MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 45

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Han Changsheng was shocked. When he turned back, he saw the dog Xianjun leaning against the door and holding his chest to look at himself with suspicion.

Han Changsheng said: "I am looking for... Hey? Why am I completely unaware of your breath?" I want to know that the people who practice martial arts are very sensitive to the breath, just like last night, Han Changsheng knew that three people followed him. Even they know where they are, but he didn’t notice anyone behind him until after the opening of the dog. Unless, Anyuan has already practiced the method of turtles. This method of turtles is naturally also a kind of internal strength. It can hide its own breath. Since this Tianyuan Mountain Villa is mainly internal, it is not difficult to think of a turtle.

Anyuan did not answer his question and continued to ask: "What to look for?"

Han Changsheng grinned: "Look for clues."

Anyuan is obviously suspicious: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night to find evidence here? Why not wait for the day?"

Han Changsheng said: "You can't sleep, come out and walk."

Anyuan sneered: "What did you find?"

Han Changsheng didn't have a good air: "I came when you came, I haven't had time to find it yet!"

Anyuan walked to Han Changsheng, the bookcase fell to their feet, and some books were scattered on the ground. Han Changsheng just turned over these books, but these books were not made by Han Changsheng. They fell here 15 years ago.

An Yuandao: "If you want to find a cheat, I advise you to save the province. This Zhuangzi has been abandoned for fifteen years. Even if the cheats are here, they have already been taken away."

When Han Changsheng was a glimpse, he knew that he had misunderstood. He said: "Who said that I came to find a cheat?" Of course, if you can find it, it is also a good thing, saving him from watching the face of the dog fairy.

Anyuan shrugged his shoulders: "If you say it is not good, I just remind you, don't waste your time." After reading it, he looked at the things on the ground.

Han Changsheng made a grin on his head and made a grin. Maybe you hide the secrets in a very secret place, even you don't know, and finally find out by the lord?

"The secrets of the heart and the flowers are up and down," said An Yuandao. "I was taught by Tianning 15 years ago. Or, according to what you said, it was someone else who snatched it. Let me down." Burned." He pointed to a dark, burning place on the wall. "It burned there."

Han Changsheng said: "You, are you not losing your memory?"

Anyuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh - I listened to Yi Laosan."

Han Changsheng glanced at him with a disgusting look, and it was difficult to disappoint. It seems that like Gu Mingxiao said, the murderer murdered, robbed the cheats, and planted it for Tianning, perhaps the murderer fifteen years ago was the same person who killed the moon moon elders. However, who will it be?

An Yuandao: "You said that what happened fifteen years ago was not what the devil taught. Why, is there any evidence?"

Han Changsheng licked his lips. Of course, there is a lot of evidence. The number of murderers and the style of acting are not the number of Tianning. Unfortunately, he could not say to Anyuan, or his identity would be exposed.

Han Changsheng pointed to the furniture that was cut down: "The murderer used a knife as a weapon."

An Yuandao: "How about that? Is there no knife for the devil?"

Han Changsheng thought for a moment and said, "Do you know where you are buried?"

Suddenly, the murderous scent from Anyuan made Han Changsheng startled. Anyuan swears: "What do you want to do? I want to invade the dead!"

Han Changsheng touched his nose. What else can he do with the body? Of course he wants to open an autopsy! Look at the wounds on the deceased, can you find out the number of martial arts roads of the murderer. However, looking at An Yuan’s attitude, obviously he would not agree with him. He had to say: “Nothing, ask.”

Han Changsheng continued to look for clues in the house. Anyuan no longer speaks, just staring at him with all his cold.

Here is where the Imperial Palace was killed. The black blood was scattered near the place where the bookcase was originally placed. It was mainly concentrated in this one. There were very few blood spots in other places. The place where the book was burned was very far from the place where the blood was. near. Han Changsheng closed his eyes and began to think hard about the scene when the murder case occurred fifteen years ago.

Huangfu’s roots were severely wounded, and he probably didn’t have a chance to fight back because the traces of the fight were concentrated in only one place. He didn’t die immediately after he was injured. The cheats of the flowers were robbed by the murderer. He used to die nearby. The candlestick ignited the next book...

Han Changsheng asked: "When did the masked gangsters break into your villa?"

An Yuandao: "Morning."

Han Changsheng frowned: "Morning?" It is a bit strange. When Huangfu’s roots die, it should be night, just when the candlestick’s candlelight is on. He should have been wounded before burning the cheats. If it is during the day, he will have to ignite first. Will the murderer give him the opportunity to do these things? Is it killing people at night to grab things in the daytime?

Anyuan listened to him asking, went forward, bent down and touched the black ash powder after being burned, and fell into meditation.

Han Changsheng found another circle in the room. When he found no clues, he got up and said: "Go, go back to rest."

Anyuan walked out of the room behind him.

The two went out of the room and Han Changsheng looked up. The starry sky of the Western Region was very bright. He saw the stars of Anyuan and his catastrophe star that he had seen him in black and white. The stars of Anyuan are a bit bleak, but the stars of the disaster are so dazzling.

Han Changsheng grinned and yawned and went back to sleep.

On the following day, Han Changsheng got up early and came to the yard. Anyuan has not yet got up, and Yi Laosan has already woken up. He is cooking porridge in the yard. In addition, several thieves have gotten up, some are sharpening their knives, and some are going outside to patrol.

Han Changsheng walked to the side of Yi Laosan, Yi Laosan met him and got up quickly: "Master Yue."

Han Changsheng waved his hand and sat down beside him, helping him to add a few firewoods to the fire: "You tell me something about fifteen years ago."

Yi Lao Sandao: "What does Yue Master want to ask?"

Han Changsheng said: "What kind of situation is the day, whether it happened in the morning or afternoon or in the evening. Which person killed your old owner, if he covered his face, how is his figure?"

Yi Laosan recalled for a while, said: "I remember that early in the morning, I just got up and still had breakfast in the room. I suddenly heard someone screaming outside, then I was fighting, I ran out and saw several masks. The guy hacked people in the yard. There were still many people who didn't wake up early in the morning, and there was no defense at all. When I went out, it was already blood flowing into the river. At that time, I was mixed in the mountain village, and I was young, only fifteen or sixteen years old. I was terrified, I ran back, saw the younger niece hiding the young master under the bed, I ran back to the room to hide, and locked myself in the cupboard. Until noon, the outside was quiet, I was brave Going out, I saw the whole village was in chaos, and many people died. All the rooms were in a mess, and valuable things were taken away."

Han Changsheng frowned: "What about your owner?"

Yi Laosan said: "When I came out at noon, someone had already carried out the body of the owner, and he was killed by the scams."

Han Changsheng said: "That is, you didn't see who killed your owner."

Yi Lao nodded three times and hesitated and asked: "Master Yue... Why do I always think that you seem to be...expressing for the devil?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows: "Since you haven't seen it, why are you sure that the people who slaughtered your hills are the devils? Are they still blindfolded?"

Yi Laosan clenched his fists hard, and seemed to want to be angry, and tried to restrain himself. He said: "The old Zhuang Lord hates evil, and he has already let go of Tianning teaching, so those devils hate Tianyuan Villa. At that time, the demon came to my heavenly palace. The whole heaven and earth was full of wind and the wind, and the doors and windows of the people were locked. Even the door did not dare to come out. I heard that the demon stalker also brought a child, who is the heir to the demon, only four or five years old. In our heavenly palace, there is a kind of holy bird called Hu Ling bird, which can protect our heavenly and natural customs. Just because the child said that he wants to eat bird wings, all the cattle of Tiandaofu were killed overnight... ..."

"Hey!" Han Changsheng almost spit into the porridge pot. Ok, it turned out that he also made this embarrassment. "But killing birds is not killing?"

Yi Laosan angered: "Not that they killed, who else!"

Han Changsheng was too lazy to argue with him. He only said: "There was no one who saw the killing of the emperor's murderer in the same year?"

Yi Laosan thought for a moment and said: "Yes! The old housekeeper Shi Lao Niu should have seen it. At that time, the evil spirits of the devils broke into the villa. We were all scared. I saw the old butler running in the old owner's room. Go and call the old master."

Han Changsheng was busy: "Where is this stone old cow now?"

Yi Laosan’s face was a bit embarrassing, and he sighed after a moment.

Han Changsheng said: "What sigh, ask you!"

Yi Laosan said: "The old housekeeper knows the words, will settle accounts, and his head is smart. He is taken away by the evil winds, and they are responsible for their bandits."

Han Changsheng gave a glimpse. Gust help? That is not the same kind of earthworm nest that Yi Laosan said last night with them!

Yi Laosan said: "The whole family of the old butler has been helped by the evil winds, and their lives are in their hands, so the old butler has to help the evil winds to help things." He hesitated for a moment, suddenly slammed in Han Changsheng In front of, "Master Yue, I know this is a ruthless request, but your martial arts is so high, if it is you, it should be possible. Please help save the old housekeeper and rescue his whole family from the evil winds." ""

Han Changsheng’s mouth twitched. Didn't you dare say it last night! Don't dare to say it, don't say it! Say what you are doing, do you know that you will come to an end when you open your mouth? ! Laozi, a demon leader, can you help you to save people in Lushan? Do you know that Laozi’s notoriety is already in jeopardy!

Yi Laosan saw Han Changsheng not talking, thinking that he did not agree, so he repeatedly yelled at him: "Master Yue, beg you..."

Han Changsheng was impatient with a finger, and Yi Laosan was knocked over by a force, and he looked at Han Changsheng inexplicably.

Han Changsheng did not have a good air: "Where is the evil wind?"

The expression on the face of Yi Laosan suddenly became overjoyed. He pointed to the west: "Going to Sanli Road in this direction is here. Master Yue, I will go and call our brothers together. There are masters of Yue to help us fight and kill them." A does not stay!"

Han Changsheng raised his hand and stopped: "Hey, don't worry, go back in the afternoon, your young master is tired, let him sleep for a few more hours. I will ask you one more thing."

Yi Laosan is busy: "Master Yue said, I know I must tell Master Yue."

Han Changsheng looked around and saw no one. He found a small voice in the ear of the old man: "Do you know where the old master's tomb is? I want to give him a grave." ”

Yi Laosan is busy: "I will take you when I have breakfast!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand: "Oh, no, you told me where I am going. I have something to say to the old owner, not wanting too many people to be present."

Yi Laosan was busy: "Well, well, I am abrupt." He pointed to Han Changsheng's position. "There is a cemetery there, and the owners of the village have been buried there."

Han Changsheng nodded and looked at the pot of the youngest: "Your porridge is cooked quickly."

Yi old three hands rushed to remove the pot from the fire, Han Changsheng smiled slightly, holding the sky early, quietly turned out the mountain, and made the light work toward the direction of Yi Laosan.

The old housekeeper may also know nothing like Yi Sansan. Before saving the old housekeeper, he wants to open a corpse. If you can find clues from the body, then it would be better, and the things around you can be saved.

Not long after, Han Changsheng went to the cemetery. As Yi Sansan said, this place is the tomb of the emperor's family. The parents of Anyuan are buried here.

Han Changsheng found the tomb of Huangfu Tugen according to the tombstone. The tomb was built by the descendants of Tianyuan Villa after the death of Huangfu. After the time the villa was down, the cemetery was very simple, and it was a husband and wife burial tomb. Was buried next to Anyuan’s mother.

Han Changsheng said that he would do it and pick up his sleeves and plan to get it with a scabbard. After all, it is a husband and wife tomb, Han Hansheng does not have such meticulous effort to protect what, simply invade the cemetery of Anyuan parents.

Soon, he smashed it, dragged the coffin out, and pushed the coffin cover.

What is exposed in the coffin is a white bone.

People have been dead for fifteen years. Naturally, it is impossible for the flesh and blood to be turned into dust, just like when it was just dead. The only thing left is a white bone. In order to check clearly, Han Changsheng climbed to the edge of the coffin and flipped the bone.

Soon, he found a wound on the bone. The wound is behind, a deep wound, from the rib on the left to the rib on the right, running through the spine, the wound is caused by a knife, and the whole wound is an arc.

The murderer with a knife? The martial art of the knife on the rivers and lakes is really quite a lot. It is said that these nearby thieves and bandits are not using knives?

Han Changsheng continued to check and found that another rib was also injured. The knife edge on the rear rib is deeper than the front. That is to say, the murderer is plucking from behind, and runs through the body of the imperial root. This knife is fatal and should be the second killer. The first knife, the back of the hand, the cross of the arc, hurt the spine, so that the Huangfu soil lost its mobility, the second knife, a knife deadly.

Han Changsheng closed his eyes and tried to imagine the scene 15 years ago.

Huang Fu Tugen stood in the study, someone cut him from behind, and then grabbed his cheats. He fell to the ground, and the candlestick might have been turned to the ground when he fell. He tried his best to ignite the next book with a hundred flowers, and the murderer angered his hand.

A murderous murderous attack came from behind!

Han Changsheng subconsciously avoided. Is it that the thought is too much into the play, even the murderous murderer feels?

Han Changsheng opened his eyes and saw Anyuan standing in front of him, his eyes red, and his murderous fullness!

The author has something to say: thanks to the 地, cxf_80, Yue Mingya mines