MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 639 Wu Dao shows his power!

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The whole sky was in chaos.

All kinds of terrifying rays of light run through back and forth, the space is shattered into pieces, and the atmosphere of chaos is everywhere.

In addition to this, there are also a large number of strange and cold red hairs flying randomly.

These red hairs are like mayflies with life, actively rushing towards the gods and gods all over the sky.

For a time, many gods and **** kings were tragically affected, and the body was covered with that kind of dense hair in an instant.


"Quick retreat, it's that kind of curse, the same as the one in the Holy Sect of Heaven!"

"Damn, these curses are stronger!"


There were constantly screams of gods and gods, covered by red hair, and quickly turned into unconscious walking corpses. There were bursts of low-pitched roars in their mouths, and they slaughtered their companions.

"Fang Daoyou, Fang Daoyou, what are you doing?"

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"Come on, these people are all cursed and completely lost!"


The whole sky was in chaos.

Except for the terrifying battle at Wu Dao, the rest of the gods and gods were all messed up.

There were screams everywhere.


Chu Rukang's face was pale, panting heavily, shaking from top to bottom, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and looked up in shock.

His body trembled not because he was afraid.

But the previous battle was too exhausting.

Before he activated the Heavenly Dao oven, in just a short while, he almost emptied all the power in his body.

If it wasn't for Senior Wu Dao suddenly rushing out, he would never be able to support him just now, and would be directly smashed to pieces by the terrifying force. After all, some of the **** emperors of the heavens are not weaker than him.

Now that Wu Dao's predecessors showed great power, his heart was filled with endless astonishment.

He asked himself that his strength had almost reached the realm of transformation, but after seeing Wu Dao at this moment, he still felt a huge pressure.

This gap simply made him want to look up.

It's just that he can't be the same no matter what, how could Senior Wu Dao, who was so powerful in combat, end up like this!

Where did his red hair and death aura come from?

Did he set up the bronze coffin by himself?

Was he worried about the leakage of red hair and death energy, so he sealed himself in the copper coffin forever?

For a time, endless thoughts appeared in Chu Rukuang's mind.

The whole sky was chaotic, and the roar shook the sky.

The gods and emperors of the heavens are all arrogant, shouting, and every **** emperor has fired a real fire, pouring out his own strength desperately, and blasting towards Wu Dao's body.

This area seems to be back in ancient times!

It seems to be breaking new ground!

The depths of the ancestral land of God Court.

Jiang Dao's face was shocked, and his powerful mental power could allow him to see everything outside.

The strength of the Dicha Sacrament really opened his eyes.

At this moment, he was silently counting the time while guarding the Soul Clock.

Senior Wu Dao only has a quarter of an hour to wake up, which is fifteen minutes when converted into the calculation method of the previous life.

Fifteen minutes later, he will become muddleheaded, unable to distinguish between enemy and me, so he will start killing.

Therefore, Jiang Dao must ring the soul bell within fifteen minutes, in exchange for Senior Wu Dao.

It's just that within these fifteen minutes, can Senior Wu Dao really defeat all the incoming enemies?


Another terrifying and huge demonic roar sounded, huge and terrifying, accompanied by endless energy, the third **** emperor was sucked dry by him, tearing his body to pieces. In the process, his demonic body was simply irresistible. Rampage all the way, the two huge claws swept randomly, and seven or eight **** emperors were torn apart by his claws.

In the high sky, the blood of the emperor was pouring down like a torrential rain.

The whole sky is like a terrible meat grinder.

Venerable Wu Dao swept and tore wildly all the way, and the red hair and death energy on his body were frantically polluting the gods and kings of the heavens.

"It was you who killed me, it was you who killed me, I want to kill, I want to kill all the gods in the sky!"

Wu Dao roared wildly, his voice was terrifying, shaking the world, full of hysterical madness, as if he had completely turned into a madman, and kept killing, all the **** emperors in all directions were completely terrified, everyone showed panic, and felt The breath of death.

This Wu Dao's state is too terrifying!

Make them feel hopeless.

All kinds of killing techniques were unable to hold onto his body, and they shattered automatically when they rushed towards his body.

On the contrary, his terrifying death demon energy and gloomy power can make everyone feel panic. Any **** emperor will be seriously injured after taking a blow from him, and even if he is caught, he will be sucked out of his body.

In just a short while, three **** emperors have completely died in his hands!

This is horrific!

God Sovereign has never been immortal. If you want to kill a God Sovereign completely, you must pay a huge price.

They are different from the God Sovereigns that the Heavenly Dao Palace Master cultivated before. They are all old God Sovereigns who live in seclusion in endless unknown places. Everyone has strong mana and has mastered endless means.

If you want to kill them, it will be very difficult for UU to read

But the other party did it.

Who can not be afraid!


Venerable Wu Dao was another terrifying demonic howl. A pair of crimson and huge eyes stared directly at the Heavenly Dao Palace Master in the distance. His terrifying body ripped apart the space, and with an endless terrifying aura, he quickly slaughtered away.

"Palace of Heaven, Palace of Heaven!"

His voice was terrifying and cold, as if it had turned into a kind of obsession. The terrifying eyes had a terrifying murderous intent, and the red light inside was almost rushing out, full of murderous intent.

His speed was too fast, and the terrifying claws directly grabbed the Heavenly Dao Palace Master.

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master looked shocked and angry, and his heart was burning with anger.

He used all kinds of means before, trying to attack remotely, but all failed.

This guy actually rushed in front of him!

He never thought that the Holy Body of the Emperor of the year was still alive.


He slapped it out with one palm, all the stars in the heavens were trembling, radiating light, and bursting directly.


With a loud bang, the entire sky was covered with endless rays of light.

I don't know how many planets exploded directly.

Countless buildings in the Upper Realm were instantly destroyed for countless miles, and countless gods died in the sky.

"What are you still doing? You haven't killed him yet!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace shouted.

However, the gods and emperors of the heavens are all in a rush to retreat, their faces are pale, their breath is disordered, and everyone is completely stunned.

They obviously don't want to go into the muddy waters again.

Leave the battlefield completely to the Heavenly Dao Palace Master.

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master's heart was even more angered, and he was about to cry up to the sky.


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