MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 619 0 Yin boy shows his power!

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"Jiang Gang, how is it? How are you thinking?"

Tuoyun smiled, "Transform it, you and I will join forces, and I will pass on your forbidden magic skills. From then on, you and I will be invincible."

"I still don't quite trust you."

Jiang Dao shook his head directly, "After all, you have already tricked me once before, and your trust has been greatly reduced with me, and you can't impress me."

Tuoyun frowned, thinking quickly in his heart.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Let's do it, you pass me some forbidden magic skills first, and I'll think about it again, whether I should agree to your request!"

Jiang Dao spoke lightly.

"Tell you in advance?"

Tuoyun showed a strange expression, took a deep look at Jiang Dao, and smiled, "Interesting, but since you want to know in advance, it's not difficult, so what if I send the first three volumes to you in advance!"

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a black jade appeared, placed it on his forehead, injected information, smiled slightly, and flicked his fingers.

The black jade flew out and automatically landed in front of Jiang Dao.

He had no qualms about it.

Because even if Jiang Dao obtained these magic arts, it would be of no use at all, and he would not be able to cultivate it without transforming into an undead creature.

"These three magic arts are treated as if I am apologizing to Gang Master Jiang. I hope Gang Master Jiang will have more Haihan."

Tuoyun smiled strangely.

Jiang Dao grabbed Yu Jue, his eyes narrowed, and his mental power has quickly poured into it.

In an instant, countless information rushed into his mind.

The three magic arts are, in order, [Change the World], [Soul Devouring Magic], and [Soul Devouring Sword Technique], each of which has its own merits and is extremely mysterious.

"Well, it seems to be fine."

Jiang Dao's tone was calm, he glanced at Tuoyun, and said, "Since this is the case, I will thank you, Mr. Tuoyun!"

He accepted Yu Jue and thought about it again and again, but still didn't start with Tuoyun.

This person's strength is unfathomable, and he has integrated into the Nine Dragons Demon Heart Grass. He has no certainty now.

If you want to deal with Tuoyun, at least you have to wait for your own strength to improve again. Otherwise, once he runs away, it will be a huge trouble.

Tuoyun smiled and watched Jiang Dao disappear from his sight.

"Master, just let him go?"

The **** king on one side asked cautiously.

"if not."

Tuoyun's tone was indifferent, he glanced at the **** king, and said, "Jiang Dao is a ruthless man, a very deep city, a person who has achieved great things, and the only person who is likely to cooperate with me, and he has a powerful killer in his body. , even if I want to solve him, it is impossible."

Speaking of this, he pondered slightly, and said, "How is the injury of the Tiandao Palace Master?"

"It seems extremely serious!"

The **** king hurriedly whispered cautiously, saying, "The Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao suffered a dark wound in the Endless Sea of ​​Gods, but on the way back, he was plotted by an unknown existence, who is said to have been poisoned by the ancient corpse!"

"Ancient corpse poison?"

Tuoyun narrowed his eyes and said, "So, the upper realm will be in chaos sooner or later?"

"should be."

The **** king nodded.

Although these **** emperors have not shown any abnormality now, over time, some people will definitely be unable to hold back.

"Good news, really good news!"

Tuoyun showed a sneer, and all kinds of conspiracies were brewing in his eyes.


The work of the day passed quickly.

After Jiang Dao came back, he first went home to make sure everything was normal at home. He had lunch at home and talked with his father for a long time. In the afternoon, he returned to the Flame Gang again.

After entering the Raging Flame Gang, he called Guo Dutian, Du Feng and the others, and after hesitating again and again, he took out a Heavenly Dao Fruit and asked them to take it and divide it up.

After sending them away, Jiang Dao showed his palm, and the enhanced version of the Chiyang field spread out, covering the entire room in an instant, ensuring that no one could peep into the environment in the room, and then he took out the animal control bag with confidence, lightly Push lightly.


The mouth of the animal control bag was opened, and a black light quickly flew out from the inside.

Then came the strange laughter of hee hee, and a huge black lotus pod flew out from the inside, and there were dozens of boys' heads densely packed in the lotus pod. There was a burst of laughter.

It is the evil dragon and the thirty-six hundred yin boy.

After so many days, the injury on Nielong's body has improved a lot.

"Nielong, you recognize me as the master, and I can't treat you badly. I have a few heavenly fruits here, you can eat them."

Jiang Dao's face was calm, staring at Nie Long's huge body, and flicking his palm.

The three huge Heavenly Dao Sacred Fruits flew directly towards the evil dragon.


The evil dragon let out a roar, rushed out quickly, and swallowed the three heavenly holy fruits in one bite, "Thank you, my lord!"


Jiang Dao nodded lightly, then his eyes flashed, and he looked at these Baiyin boys again.

The Baiyin Boy is formed by condensing the most essential parts of the dark heaven. It is more terrifying than the evil dragon and the Tiancan poison king. It is one of the most powerful creatures in the world.

He recalled the introduction of Holy Maiden Yaoyao, and with a flick of his finger, a huge Heavenly Dao Fruit had already flown out and floated above the heads of these Baiyin Boys.

"Hee hee hee..."


These Baiyin boys let out crisp laughter, their bodies quickly rushed out, and they couldn't see clearly at all.

In just a blink of an eye, a huge Heavenly Dao Fruit has disappeared.

Thirty-six boys, wearing red apron, with red lips and white teeth, floated in mid-air, stuck out their tongues, licked their lips constantly, laughed, stretched out a palm, and tapped the middle of their mouths again.

Jiang Dao was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly.

These little guys!

With a flick of his palm, another Heavenly Dao Fruit flew past.

As before, this Heavenly Dao Fruit was quickly eaten in the blink of an eye.

The speed at which these little guys devoured the fruits of the heavenly path was simply beyond imagination.

In this way, Jiang Dao sent out more than ten Tiandao fruits in a row, and each Tiandao fruit could not hold for even a second before being divided up by the group of boys.


"Hungry, so hungry!"

"I want to eat..."

The group of boys made a crisp sound, then smiled, and rushed directly towards the roof.

They actually directly broke through the Chiyang field of Jiangdao, and threw themselves on the roof. In the blink of an eye, the entire house was eaten clean, and then the entire yard disappeared in an instant. The floor, rockery, and weapon racks in the yard all disappeared.

The strange scene directly caused Jiang Dao's complexion to change wildly.

"Evil dragons, stop them!"

Jiang Dao exclaimed.


The evil dragon flew out, let out a roar, and its body turned into black gas, quickly wrapping the boys.


"Hungry, so hungry..."

These boys were swept up by the evil dragon, pitiful one by one, looking at the evil dragon and then at Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

Don't these little guys say that they can absorb nutrients from the void on their own?

Why still eat?

And eat so fast!

According to their way of eating, the entire Qianyuan City will be eaten up by them soon.


Suddenly, these boys became restless again, and they got rid of the shackles of the evil dragon directly.

Jiang Dao's complexion changed, turned into a streamer, and quickly followed.

The evil dragon also roared and followed directly behind.

Thirty-six Baiyin boys rushed out of Qianyuan City in an instant, and rushed directly towards an old forest in a barren mountain.

After Jiang Dao arrived, his heart suddenly changed.

I saw in the sky, dark clouds rolling, lightning and thunder, an incomparably huge space channel was extending from the upper bound to the bottom, filled with sacred aura, and there appeared one after another phantom of the **** king.

Upper Realm God King Lower Realm!


Thirty-six Baiyin boys let out bursts of joyful cries and rushed directly towards the huge space passage.

"Stop them now!"

Jiang Dao was shocked.

The space channel is opened, and it is filled with aura of destruction. If you are not careful, all these boys will be hacked to death.


The evil dragon roared, his body turned into black light, and rushed towards those Baiyin boys again.

But right now!

A shocking scene appeared.

After the thirty-six Baiyin boys approached the space passage, they were not affected in any way.

Lightning flashes and thunders in the space channel, and thick thunder light rushes out, falling on them, and they are all absorbed by their bodies.

These Baiyin Boys seem to be made of sponges.

Weird and powerful.

Not only that, but they opened their mouths, made a crisp sound, and nibbled hard at the space channel in front of them.


Pieces of chaotic thunder and lightning in the space channel suddenly seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, rushing towards the mouths of these boys, and they were quickly swallowed and absorbed by these boys.

The expressions of the **** kings who were in the space passage and who were struggling to break through the lower realm changed their expressions.


"No, the space is disordered, and the space channel is about to collapse!"

"Those boys are absorbing the power in the channel!"


A burst of exclamations came directly from the space channel.

All the gods and kings were terrified.

When they came down from the upper realm, the power in the space channel would be extremely chaotic, powerful and terrifying, and could easily destroy the king of gods. Now they never imagined that a group of weird boys broke the structure of the channel. .


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying roar came directly from the space channel, the mighty, terrifying rays of light swept away in all directions, and the entire space channel suddenly encountered a disaster.

Many **** kings let out shrill screams, and many gods were torn apart.


The roar of the **** emperor came out, and the powerful and terrifying power of the **** emperor broke out, and it swept the surroundings quickly, quickly suppressing these terrifying chaotic forces, and even protecting many **** kings for the first time. by your side.


When a group of boys saw the scene in front of them, they all immediately raised their eyes and shouted excitedly.

It seems that the energies in front of them are a great tonic for them.

Puff puff puff!

One by one, the Baiyin Boys opened their mouths and quickly absorbed these chaotic energy waves. Waves of powerful energy immediately entered their mouths and were absorbed by them.

The faces of the Baiyin boys quickly turned flushed, and their skin became ruddy.

The strange scene directly stunned Jiang Dao.

these guys!

Feeding on energy?

how can that be?

Such a powerful and chaotic space energy, even he couldn't resist, but he was actually sucked clean by these guys in a blink of an eye.

High in the sky, the **** kings who were originally covered by terrifying energy also showed shock and disbelief.

The energy around him quickly disappeared.

"Evil, this is evil!"

"What a strange evil, they are feeding on energy!"

These **** kings shouted in shock.

But soon they changed color again.

Because after these Baiyin boys drained the chaotic energy in the sky, they immediately rushed towards these **** kings and surviving gods.

"Food, it's all food!"

"Hungry, I'm so hungry!"

"I want to eat, I want to eat!"

A crisp sound rang out.

Thirty-six hundred yin boys turned into streaks of light, almost to the extreme.


A high-level **** screamed directly, and he couldn't even block a move. He was gnawed to pieces in one face, and then all the flesh and blood was absorbed by a boy.

Another boy was extremely fast, like lightning, and instantly appeared behind a god-king. Before the god-king could react, his mouth suddenly split open, turning into a huge mouth of blood, and he suddenly bit towards the god. The head of a **** king.

The **** king noticed the movement, and when he hurriedly looked back, his eyes darkened and he had already lost consciousness.

His entire head, connected to the upper body, was devoured by the boy in one bite.

Not only that, but his lower body did not escape bad luck, and was swallowed by another boy in an instant.

Thirty-six Baiyin Boys are like a disaster, rushing back and forth in the sky, the speed is indescribable, if Jiang Dao has Chiyang Demon Eyes, they may not even be able to see their shapes.

His heart was deeply shocked.

These boys!

So terrifying!


Suddenly, a terrifying sound of anger echoed between the heavens and the earth, and with a bang, bursts of terrifying rays of light erupted.

The two **** emperors shot at the same time.

It was the Immortal Emperor and the Nine-Headed Emperor that Jiang Dao had met in the Upper Realm before.

Their eyes were angry, full of murderous intentions, staring at these boys, the breath on their bodies was like a tsunami, crushing them.


The Undead Emperor directly activated a huge runner, and the light was brilliant, like lightning, and it slashed directly at a boy.

"Be careful!"

Jiang Dao's face changed and he hurriedly spoke.

These thirty-six boys are simply his treasures, and if any of them are killed, it will be a huge loss for him.

However, Jiang Do soon found himself worrying too much. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The boy's ability to react is extremely fast. As soon as the huge runner came flying, it flashed and disappeared in an instant. The next moment, it appeared directly above the huge runner and made a babbling sound. , opened his mouth directly, and gnawed at the huge runner.

The mighty God-Emperor coercion seems to be completely useless to it.

It didn't affect its movement at all.

After it gnawed at the huge revolving wheel, the other boys also discovered the mystery of the chaotic rotation. One by one, the speed was like electricity. In an instant, seven or eight boys fell on the revolving wheel, which was the same as the previous one. Like a child, he nibbled down quickly.

The entire golden wheel instantly became dim and dim.

The terrifying scene directly caused the Undead Emperor to reveal his anger.

It's all just weird!

What kind of monster is this!


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