MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 758 cry if you want

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  Chapter 758 Cry if you want to cry

   Seeing that he had made all the arrangements, Qu Huaian rested in Luoyunju Anxin, just to let him have time to ask his agent to bring his mobile phone.

  Because the mobile phone was left with the assistant on the day of filming, after she was sent to the hospital, the assistant did not come with the crew, so she never had a mobile phone.

   Xie Tingxi agreed, but in order not to let her know about the Internet, he never asked anyone to give her the mobile phone, and even the network of Luoyunju was cut off.

   When Qu Huai'an asked, the housekeeper followed Xie Tingxi's instructions and said that the nearby optical cable was broken, and it was still being repaired.

  Qu Huaian does not doubt that there is him. On days without mobile phones or internet, she just reads books and looks at flowers and plants, calm and comfortable.

  Xie Tingxi stayed with her in Luoyunju for two days and then went out. Apart from dealing with company matters, he also had to deal with online matters himself, leaving it to others. He was always worried.

  I wanted to deal with everything before telling her, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

When Qu Huaian went for a walk with Xie Yumu, a passer-by recognized her. When passing by, he wondered: "This is the female star, right? She is holding the child of Mr. Xie's family. It turns out that everything mentioned on the Internet it is true."

Qu Huaian's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of the recent strangeness, he instinctively told himself what happened, but before he could react, Xie Yumu broke away from her hand and shouted at the two passers-by: "Qu Auntie is not the kind of person mentioned on the Internet, you don’t talk nonsense there, be careful I told old man Xie, he won’t spare you.”

   Qu Huai'an looked down at his reaction, obviously Mumu also knew.

   Only you don't know.

  The two of them glanced at Xie Yumu, then at Qu Huaian, and left without saying anything.

  Xie Yumu kicked the stones on the side of the road angrily, and snorted coldly.

  Qu Huaian squatted down and looked at him at the same level, "Mumu, tell me, did something happen?"

   "Ah?" Xie Yumu's face panicked, and he didn't dare to look at her eyes with guilt, "No, it's nothing..."

   "Mumu, I said that we can't lie to each other, have you forgotten?" Qu Huaian said earnestly, "Being a person must be honest, and you can't lie."

   "But old man Xie won't let me tell." Xie Yumu's immature face was full of distress, "If he knew that I told you, he would definitely kick me out of the house and leave the inheritance to the illegitimate children outside."

"This matter is related to me, and I have the right to know." Qu Huai'an patiently communicated with him, "Even if you don't tell me, I will ask others to know, and...he will not drive you out, let alone What illegitimate child."

   "Well..." Xie Yumu thought for a while, and told her about the Internet.

  He also listened to other children asking questions in the kindergarten, and got into a fight because of it.

  Xie Tingxi went to the kindergarten to deal with it, and warned him very seriously that Aunt Qu should not let Aunt Qu know about this matter, otherwise he would not be able to spend any money on him in the future.

  Qu Huaian didn't say anything, took Xie Yumu back to Luoyunju, and shut himself in the bedroom as soon as he got back.

  Xie Yumu felt that he was in trouble, so he called Xie Tingxi, and before he came back, he packed his clothes and asked the driver to take him to Lanyueju.

   Let’s go to the godmother first to avoid the limelight.

  When Xie Tingxi rushed back to Luoyunju, it was dark and the lights were not turned on in the bedroom, but he could only see the figure sitting by the window by the weak light outside.

  So lonely, so fragile.

  Xie Tingxi walked over, bent over and hugged her from behind, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I was afraid that you would be sad."

  She had just narrowly escaped death, how sad it would be to see those messy things.

   Qu Huai'an knows that everything he does is because he cares about himself, so naturally he won't be angry with him.

   "You don't need to apologize, I should thank you." For his own affairs, he must have taken a lot of trouble.

  Xie Tingxi saw that she was not angry, so he kissed her on the cheek, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't care what those people say, they don't know anything at all."

   Qu Huaian knows that the current Internet atmosphere is very bad, and netizens are also very demanding of celebrities. She doesn't care about the nasty things said by those who have never masked her face, but because of Qu Zhengguo's actions.

   “Sometimes I wish I had nothing to do with them, or that they strangled me when I was born.”

   Qu Huai'an sighed heavily, but he couldn't let out the suffocation suppressed in his heart.

"They never loved me, but they tried to **** every drop of blood from my body. I often wondered, why did they give birth to me? What is the meaning of life? Did I come to this world just to see their pictures An ugly face?"

   Their ugliness really made her want to throw up.

  Xie Tingxi was silent, maybe in essence he and Qu Huaian are the same kind of person.

  They all have an incomplete native family environment, have parents who don’t love them, and have never felt pure love, so they don’t know how to love others and establish long-term and healthy interpersonal relationships with others.

He fell in love with Qu Huai'an, and in order to be with her, he had to say goodbye to his past and reconcile with the past, but Qu Huai'an hadn't yet, the influence of her native family was engraved in her bones, Qu Zhengguo The appearance of him reminded her of so many unpleasant memories from the past, and once again affected her perception of the world.

He walked up to her and sat down, but he held her hand tightly with his warm palm, and said in a deliberate manner, "An An, it is undeniable that human nature is complicated and dirty, they gave birth to you but refused to love you, in the past Time has been hurting you, but they are not the only ones in your world, there used to be Qu Huainan, and now there are Mumu and I, isn't our love more important than their ugliness?"

  Qu Huai'an's thick and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, slowly raised his eyelids, stared at him blankly, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Xie Tingxi reached out and stroked her cheek, "I have asked myself, what is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of my existence? But in the end I found that life has no meaning at all. The so-called meaning of life depends on what you give what it is, rather than exploring what it is."

  The meaning of life lies in giving rather than exploring.

  Qu Huaian was silent for a long time, "I know, but I still feel very sad."

  He chuckled lightly, and his big warm palm fell on the top of her head, "Then be sad, cry if you want, I won't laugh at you, I will always be with you."

  After hearing what he said, Qu Huaian didn't want to cry so much, "Thank you, Xie Tingxi."

   "Fool, wait for me here."

  Xie Tingxi got up and walked out of the room, and returned within a few minutes.

  (end of this chapter)