MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 738 rule

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  Chapter 738 Rules

  【Oh, except for the physical rewards that you originally had in your space, the other distribution methods have been changed. The main reason is that the task system set by the source space can no longer be determined whether the rewards can exist in this world, so they are all distributed directly in this world according to the way of physical distribution. If it can be distributed, it will be invested directly out of thin air. If not, the source space will replace your reward with something else. 】

  Originally, the source space would not make things so complicated. Who made Tuanzi keep taking advantage of the loopholes and gave Ayu a lot of rewards that shouldn't have been there.

The original normal world of feudal dynasties is almost turning into a world of cultivating immortals. Other guardians are secretly complaining, and the systems of the system world are also complaining to the source space, saying that Tuanzi has been spoiling Ayu, It made it difficult for them to sort out the plot, and they almost didn't know how to make up the story.

  In short, many of the regulations issued by the source space are patching up the regiment.

   In case other cubs follow suit, then it doesn't know how much trouble it will cause in the future.

  If every guardian is so reckless to help protect the object, the entire universe may be in chaos again. When thinking of that scene, the source space feels that it is going to grow a head—because it understands what a big head is.

   "Oh, so how do I get it?"

  【Things are placed here, you guys want to go in anyway, just follow the prompts when the time comes. 】

  Shi Porridge first explored the way ahead, and after making sure that there was no danger inside, he called Ayu and others in.

  Xiao Yang was worried that Ayu would be in danger, so he shook off the spirit-testing mouse from his head and let Ayu sit on his back.

  The excited Xinglingbao mouse had already slipped in, followed by the lamb.

   After entering, I found that the space inside is very large. The top is made of huge stones, and the surrounding area is even a little wet. I don’t know where the water came from.

  The underground is made of slate and wood, and there are no lights on the walls, but it is not dark inside.

  It may also be that Ayu himself can see things in the dark clearly, so he doesn't feel dark.

  Chi Ding and Chi Tu lit the torches they had prepared long ago, one behind the other, and stood by Ayu's side.

   They walked for about a stick of incense, and suddenly saw an underground hall appearing in front of them.

Large gilt pillars support the cantilevered beams, and unknown totems of giant beasts are also carefully carved on the walls. There are two rows of round tables and benches in the middle, and a row of gilt stone ladders. The high platform lying on it, behind the high platform is actually a sarcophagus, the sarcophagus is contrasted with gold and jade, and a huge night pearl on the top is emitting a faint luster.

  Xie Zhen couldn't help wondering: "This is the legendary underground palace?"

However, Ayu disagreed: "If it is a royal palace, the scale is really small. Even if it is a prefect of a city, the government office is more than that big. I think it looks like an underground tomb. We accidentally broke into it." It's someone else's private house."

   Having said this, Ayu bowed three times towards the sarcophagus, saying "Don't blame me".

  When other people saw her doing this, they had no choice but to follow her.

   At this time, the sound of the Lingbao mouse came from behind the sarcophagus, and it was seen spinning around the sarcophagus.

  Ayu called it: "Come down quickly, don't disturb the undead."

  Che Lingbao Mouse didn't listen, but stood up his upper body, pretending to bow to Ayu, very eager.

   "It seems that it wants to let you pass by." Shi Congee said.

  (end of this chapter)