MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 727 Princess

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  Chapter 727 Princess

  Ayu knew that she had birthmarks behind her ears, and Tuanzi had told her. As for her eyes, she rarely looked in the mirror and didn't pay attention.

  The family did not mention it to her.

"There are golden pupil lines in your eyes. They are also called phoenix eyes. They are the imprint of the inheritance of the royal family of Xifeng Kingdom. They are only passed on to the direct line, not to the offspring. Since the founding of the Westfeng Kingdom, there has never been any exception." Shi Congee mentioned And this, he said again, "Have you found that even at night, you can see more clearly than others? Others look at places where you can't see your fingers, and you can see what is around you clearly, although it is not as good as Daytime, but not half-blind, am I right?"

   As he spoke, Shi Porridge waved his hand, and the wind from his palm blew out several lit lanterns around him. In an instant, the room was pitch black.

  But Ayu can see the surrounding furnishings in an instant, including tables, chairs, benches, and even the dishes on the table.

  Ayu has never seriously studied her eyes, and she rarely moves at night, and even if she does, the surroundings are bright.

   So, she can see so clearly?

  【Wow, treasure, your eyes are so cool, you actually have these functions, I haven’t studied them yet. 】The dumplings are a little excited, those gold threads hidden in the eyes are not bad!

   As expected of the cub it values, it is different.

  Shi Porridge didn't intend to make Ayu completely believe in himself right now, but just proved it a little bit, and then continued.

  Princess Ruan Ruan didn't leave alone. She took away three guards and two maids. One of the maids was Han Zhi, who was also Princess Ruan Ruan's childhood friend. The relationship between the two was very close.

  Hanzhi herself is very capable. She used to be in charge of all the property in the Princess Palace for Ruan Ruan.

"Hanzhi followed the princess, took care of her food and daily life, and worked hard without complaint. Later, the princess came to Dachang while traveling with the young man, and encountered a lot of trouble here. At that time, Hanzhi and one of the guards , tied the knot under the witness of the princess, and later got pregnant again."

Speaking of this, Shi Porridge's face obviously had an unhappy expression, but he continued: "The princess was also pregnant at almost the same time, and at that time, they were hunted down endlessly. They fled to Dachang In the area where Wangbei County is located, I met a dilapidated Jinshi who provided a temporary shelter for the princess and her party. Unfortunately, the guard who was with Hanzhi died to protect the princess. The princess was frightened and gave birth prematurely. "

At that time, the princess thought that her future was uncertain, and she was unwilling to let Hanzhi, who also had a big belly, follow her into exile, so she left most of her money to Hanzhi, and gave the poor Jinshi a sum of money, hoping that he could help Hanzhi concealed her identity and first asked her to pretend to be the concubine of a Jinshi in order to avoid being hunted down.

  Ayu murmured: "That Jinshi, is the surname Xie?"

   "Yes." Shi Congee said, "The Xie Mansion in the eastern neighboring county of Wangbei County is the home of the Jinshi."

  The princess left the money to the personal maid, and hoped that the maid would be able to live comfortably with her children in the future.

   But this was just the princess's wishful thinking. She didn't know that the maid had blamed her in her heart when she was guarding her husband's death.

  She gave the princess medicine, which caused her to give birth prematurely, and the baby was so weak that only one breath was left, and the princess almost had her heart broken.

   But even so, the princess still missed her, endured the grief, and wanted to arrange her properly.

  (end of this chapter)