MTL - Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1225 Return to Tianyu

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"Pros, I haven't seen you for a long time."

After Ye Tianxie and Xing Li left the tower of destiny, they did not leave the world of destiny, but found ProLogis. In the past six months, Ye Tianxie has not contacted ProLogis again. At this time, he once again saw that he had discovered that this long-lived old man seemed to be ten years old in this short period of six months.

"Heavenly evil, come. Oh, I haven't seen it for half a year. Once again, I can't believe my feelings. The dragon soul power has been so strong that I can't feel it at all. From the body, I still feel inexplicable. I am very familiar with it, I am familiar with the breath that I want to cry. Hey... come to me, I should want to ask me how it is done.” Pross looked at the current Ye Tianxie, old His eyes flashed a few moments of glory, but soon dimmed in the long sigh.

ProLogis’s expression has already been answered by Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie also sighed sighly and whispered: “Is it still not successful? It’s okay, this is no wonder, from the South Chaos to the East Chaos, even the Star Glass It’s not so easy to transfer a lot of people at once. The earth has billions of humans and countless other creatures, not to mention countless items. This is something that the true God can’t do. Let’s always do this. It’s really hard to be more than the goal of the day.

Pruss shook his head and said: "This is the wish of the fairy master. I am trying my best to do it. But my ability is too low. I have exhausted almost all of my strength, and I have done everything I can, and I still can't build that space. I really have no face to see the fairy owner again."

He looked up and looked at the sky without a focal length: "The elemental robbery is getting closer and closer to the earth. The elemental robbery that is close to the earth is thousands of times larger than the one that was close to the Xingyao star a hundred years ago. That is, all the existing gods add up, and it is impossible to compete with them. I am afraid that they will be destroyed if they are not close. The earth will be completely destroyed by the elemental robbery. It is fixed, no one can change, if there is no way to make the life on earth Shift, then all humans, animals, flowers and plants... will be destroyed into the dust of the chaotic space. But now, I can't do anything about it... If I am the creation **** of the creation of the Protoss, maybe There will be such a glimmer of hope."

In the heart of Ye Tianxie’s heart, he went forward and said: “Pros, ... the creation **** of the creation of the Protoss has a way to save the earth?”

The dawn of Pruss is still bleak. He is not a person of the earth. The life and death of the earth has nothing to do with him. But the old man who is too simple in his heart is deeply impressed by his incompetence and cannot save the countless souls. Responsible, he is powerless: "The God of Creation has a powerful creative power, can directly control the space, and even create space. This star of the glory is created by the **** of creation. The ability to "speak" the space is unparalleled. The master of the evil spirits, once in the celestial domain, originated from this star of the glory, the people of the illusionary orc and the dragons can get there. Of course, it is impossible to rely on one's own strength, but to rely on the power of the **** of creation. Therefore, since the formation of Tianyu, it has been surrendered to the feet of the creation of the Protoss and obeyed the creation of the Protoss. The ban. With their space "fighting" ability, as long as there is enough power and enough time, they can create a space channel from the earth to the star of Xi Yao, and then open enough on the star of Xi Yao and the earth. Quantity Space gates... But, in time, it’s too late. The gods who created the gods of creation in the world are only a few, let them transfer all human beings, that is impossible. Channels... Even with the creation gods, it takes decades or even hundreds of years. In time, the roots cannot be satisfied. At the latest, half a year, elemental robbery will touch the earth."

"... half a year!?" Ye Tianxie was shocked.

"Yes, half a year." Pross hangs down and sighs again. "The master of the evil spirit, the power of my old man has consumed ten, but there is no tree. In this case, I can't help." There is a shattered **** girl around her, her power can force the space to be forced, and the people around me can be brought here before the disaster strikes. This is the only thing I can feel comforted about. The earth that is about to face disaster, and There are countless creatures... I can only use my mind to pray for them."

"Brother." Star Glass worried about looking at the dark face of the "color" Ye Tianxie, she did not expect things have become serious to this point. What is elemental robbery? She has lived for tens of thousands of years in the world of elemental robbing, and she knows better than anyone. That is an elemental disaster that even God can easily destroy. Those elements are not natural elements known to man, but “destructive elements” that do not belong to the inner chaotic world. Even her body can't bear the destructive power of elemental robbery. At the beginning they were able to survive in the world of elemental robbery, simply because they existed in the protection of the Son. But the protection of the Son who had the full power of the Holy Spirit can only cover a few kilometers, not to mention the fruits of the waking up.

"Since there is hope. There is no reason to give up! ProLogis, I will immediately go to the creation of the Protoss. There are countless gods of creation on the Mount Bros. If they work together, it will not be impossible for half a year... ProLogis, it’s hard to give it to me, let’s take a rest. If you don’t, you can’t see it.”

In order to improve his strength and quiet for half a year, he felt the approach of the elemental robbery, but did not expect that there would be a short period of six months to touch the earth, ProLogis eventually failed, and his last hope is also equivalent to despair. But Ye Tianxie... No matter when, in the last second, he will not give up.

As long as you work hard, just believe that... miracles will happen. This is the favorite and most believed word of Star Boa. He has been firmly in mind. It is also because of Boa, he really believes in "miracle."

Say goodbye to ProLogis, Ye Tianxie and Xing Li came to the center of the island where the debates were held. The former central island has been completely destroyed by the burial day, and it can be seen that there is only one ocean. When they arrived, the funeral day had already waited there. Perceived their arrival, the funeral day turned around, and the eyes fixed on Ye Tianxie for a few seconds. With his ability, nature can easily detect the tremendous changes in the power of Ye Tianxie. Then he looked away, cold and cold: "Go."

The half-year period has finally arrived, and the power of the funeral day has been restored by half, and the heart has long been waiting. Ye Tianxie said: "Reassured, I will not renege on the words, today will bring the area where the creation of the Protoss is located, but before that, go to a place with me."

"Where?" The funeral day is cold.

"Follow me." Ye Tianxie took the hand of the star glass and left in the white light. Now he has no need to rely on the empty magic stone to move around the world of fate. With his current strength, he can easily tear the space for long-distance space movement, even the national border can ignore.

Ye Tianxie and Xing Li appeared on the top floor of the Tower of Destiny. Immediately, the funeral day had already followed. He swept here and said coldly: "Where is this place?"

Ye Tianxie did not answer him, summoned the fate of the moment and the fragments of the rock monument, put it in the hands of the star glass, whispered: "Star glass, fruit, handed over to them."

"Brother, I know how to do it, rest assured." Star Glass is very heart-felt to hold the big fate of the moment and the fragments of the five rock monuments. This is what they decided to do.

Ye Tianxie nodded and turned to bury the heavenly road: "Funny day, how to choose, all in yourself, hope not to let me down... to destroy the protoss of the Protoss!"

Dropping a few words that made the funeral day inexplicable, Ye Tianxie has disappeared in front of his eyes and went straight down the line. Half a year ago, he had already thought about letting the funeral know the truth of everything before going to Tianyu. The sound of the soul would not be a lie, and the funeral would not understand. However, as a prince who has shattered the Protoss, even if he has a buffer period of half a year, he will inevitably lose his control after knowing the truth. On that occasion, he still avoids it, and there are stars and sons. The mood of the funeral day calmed down more quickly.

Consciousness is separated from the world of destiny, and the eyes have not been opened. Ye Tianxie feels that a soft hand is "touching" on his face. You don't need to look at it. Just because of the taste, Ye Tianxue knows that it is the hand of Xi. He grabbed the hand all at once, opened his eyes, and felt that he woke up, and he hipt on him, screaming "Brother."

"Hey, my brother will return to Tianyu now and bring the fairy back, okay?"

His body was stiff, and then slowly, she stuck her body completely on his body, holding her arms tightly. She no longer wants him to be in danger, but only with the return of the glass fairy, she knows that even if she is dead for a lifetime, she can't stop it, and she can't stop it. Tianyu, once belonged to her home, has a gentle mother, has her attachment to her brother, has her favorite fairy and Miaoer sister, but later, it has become the place she least wants to remember, because it is also There, she lost her brother and lost a lot of...