MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 740 Jiangsai City

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  Chapter 740 Jiangsai City

With the help of the lamb, they quickly found the horse, but in the mouth of Wang Wulang, they suffered all kinds of torture. The horse, which had worked hard, was eating green grass on a green grassland and drinking water from the dark river next to it. , Lying on a haystack, I couldn't be more comfortable. "There is green land under the desert?!" Xie Zhen felt that his eyes were not enough, all his cognition was subverted, and then he resolved himself, "It's because I have too little knowledge, haha, haha."

  Because he found that, except for him and Wang Wulang, no one else showed any surprised expressions, including the little commander.

  Che Lingbao mouse was also slipped into Ayuti's hand and pressed against his palm, the lamb had already happily grazed.

  As for Ayu, she went to the dark river to wash her hands, and while washing her hands, a long wooden box flowed down from the upper reaches and flowed to her hand without moving.

  【Bao, take it quickly, this is your reward. 】

  Ayu: "..." This is a bit too obvious.

  Everyone leaned over, and when Ayu opened the wooden box, he found that there was a bow inside.

  "Xuantian Bow." Wang Wulang leaned over and saw three small characters written on the end of the bow, which was the name of the bow.

   "Xuantian Bow?" Shi Cong raised his tone and looked over, but he was a little puzzled.

  Ayu: "Is there anything special about this Xuantian bow?"

"It is rumored that there are ten major weapons in the world, and the Xuantian Bow is among them. The other nine weapons only see their names but not their objects. I never thought that I could see the Xuantian Bow." Shi Zhou said with great emotion. , "It is rumored that the Xuantian Bow does not need arrows, it only needs to be used with true energy and inner strength, and it can kill the enemy thousands of miles away."

  Hearing what he said, Ayu picked up the Xuantian Bow, which was not as heavy as he imagined.

  According to what Shi Porridge said, Ayu raised the Xuantian Bow, forced his true energy to his fingertips, then aimed at the wall, pulled it hard, released it, and an invisible wave of air was sent out.

   "Boom!" From a distance, a hole appeared in the mountain, and there was no damage around the hole.

   Chitu flew over to have a look, and when he came back, his complexion was a bit complicated: "It's more than ten feet into the stone."

   "Wow, so powerful? Let me try!" Regardless of his weak body, Wang Wulang also took the Xuantian Bow to try.

  He also aimed at the wall, and also shot out an air wave, but there was only a fist-sized blow mark on the wall.

  Others also tried one by one, and finally found that only Ayu and Chigou had the best effect.

  Wang Wulang wondered: "Could it be that this is the Xuantian bow that Nuwa used to mend the sky, so it can only be used by girls?"

   "You're right. According to the rumors about the Xuantian Bow, it was used by Nuwa when she mended the sky, but I don't know if it's true." Shi Cong smiled slightly.

  The legends left behind by Nuwa Mending the Sky are too numerous to enumerate. They are weapons and stones that can touch her.

   In this way, the Xuantian Bow was given to A Yu after all, and it became A Yu's self-defense weapon.

  This bow is relatively small, but it is not so comfortable to carry. Wang Wulang said: "You can put your bow as you put your sword."

  Ayu followed suit, but it was not satisfactory, but thinking that this was the task reward she got, she just liked it anyway.

   Things that come in vain are always more attractive.

  Wang Wulang originally wanted to go back, but when he learned that Ayu was going to Jiangsai for a study tour, thinking that he had also come to Jiangsai to preach the Tao, he held his breath and wanted to continue to Jiangsai with Ayu.

  The group marched for another half a month, and Wang Wulang's injuries were healed, and they really saw the city with the word "Jiangsai" written on it.

   At this time, the weather has gradually turned hot, and they realized that even though Jiangsai is surrounded by rivers, the weather is hotter than Wangbei County and Wanning City, which is the kind of indescribably hot and humid.

  It was the beginning of April, but it seemed to be the hottest June, and everyone around was shirtless.

  The city walls of Jiangsai City are very irregular, as if they were pieced together, and the people inside can also see that there are all kinds of teachings and nine streams.

   The patrolling officers and soldiers even had disheveled clothes, some picked their teeth while walking, some scabbards were half torn, and some were well dressed, but their eyes had lost their luster.

   "Where is Xiaoyao Wang?" Wang Wulang muttered, looking around, he didn't think Xiaoyao Wang could stay in such a place.

   As a result, as soon as he asked, he saw people around him who had nothing to do with him, all looking at him, as if he had said something shocking to the world.

After a butcher who was slaughtering meat heard this, he slashed the butcher knife in his hand against the chopping board, and his fat body was constantly trembling: "Ha, what kind of free king, free dog, come to our land, but there is nothing wrong with it!" The king is not the king. Boy, you can eat meat indiscriminately, but you can’t talk indiscriminately, lest you become a snack for everyone tonight!"

  Others also laughed maliciously when they heard this. Their eyes looked as if Wang Wulang had really become a dish, not a living person.

   Some people even looked at Ayu who had already put on the fence with obscene eyes, and the glutinous rice **** dressed up by the maids beside him. Their eyes were very explicit and disgusting.

  Chitu and Chiding put their hands on their sabers all the time, and just waiting for Ayu's order, they can directly chop off the heads of these people to the ground.

   Chigou is also enduring, staying with these people really dirty Miss Ayu's eyes.

Instead of rushing to the government to find someone, they found an inn that looked fairly clean, and the shopkeeper there was not an honest person, but after they cut off the arm of a young man on the spot, the shopkeeper's face changed , very quickly arranged for them a suite on the sky, and also brought a small yard.

  It is said to be a small courtyard, but it is actually just a palm-sized field where you can breathe a little bit.

It was late at night, but Wang Wulang couldn't sleep, he sat on the threshold of Ayu's room, and said to Ayu in the room: "Ayu, go to bed early, brother is guarding the door, don't worry, no one can come in. "

  Wang Wulang had just finished speaking when he heard a splashing sound coming from Ayu's room, as if something had fallen into the river outside the room.

   Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of the window opening. Wang Wulang thought of something, and immediately opened the door, just in time to see Ayu jumping down the window.


  Others also saw the movement and jumped into the river one after another.

  In the dead of night, there were still many people staying in the inn during the day, but at this moment it seemed like no one was there, except for the sound of paddling water, nothing could be heard.

  Several people quickly pulled Ayu up from the water, only to find that Ayu was still holding a person by the corner of his clothes.

  They pulled the man up together and found that it was a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old.

   "You guys go out first, we have to change the clothes of this sister first." Ayu drove the men away, leaving only Ayu, Tangyuan and Chigou in the room.

   Tangyuan quickly found several sets of clothes, and changed them for Ayu first, and then for others.

After changing clothes, Tang Yuan was about to go out to find Xiao Er to make soup, but was stopped by Chi Gou: "There is our water and earthenware pots in the house, you take them to boil in the yard, stare at them all the time, don't even yawn, Understand?"

   Tangyuan understood, and immediately went to get something to make soup.

  After the soup was ready, she gave it to the girl to drink, and the girl woke up leisurely. She opened her eyes and saw Ayu. Even with the not-so-bright light, she also found that the other party was a very kind-hearted little girl.

  She said with a bitter face, "You shouldn't have saved me."

   "If you are saved, you are saved. Since Miss Sister rescued you, you should cherish your life, and don't commit suicide." Ayu somewhat disagreed, "Is there anything that can't be resolved properly, does it have to be in this way?"

"Sister, I'm afraid you just came here, and you don't know how scary Jiangsai is." The girl sighed and said, "If you want to come here to wander the rivers and lakes, I advise you to leave early, this is not a place for people to stay. "

  The girl was unwilling to say anything else, not even her own name.

She wanted to go straight away, but Ayu thought that those outside were not good people, not to mention that a girl who went out at night might encounter some danger, so she left her in the room and asked her to wait until dawn. go out.

The girl was obedient, until the next morning, at dawn, the girl walked away, but when she reached the door, she turned around and asked Ayu: "Although my life is not willing to be saved, but since If you saved me, you are considered my savior, if you need my help, I will do my best to help, even if it means risking my life."

  Ayu felt a little funny: "That's not necessary, but we are indeed new here, and we are not familiar with the place. I want to know, if the imperial court sends officials to Jiangsai, where will they go to perform their duties first?"

  The girl suddenly looked shocked: "Are you officials?!"

"That's right." Ayu didn't say much, just said, "I thought Jiangsai was a big land, and Jiangsai City should be big, but it's not too big, and I didn't see any mansions either. It is a building like a yamen, that’s why I asked this question. If the people here have been wronged or have any lawsuits, where can they find a serious government office?”

"Ha, don't ask the second person what you said, or they will laugh at you to death. Don't think that there are some people who look like officers and soldiers outside, and you think they are from the government. This Jiangsai City There is no government office, those who wear the clothes of officers and soldiers are either deserters, or they are robbers who have committed crimes, killed officers and soldiers, and robbed other people's clothes, if you encounter any problems, don't go to them." The girl said, and then He lowered his voice and said to Ayu, "Whether you are from the government or not, don't talk about yourself when you go out. You don't know that last time we had a big man here, the scene was so big at that time, and they said they wanted to rectify Jiang. But within a few days, that big man was killed, his skin was scraped off, and he was hung on the city wall for public display, and the rats climbed up to eat him every day!"

   The update is over, good night.



  (end of this chapter)