MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 90

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An Yuanwan did not expect that the attacking person would be a group of animals, and his hands and feet were also bound. Those animals are more agile than humans, and they immediately grab two blood-stained marks on Anyuan.

Many fierce animals rushed toward Anyuan. When they attacked the Yunxiao School, Han Changsheng was able to stand by and watch, but Anyuan was attacked at this time. Han Changsheng couldn’t look at it anymore, and immediately rushed forward to help.

Han Changsheng was in front of Anyuan. A gray wolf rushed to Han Changsheng. Suddenly, a leopard came out and smashed the gray wolf that attacked Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng is preparing to shoot, but he never thought that the animal killers themselves had guilty. The leopard was in front of Han Changsheng, and he was very angry and grinning at other animals. Soon, he jumped out of the fauna and stood on the leopard, his **** facing Han Changsheng. Also licking the other animals outside.

The other animals did not know whether they were afraid of these two beasts, or they were unwilling to fight with their companions. They circled around Han Changsheng and Anyuan, but stopped the attack.

Han Changsheng smashed, Anyuan smashed, and more than a dozen disciples of the Yunxiao School were also stunned.

"He is the one who controls these beasts!" The short pocks of the Yunxiao school shouted at Han Changsheng, "Catch him!"

Han Changsheng gave him a sneak peek: "Are you an idiot? Can't you see that Laozi is here to save you?"

The disciples of the Yunxiao School apparently did not believe, staring at him.

The anxious and awkward emotions of these animals seemed to be passed on to the people in the forest who controlled the flute. His flute sounded a bit hesitant, and then suddenly changed his tone, and he had a great intention to retreat.

The animals heard the flute and began to retreat in the direction of the woods. A gray wolf left the scorpion that was killed by Anyuan and threw it on his back, and the leopard and the cockroach that were in front of Han Changsheng. Reluctantly left at the foot of Han Changsheng’s feet before leaving.

As soon as the fierce animals were withdrawn, the disciples of the Yunxiao School immediately rushed to surround Anyuan and Han Changsheng: "Who are you?!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and didn't say anything. If I didn't think that this might be an opportunity for Anyuan, he really wanted to let the cloud-stricken guys who had no eyesight to squash and then leave.

An Yuan was a good temper and replied: "Under the next, Emperor Anyuan."

The disciples of the Yunxiao School heard the name and couldn’t help. At the Wulin Conference, Anyuan was also famous. Although his reputation was not as good as that of "Li Jiulong", at least he had been to the Wulin Conference. Everyone recognized him. He did not go and heard about him. The disciples of the Yunxiao School raised the torch higher and illuminated the face of Anyuan.

"It's really him!" The crowd immediately talked about it.

"What are you doing here?!" The thin tall man who had been hit by Han Changsheng on his life roots jumped out and stared at Han Changsheng and An Yuan. "Who is that on your side?"

Anyuan was asked by the questioning tone, and naturally he was not happy. He said coldly: "We are not far away, suddenly heard the fighting, and listened to you saying that the killer of Shadowmoon Gate is coming, so special Come help."

"Your goal is really the shadow of the moon!" thin tall shouted. Suddenly, the disciples of the Yunxiao School immediately put on a very unfriendly face.

As a result, Han Changsheng’s An Yuan’s heart was also determined, and the Yunxiao faction came to the ground for the shadow of the moon.

"Who are you?" The head of the Yunxiao faction stepped forward and looked at Han Changsheng. "Why are the animals that attack us, so close to you?"

Han Changsheng said: "Let the dog bite Lu Dongbin, I don't know what people are! I and Anyuan are here to save you. If I want to kill you, you have already died!"

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the surrounding area. The head of Yunxiao sent a very dissatisfied speech to Han Changsheng. Cold voice: "Young people, before you speak, you must first lick your own weight."

Han Changsheng originally undoubtedly clashes with Yunxiao, but since the other party makes him so unhappy, he naturally will not give the other side a good face. Han Changsheng sneered: "Since you say this, I also advise you to go back to the person who brought you earlier. You can't sit in the position of the martial arts lord."

Yunxiao sent a cold air to the head of the party, and Anyuan looked back at Han Changsheng incredibly. He followed Han Changsheng to annihilate the Shadow Moon Gate, just to eliminate evil, not to be a martial arts lord, Han Changsheng never said that he wanted to be a martial arts lord. Does he have this intention? If he said that he is using himself, he would not be able to commit it. After all, it is Tianning who teaches people. It would not be too difficult to find a few helpers. Then there is a flower and a martial artist who can help each other. There is no difference. What is his real purpose?

"What are you talking nonsense!" The disciples of the Yunxiao School have stood up. "Would you like to be a martial arts lord?" "Get it, sneak in the mirror!" "You even have a finger at our head." Not as good as it is!"

Han Changsheng was too lazy to pout with the ability of their mouths, sneer, pull up Anyuan and turn away.

The disciples of the Yunxiao School wanted to stop, and the head of the Yunxiao School stopped it. In fact, he knew in his heart that the beasts that attacked people would certainly not be sent by An Yuan and Han Changsheng. Several of his disciples were injured by beasts. The most urgent task was to deal with the wounded.

Han Changsheng took Anyuan to the woods. Fang Cai spent a small double following the place where the flute sounded, and now I don’t know what the situation is.

Anyuan suddenly said: "Do you want to be a martial arts lord?"

Han Changsheng did not want to, and immediately denied: "How is it possible!"

Anyuan stunned a little, and somehow, suddenly remembered that the former "flowers and sorrows" once said that he wanted him to sit on the position of the martial arts lord. At that time, Anyuan was only joking when he was "flowery", so he never put it in his heart. Is it true that he really has this intention? But this time, the annihilation of the shadow of the moon, but it is not a flowery advocate, but "Luo Weiwu" invited. Speaking of it, if it wasn’t for the flower, he once suspected the true identity of “Loewe”...

In the middle of the forest, a soft flute sounded again. Han Changsheng put his feet on his feet and listened to his ears. Not only did he have music, he also heard the fighting sound. Determined the direction of the sound, Han Changsheng accelerated his pace: "Come on, there!"

The two did not run far, they saw the flower double. Hua Xiaoshuang is fighting with a group of wild beasts. The beasts are attacking him before and after, and his movements are fast. The flower doubles have been somewhat stretched. When he saw Han Changsheng and An Yuan, he immediately called: "Come and help me!"

Not far from the flower double, there is a man with a long, square-backed thing on his back, with bells on his body, playing the flute. Han Changsheng’s eyes are bright – there is no doubt that this guy is behind the scenes of these beasts and raptors!

The man also saw Han Changsheng and An Yuan, and the flute changed his tone. The beast that besieged the flower double was immediately like An Yuanchong!

Han Changsheng started a slap, only to hear a bang, the dark weapon he flew hit the flute of the man's mouth, the flute was broken, and the music stopped abruptly. Han Changsheng flew money, the man’s martial arts did not seem to be high, and he wanted to escape without hesitation, but Han Changsheng took a sword and wrapped his neck. There was no way to escape.

At the same time, the flower doubles who got a chance to breathe also played a fire, illuminating the sight.

"Is it you?!" Han Changsheng was surprised to see the black hand behind the scene. This guy he has seen, just on the way to the martial arts conference, because Anyuan was nosy, he saved a "stolen horse thief" who was almost taught by the doormen. He was afraid of Anyuan offenders and robbed him of this. "Make merit", the stolen horse thief also gave himself a wooden sign as a voucher, saying that if there is something to help in the future, he can be found. The wooden sign was thrown into the package by him and he didn't care anymore.

The middle-aged man looked at Han Changsheng and looked at Hua Xiaoshuang again. When the Japanese and Korean people came forward to save him, the top was still the face of Xiaoshuang. However, this middle-aged man only looked at his eyes and said: "Not him, it is you."

Because the flute stopped, the ferocious beasts stopped attacking, squatting on the ground, and screaming in their throats. Hua Xiaoshuang and Anyuan came together. Anyuan also recognized this middle-aged man. He was quite surprised. He said, "Do you recognize him?"

Han Changsheng said: "I have seen it once."

An Yuan looked at the small double eyes, and looked at Han Changsheng, Emei.

Han Changsheng asked the middle-aged person: "Who are you? Why do you manipulate the beast to hurt people?"

The middle-aged man turned his head and refused to answer.

Han Changsheng said: "Are you a shadow moonman?"

Hua Xiaoshuang touched his chin and said: "I listened to the owner of the church. There seems to be a sorcerer in the shadow of the moon. You can control the beast to hurt people. It is estimated that this guy."

Han Changsheng frowned: "I used to think that you like animals, it is to use them. Oh!" Just saying, the only one who had come forward and guarded Han Changsheng's leopard and cockroach came over, one left and one right in Han Changsheng Kneeling at the feet.

The middle-aged man listened to Han Changsheng’s words and felt a painful look on his face. Looking at the two beasts around Han Changsheng, the painful expression on his face became more and more obvious.

The author has something to say: thanks to the rotten snacks, the book into the banana, the lighter the mine