MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 74

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Han Changsheng went back to the room with a light hand and was about to go to bed, but was shocked: An Yuan, who was supposed to be sleeping in bed, was gone!

Where can Anyuan go?

Han Changsheng turned around and was going out to find someone, but he saw Anyuan standing behind his back and quietly. If it was okay during the day, he would be like a ghost in the middle of the night, almost scared Han Changsheng to death.

Han Changsheng patted his chest and said, "Where have you been?"

Anyuan lit up the oil lamp on the bed and said: "I just heard what you said to the younger brother."

Han Changsheng immediately began to recall whether he had just said something to Liu Xiaoqi that he should not say.

An Yuan sat down at the bed and sighed softly: "I didn't expect Xiao Qi's life to be like this."

Han Changsheng cautiously asked: "Do you have any thoughts?"

An Yuandao: "If Xiaoqi said it is true... I don't know if I am really killed by the people who show the knife door. If it is... now they are all dead, Xiaoqi has nothing to do with this matter, I I don’t want to anger at him... but I always feel that there is still something wrong with this. According to what he said, Xiudaomen really did not offend other people. He even suspected that I bought murderers, so would the people who slaughtered them send it? Is it related to the matter 15 years ago? Is it possible that the people who bought the murderer and the one who killed me are the same person? The reason they were killed is to know the truth of the year."

Han Changsheng nodded. He went with Anyuan. And it is not so much that he speculates that it is better to say that he prefers the facts. Help Anyuan find the killing father to find it for so long, find the west from the east and find the east again. He regards this as his own business. If the murderer is dead, even if he can find out the truth, he will always feel that there is nothing missing; if he does not find the real murderer and retaliate, he will be sorry for the time he has spent! For Anyuan, this kind of thinking is only more eager than him. After all, it is his father. Over the years, he has hated the devil and wants revenge. It is even worse to know that his hatred for more than a decade has been deceived. If the murderer is dead, the evil in his heart will be like a slap in the air but hit the cotton. How uncomfortable it is to be uncomfortable.

Han Changsheng sat down next to Anyuan and yawned. "After checking for a long time, it is easy to dig up the line of the show knife door. The result is also a line without a head. I said, are you offended?" Who is it? Is it better to have a relationship with the show?"

Anyuan groaned and looked awkward. After a moment, he opened his eyes and shook his head: "No."

Han Changsheng said: "If you forget this big night, sleep first, you will think about it during the day, I am sleepy." After turning over the bed, I really fell asleep.

Anyuan had no sleepiness, and he stayed for a while, got up and prepared to put out the lights, but suddenly stopped moving, turned back to the bed, and looked at Han Changsheng's face with a faint fire.

He remembered the dialogue between Han Changsheng and Liu Xiaoqi. Liu Xiaoqi’s envious attitude and discourse made him feel proud. Is Han Changsheng really loyal to him?

Anyuan twirled on the bed for a long time and finally fell asleep.

With this outing in the evening, the next day, three talents got up and got up. After eating breakfast, Anyuan said: "Let's go find Liu Xiaoqi."

Han Changsheng said: "Alright."

Let An Yuan and Liu Xiaoqi communicate directly, maybe you can find out what useful information.

The two went out and went to the inn of the Yuehua sentiment. I didn't expect to go far, and I heard a familiar voice behind me, "Stay!"

Han Changsheng looked back and suddenly felt awkward: not someone else, actually Lu Wenlin!

Lu Wenlin spent a day trying to find out, and finally found the place where Han Changsheng and An Yuan were located. These two guys are very mysterious. They usually cover their faces when they go to the ring, and they change their appearance after leaving the ring. It is the people who live in the same inn with them. They don’t know that these two guys are recently out. The masked heroes of the limelight. Lu Wenlin also found them through their martial arts roads. In fact, Lu Wenlin wanted to find out when he collapsed yesterday. It was because of this reason that he had delayed his day's work. He just arrived and happened to meet Han Changsheng and Anyuan.

Lu Wenlin stepped forward and stared at Han Changsheng’s eyes as bright as the stars of the night: "The maiden, you can find the amount to find you!"

Han Changsheng is stupid: "Who are you?"

Lu Wenlin said: "Mo installed!" said that it is necessary to reach out to tear the easy face of Han Changsheng's face.

Han Changsheng slammed back and opened Lu Wenlin’s hand: “What are you doing?!”

Lu Wenlin did not care. What Han Han grew up was not important to him. He only cares about Han Changsheng’s martial arts.

Lu Wenlin said: "The amount is much better than one!"

Anyuan stepped forward and said: "Lu Gongzi, we still have things, I am afraid I can't do it today."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes. He originally wanted to pretend that he didn't know the guy who had lost Lu Wenlin's trouble. Dog Xianjun said that it would be equivalent to acknowledging their identity. No way, he had to perfuse: "Want to fight? Later, I have no time to take care of you!"

Where Lu Wenlin is willing to let them go, grab a handful of Han Changsheng and let go: "You are a member of the society, where are you going, and you will go with you!"

Han Changsheng was so bitter by his slogan: "You say kneading and speaking."

Lu Wenlin immediately changed his attitude of justice and sorrow. The words are round and round: "Don't want to get rid of me today! I want to learn from you!"

Han Changsheng pumped his mouth and said: "Is it going to say something to people? Then why are you always talking about it?"

Lu Wenlin touched his head: "I said that I am the son of the martial arts lord. I have to be a bit imposing."

This time, Han Changsheng and An Yuan both smoked at the same time. Baoji words... increase momentum? Deterrent? Lu Xiaogong’s insights are unique.

Lu Wenlin was wrapped around Han Changsheng and refused to let him go. Han Changsheng couldn’t really take him to Liu Xiaoqi. There were already people on the road. After yesterday’s collapse, Han Changsheng couldn’t wait for his low-key and low-key and low-key. No one should pay attention to him. If people recognize Lu Wenlin, it’s a big signboard. He had to pull Lu Wenlin: "Go to a clean place first."

Lu Wenlin's eyes are shining: "Follow me!"

Lu Wenlin is the son of the martial arts lord. He is very familiar with the Kunlun Mountains. With them, they have turned around and they have gone to a clean and unmanned wide land, which is very suitable for comparison.

No one noticed, a yellow-white figure flashed silently, hiding behind a tree.

Lu Wenlin can't wait to get his hands on it: "Come on!"

Han Changsheng looked at An Yuan. Anyuan had no opinion on the comparison between the two of them, but it was a contest. He felt that there was nothing more than a game. For him, it was a blessing to watch two masters. Han Hansheng didn't think so. Compared with Lu Wenlin, it is a very complicated matter for him, and he needs to consider a lot.

Lu Wenlin is undoubtedly a very good use of chess pieces. Once used properly, he may be able to add firewood to his plan. If you don't use it well, you may be unlucky. First of all, if he loses, he can't beat Lu Wenlin, which means that Anyuan can't beat Lu Wenlin, Lu Wenlin will not fight with Anyuan again. Before Anyuan, he had been pitted for a while. If he could get Lu Wenlin’s approval, let everyone know that he could pull back a city for Anyuan, so he could not lose. But if it is a win, it is also very particular. Although I don’t know what happened yesterday, he did defeat Anyuan in one stroke. If he and Lu Wenlin are evenly matched and won, then Lu Wenlin may not see it. Yuan. It is best to give Lu Wenlin a slap in the face, but how do you do it? He had previously handed over to Lu Wenlin, Lu Wenlin was not so weak.

Lu Wenlin said: "Are you ready?"

Han Changsheng is impatient: "What are you worried about?"

Lu Wenlin frowned impatiently: "Come on, I have to make a move first!"

Han Changsheng ignored him and was still thinking about yesterday. Yesterday, he was really puzzling. At that time, like a evil, a powerful force was injected into his body in an instant. His limbs were also manipulated. He did not think about it subjectively. I want to work on Anyuan. Is it the **** of heaven? But the gods want to help and help Anyuan, how can he help him defeat the dog Xianjun?

Han Changsheng hesitated, and he refused to take it. Lu Wenlin was so impatient. He shouted and slashed his knife toward Han Changsheng. When he shot, he was a big move, and he made a sword and a sword at a very fast speed. Han Changsheng suddenly panicked - if he was engrossed, he might not be able to see Lu Wenlin's movements, but he was still thinking about how he could reproduce the situation yesterday. Lu Wenlin said that he was self-sufficient. I only felt dazzled in front of me, only to feel that Lu Wenlin’s knife was blowing in the face, and the sword in his hand did not know where to stab.


Han Changsheng's eyelids slammed and his breathing was a little chaotic. He was waiting for the retreat and reorganization, and suddenly the sword in his hand actually stabbed him out with his hand. Just in a blink of an eye, the phantom stopped. The sword in the hands of Han Changsheng is just pointing at Lu Wenlin's eyebrows, piercing Lu Wenlin's skin slightly, and a few drops dripping down Lu Wenlin's eyebrows.

Lu Wenlin’s expression was sluggish, and An’s expression was shocked. Han’s own expression was thundered.

In the evil! This is really evil!

Han Changsheng took back the sword and was too late to be happy. He turned around and looked around. The same situation as yesterday! Is there a **** who helps him in the dark? But where is the god? ! It’s not always true that his own magical work has begun. ! Luo Xin once said that it is necessary to practice the magical powers of the demon teaching master. Is this suddenly opened?

No one saw it. The mysterious man behind the tree licked his fingers and his eyes glowed with excitement.

Lu Wenlin took a step back and gently touched his little eyebrows and thought for a moment, saying, "Come again!"

Han Changsheng did not have room for rejection, and Lu Wenlin had already set aside his position. This time, Han Changsheng was a lot serious. Lu Wenlin made another move, and the move was greatly improved. It was not as dazzling as before, and the phantoms that were scattered were not seen. They stabbed straight toward Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng raised his sword and Lu Wenlin was close to Han Changsheng’s body, suddenly his knife trembled. Han Changsheng was shocked. Lu Wenlin's speed is really fast. He relies on his speed to create a phantom to deter his opponent. This time, although he did not choose to open the game, his current shaking makes the knife in his hand appear like three. a knife tip. His tool tip position is rapidly dithering, although the range is not large, but if it is poor, it may lead to changes in the whole situation. Han Changsheng held his breath and the sword in his hand was about to be stabbed. Suddenly he felt a light body and a flower in front of him. When he woke up, Lu Wenlin’s knife had landed, and his knife holder was in Lu Wenlin’s Around the neck.

The three people present were shocked again!

Han Changsheng took back the sword, and Lu Wenlin swayed back, incredulously looking down at his knife. Twice, twice in a row by Han Changsheng, the most important thing is that these two times he did not see how Han Changsheng moved, just like moving instantly. He has always been proud of the speed, and it seems so worthless before Han Changsheng. It can be seen that Han Changsheng’s martial arts is really a place of ecstasy!

Han Changsheng asked in confusion: " you want to fight again?"

Lu Wenlin shook his head and smiled: "I am not your opponent. It is still the same."

"Oh." Han Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I will still challenge you again! Soon! As soon as I have progress, I will come to you again!" Lu Wenlin came to the spirit and looked at Han Changsheng with enthusiasm.

Han Changsheng finally had the opportunity to say what he wanted to say: "If you want to follow me again, you will defeat Anyuan!"

Lu Wenlin looked at An Yuan. He did not understand what happened to the two men. Han Changsheng also said that Anyuan was the martial artist of his young master An Yuan, and he suddenly changed. But no matter what the truth is, he can now be sure that Han Changsheng’s martial arts are far above Anyuan!

"I won't do anything with him!" Lu Wenlin slashed his knife and pointed to Han Changsheng. "You are the most powerful person I have ever seen so much! In the case of our fight today, I am not yours." Opponents. If the martial arts level is used to rank seniors, the position of the martial arts lord is none other than you! I Lu Wenlin vowed that from today, I will not start with the second person except you! My life is to find a peerless life. Master, he is regarded as a lifelong goal, I finally found it today! I will live with you as my goal in my life, my knife belongs to you alone!"

Han Changsheng was dumbfounded. What, what? No more than anyone else besides him? What about the dog fairy?

"Don't..." Han Changsheng was about to speak. Lu Wenlin grabbed his hair and cut a bunch. "If you break this contract, you will teach me to do this!"

Han Changsheng was dumbfounded.

After Lu Wenlin finished the swearing, he quickly turned and left.

Han Changsheng desperately helped the amount. Is there anyone in the world who has taken medicine?

The author has something to say: younger get!

Thanks to the mines and the tangled grenade