MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 614 Want to make trouble?

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The breath on the entire deck was suppressed, and it became extremely silent in an instant, and the needles could be heard.

Jiang Dao's face was ugly, and he kept scolding in his heart.

He suddenly turned his gaze to the **** bear, revealing the slightest hint of help.

The **** bear frowned and shouted, "Okay, don't talk anymore, get on my boat, all the rules can only be obeyed by me, on my boat, no one is allowed to make trouble!"


The burly and terrifying demon head snorted directly, his broken armor kept vibrating, exuding bursts of powerful water-like aura, and said indifferently, "Remember, my name is Jiuying!"

Nine babies?

The Holy Maiden Yaoyao showed a shocked expression and whispered, "This is an extremely terrifying alien species in the ancient times. It is said that it gave birth to nine heads, and it is immortal and indestructible. The body is against the sky, and the body can tear everything apart..."

Jiang Dao was also secretly surprised.

Nine babies!

This is the same name as the monster in the myths and legends of the previous life.

It also has a well-known name, called the nine-headed insect!

The **** bear strode out and directly began to charge the boat fare from the demons.

A group of demons frowned, and they had to take out coins from their bodies.

It has to be said that these devils have really powerful mana, and even the battle armors on their bodies have been worn and broken in the endless years, but the yin money on their bodies is abruptly preserved by them in exceptionally good condition.

These devils seem to have prepared a way back for themselves.

It was as if it was predicted that he would be able to escape from the dark abyss in the future.

"Give money, give money, give money quickly!"

The **** bear looked indifferent and rude, collecting money one by one.

Jiang Dao was drenched in cold sweat.

This guy!

I'm not afraid of angering this group of demons and being directly slaughtered by this group of demons.

However, this group of demons seemed to be really afraid of the **** bear, and none of them did anything.

Soon the **** bears have been charged one by one.

"A bunch of poor people!"

It frowned, its mouth was rude, with disdain on its face, snorted coldly, flipped the yin money in its hands, put it in its arms, and walked towards the cabin.

Not long after, the **** bear took out a huge wine jar, with a strong smile on his face, and walked towards Jiang Dao.

"Hey, Gang Master Jiang, last time my old bear drank your wine, and I felt a little sorry. This time, my old bear specially prepared a large altar, please drink it too!"

He directly put this big jar of fine wine on a big bone table on the deck.

"Hehe, Brother Xiong is really polite."

Jiang Dao couldn't help laughing.

The eyes of the group of demons were all gleaming, and they couldn't help but look towards the **** bear.

They have been sealed for countless years, and the birds have long since faded out of their mouths.

As soon as I heard the word "wine", I couldn't hold back one by one.

"What kind of politeness is this? Compared with Gang Master Jiang, my old bear is called a courtesy exchange, hahaha!"

The **** bear laughed.


It directly patted the open mud, and suddenly a strong and majestic essence rushed out from the wine jar, and it filled the entire deck.

The eyes of a group of demons suddenly became brighter.

Some demons couldn't hold back, and began to sniff wildly, drooling.

Even Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao couldn't help but stare at this huge wine jar.

"Good wine!"

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.

"Hey, this is an 80,000-year-old wine!"

With a strong smile on his face, the **** bear whispered, "Secretly tell you, I stole this from the shopkeeper. It's hard to drink at ordinary times, so don't tell others!"

"Eighty thousand years old wine?"

Jiang Dao was surprised.

This is more to taste.

Even Saint Yaoyao couldn't help rolling her throat, her eyes fixed on the wine jar, wanting to taste a bowl.


The **** bear directly took two large bowls and poured the fine wine in the wine jar into the big bowls. Pieces of green liquid were like amber, crystal clear and dripping with a strong aroma. Just smell it and let it go. A tree of pores grows all over the body.

All the demons were breathing rapidly, and there was almost a light in their eyes.

Good wine!

"Hey, Gang Master Jiang, please!"

The **** bear smiled, picked up a bowl, gestured to Jiang Dao, and then poured it directly into his mouth.

Jiang Dao's throat rolled, but he was so polite, he picked up another bowl and drank it into his belly.


A burst of rich essence surging out, surging, and instantly turned into a cold current in the body, rushing towards his limbs, if he wanted to freeze his entire body, then this cold current suddenly had no warning. It turned into a raging flame, burning raging, almost trying to burn his flesh and blood.

Then two breaths, one cold and one heat, quickly intertwined directly in his abdomen, like ice and fire.


Jiang Dao's pores were dilated and he felt very comfortable, and he couldn't help but drink.

At this moment, all his thousands of pores are actually emitting rays of light.

It was as if the drink was immortal brew.

"Hey, this is the real wine!"

The **** bear showed a strong smile.

"Hey, **** bear, can you have a bowl for me too?"

Saintess Yaoyao couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but ask.


The **** bear squinted at Holy Maiden Yaoyao and said with disdain, "It's not bad that you just boarded the boat and confiscated your money, do you still want a bowl? What are you kidding? Do you know how much this bowl is? You can drink it. Are you up? Really..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the **** bear's face instantly froze, his mouth stunned, his eyes fixed on Saint Yaoyao's body.

I saw a large amount of thick yin money directly appeared in the hands of the Holy Maiden Yaoyao.

"How? Can you sell a bowl?"

Saintess Yaoyao couldn't help but said lightly.

"Can, can..."

The **** bear stammered, and quickly grabbed the coin, quickly counted it, and soon showed a strong smile, looked at the Holy Maiden Yaoyao again, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect it to be an honored guest, hehe, since it is an honored guest, then Just try a bowl."

It took out a large bowl again, put it aside, grabbed the wine jar, and poured it into the large bowl.

Holy Maiden Yaoyao picked up the wine bowl and took a deep sniff, showing a look of intoxication on her face, only to feel that all the pores on her body were sucking open.

"Good wine, really good wine..."

Saintess Yaoyao murmured.

Even though she is well-informed, she has never enjoyed such a fine wine.


Suddenly, an icy humming sounded, resounding in the minds of Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao, like a thunderbolt, filled with an unspeakable majesty, the burly man Jiuying had a cold tone and bad eyes, and leaned towards here coldly. Susuo came, and said coldly, "I also paid the boat fee, why don't we have our wine? What? Do the boatmen still treat us differently? They don't take us into their eyes too much, right?"

"Yes, boatman, is this how you treat guests!"

The devil next to him also had a cold face and said sullenly, "We also paid, why didn't we give us drinks? Do you really look down on us?"

"Hey, boatman, in my opinion, it's better to share some of this drink with us, otherwise..."

The third devil sneered, hehe, his body full of devilish energy.

Jiang Dao and Goddess Yaoyao's expressions changed slightly.

These guys actually threatened the **** bear?

"Brother Bear..."

Jiang Dao hurriedly looked at the **** bear, showing a nervous look.

The **** bear raised his palm, his face turned cold, his burly and huge body stood up straight, and his body was filled with strong blood fluctuations, his tone was indifferent and unceremonious, and said, "It's really unreasonable, how much money Jiang Gang Master paid, How much did you pay? You dare to beg here for drinking? You dare to threaten my old bear? I don’t know whether to live or die, the wine here is not yours, but there is urine, do you drink it or not!”

"court death!"


A group of demons shouted loudly.

The body is full of demonic energy, surging.

Relying on the large number of people, they had a feeling that they would not put the **** bear in their eyes.

"Let your mother go!"

The **** bear scolded directly, saying, "My old bear is here today, who the **** is here begging for a drink? Stand up for me? My old bear will give him a pot of urine himself!"

A group of demons had gloomy faces, their bodies were burning with demonic fire, their breaths were strong, and they were unpredictable.

"The Inn of Resentment... Hey, is it really that powerful?"

A devil gave a gloomy smile and said, "Today, you black bear is the first to speak out, so don't blame us!"


He raised a sharp finger, green and poisonous, and quickly pointed towards the **** bear.

However, when he was on the deck, all his yin energy seemed to be sealed. He pointed it out with his fingers, but there was not the slightest fluctuation of yin energy.

Such a scene made him involuntarily change his face, revealing consternation.

The **** bear quickly squeezed a grin on his face, his whole body was full of breath and blood was surging, "Hehe, is there really someone who dares to attack me on this deck? How many years, hehe, I haven't seen the old bear for many years. This scene is over!"

The devil instinctively sensed something was wrong, his face changed, and cold hairs stood on his body.

"Come here for me!"

The **** bear shouted violently, grabbed it with a big hand, and with a clatter, the devil head flew towards the **** bear as fast as it was traveling through space.

The thin young man next to him frowned, and hurriedly grabbed the devil with his palm.

But he didn't expect that the moment he grabbed it with his palm, the devil disappeared instantly, and the next moment it appeared directly under the palm of the **** bear.

The whole deck seems to be shaking slightly!

Space shuttle!

All the devils changed their expressions.

"There is a big formation!"

Jiuying's tone sank before, UU reading said Bing Han.

Their eyes were gloomy, and they all fixed the **** bear tightly.

The **** bear had a sly smile on his face, his whole body was full of turbulent aura, and it was mighty. facing each other.

"Little thing, this is your ability? I just want to go against the sky!"


The devil shivered, showing horror, he couldn't imagine all this.

He was actually captured by this **** bear in a single face-to-face?

"Venerable Nian, save me, save me quickly..."

The devil opened his mouth in horror.


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