that he was kind and good, and his eyes were even more rounded when he was angry.

"Cough." Han Changsheng quickly rounded the field. "Do you really have the heart to do things for me?"

Zheng Fenger looked up and was quite proud: "The teacher is assured that although I am a female, I am also loyal. Those who are righteous, I have never been in the eye, I do things but never follow the so-called The rules of the rivers and lakes. How about the magical teaching, my Zheng Fenger likes that is the best teaching in the world!"

Han Changsheng also appreciates the temperament, and she is very satisfied with her answer. After setting this up, he remembered Anyuan again: "The guy who was previously picked up by you?"

Zheng Fenger said: "In the red house on the mountain. He was fainted by my men with my fragrance."

Han Changsheng was afraid that Anyuan would wake up in a while and would not dare to delay. So Lu Qingqian left to negotiate with Zheng Fenger and other people to deal with the rest of the matter, he would go up the mountain to find Anyuan and then left.

Before leaving, Han Changsheng proudly said: "Xiaoqing, do you believe me now? You broke my heart before!"

Lu Qingqin nodded hard: "Well! When I go back, I will fight one of the four church owners! They dare to say the bad things of the leader!"

Han Changsheng looked at Lu Qing’s serious look and couldn’t help but burst into laughter: “I’m leaving, my big ~ yin~ seek a lot of key is not done! The rest is left to you. It!"

Lu Qingqian nodded.

Han Changsheng left the crowd and went up the mountain alone. Sure enough, he found a sleepy Anyuan in a red house. Han Changsheng grinned and brushed his face: "If there is no Laozi, you will become a single egg fairy!" Then he picked up Anyuan and made a light go down the mountain.

After a few musks, Anyuan finally woke up. He had inhaled too much fragrance, and he was still a little dizzy at the moment. He squinted his own temple and looked around. He saw him in a deep valley, and the mountains stood tall and the flowers were fragrant. They are surrounded by a dense bamboo forest surrounded by tall, towering bamboos that are lush and very gratifying.

Then, Anyuan saw a meditation on the side... a peerless man?

Anyuan frowned, and did not immediately open his mouth, but looked at each other silently.

It was a young man. When he looked at his face, he was only in his early twenties. His face was white and clean, his eyes were slender, his nose was tall and his lips were rosy. He was a very nice man. But his hair was white, and he hanged his ear. This white hair made him look a lot old. He wore a black and white robe, his body was thin, his robes were empty, and he looked more like a sensation, and with his body, he felt that this guy was a world-class man.

Anyuan frowned and asked, "Who are you? Where is this?"

Han Changsheng slowly opened his eyes. This time he intentionally changed his appearance. As for his origin, he has already compiled it. When he asks Anyuan, he can marry him.

"Wu Nai..." Han Changsheng was so open that he said two words and suddenly his face changed.

Infuriatingly began to smash, making him very uncomfortable.

Han Changsheng had to press down on the words to be said. In order to prevent the fire from entering the magic, he held down his own hole and began to luck. Xuanji old man taught him a set of temporary suppression of internal force is to luck in the universe for the universe, at the same time with massage techniques, squatting around the acupuncture points and meridians, the escape of the true pressure back.

The position of the middle point of the sputum is in the middle of the two milks. In the middle of the middle, Han Changsheng slowly moves his fingers outwards with the infuriating air. When he encounters the incompetent and unruly, he presses hard and presses it back.

So this scene that Anyuan saw was: the tall man who was still noble and glamorous on the opposite side, this second suddenly began to slap his chest in pain, and occasionally leaked two sounds that were not happy or painful. |吟...

Han Changsheng squatted on his own chest and greeted An Yuan’s disdainful eyes. He wanted to cry without tears: “Not what you think, I am practicing here...”

Anyuan: "Oh."

After a while, Han Changsheng finally took the real pressure back and sighed for a long time.

An Yuandao: "Why am I here?"

Han Changsheng said: "You didn't remember the previous things?"

Anyuan frowned and said: "I was in a gazebo, some people were fragrant, I was fainted. Before I was in a coma, I saw two strange men coming to me. I don't remember the things behind."

Han Changsheng said: "The few people who are Fufengzhai, they kidnapped you, want to catch you to give them the owner of the village, when I passed by, I shot you down."

Anyuan will look at him suspiciously: "Are you?"

Han Changsheng cleared his throat and looked serious: "I am a flower, it is a peerless man who is here to clean up."

Anyuan: "..." Actually someone is calling himself a peerless person.

Han Changsheng said: "You have been brought here by the villains. I have seen the courage to help you with the help of the sword. I have taken you from the villains. I have been practicing here for 20 years without interruption. You have come, it is fate. I am all alone. There is no one behind the peerless martial arts. I just want to accept you as my disciple."

Anyuan sneered: "Twenty years? Dare to ask the seniors this year?"

Han Changsheng glared at the hairline: "This year, there are already seventy-nine. It is only because of the practice of martial arts that the appearance looks younger."

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng with a look of "killing me and not believing": 79 years old? Who are you cheating!

Han Changsheng saw him not believe, just smiled. Suddenly, he tiptoed a little, the whole person flew straight out like a sword, and the dragon sword was "pinged" out of the sheath. Several cold lights flashed, Han Changsheng landed, and slowly took the sword back.

The moment when the sword and the scabbard completely coincide, only heard a bang, and ten bamboos fell at the same time!

Anyuan could not help but hold it. No matter how unreliable this superhuman being looks, his sword is really amazing.

Han Changsheng proudly said: "How, do you want to worship me as a teacher?" An An’s silent moment, with no expression on his face: “Do you want to teach me how to chest?”

Han Chang was angry and slammed the sword to the ground and fell: "I have said that it is practicing! Practice! It is only to the level of Laozi, you are not qualified to learn!"

Anyuan: "..."

Anyuan stood up with bamboo and turned and walked outside.

Han Changsheng was surprised: "Where are you going?"

Anyuan ignored him and stumbled his way.

Han Changsheng quickly stepped forward to stop him: "You don't want to be my apprentice?" He shook his sword. "This is a powerful sword, you don't want to learn?"

Anyuan said with no expression: "There is no free feast in the world. I don't believe in the good things."

Han Chang is angry and annoyed. Isn't it just a cliff, how can you turn Anyuan from a good boy who is four to five beautiful to this kind of gloomy look? Is there any basic trust between people and people? !

Anyuan bypassed Han Changsheng and went on the mountain. Han Changsheng quickly stopped him: "You said that I can figure out what you are. I am the most concerned about fate. How can you not believe me? You said that you have something to let me Figure?"

Anyuan smashed his head and said coldly: "My beauty?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

Han Changsheng slammed the dragon sword on the ground to transfer his urge to overwhelm Anyuan’s meal, then took a few deep breaths and lost his smile: “Okay, okay, I admit, I do map you. What. I have lived alone in the deep forest for 20 years, too lonely, I want to find someone to accompany me."

An Yuan looked at him with an eye and seemed to be considering the credibility of his words.

Han Changsheng thought for a moment. He wants to leave Anyuan to teach him martial arts. It is certainly not something that can be done in two or three days. At least he has to get a month to make him stand out in the martial arts conference. The days of seclusion in the deep forests and old forests are not so good. Han Changsheng is a slacker who is indifferent to the four bodies. He can't live without him.

So Han Changsheng said: "And, the old man is missing a waiter here. I teach you martial arts. You have to cook for me."

Anyuan: "..."

Anyuan still wants to go, Han Chang is angry and pulls out the sword and points to him: "No permission! Laozi will never let you live here today! Even if you don't learn martial arts with me, you have to leave me cooking. Wash your clothes!"

Anyuan finally stopped and looked at Han Changsheng silently. Han Chang was so eager to keep his head on his head.

After a while, Anyuan turned and walked back.

Han Changsheng followed with joy: "Would you like to stay?"

Anyuan said with no expression: "Do you let me go?"

Han Changsheng immediately shook his head: "Don't let go!"

An Yuanxiao smiled.

Walking back to Zhulin, Anyuan said: "Have you lived in the bamboo forest for 20 years?"

Han Changsheng nodded: "Yes."

Anyuan looked around with a suspicious look: "What about the residence?"

Han Changsheng gave a glimpse. What about the residence? Yes, he can't sleep in the wind, he has to have a house!

Seeing Anyuan staring at himself with a clear suspicion, Han Changsheng was busy with his chest and looked up: "A few days ago, the wind was big, and the bamboo house for the teacher was boasted. You came just right, help the teacher to take a new one. Bamboo house."

Anyuan: "..."

The sky was a bit gloomy, and it seemed that it was going to rain soon, so Han Changsheng did not dare to delay, and immediately began to build a bamboo house. Anyuan had injuries and his movements were not very convenient. Han Changsheng had to cut the bamboo and move it over. Anyuan helped him to do some work on bamboo.

The work of setting up a bamboo house was not cumbersome. The two worked together and soon built a simple bamboo house.

Han Changsheng plunged into the bamboo house, lying on the bed covered with banana leaves, and stretched out comfortably. After experiencing a series of things such as jumping off the cliff, teaching internal forces, and robbing people, he was so tired that he was so tired that he would not want to get up when he lay down on the cool bed.

Anyuan got into the bamboo house. The twilight days have started to rain.

Han Changsheng grabbed his head and said: "It’s too late to be a teacher. It’s hard for you to allow you to sleep in the house for a while. Let’s take a disciple room for you tomorrow.” He wanted to take the dog out of the house. If the dog Xianjun was drenched in the rain and was sick, he lost his time, and he was still unlucky.

An Yuan has no expression, he doesn't know what he is thinking, but he has no objection.

Han Changsheng still has some wild fruits, and the wild fruits are filled with hunger. The sky in the mountains is very dark, from dusk to dark, but in a flash.

Han Changsheng said: "Teach you the swordsmanship tomorrow. Let's rest today."

Anyuan still did not speak, sitting in the corner of the bamboo house to check the wound on his body.

Han Changsheng lost a can of Du Yuefei's special wound medicine to him: "With this smear wound, it will take less than three or five days for your injury to be good."

Anyuan took his medicine and sniffed it under his nose. But obviously he still doesn't believe Han Changsheng very much, so he put it aside and didn't use it.

Han Changsheng grinned. Love is not used, no need to pull down.

After so long, Han Changsheng was already sleepy. He slept in the doorway, and Anyuan’s foot was still not hurt. He was not afraid of Anyuan’s running in the middle of the night, so he slept comfortably.

Not long after lying down, suddenly Dantian began to burn the fire, Han Changsheng immediately pressed his own sputum, but it was a step late. This time the episode came too fast, he couldn't have time to suppress it, and the infuriating madness began, and a hot stream rushed to the top of his head, which gave him a strong impulse.

Han Changsheng did not know how to dispatch this impulse, and it was uncomfortable to roll on the ground. Suddenly, he touched a cool, soft body.

Han Changsheng screamed in pain, unconsciously rushing toward the body!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the snowy leaves, crickets, chasing the wind, the thunder, the blue, the temperx2, the hani, the moon and the grenade of the big sister.