MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 96

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If the old man is filthy and they are smearing, they may still explain that they are old and confused, but now they are thieves in front of the whole city, and they want to take their luggage money for themselves. This old man has already It is a liar. This has to deal with this old man. Of course, Anyuan has a way. They are young and strong and strong, but he still has to deal with an old man, even if this person is a liar. The reason why he turned and left was nothing more than to not bother.

Therefore, Han Changsheng pulled Anyuan and he did not understand it.

Han Changsheng whispered: "All sent to this place, first take him to see the doctor, make sure he is sick, we have a clear conscience, buy a horse and go. It is just now, and the words are not clear. Others thought it was our guilty conscience."

Anyuan Emei: "This..." He thinks that Han Changsheng said it makes sense, but his heart is somewhat mad.

After Anyuan’s martial arts rebelled and exposed his identity, few people who watched the crowd around him dared to go forward. After all, An Yuan and his brother Li Jiu are now hot characters. The old man saw it, and the eyes of the thief turned, seemingly moving bad eyes, but for the time being did not open again, just holding the saddle refused to dismount.

Han Changsheng took Anyuan: "Let's go, save people and save the whole, send the Buddha to the west..."

An Yuan was not willing, Han Changsheng took his hand, and when he saw it, he went away.

The old man saw the hard work of Anyuan. It was a little scared. He didn’t make any noise, but the thief couldn’t stop looking at An Yuan and Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng really doesn't care about this old man. What can the old man do over the sky? Defrauding money? When he reached his goal, he would throw this stinky headache into the stinking ditch. As for Anyuan, it is already too lazy to take care of this old man.

The two went to the medical center and asked the doctor to treat the elderly.

The doctor took the pulse for the old man and glared at the beard. "This old man is very healthy, but the meridians are a bit sloppy. It seems strange, but it doesn't matter. I will take some medicine for him."

Now that he has reached this point, Anyuan has taken some broken silver from his body and handed it to the old man. He said coldly and coldly: "The old man, you take the money to cure the disease and go home. If you have any difficulties in your home, you can go straight. Say, but you use such a way to lie to lie, it is really contemptuous. I hope you will not do this again in the future."

The old man’s acting is really good, and he’s stunned: “What are you talking about!”

Anyuan was too lazy to talk to him and turned to the medical hall. Han Changsheng quickly chased it up.

"We are going to buy two horses. It is not too late in the sky. Is it to continue on the road or stay in this town for one night?"

An Yuandao: "Continue to hurry, it doesn't matter if you stay in the wild at night." Fangcai caused some commotion because of the old man, and his identity was exposed. It caused a lot of trouble, or it was wonderful to leave early.

Since I have already entered the city, there is no reason to go back. Han Changsheng’s plan has been completed, and he is very happy in his heart. He does not want to worry about anything with the stinky old man. He took Anyuan to find a place to buy horses. This small town can only change places for horses to buy horses. Because it is not far from Jixian Valley, there are many martial arts people who are eager to try in the city. Before they arrive at the station, they are crowded with people. The horses are in short supply. People have changed, leaving only some sick and weak horses.

Han Changsheng looked at the bustling crowd in front of him. He really wanted to pull the sword and grab two horses back. He was only around Anyuan. He could only continue to be a gentleman. It’s been a year since he’s staying in Anyuan, in order to restrain himself. His thinking is almost assimilated by the famous door. When he sees his consciousness, he has to give a few pieces of copper. For how many nights, Han Changsheng sighs and sheds tears, and feels that he can never be a perfect one. The demon teaches the Lord. However, the magical teachings have not been many years old, and it does not matter at this point.

Some people nearby who saw the overheating at the gate of the city recognized Anyuan. Although Anyuan had explained the misunderstanding, their attitude towards Anyuan and Han Changsheng was still hostile. If you look closely at their expressions, the main ingredient in their hostility is 嫉妒.

Anyuan himself is puzzled. Han Changsheng guessed that it was □ □ - I am afraid that the news that Anyuan will wipe out the door of the moon has already been transmitted here. Hey, hahaha, his plan is really good!

The crowd was crowded. Suddenly, I only heard a strange call from behind. Han Changsheng and An Yuan turned back. I saw that the stinky old man didn’t know when he came over. He was pointing his finger at their screaming screaming.

"That's them!" cried the old man. "Catch them! Don't let them run!"

Han Changsheng was simply happy. This old man, because he is in a good mood, he plans not to care about him. I don’t know if the old man who is so good is still chasing after them. Is this not to give yourself some troubles and refuse to give up?

Under the veil, Anyuan’s brows were so tight that they could squeeze the flies, which was also very angry.

"Old people, do you know who they are?" A man who had just watched the bustle at the gate of the city said something. After all, Anyuan became famous at the Wulin Conference. He said that he was a thief who stole the elderly. It was really not convincing. Few people believed in the old man’s rhetoric.

Anyuan stepped forward and was about to speak, but he listened to the old man suddenly saying: "This person wearing a straw hat is Huangfu Fengxuan Xichen, and he is on the side of it, it is a demon person! Huangfu hooked up the magician!"

As soon as this statement came out, Anyuan’s footsteps froze, and the noisy streets were completely quiet, and everyone’s eyes were gathered on the old man’s head.

Han Changsheng was shocked and rounded his eyes! How is it possible, how this old man knows! The face that is facing her own eyes is the face of Luo Xin. Luo Xin rarely leaves the mountain. It is reasonable to say that no one knows him under the mountain. Who is this old man?

An Yuan’s heart was also seven and eight times. Han Changsheng is a person in the demon religion. He has already known it. It’s just that Han Changsheng has not done evil, and he has done a lot of good things, so that he has a completely different understanding of Tianning, regardless of the moment. What is in his heart, in the eyes of the general public, Tianning is a heinous demon, and Han Changsheng is a demon person. This is also true. How to do?

When everyone saw Han Changsheng and An Yuan, they did not even explain it, and suddenly exploded!

"Really, the emperor colluded with the demon? What about Li Jiulong?"

"Isn't the person on his side not Li Jiulong?"

“Is Li Jiulong a magician?”

"It's no wonder that Li Jiulong was able to destroy the Shadow Moon Gate. People's Clouds sent out their nests and flew out. It turned out that there was power support from the Devil!"

Han Changsheng was upset and didn't notice what was wrong with the content of the conversation. He can only pretend to be calm and go up and say: "Nonsense! What evidence do you have!"

The old man said: "The evidence is in your parcel. There is a cigarette in your bag. It is the red smoke of the demon. It ignites him. The demon people lurking in the rivers and lakes will see the smoke coming to gather. You Do you dare to point?"

Han Changsheng took a breath! When did the old man turn over his parcel, he didn't even find it! It must have been on the road, he put his attention on Anyuan, and did not take this stinky old man as one thing, he was secretly seen by him. That makes the smoke really a red smoke order, but the appearance looks no different from the ordinary fragrance. Other people can't see it. Anyuan saw it and did not doubt it. There are many external forces on the rivers and lakes, such as Yanxi Mountain Villa, Wan Aigu, etc., as well as Fufeng Village, which has recently been conquered. When Tianning teaches people to work outside, it is inevitable that when there is a need for help, they rely on this cigarette to send letters. The old man actually recognized the red smoke order. Although he did not know who he was, at least he was definitely not a simple old man who cheated money!

Everyone talked a lot, staring at Han Changsheng, and began to say: "Hurry! Just point! Don't dare to point you to be a magician!"

Han Changsheng said: "Take it!"

From beginning to end, Anyuan is just silent.

Han Changsheng opened his own package and took out the red smoke order, which was a big place. No one found out that when he was taking the cigarette, he secretly used his nails to smash the upper half of the red smoke. This makes the smoke special. After the last cut, the smoke is no longer red, but yellow, and the meaning is completely different. The yellow smoke represents the danger of quick evacuation, and it is the same door nearby. When you get to this smoke, you won't get together, but the farther you are, the better.

After the smoke was on, everyone held their breath and waited until the result.

Han Changsheng silently observed the old man. Before that, he did not see this old man, look at him, and can't see which character it is. By the way, when I was in the medical center, the doctor said that the old man’s meridians had a fouling phenomenon. Could it be that the old man had hidden his internal force and would this phenomenon occur? All in all, in short, this person is not good, it is certain. In the end, he knows how many people are still unknown. It is hard to say whether his identity will be revealed today. However, in any case, it is absolutely impossible to involve Anyuan. If it is true that the identity is lost, you must take Anyuan out, or else you will collude. Teach, the position of the martial arts ally of Anyuan will be lost! !

About a moment of incense, Han Changsheng said: "How?"

The old man is determined to be idle: "Don’t worry, the people who are cultivating will see the smoke coming over and wait for some time!"

Han Changsheng endured the airway: "How long does it take to prove my innocence? Can't wait until tomorrow?" There are more and more people watching around.

As I said, there was a sudden hoof in the distance, and a team came over.

Han Changsheng was incredible, and everyone around him was so excited that he waited for each other.

Not a moment, a man arrived here, actually a group of black people with sabre. They stopped the horse in front of Han Changsheng and others, and jumped out of the horse. They looked at the people gathered here with hostile eyes, and then they bowed down to Han Changsheng: "The subordinates participate in the master of the church, and the teacher calls the sect. What is it?"

Han Changsheng was stunned.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Xiaoxiao, painting gold x2, e, the drama of the landmines