MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 669 Wang Wulang's request

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  Chapter 669 Wang Wulang's entrustment

  Qin Huai didn't take the box, but asked him, "Fifth brother, but it's okay."

   "This is not for you, but for Ayu." Wang Wulang knew that Qin Huai must have misunderstood what he meant, so he explained, "These things are the best I can think of for Ayu."

  Qin Huai just took it, and opened the box to see that there was nothing else in it, but a stack of bank notes and deeds.

  Among them, there is the earth air that Mrs. Wang casually handed out to her grandchildren. He has not yet gone to the county government to transfer ownership.

   "I'm ashamed to say that I'm not very competent as an older brother. I haven't helped Ayu much in these years, and it's all thanks to her to help me." Wang Wulang felt even more ashamed as he spoke.

  Especially in their family, the daughters are all delicate, unlike other families who often treat older sisters as tools to be squeezed.

  Ayu is so kind, she is the best sister in the world, Wang Wulang still remembers Ayu's skinny appearance when she first arrived at home, it really makes him feel distressed even thinking about it.

   Years passed, somehow, they were taken care of by Ah Yu more.

  Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a very happy thing. Someone at home can help, and you can lie down and reach the pinnacle of your life without doing anything yourself. How wonderful.

  But Wang Wulang didn’t think so. When he was a child, he still felt that it was enough to have a smart Ayu sister in the family. He followed Ayu’s sister, no matter what, he could make a living and live happily.

   Now that I have grown up, I realize that my previous thoughts were a bit of a jerk.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now I just think that my sister should be held in the palm of my hand, coaxed, and raised up. This is especially true for our family's Ayu." Wang Wulang said, his tone became much lower, "But Among the many brothers, I really can be regarded as one of the high and low."

  The eldest brother is farming in the village and looks like the one with the least future.

  But now under the leadership of the eldest brother, the territory of Hujia Village seems to have expanded a lot.

The silk, silk quilts, and various sugar products from Hujia Village have been exported to all parts of Dachang, and even to surrounding countries. My eldest brother is not the kind of person who is good at flattering people, but he knows how to exchange sincerity for sincerity. Making some sincere friends will be of great benefit to the Wang family and even the entire Hu family village.

  Let’s not talk about the second brother, now the second uncle has been admitted to the second-class Jinshi, and has become a magistrate. Not surprisingly, he will be promoted in the future.

  Second brother, who inherited his second uncle's talent for reading, is now the leader of the group. He may have a better future than his second uncle in the future. Reading, imperial examinations, and official career are his future destinations.

  As for the third brother, he has a vigorous personality, and he can learn everything quickly. Others need to learn it for three to five years, but he can master it in just one or two months. Given time, his achievements are limitless.

  The fourth brother has a calm personality and is extremely talented in reading, but he has determined his ideal, which is to be a teacher in the future, instead of taking an official career, and now he is just accumulating knowledge.

  Sixth brother is heartless, gagging all day long, just thinking about how to pass the time quickly, even so, his mother is there to remind him, urging him to study hard, so that he won't fall behind in his studies.

  The seventh brother really knows how to solve problems for others. Even if he does not enter the official career in the future, there will be many people willing to support him, and he will not be so weak.

  He is the only one who is not as good as the top and more than the bottom, he is really ashamed.

   "Why did you suddenly have such an idea?" Qin Huai pushed the box towards Wang Wulang, "Take this back, Ayu won't take it, and it's impossible to take it."

  Wang Wulang shook his head: "I don't mean to return it, but I can't think of anything else for the time being, and, this time I won't go back to Wanning City, I'm going to Jiangsai."

  Jiangsai is a place of severe cold, so many people kill people and sell everything they want, and they don’t want to be soldiers there.

  Because there were ten to nine who did not return, and all died in various forms.

   "What happened?" Qin Huai said, "It's all right, why did you suddenly go to such a remote place, and in such a hurry."

   Not only that, Qin Huai even wondered if Fifth Brother heard or saw something, and wanted to leave to do something.

Wang Wulang said: "Don't ask about this matter, just hand over this box to Ayu. I have marked the contents and uses in it, and I can take it at any time when Ayu uses the money. .In addition, you can tell Ayu, Fifth Brother, I won’t be so late all the time, and I can always be her arm in the future.”

Wang Wulang was just talking casually at first, but the more he said later, the more hurtful he was, and the more he said, the more moved, and finally wiped his tears and said to Qin Huai: "Qin Huai, Qin Huai, when I was young, I didn't like Ayu, so I let her have a baby with you Honey, but it doesn't mean that this matter is safe, if you bully her, I will crawl back and beat you even if I crawl, no, several times!"

  Qin Huai: "..."

   "Fifth brother, what are you..."

Before Qin Huai finished asking, Wang Silang, who was silent in the corner, said: "Don't ask, he wants to join the army secretly. This time, grandma is not here, and the third aunt is still working in the town. Isn't it the last time?" Is it a good time?"

   "With whom?"

   "Xiaoyao Wang."

  (end of this chapter)